Scholarship Application Scoring Rubrics - K12

Private Schools Scholarship Program

Scholarship Application Scoring Rubrics

The scholarship committee will review student applications and score them based on the following guidelines. Students should use these when preparing their application to ensure they receive the highest score possible.

Part I: Short Essay Questions

Each short essay question will be scored separately, and assigned a score of 5,4,3,2, or 1 in each of the 5 categories in the scoring guide shown below.

Criteria Purpose and Voice

Ideas and Content


The writer's voice is appropriate for the topic and purpose. The voice is both expressive and believable. The purpose and voice come through clearly in the narrative. The writer does an outstanding job of engaging the audience.

The ideas and content are outstanding. The narrative essay is clearly focused around a main idea, which may be stated or implied. The main idea is supported by carefully chosen, relevant, and abundant details. The writer is aware of the significance of the narrative and communicates the significance to the audience.


The writer's voice is appropriate for the topic and purpose. At times the voice is expressive and believable. The purpose and voice usually are identifiable. The writer does a good job of engaging the audience.

The ideas and content are good. The narrative essay is focused around a main idea, which may be stated or implied. The main idea is usually supported by relevant and abundant details, but an occasional detail seems to stray from the main idea. The writer is aware of the significance of the narrative and generally communicates the significance to the audience.


The writer's voice is inconsistent. At times it is appropriate for the topic and purpose. It varies between being expressive and being flat. The writer doesn't have a clear conception of writing for an audience.

The ideas and content are adequate. There is a sense of a main idea, but the focus is not clear. Details expand upon the main idea, but they are limited and sometimes irrelevant. The audience can recognize that the narrative has significance, but the significance is not clearly communicated.


The writer's voice is almost completely missing, and a sense of purpose is hard to find. The writer has made little attempt to engage the audience, and the writing is flat.

The ideas and content have little focus. The main idea is unclear. There are many details, but they shed little light on the topic and tend to be repetitious. The significance of the narrative is not communicated to the audience.


The writer's voice is missing, and the purpose is unrecognizable. The writer seems unaware of an audience, and the writing itself is lifeless. The writer is not invested in the topic.

The ideas and content have no focus. There is no sense of a main idea, either stated or implied. The details are limited and not clear. No sense of significance is communicated to the audience.

Private Schools Scholarship Program

Structure and Organization

Language and Word Choice

The organization and structure are outstanding.

The essay moves easily from one idea or event to the next. The beginning of

the essay immediately draws in the reader, the middle presents the text in a logical and easy-to-follow way, and the end leaves

the reader satisfied. Transitions are used effectively both between and within paragraphs.

The writer consistently uses language that shows rather than tells. The writer uses active voice and incorporates vivid verbs, concrete nouns, and figurative language for effect. Vocabulary is attention-grabbing and varied and appropriate for the topic, purpose, and audience.

The organization and structure are well thought out. The essay moves easily from one idea to the next. The essay has a clear beginning, middle, and end, but all parts may not be equally satisfying. Transitions are generally used effectively between and within paragraphs.

The writer uses many examples that show rather than tell. The writer generally uses active voice and usually chooses vivid verbs and concrete nouns. Vocabulary is varied and appropriate for the topic, purpose, and audience.

The organization and structure of the essay are mostly adequate. The essay has a beginning, middle, and end, but at least one part is not developed well. The essay does not move easily because transitions have not been used effectively.

The writer uses few examples that show rather than tell. The writer relies too much on passive voice, and verbs and nouns tend to be abstract rather than concrete. Vocabulary is somewhat varied and generally appropriate for the topic, purpose, and audience.

The organization and structure of the essay are hard to follow. There is a beginning, middle, and end, but the beginning does not engage the reader, nor does the end leave the reader feeling satisfied. Ideas do not flow smoothly because transitions are used inconsistently, if at all.

The writer uses mostly telling rather than showing language. Language is abstract, and concrete examples are missing. The writer uses a great deal of passive voice. Vocabulary is limited, and it is not clear whether topic, purpose, and audience have been considered.

The organization and structure of the essay are lacking. There is no clear beginning, middle, or end to the narrative essay. Sentences are disconnected from one another, and no attempt has been made at paragraphing.

The writer provides no description. Vocabulary is extremely limited, and words are used incorrectly. Topic, purpose, and audience have not been considered in language and word choice.

Sentences and Mechanics

The essay contains a variety of sentence structures, beginnings, and lengths that contribute to an outstanding expression of ideas. Each sentence contains a complete thought, except for those that intentionally use fragments or run-ons for effect. There are few, if any, errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics, and those that exist do not impede understanding.

The essay contains some variety in sentence structure, beginnings, and length. Most sentences contain complete thoughts. There are few errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics. Errors rarely interfere with the reader's ability to understand.

An attempt has been made at varying sentence structure, beginnings, and length, but it is not always effective. There are some fragments and run-ons. Errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics sometimes interfere with the reader's ability to understand.

There is little variety in sentence structure, beginnings, or length. Many sentences are incomplete. Errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics frequently interfere with the reader's ability to understand.

There is no variety in sentence structure, beginnings, or length. There are many fragments and run-ons. Errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics make the essay extremely difficult to understand.

Private Schools Scholarship Program

Part 2: Grade Point Average No rubric required for this component. Students without a GPA of 3.0 or higher cannot be considered.

Part 3: Letters of Recommendation Scoring for the Letters of recommendation will be completed according to the scoring guide below.



-Letter is from a source who may not clearly be a knowledgeable judge of the applicants character

-Letter attempts to explain but fails to clearly justify the outstanding character of the applicant

-Letter fails to give examples of how/why applicant stands out from the rest of the student population

-Letter is from a source who may/may not be knowledgeable with the applicants character

-Letter attempts to explain and somewhat justifies the outstanding character of the applicant

-Letter may/may not give examples of how the student stands out from the rest of the student population



-Letter from a reputable source who appears to be knowledgeable with regards to the applicant's character

-Letter explains and justifies the outstanding character of the applicant

--Letter may not give examples of how the student stands out from the rest of the student population

-Excellent letters with specific references to pertinent competencies, aptitudes, and experiences

-Letter is from a reputable source who appears to be knowledgeable with regards to the applicants character

-Letter clearly explains and justifies the outstanding character of the applicant

-Letter give numerous examples of how/why applicants stands out from the rest of student population

Private Schools Scholarship Program

Part 4: Parent Information

The application requires the parent or legal guardian to write responses to some questions by completing the Parent Information form. (Question 3 is informational and no score is provided)

Parent Question 1. Technology

3 Parent describes student as proficient with technology and is confident in his/her ability to navigate in the online school successfully

2. Learning Coach Support

Parent fully embraces the importance of the Learning Coach role and has a Learning Coach identified who can fill the role effectively.

2 Parent's response conveys that the student has limited independent technological experience, but has an interest and would be able to be successful with support. Response indicates willingness to meet the Learning Coach requirements, but does not have a clear plan on how this will be provided.

1 Parent's response conveys that the student has little technology experience and is like to struggle, even with support.

Parent response indicates little or no time or plan for being able to fulfill the Learning Coach requirements.

0 No response provided

No response provided

Private Schools Scholarship Program

Part 5: Optional ? Student Created Video

Content Theme Presentation

1 Point Content is inappropriate and lacks a clear point of view and logical sequence of information. The viewer is unsure of the message. No structure or organization to the piece.

Theme is not apparent, lacks a clear point of view and logical sequence of information. The viewer is unsure what the message is due to little persuasive information. Delivery and presentation is distracting throughout. Vocabulary and/or grammar issues abound

2 Points Content is somewhat inappropriate and addresses an adequate subject matter for chosen theme. Has sense of organization and coherence.

The theme is not clearly presented, is vague, and some of the supporting information does not fit the main idea.

3 Points Content is wellstructured, fairly clear and appropriate. Focused subject matter nicely paired with chosen theme. Presents the topic and engages the audience efficiently. Theme is presented with some supporting information.

4 Points The content is original and events and messages are presented clearly. Focused subject matter, wellorganized, and appropriate. Provides relevant information. Engages viewer immediately.

Theme is apparent, clear outlined, and precise. Adequately demonstrated.

Uneven delivery and presentation. Vocabulary and/or grammar issues abound.

Smooth and effective presentation. Efficient and compelling delivery. Appropriate vocabulary and grammar used.

Smooth and engaging delivery. Highly effective expression and presentation. Good vocabulary and grammar used throughout.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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