PPN Link to National Conferences

National Conferences of Interest to PPN Members

The calendar on this page provides a quick reference to annual conferences of interest to members. (While we encourage members to attend conferences of interest to them, please note that ASLA cannot fund registration or travel expenses.)

ASLA staff will periodically update the items of a wide-spread interest noted in BOLD, but we need help from PPNs to remain up-to-date with the others. If you have more current information about conference dates/proposal deadlines, please contact the chair of your PPN to update the item(s). If there are additional conferences that you feel should be on this list, please provide information to your PPN chair about these as well.

For schedules and other information about local or regional conferences, contact your ASLA chapter. Please also help keep your chapter's calendar complete and up-to-date by sharing your knowledge of local and regional events of interest to landscape architects.

|Link to Event or Sponsor |2012 |Deadline to submit|2013 |Deadline to submit|

| |Event Date and Location |session proposal |Event Date and Location |session proposal |

|Alliance for Historic Landscape Preservation |April 2012 (exact day TBA), | | | |

| |Victoria, British Columbia, | | | |

| |Canada | | | |

|American Concrete Pavement Association Annual |November 26-30, 2012, location | | | |

|Conference |TBA | | | |

|American Institute of Architects |May 17-19, 2012, Washington, DC| | | |

|American Planning Association |April 14-17, 2012, Los Angeles,| | | |

| |CA | | | |

|American Public Gardens Association |June 19-23, 2012, Columbus, OH |(10-17-11) | | |

|American Public Health Association |October 27-31, 2012, San | | | |

| |Francisco, CA | | | |

|American Road and Transportation Builders |TBA | | | |

|Association | | | | |

|American Society for Horticultural Science |July 31-August 3, 2012, Miami, | | | |

| |Florida | | | |

|American Society of Consulting Arborists |November 28-December 1, 2012, | | | |

| |San Diego, CA | | | |

|American Society of Irrigation Consultants |2012 date TBA, Austin, TX | | | |

|American Society of Landscape Architects |September 28-October 1, 2012, |1-20-12 |November 15–18, 2013, | |

| |Phoenix, AZ | |Boston, MA | |

|American Society of Mining and Reclamation |June 8-15, 2012, Tupelo, MS | | | |

|American Water Works Association |June 10-14, 2012, Dallas, TX | | | |

|Annual Meeting of American Society of Agronomy, |October 21-24, 2012 Cincinnati,| | | |

|Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science|OH | | | |

|Society of America | | | | |

|AridLID 2012 Conference: Green Infrastructure and|March 27-29, 2012, Tucson, AZ |(10-31-11) | | |

|Low Impact Development in Arid Environments | | | | |

|Association of Partners for Public Lands |March 5-8, 2012, Las Vegas, NV | | | |

|Association for Preservation Technology |September 30-October 3, 2012, | | | |

|International |Charleston, SC | | | |

|Association of Professional Landscape Designers |September 16-22, 2010, San | | | |

|Conference |Francisco, CA | | | |

|Environments for Aging Conference |March 10-13, 2012, Orlando, FL | | | |

|Center for Community Progress -- Reclaiming |June 20-22, 2012, New Orleans, |(9-14-11) | | |

|Vacant Properties Conference |LA | | | |

|Healthcare Experience Design Conference |March 21-30, Boston, MA | | | |

|Congress for New Urbanism Annual Conference |May 9-12, 2012, West Palm | | | |

| |Beach, Florida | | | |

|Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture |March 28-31, 2012, Urbana, IL | | | |

|Design Build Institute of America (Design Build |April 23-25, 2012, Phoenix, AZ | | | |

|for Water/Wastewater) | | | | |

|Design Build Institute of America (Design Build |April 25-27, 2012, Phoenix, AZ | | | |

|in Transportation) | | | | |

|Design Build Institute of America Conference and |November 7-9, 2012, New | | | |

|Expo |Orleans, LA | | | |

|EcoBuild America Conference |December 3-7, 2012, Washington,| | | |

| |DC | | | |

|Ecological Society of America Conference |August 5-10, 2012, Portland, OR| | | |

|Environmental Design Research Association Annual |May 30-June 2, 2012, Seattle, | | | |

|Conference |WA | | | |

|Garden Writers Association Annual Symposium |October 12-15, 2012, Tucson, AZ| | | |

|8th Global Conference: Creative Engagements - |June 29-July 1, 2012, Oxford, |1-13-12 | | |

|Thinking with Children |England | | | |

|Green Industry Conference (Professional Landcare |October 24-27, 2012, | | | |

|Network) |Louisville, KY | | | |

|Greening the Heartland Conference (USGBC) |May 16-18, 2012, Indianapolis, | | | |

| |IN | | | |

|Greenprints Conference |March 7-8, 2012, Atlanta, GA | | | |

|Green Roofs for Healthy Cities (Green Roofs and |Fall, 2012 date TBA, Chicago, | | | |

|Walls Conference) (Cities Alive) |Ill. | | | |

|Hardscape North America |October 24-26, 2012, | | | |

| |Louisville, KY | | | |

|Healthcare Design Conference 2012 |November 26-30, 2012, Phoenix, |1-27-2012 | | |

| |AZ | | | |

|Healthy Cities Conference |June 6-8, 2012, Mecure Geelong,| | | |

| |Victoria, AU | | | |

|Independent Garden Center Show |August 21-23, 2012, Chicago, IL| | | |

|International Association of Amusement Parks and |November 12-16, 2012, Orlando, | | | |

|Attractions (IAAPA) EXPO |FL | | | |

|International Conference on Design Principles and|January 20-22, 2012, Los |(8-11-2011) | | |

|Practices |Angeles, CA | | | |

|International Conference on Ecology and |TBA | | | |

|Transportation | | | | |

|International Conference on Sustainable Concrete |July 8-12, 2012, Quebec City, |(9-30-11) | | |

|Pavements |Quebec, Canada | | | |

|International Congress on Sustainability Science |June 18-22, 2012, Frankfurt, | | | |

|and Engineering (conference in conjunction with |Germany | | | |

|ACHEMA) | | | | |

|International Downtown Association Conference |September 19-25, 2012, | | | |

|(IDA Downtown Institute) |Minneapolis, MN | | | |

|International Erosion Control Association Annual |February 26-29, 2012, Las | | | |

|Conference |Vegas, NV | | | |

|International Low Impact Development Conference |TBA | | | |

|International Livable Cities Conference |May 20-24, 2012, Portland, OR | | | |

|International Pool, Spa, and Patio Expo |November (Date TBA), 2012, Las | | | |

| |Vegas, NV | | | |

|International Society of Arboriculture |August 11-15, 2012, Portland, |(10-17-11) | | |

| |OR | | | |

|5th International Urban Design Conference |September 10-12, 2012, | | | |

| |Melbourne, Australia | | | |

|The Irrigation Association Show |November 4-5, 2012, Orlando, FL| | | |

|National Land Conservation Conference (Land Trust|September 29-October 2, 2012, | | | |

|Alliance) |Salt Lake City, UT | | | |

|Lightfair International Conference |May 7-11, 2012, Las Vegas, NV | | | |

|Society of Municipal Arborists International |TBA | | | |

|Urban Forestry Conference | | | | |

|National Association of Home Builders |February 8-11, 2012, Orlando, | | | |

| |FL | | | |

|NAHB Green Building Conference |April 29-May 1, 2012, | | | |

| |Nashville, TN | | | |

|National Association of Pond Professionals: |February 26-28, 2012, Las | | | |

|Annual National Water Feature Conference and Expo|Vegas, NV | | | |

|National Brownfields Conference |TBA | | | |

|National Cohousing Conference |June 13-17, 2012, Oakland, CA | | | |

|National Conference on Ecosystem Restoration |TBA | | | |

|National Council for Science and the Environment |January 18-20, 2012, | | | |

| |Washington, DC | | | |

|National Forest Recreation Association Conference|TBA | | | |

|National Ground Water Association Conference and |December 4-7, 2012, Las Vegas, | | | |

|Expo |NV | | | |

|National Hardware Show |May 1-3, 2012, Las Vegas, NV | | | |

|National Lawn and Garden Show |June 10-13, 2012, | | | |

| |Dallas-Frisco, TX | | | |

|Natural Learning Initiative Growing in Place |March 16, 2013, Raleigh, NC | | | |

|Symposium | | | | |

|National Main Streets Conference |April 1-4, 2012, Baltimore, MD | | | |

|National Recreation and Parks Association |October 16-18, 2012, Anaheim, |(11-18-11) | | |

|Congress and Exposition |CA | | | |

| |October 30-November 3, 2012, | | | |

|2012 National Preservation Conference |Spokane, WA | | | |

|National Wildlife Federation Annual Meeting |May 18-20, 2012, Shepherdstown,| | | |

| |WV | | | |

|Native Plants in the Landscape |June 7-9, 2012, Millersville, | | | |

| |PA | | | |

|New Partners for Smart Growth |February 2-4, 2012, San Diego, |(6-30-11) | | |

| |CA | | | |

|North American Surface Water Quality Conference &|August 19-23, 2012, Denver, CO | | | |

|Exposition (StormCon) | | | | |

|Park Pride 11th Annual Parks and Greenspace |March 26, 2012, Atlanta, GA |(1-4-11) | | |

|Conference | | | | |

|Partners in Community Forestry National |TBA | | | |

|Conference | | | | |

|Perennial Plant Symposium |July 4-8, 2012, Boston, MA | | | |

|Pro Green Expo |February 7-10, 2012, Denver, CO| | | |

|Public Lands Council Annual Meeting |TBA | | | |

|Society for College and University Planning |July 7-11, 2012, Chicago, |(10-1-11) | | |

| |Illinois | | | |

|Society for Conservation GIS Annual Conference |July 19-22, 2012, Monterey, CA | | | |

|Soil and Water Conservation Society Annual |July 22-25, 2012, Fort Worth, | | | |

|Meeting |TX | | | |

|2012 Sustainable Water Management Conference |March 18-21, 2012, Portland, OR| | | |

|Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting |January 22-26, 2012, | | | |

| |Washington, DC | | | |

|Tree Care Industry Trade Show and Conference |November 8-10, 2012, Baltimore,| | | |

| |MD | | | |

|15th Annual US/ICOMOS International Symposium |May 31-June 2, 2012, San | | | |

| |Antonio, TX | | | |

|Greenbuild Conference (United States Green |November 13-16, 2012, San |1-13-12 | | |

|Building Council) |Francisco, CA | | | |

|US Composting Council Conference |January 16-20, 2012, Austin, TX| | | |

|United States Regional Association of the |April 8-10, 2012, Newport, RI | | | |

|International Association for Landscape Ecology | | | | |

|Urban Land Institute Fall Meeting and Expo |October 18-21, 2012, Denver, CO| | | |

|Urban Waterfront Center's Annual International |TBA | | | |

|Conference | | | | |

|4th Annual Urban Waterfronts |February 12-13, 2012, Abu | | | |

| |Dhabi, United Arab Emirates | | | |

|Urban Water Sustainability Leadership Conference |TBA | | | |

|(Clean Water America Alliance) | | | | |

|Water Conservation and Xeriscape Conference |February 23-24, 2012, | | | |

| |Albuquerque, NM | | | |

|WaterSmart Innovations Conference |October 2-5, 2012, Las Vegas, | | | |

| |NV | | | |

|World Environmental Water & Resources Congress |May 20-24, 2012, Albuquerque, | | | |

| |NM | | | |

|Yard, Garden, and Patio Show |February 17-19, 2012, Portland,| | | |

| |OR | | | |


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