FY 2017 PCA Sample Summary Statement

BPHC: State and Regional Primary Care Association (PCA) Cooperative Agreements Objective Review Committee SAMPLE Summary StatementScore: XX Application Number: XXXXApplication Name: APPLICANT ORGANIZATION State: XX City: ANYTOWNCriterion 1: NEEDStrength: The applicant organization references a recent needs assessment to present a clear picture of the state-specific challenges that health centers face, as well as other factors in the broader health care environment impacting the state. Weakness: The application does not clearly define gaps in training and technical assistance in the state that will be addressed through the proposed project.Criterion 2: RESPONSEStrength: The applicant organization clearly describes how the proposed training and technical assistance activities outlined in the Project Work Plan Form for the first 12 months of the project will address the most urgent training and technical assistance needs in the state, and how staff responsible for implementing each activity are already in place and ready to engage health centers when awards are announced. Weakness: The application does not clearly discuss strategies to overcome potential implementation challenges noted in the Project Narrative and in the Project Work Plan Form. Criterion 3: COLLABORATIONStrength: The applicant organization clearly describes its extensive network of collaborative relationships that contribute to its ability to provide coordinated training and technical assistance for health centers to achieve the outcomes proposed in the Project Work Plan Form. Weakness: The application does not include a letter of support from the state department of health or any other relevant state public agencies, nor does it explain why such a letter could not be obtained.Criterion 4: EVALUATIVE MEASURESStrength: The applicant organization thoroughly describes a plan for evaluating training and technical assistance activities, and how the results will be used to improve activities moving forward.Weakness: The application does not sufficiently describe how training and technical assistance results and lessons learned will be disseminated to health centers.Criterion 5: RESOURCES/CAPABILITIESStrength: The applicant organization clearly demonstrates that current staff have the experience and expertise necessary to implement the proposed training and technical assistance activities.Weakness: The application does not clearly describe plans to address recruitment and retention. Criterion 6: SUPPORT REQUESTEDStrength: The Budget Narrative clearly aligns with the Project Work Plan Form and the proposed outcomes.Weakness: Information regarding personnel and contracting costs is not consistent across the SF-424 Budget Form and the Budget Narrative. NOTE: This sample is for illustrative purposes only and includes strength and weakness statements that contradict each other. Final summary statements cannot include contradictory strengths and weaknesses. ................

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