Market Research Questionnaire - Mr Murphys Business

CBA 1 - 2nd YearTopic: ENTERPRISE in ACTIONOutcome: Students produce brief portfolio (3-5 pages max) and carry out enterprise activity (e.g. milk-shake sale) over four week period. Student group into 3-5 team members.Scheme: see sample below for portfolio.TimescaleActivityRelated Learning OutcomesNotesWeek 1Conducting Research2.7 – Market research3.3 – Supply & Demand2.2 – Enterprise and EntrepreneursCarry out INDIVIDUAL market researchOptional: Student Diary to be keptWeek 2Evaluating information2.6 – Digital TechnologyCreate Bar chart/Pie chart illustrating findingsCollate/share with team members – each pupil shares their chart with other team membersCollaborate with Maths Dept. re graphs&charts Week 3Developing Plans2.8 – Marketing Mix2.9 – Business PlansAction Plan to be producedBusiness Plan to be producedCarry Out ENTERPRISE ACTIVITY – milk shake sale in assembly hall. Students buy their own ingredients, supply equipment etc.Week 4Reporting Findings3.1 – Choices, Economic choices, Opportunity costProduce Summary ReportOptional: Summative Enterprise MCQ TestMarket Research QuestionnaireFive questions max.Each student must undertake their own research for example:Pupil one – Student taste preferencesPupil Two - Ingredients costing researchPupil Three - Equipment researchPupil Four - Student demographic research…how in school/male, female mix/how may stay in for school lunch etc…Questions to be quantitative in nature e.g. yes/no, numerical, type answersDiary to be keptMy FindingsEach student produces individual student graph/chartCollectively - Students share each graph/chart with each other using email/googledrive/onedrive. If using onedrive…consult with ETB Fiona!Consult with Maths dept. re graphsHeading:Comment:………………………………………..Heading:Comment:Business PlanProductPricePlacePromotionFinanceCostingsAction PlanActivityDates12345Reporting Findings – Summary ReportChallengesFinancial Outcomes – profit or loss made. Possibly trading account.My RoleWhat I Learned ................

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