Paper Formatting Instruction to Authors

International Conference on Sustainable Development

OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development

Each oral and poster presenter is required to submit an abstract and/or full paper (research article) for publication in the conference proceeding. The conference proceeding abstracts will be made available at the time of the conference. In order to ensure that the proceeding can be published in a rapid and timely manner, authors are required to adhere strictly to the following guidelines for the preparation of the full paper. The full paper can be submitted to the Conference Secretariat e-mail: oida@ . If you have any queries on this matter, please feel free to email the secretariat. Thank you for your cooperation and contribution. Please correct them as much as you can according to guidelines. Our staff will adjust the final formatting according to the Journal requirement. We are looking forward to seeing you at the conference.

All title should have 6-pt spacing before and after. Please see below titles.

Page Layout and Print Quality

Papers are to be prepared using standard MS Word in .doc or .docx format. Papers must be in English, prepared on a single side, single space and single column of a standard Letter size. There is no limit for pages. The margins should be set to 2.5 cm (1 inch) for left, right, top and 0.7 inch (1.7 cm) bottom. Use 10-point Times New Roman font throughout the paper. Another exception are within tables and graphs where the text may need to be reduced in size to fit the page.

Title and Authors

The title should be centered, using 18-point, Small Caps in bold on the first line of the front page. The next line should be blank 18 point, and followed by the list of author(s) [Use 12-point bold], centered, and affiliation(s), (10 pt) centered. The affiliations should include department, university, address, country and corresponding email address and e-mail addresses of all authours. Author(s) from multiple institutions can be indicated using superscript.


Leave one blank line after the affiliations. Then type “Abstract” 10 pt bold Italic and followed by the text of the abstract (10-point, justified). Leave one blank line after the text of the abstract and type “Keywords:” (align left, 10-point, bold, Italic). A maximum of five keywords, separated by semicolon, and in alphabetical order.

Section and Subsection Headings

Common section headings include Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion,

Acknowledgements and References

Section headings must be Small , bold, 10-point and align left. Subsection headings can be used if necessary. The text for section should begin on the next line after the section headings. Subsection headings are also bolded, left justified, 10-point but not all in caps (Only the first letter of all significant words should be capitalized). The text for subsection headings should begin immediately after the subsection heading separated by a period. All section and subsection headings should have a blank line above them.


Use 10-point. No Indent the first line of each paragraph from the left margin. Do not put blank lines in between paragraphs within a section. When using acronyms, type out the full name or expression with the acronym in parentheses the first time it is used.


Put one blank line above and below each table. Number tables with Arabic numerals (1, 2, etc.) and refer to them by Table 1, Table 2 so on in the text. Each caption should be bolded and centered with the word “Table” followed by the number and the text of the caption using sentence-style capitalization (Only the first letter of all significant words should be capitalized). Use 10-point for the caption.


Use clear drawings, graphs and photos. Because there will be no color reproduction, all

figures must be in black and white. Figures should be inserted into the page near where they are first mentioned. Number the figures (1, 2, etc.) and refer to them by Fig. 1, Fig. 2 and so on in the text. Place a bold and centered caption below each figure. Type the word “Figure” followed by the number and text of the caption using sentence-style capitalization. Put one blank line above and below each figure. Use 10-point for the caption.


Align equations to the left and insert a blank line above and below it. If more than one equation is used, number equations consecutively with Arabic numerals (1, 2, etc.), placing the numbers within parentheses at the right page margin. Refer to them by Eq. 1, Eq. 2 and so on in the text.

Units of Measurement

Use Arabic numerals and standard abbreviations for all measurements.

Use units of measurement consistently within the text and tables. Measurements are to be expressed in metric units. If the work was done in English units and you want to preserve that, then add metric conversions in parentheses.


List the references at the end of the text with Arabic numerals (1, 2, etc.) with the order they appear in the text. Cite references in the text using [1], [2] and so on. You may follow APA referencing format.

Sample Paper:

A new refutation of the classical concept of time in quantum relativity ( bold,18-pt)

Author Names a , Author Name b Authour Name c (Bold 12-pt)

a, b, c Department, University, Address , Country. (10-pt)

Corresponding author: (10-pt)

© Author et al (8-pt)

Available at (8- pt)

ISSN 1923-6654 (print) ISSN 1923-6662 (online) (8- pt)

Ontario International Development Agency, Canada.

Abstract: (Bold, 10-pt). Each oral and poster presenter is required to submit a full paper (research article) for publication in the conference proceeding. The conference proceeding will be made available at the time of the conference. In order to ensure that the proceeding can be published in a rapid and timely manner, authors are required to adhere strictly to the following guidelines for the preparation of the full paper. The full paper can be submitted to the Conference Secretariat online through the conference website. If you have any queries on this matter, please feel free to email the secretariat. Thank you for your cooperation and contribution. We are looking forward to seeing you at the conference.

Keywords: (Bold, 10-pt). Five, Keywords, Alphabetical Order (separated from semicolon).



ife is a continuous process of energy conversion and transformation. The accomplishment of civilization has largely been accomplished due to the increasing efficient and extensive harnessing of various forms of energy to extend human capabilities and ingenuity. Energy is thus one of the indispensable factors for continuous development and economic growth [1]. However, at the same time, energy production can contribute to local environment degradation, such as air pollution and global environmental problems, principally climate change. Fig. 1 shows the energy demand for Malaysia in the year 1999, 2002 and estimated values for 2005, 2010 [2].

Table 1: Energy Mix

|Source of Energy |Percentage (%) |

|Coal |21.0 |

|Hydro |55.0 |

Materials and methods

Initial Sampling and Enrichment. Fig. 1 shows the effect of reaction time on …..



Figure 1: Effect of Reaction Time on the Yield of Methyl Esters.

Results and discussion

Isolation and Characterization of the Mixed Culture. All the isolated …

Mixed Culture Growth and Transformer Oil Degradation Tests. The kinetics of biomass production is shown in Eq. (1).

Rate = k1RT (1)

Eq. (1) shows that the rate of the reaction………………………………….


This study demonstrates that …


This research was supported by …


Please refer APA format.

About the authors:

Please provide as much as information for each author. Reader may able to getting contact with you or co-author later about your research work.

Name: Author 1

Please provide brief description about the affiliation and your work.

Mailing address:



e-mail :


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