La Quina Shores HomeOwners Association



September 13, 2014

Chairperson Greg Brown called the Annual Meeting to order at 10 AM in the Newport Recreation Center. Owners of Units 3, 4, 5, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 17 were present. Proxies for Quorum were received from Units 1, 6, 8, 16, 18 and 19. One proxy for voting purposes was identified.

Board members present were Greg Brown, Chairperson; Susan Knowlton, Secretary; Sandra Hope, Treasurer; Stan Parsons and Sally Ford. Introductions were made, and the proxies were placed into the minutes.


A motion was made by Pam Aylmer, and seconded by Beth Kitselman to waive reading of the 2013 Annual Meeting minutes and approve them as previously mailed to all owners. Motion was approved unanimously.


Sandra Hope presented the Treasurer’s report starting with income received noting specifically the following:

• All owners are current with their dues as of the end of August (a late payment was received in September).

• Dues are $200/month and due on the first of the month.

• Some owners have paid ahead, so the figure shown in the checking account balance includes these accrued amounts.

• Owners may make dues payments at any US Bank (a deposit slip is on our website).

o Sandra distributed sample deposit slips for each owner with the request that you identify your unit number on the deposit slip as she shows on her sample. If you do not, then Sandra does not know who made the deposit.

Sandra reviewed the proposed budget for fiscal year 2015. She noted that a new line has been added that states the amount in beginning cash ($9,289.70). Having this starting amount will help us at the end of the year determine how much we actually spent. It also identifies unallocated funds available for emergencies. The large expense for Buildings in 1st Quarter ($10,116.86) was the cost of Unit #7 and was actually spent in FY 2013. The budget for next year includes $26,000 for annual operating expenses, $12,000 for the roof fund, and $10,000 for the paint fund.

The Recap of Expenses and Distribution of Funds sheet gives quarterly income and expense figures. Monthly assessments show one unit behind in their dues, but these were paid in September. Savings Account balances show an ending total of $34,000 in the paint fund, and $7,950 (plus $50 September late payment) in the roof fund. It is expected that we will need $55,000 to $60,000 for paint by year 2017. The new roof is estimated to cost $120,000 and be required by 2026. It is projected that there will be sufficient amounts in each of the reserve funds that special assessments will not be required for either paint or roof expense.

Kay Parsons moved that the 2013-2014 financial report (Recap Expenses and Distributions) and the 2014-2015 Budget be accepted as presented. Ann Sigleo seconded, and the motion was unanimously approved.

Sally Ford graciously volunteered to audit the financial records on behalf of the HOA as required by our bylaws.


The list of 2013-2014 accomplishments was reviewed with Greg Brown highlighting the selection of our new insurance agent as one of the more important tasks accomplished this past year. Our insurance is now with American Family Insurance (agent is Larry Thompson, his phone number is 503-924-2200). Greg also noted that each owner must carry at least $10,000 to cover the HOA deductible. Also any claims to be made to American Family must be filed by the HOA Board. Copies of our insurance policy are on our website.

In relation to the list of accomplishments, the following handouts were distributed:

• HOA Information Brochure

• Renters Form, which must be completed and filed with the Board if you rent your unit.

• Trash and Recycling Guidelines – must be followed by owners, guests, and renters

o Sandra noted that condo associations are not involved with the new Newport Compostable program; therefore all food waste must go into the garbage bin.

o Andrea Ward mentioned that the new recycling bin in the north area seems smaller than the previous one and fills up too quickly. Sandra will follow up with Thompson Sanitary.


The following three documents were previously mailed to all owners on July 28, 2014.

Reserve Study

Greg noted that we haven’t had a Reserve Study before but that they are required by the State of Oregon. Pam Aylmer thanked Greg and the Board for their efforts, noting an increased comfort level with our financial reserves. Greg mentioned that a subcommittee should be formed next spring to review the Study and make suggestions as to any updates required.

There being no further discussion or comments, Pam Aylmer moved, and Sally Ford seconded the motion that the Reserve Study be approved as presented. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.


This document was last updated in 1998 and several sections required further updating to bring them in line with current Oregon law. In addition to cleaning up spelling, language usage, grammar etc. all mention of the property developer and building phases were deleted.

Additions to the Declarations include:

• Combining descriptions of the property to include the shore property

• Defining general and limited common elements

• How to deal with outstanding assessment balances

• Compliance with Newport noise ordinance

• Confirming rentals must be 30 days or more in length

• Defining permission for electric vehicle charging stations

There being no further discussion or comments, Pam Aylmer moved, and Sally Ford seconded the motion that the Declarations be approved as presented. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

By Laws

Greg noted that bylaws are set up for the HOA Corporation and give the rules for how the association will be run. This document was also updated to be in State of Oregon compliance.

New sections added include:

• Filing an Annual Report with the State

• Liability and Indemnification of Directors

• Giving the Board authority for enforcement of rules

• Definition of Fiscal Year

• Establishment of Reserve Funds

• Insurance requirement on Units by Owners

• A general Invalidity, Plurality, Gender, Captions and Numbers article

There being no further discussion or comments, Rob Blickensderfer moved, and Pam Aylmer seconded the motion that the By Laws be approved as presented. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously

The Board was given a hardy round of applause for their work on these documents. Copies of the newly approved Reserve Study, Declarations, and Bylaws will be posted on our website (laquinashores.) once they have been notarized and filed with the State of Oregon.


Two Board member positions expire this year: Greg Brown (Unit 17), and Susan Knowlton (Unit 13). Sally Ford nominated Greg Brown to continue for another term, and Beth Kitselman nominated Pam Aylmer to begin a new term. Sally Ford moved, with Ann Sigleo as second, to close the nominations and approve the two nominations on the floor. A unanimous vote elected Greg Brown and Pam Aylmer for two-year terms.


• Beth Kitselman asked that owners, who have a gas line to their unit, consider installing a seismic shutoff. This would protect not only your unit but others as well. She offered that Oregon Coast Pipefitters had made this installation on Units 11 and 12. Distributed were information sheets from NW Natural outlining what steps to take before and after an earthquake.

• Because there have been instances of noise bothering neighbors, and the newly approved bylaws stipulate that LaQuina Shores follow the Newport City noise ordinance, a copy of that ordinance (No. 1251) was distributed. Basically the hours between 10 PM and 7 AM are “quiet hours.” Please be considerate of your neighbors.

• It was mentioned once again that owners are responsible for picking up after their animals, and that dogs must be on a leash while on LaQuina property.

• The Board has made no progress regarding the tree trimming across Oceanview Drive on State Parks property. Several suggestions were offered and the Board will continue their efforts.

• Pam Aylmer asked if the hedge along the north fence could be replaced with plantings that require less upkeep and expense. She offered several suggestions, but other owners were concerned with noise if the shrubbery did not cover the fence.

• Ann Sigleo asked about installing a TV dish on her unit. She was reminded that only one is allowed per building and that owners are fully responsible for the installation expense.

The 2014 Annual Meeting was adjourned at 11:40 AM.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan Knowlton, Secretary


September 13, 2014

The newly elected Board met immediately following the adjournment of the Annual Meeting. Those in attendance were Greg Brown, Susan Knowlton, Sandra Hope, Stan Parsons, Sally Ford, and Pam Aylmer. Officers were elected, Chairperson – Greg Brown, Treasurer – Sandra Hope, and Secretary – Pam Aylmer. The next Quarterly Board Meeting will be set at a later time for a date in December. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:50 AM.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan Knowlton, Secretary


Following the Annual Meeting, owners and renters (about 20 of us) gathered between buildings 3 and 4 for a potluck lunch. A big thank you to John Aylmer for coordinating this effort and serving as chef; thank you to Sally Ford for providing tables, plates and forks; thank you to Greg Brown for providing the hamburgers and hot dogs; and thanks to everyone for bringing such delicious food to share. It was a great event with sunshine, good conversation and lots to eat! Everyone agreed that a similar event should be held following each Annual Meeting, as it provided an excellent time to get to know each other.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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