Livonia PTSA Council

Agenda format for PTA Meeting:Reading and approval of the minutesTreasurer's reportBoard reportsCommittee reports(Elections and nominations)Unfinished businessNew businessAnnouncementsAdjournmentSample Script for First General Membership Meeting(Call to Order & Welcome:)President: I will now call this meeting to order. The time is ______ pm. Welcome to our first ____________PTA General Membership Meeting for the 2016-17 school year. We hope that the school year has begun successfully for you and your families. (Welcome/Introductions)President: I’d like to introduce our Executive Board (have them stand and introduce each of them by name. Don't forget your PRINCIPAL!)(Recognition of Special Guests (if applicable))We are honored to be joined this evening by several special guests: (You may choose to ask everyone attending to introduce themselves and indicate in what grade they have students. - OPTIONAL!)(Minutes (these are posted somewhere for attendees to see/pick up))President: Our secretary , _____________, will now present the minutes from our last general membership meeting. Secretary: The minutes from the last general meeting held on ________ are being passed around/can be found _________. We also do/do not have a quorum today with which we can conduct business. (Be sure this is true before you state it!)President: Are there any corrections? [If no corrections, say] The minutes are approved as presented.[If corrections, then say] Is there any objection to making the correction? Are there further corrections? [If none, say] The minutes are approved as corrected.(Reports)President’s Report: (president may use this time to recap goals/mission of PTA. Report any awards or other recognition received over summer, attendance at Summer Leadership Academy, etc.) Treasurer’s Report:President: I will now ask our Treasurer _______ to present the Treasurer’s Report. Treasurer: (Treasurer presents report. Current account balance(s) and inflows/outflows from last meeting. Other relevant information.)President: [After the report, stand and ask] Are there any questions? [If questions, ask the treasurer to answer.][When the report is finished, state] Thank you. The treasurer's report is filed.The next business in order is the reports of the officers, the board, and committees. [Reports of officers are given in the same order as the bylaws list the officers.]The next report is that of the _____________ . . . . [Sit down while report is given. After report, stand and say] Are there any questions? [If questions, ask chairman to answer; then state] Thank you. The ______________'s report is filed.The next report is the report of the _________ Committee. Mr/Ms __________ [Sit down while chairman gives report. ] Thank you. The __________________ report is filed.(New Business)President: Our first order of new business is the adoption of our Annual Audit report. Treasurer: The Annual Financial Report for the year ended __/__/16 and the audit of the 2015–2016 school year was completed over the summer and the books were found to be correct and in good order. OR (approved as corrected...) I move to adopt the audit report.President: It has been moved that the “audit report of the 2015-16 fiscal year be adopted”. Do I have a second? (need a second from the floor if the motion is not coming from committee)There is a second. Is there any discussion? There being no discussion, we will proceed with a vote. [IF there is discussion, after discussion has ended and any amendments been made, repeat the motion and take the vote.]I remind everyone that only PTA members can vote on official business. All in favor signify by saying “Aye” All those opposed please say “No”. The Ayes have it so the Audit Report has been adopted and will be filed with our permanent financial records.[Announce the vote and tell what the members have decided.]The second order of new business is the adoption of our budget for the 2016-17 school year. I will ask our treasurer ____________ to join me again to present the proposed budget for the upcoming year. Treasurer: (Treasurer presents the proposed budget, speaking to material line items.) On behalf of the Executive Board , I move that this budget be adopted as presented.President: There is a motion on the floor to approve the proposed budget . Do I have a second? Is there any discussion? [IF there is discussion, after discussion has ended and any amendments been made, repeat the motion and take the vote.](Is there any further discussion?) There being none, we will proceed with a vote. All in favor of adopting the budget as presented, say “Aye”. Those Opposed, say “no”. [Announce the vote and tell what the members have decided.]President: The next item of business is ______________________(OR - if there is no new business listed:) Is there any other New Business? (if no:) Hearing none, (Announcements:)Just a few quick announcements before we adjourn: (Adjournment)President:If there is no objection, we will now adjourn the meeting. [Pause; look around the room. If no one objects, say] Hearing no objection, this meeting is now adjourned. [one rap of the gavel - note - nobody has/uses one!]PTA members are outside ready to help you join our PTAA special note about preparation: Before the meeting, call or email all those giving reports to see if they will be making motions at the end of their reports. If so, have the committee chairman or officer give the motion to you before you write the script.If an officer makes a motion after his or her report, it needs a second. A committee of more than one does not need a second because the committee has already voted on presenting the motion. In that case, the presiding officer places it before the assembly this way:Chairman: The question is on the adoption of . . . . Is there any discussion? REMEMBER TO CALL FOR A VOTE!!After the script is prepared, stand up and read it aloud. You may find some awkward phrasing that you want to rewrite. Practicing aloud also familiarizes you with everything on the agenda and gives you confidence in presiding.This written script, however, cannot prepare you for any unexpected things that may come up in the meeting. Leave blank spaces in the script where the members can bring up business or amend proposed motions. In the blank spaces, you can write down the motions that members make. If you don't leave blank spaces, have a blank sheet of paper available so you can write down motions that the assembly makes. Spend time reviewing the motions, the ranking of motions, and how to take the vote on several pending questions. Time spent in preparation makes you a better presiding officer and makes your meetings more efficient.You can also give this script to the secretary to help him or her follow along, or you can give the secretary an agenda with everything in an outline form.If you write your script using a computer, you can use the basic script outline for every meeting and make changes easily. ................

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