The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International


May 11, 1929


Psi State District V

Xi Chapter

Albany, Georgia


January 17, 1948



2012 – 2014

(2012-2013 Edition)


International Mission Statement…………………………………………....2

International Purposes...………………………………………………….....2

International Founders……………………………………………………... 2

International Administrative Board………………………………………... 3

International / Regional Meetings…...…………………………………...... 3

Psi State Leadership (Officers, Committee Chairs, District Directors).….... 4-5

Psi State / Xi Chapter Meetings………………………………………......... 6

Psi State Founders / Xi Chapter Charter Members………………………… 7

Xi Chapter Officers, Committee Members and Chairs…………………..... 8

Xi Chapter President’s Message………………………………………….. 9

Xi Chapter Meetings (Time, Location, Program, Project, Hostesses)……. 10-11

Xi Chapter Membership List……………………………………………... 12-16

Xi Chapter Rules………………………………………………………….. 17-22

Delta Kappa Gamma Song………………………………………………... 23

Xi Chapter Members Serving on Psi State Committees…………………... 24

Xi Chapter Scholarship Recipient…………………………………………. 24

Delta Kappa Gamma Collect……………………………………………… 24

Xi Chapter Past Presidents and Biennia…………………………………… 25


Mission Statement

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International promotes professional and personal growth of women educators and excellence in education. (International Standing Rules, 1990, page 5)


The purposes of the Society are:

1. To unite women educators of the world in a genuine spiritual fellowship.

2. To honor women who have given or who evidence a potential for distinctive service in any field of education.

3. To advance the professional interest and position of women in education.

4. To initiate, endorse, and support desirable legislation in the interests of education and women educators.

5. To endow scholarships to aid outstanding women educators in pursuing graduate study and to grant fellowships to women educators from other countries.

6. To stimulate the personal and professional growth of members and to encourage their participation in appropriate programs of action.

7. To inform the membership of current economic, social, political, and educational issues to the end that they may become intelligent, functioning members of a world society.

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society was founded

in Austin, Texas, May 11, 1929.



Miss Mamie Bastian Dr. Annie Webb Blanton

Miss Ruby Cole Miss Mabel Grizzard

Miss Anna Hiss Miss Ray King

Miss Sue King Dr. Helen L. Koch

Mrs. Ruby Terrill Lomax Dr. Cora M. Martin

Mrs. Lalla M. Odum Miss Lela Lee Williams

2012 - 2014

International Administrative Board

International Officers

International President: Dr. Beverly Helms bevhelms@

First Vice-President: Carolyn Pittman carolyn.pittman@

Second Vice- President: Dr. Lyn Schmi mschmid@

Executive Director: Corlea S. Plowman corleap@

Europe Regional Director: Marika Heimbach

Northeast Regional Director: Mary Lee Makinen mlmakinen@

Northwest Regional Director: Dr. Lace Marie Brogden

Southeast Regional Director: Dr. Hanna W. Fowler hwf1949@

Southwest Regional Director: Heidi Chadwick chadwickhj@

Immediate Past President: Dr. Jensi Souders jsouders3@

Member-at-Large (2012-2016): Barbara L. Whiting whitings@

Member-at-Large (2010-2014): Jeanette Zuniga jeanette@

Area Representative (Canada): Agnes L. Moynihan

Area Representative (Latin America); Monica J. Ochoa monihawaii@

Parliamentarian: Jean Gray jjeeaanng@



2014 International Convention

Indianapolis, Indiana

Dates- TBA



Southeast Regional Conference

Orlando, FL

July 9-13, 2013




PRESIDENT – Peggy McCall pmccall@

FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT – Gail Ford psisis09@

SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT -- Miriam Murray miriambmurray@

RECORDING SECRETARY – Lynn Skinner lynn.skinner@

CORRESPONDING SECRETARY – Sally Adams sallymadams@

TREASURER – Judy Farrigan farrigan@


PARLIAMENTARIAN – Mavis Johnson johnson2399@

EDITOR – Denise Klesick deniseklesick@

WEBMASTER – Missy Collins missycollins333@

DISTRICT I DIRECTOR –Virginia McChesney va_mcc@

DISTRICT II DIRECTOR –Betty Richardson bettyjrichardson@

DISTRICT III DIRECTOR – Dr. Maria Valeri-Gold, mgold12@

DISTRICT IV DIRECTOR – Jeanne Stroebel teachmejs@

DISTRICT V DIRECTOR – Sandra Yerby san4au@

District VI Director- Missy Collins missycollins333@


BYLAWS/STANDING RULES – Helen Kress hkress@

COMMUNICATIONS – MaryAnne Barlow maryanne718@

EXPANSION – Judy Hulsey hulseyjhls@

FINANCE – Patricia Bassett lpjbassett@

HISTORY – Dr. Debbie Ball dball@

LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT – Jonni Ghetti jghetti@

MEMBERSHIP – Jo Davis rwdavisfarms@

NOMINATIONS – Alice Bass alicebass@ , amem26@

SCRAPBOOK – Phyllis Hart tpeach7@

RESERVATIONS – Ann Clark annclark29@

Jackie Mann wcmann@

STATE CONVENTION – Sheri Black mysherbear@

Kathy Brown kathyobrown@



EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE – Gail Springstead gfspringstead@


LITERACY LIASON – Jane Belflower jane.belflower@




SCHOLARSHIPS – Lois Duncan sduncan42@

WORLD FELLOWSHIP – Miriam Murray miriambmurray@


September Executive Board

September 22, 2012, Macon


February Executive Board

February 23, 2013, Macon


Psi State Convention

Macon Downtown Marriott

April 5-7, 2013


District V Workshop





October 6, 2012

December 1, 2012

February 2, 2013

March 2, 2013

May 4, 2013

Stonebridge Country Club @ 10:00 A.M.



PSI STATE, Georgia

Organized November 28, 1936 in Atlanta, Georgia


Mrs. Josephine Baggott

Mrs. Margaret Harris Blair

Miss Elise Boylston

Mrs. Ruth Weegand Davis

Miss Melville Doughty

Dr. Mildred English

Miss Dorothy Hains

Miss Ethel Massengale

Mrs. Nancy Porter

Miss Josie Slocumb

Miss Charlotte Gage Smith

Miss Margaret Solomon

Miss May Taylor

Mrs. Eva L. Thornton


Organized January 17, 1948 in Albany, Georgia

Colors: Crimson and Gold Flower: Red Rose


(All deceased)

Miss Addine Bateman

Mrs. Eva Claire Brim

Miss Winifred Brooks

Miss Lylla Bussey

Mrs. Sallie Mae Calhoun

Mrs. Bess Crittenden

Miss Fay Crow

Miss Marguerite Ford

Mrs. Ruth Gregory

Miss Katharine Harman

Miss Minnie Pate

Mrs. Amzie Perry

Miss Amelia Phillips (Mrs. Howard Hout)

Mrs. Sara H. Todisman

Mrs. Annie Ree Shipp

Mrs. Winifred VanCise

Miss Mabel White (Mrs. J.J. Hogue)


Xi Chapter Officers 2012-2014

President-----Michelle Bergozza

First Vice President-----Kim Hobbs

Second Vice President-----Rebecca Strickland

Recording Secretary-----Jennifer Emerson

Corresponding Secretary----- Virginia Gray

Treasurer----- Cindy Marshall

Parliamentarian----- Mavis Johnson

Xi Chapter Committees 2010-2012

Society Business

Finance-----Carleen Flowers, Cindy Marshall, Susan Dozier

Membership-----Joan Burns

Nominations-----Joy Breeden, Mary Shapard, Sandra Yerby

Standing Rules----- Shirley Cochran

Program of Work

Program----- Kay Griffin

Personal Growth and Services----- Mary Shapard, Kay Eady

Professional Affairs-----Sandra Yerby

Research----- LeAnna Walton, Jessica Morris

Music----- Holly Sadler, Kim Hobbs

Educational Services

Communications----- Denise Golden, Jill Cribbs

Scholarship-----Janice Shepard, Melody King, Elizabeth Ragsdale

World Fellowship----- Barbara Hunt, Dot Peters

Web Master ----- Michelle Bergozza, Melody King

Special Committees

Care and Concern— Dot Majors (Dougherty), Mavis Johnson (Calhoun)

Chapter Projects----- Jency Carpenter, Janet Kirksey

History----- Nancy Huggins, Imogene Gunnels

Hostesses----- Deborah Frazier

Inspiration-----Rebecca Strickland, Joy Breeden

Necrology----- Claire Allen

Scrapbook-----Mary Shapard, Jill Cribbs

Women in Art----- Jenny Emerson, Loy Addison

Yearbook----- Julie Walker, Melody King




Dear Xi Sisters,

As our new biennium begins, I would like to take a moment to thank each of you for your confidence and support. I feel honored and blessed to belong to such a fine group of educators. I look forward to serving as president, learning more about the society, and enjoying fellowship with all of you.

After our May meeting, Sandra and I visited a Beta Phi meeting. In a bitter-sweet setting, they decided to dissolve their chapter. I was touched by their hospitality and acceptance of us. Beta Phi members had a wealth of ideas about how to help their educational community. Their community will benefit from their sincere and giving hearts.

Sandra and I felt honored to be a part of their final meeting and privileged to invite these wonderful women to transfer to Xi Chapter. Many Beta Phi sisters accepted our invitation and we will have 6 new members joining us in October. We may also have Beta Phi members visiting our meeting who are considering transferring their membership to Xi chapter.

This summer was full of firsts for me and I can’t wait to share all that I have learned with each of you. The International Convention in New York was more amazing than I could have imagined and there is a lot to share. Sandra and I will be bringing some ideas from the convention for you to consider.

I hope that you all enjoyed your summer as much as I enjoyed mine. It always goes by so fast! But, now it is back to the real world and time to help our students grow and learn. Let’s get out there and make a difference for the children in our community.

I look forward to seeing all of you October 6th at our first meeting. I hope you will make it a priority to attend all 5 meetings this year and to learn the Delta Kappa Gamma song!

Your DKG sister,

Michelle Bergozza


Forward Movers · Forward Thinkers


October 6, 2012, 10:00 A.M., Stonebridge Country Club

PURPOSE #6: To Stimulate the personal and professional growth of members and to encourage their participation in appropriate programs of action.

PROGRAM TITLE: “Fitness for All Ages”

PRESENTER: Ms. Sam McCormick

PROJECT: Project S.E.E. (Support Early Career Educators)

Monetary donations to purchase small items for new teachers

HOSTESSES: Deborah Frazier (Chair), Melody King, Holli Sadler

December 1, 2011, 10:00 A.M., Stonebridge Country Club

PURPOSE:1- To Unite women educators of the world in a genuine spiritual fellowship

PROGRAM TITLE: Holiday Magic

PRESENTER: Eighth Grade Student

PROJECT: World Fellowship SILENT AUCTION and Food Bank Donation

HOSTESSES: Sandra Yerby (Chair), Janet Kirksey, Denise Golden, Jill Cribbs

[pic] Initiation of New Members

February 2, 2013, 10:00 A.M., Stonebridge Country Club

PURPOSE 3- To Advance the professional interest and position of women in education

PROGRAM TITLE: Whiz Kids Tutoring: Making a Difference one Child at a Time


PROJECT: Whiz Kids Donations

HOSTESSES: Virginia Gray (chair), Joan Burns, Claire Allen, Lillian Parkman

March 2, 2013, 10:00 A.M., Stonebridge Country Club

PURPOSE 2- To Honor women who have given of who evidence potential for distinctive service in any field of education.

PROGRAM TITLE: A Biblical Journey Through Storytelling and the Arts

PRESENTER: Jayme Ivey and Sandra Sudderth

PROJECT: World Fellowship and Monetary donation for Food Bank of Southwest Georgia

HOSTESSES: Dot Peters (Chair), Mary Shepard, Joy Breeden, Janice Sheppard

May 4, 2013, 10:00 A.M., Stonebridge Country Club

PURPOSE: VII- To Inform the members of current economic, social, political, and educational issues so that they may participate effectively in a world society

PROGRAM TITLE: It’s Just a Professional Thing

PRESENTER: Sandra Yerby

PROJECT: Ferst Foundation

HOSTESSES: Shirley Cochran (chair), Dot Majors, Carleen Flowers, Nancy Huggins

Active Membership 2012-2013

(Name, Chapter ID#, Birthday, Address, Phone, Position, E-mail, Date Installed)

Personal Information has been deleted on this copy for the website.

Addison, Mrs. Loy G.,

Allen, Mrs. Claire,

*Allen, Mrs. Ruth,

*Anderson, Mrs. Dorothy,

Avera, Ms. Becky,

Bergozza, Mrs. Michelle

Breeden, Mrs. Joy,

Burns, Mrs. Joan,

Campbell, Ms. Pamela,

Carpenter, Jency,

Cochran, Mrs. Shirley,

*Cook, Mrs. Lynda,

Cowart, Mrs. Kay D,

Cribbs, Mrs. Jill,

Dozier, Mrs. Susan,

Eady, Mrs. Kay,

Emerson, Mrs. Jennifer,

Flowers, Mrs. Carleen,

Frazier, Mrs. Deborah,

Gibbs, Mrs. Anngene,

Golden, Mrs. Denise,

Gray, Mrs. Virginia,

Gresham, Mrs. Shelva,

Griffin, Mrs. Kathryn,

Gunnels, Dr. Imogene,

Hale, Mrs. Kate,

Harper, Mrs. Susan,

Hobbs, Mrs. Kim,

Hodge, Mrs. Linda,

Huggins, Mrs. Nancy,

Hunt, Mrs. Barbara,

Johnson, Mrs. Mavis,

King, Mrs. Melody,

Kirksey, Mrs. Janet,

Lee, Ms. Aldene W.

Lindsey, Ms. Betty M.,

*Maguire, Mrs. Bertha,

Majors, Mrs. Dorothy,

Marshall, Mrs. Cindy,

Morgan, Dr. Virginia R.,

Miller, Mrs. La Rue,

Morris, Ms. Jessica,

Norman, Ms. Marihelyn S.,

Parkman, Mrs. Lillian,

Peters, Mrs. Dorothy,

Ragsdale, Dr. Elizabeth,

Sadler, Mrs. Holli,

Sellers, Miss Dianne,

Sellers, Mrs. Ellen Melton,

Shapard, Mrs. Mary,

Sheppard, Mrs. Janice,

Strickland, Mrs. S. Rebecca,

Thomas, Mrs. Kay,

Walker, Mrs. Julie,

Walton, Dr. LeAnna,

Welch, Mrs. Angela,

Yerby, Mrs. Sandra,

Xi Chapter Standing Rules:

I. Chapter Name

The name of this chapter shall be Xi Chapter, Psi State Organization, The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International.

II. Purposes

The purposes of Xi Chapter objectives shall be the seven Purposes of Delta Kappa Gamma Society International and those of Psi State Organization.

III. Membership

A. Membership in The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International shall be by invitation. Members initiated into the Society become members of chapters, state organizations, and `the international society.

B. Active members shall be women who are employed in educational work at the time of their election and have had three or more years of experience as professional educators or have been retired from a professional educational position no more than two years. They shall participate in the activities of the Society.

C. Reserve membership shall be granted only to those who are unable to participate fully in the activities of the chapter because of physical disability and/or geographic location. Reserve status shall be granted by a majority vote of the chapter. A reserve member, so requesting, may be restored to active membership by a majority vote of the chapter.

D. Honorary chapter members shall be women, not eligible for active membership, who have rendered notable service to education or to women in the chapter area and are elected to honorary membership in recognition of such service. They shall be privileged to participate in all activities except that of holding office. Any member may submit a name for honorary membership at either the chapter, state, or international level. An honorary member may serve as parliamentarian since the position of parliamentarian is not an office. A retired educator to be eligible for invitation to honorary membership must be currently giving distinguished service to education or to women. A candidate for chapter honorary membership must live within the chapter area.

E. Recommendation for membership shall be completed by the sponsor and returned to the membership chairman by the date announced. These candidates may be from inside or outside the assigned chapter area.

F. The Membership committee shall review Recommendations for Membership and prepare to present the candidate’s names to the chapter membership.

G. Voting for prospective members will occur at any meeting.

H. The general membership shall vote by 4/5 method or preferential balloting as determined by the chapter.

I. Invitation for membership shall be in writing and delivered within seven (7) days following election for membership. This shall be done by the President.

J. Orientation of members-elect shall be held at the time to be determined by the membership committee or the president.

K. The orientation program shall be the responsibility of the membership committee chairman.

L. Members-elect will indicate in writing to the president their acceptance to membership within seven (7) days of receiving their invitations.

M. Initiation shall be held as determined by the membership committee chairman or president.

N. Membership in the Society is terminated for one of three reasons: non-payment of dues and fees, resignation, or death.

O. Complete records of terminated memberships in Xi Chapter shall be maintained by the Recording Secretary. The records shall include the reasons and the dates of termination. A complete record of membership including those members whose membership is terminated shall be kept by the chapter. The record shall include the reason and the date of termination. A report of the members terminated shall be a part of the minutes of chapter executive board and/or chapter meeting. Letters of resignation shall be kept by each chapter in the chapter files.

P. A former member may be reinstated to membership by a majority vote of the chapter receiving the request. The member does not pay a reinstatement fee.

Q. A member in good standing may be transferred from one chapter to another upon application to International Headquarters.

R. There shall be no proxy voting at any level of Psi State.

IV. Finances

A. Financial matters are in accordance with the Constitution, International Standing Rules, and Psi State Bylaws and Psi State Standing Rules.

B. An initiation fee of $10.00 shall be required of all members except honorary members.

C. Annual dues shall be required of active and reserve members on all levels of the Society.

D. The president shall appoint a finance committee which shall consist of a chairman and two committee members. The president and the treasurer shall be ex-officio members of the committee.

E. The Finance Committee shall develop an annual budget which shall contain the amount of chapter dues and present it to the membership for approval at the May meeting of the chapter.

F. The Finance Committee shall make recommendations for changes in dues when needed. All members shall be notified prior to the first meeting of the fiscal year.

G. Chapter dues shall be determined annually by chapter vote no later than the first meeting of the fiscal year.

H. The fiscal year of Psi State and its chapters shall be July 1 - June 30 inclusive. Annual dues and fees shall be paid no later than October 31 of each year. On November 1 members shall be dropped for non-payment of dues and fees. Dues are to be forwarded to Psi State Treasurer by November 10.

I. Expenses shall be paid by the treasurer after approval of the president.

J. The signature of the president and the treasurer are required for any financial transaction.

K. Members initiated on or after July 1 and before April 1 shall pay initiation fees, dues, and scholarship fee at the time of initiation. Members reinstated on or after July 1 and before April 1 shall pay dues and scholarship fees only. Immediately thereafter, the state and international portions of the dues and scholarship fees shall be sent to the state treasurer. Members initiated on or after April 1 and before July 1 shall pay only initiation fees at the time of initiation. Immediately thereafter, the state and international portions of the fees shall be sent to the state treasurer. Members reinstated on or after April 1 and before July 1 shall pay no fees at the time of reinstatement. Dues and scholarship fees for the ensuing year shall be paid no later than October 31.

L. Honorary members at the international, state, and chapter levels are exempt from paying dues and international scholarship fee. A lifetime fee of $50.00 for international publications shall be paid for each honorary member at the time of

initiation. This fee shall be paid by the initiating unit of the Society.

M. An international scholarship fee of $1.00 shall be paid annually by each active and reserve member.

N. Assessments may be levied only by a chapter. A reserve chapter member is exempt from paying assessments.

O. Scholarships and Recruitment Grants will be awarded annually as funds are available.

P. The chapter will purchase copies of the present Handbook for the president, recording secretary, treasurer, parliamentarian, membership chairman, and program. These will be passed on to their successors.

Q. The Finance Committee shall appoint a person to conduct an audit of the books each year after the books have closed on June 30 and before the meeting the following October.

V. Organization

A. Xi Chapter shall govern the conduct of its business in a manner consistent with the Constitution, The International Standing Rules, the Psi State Bylaws, the Psi State Standing Rules, and Xi Chapter Standing Rules.

B. The president of each chapter shall serve as a voting member of the Psi State Executive Board. Should the president be unable to attend a state executive board meeting, she shall appoint one of her chapter members to serve as an official representative.

C. A chapter president who is unable to attend a meeting of the Psi State Convention shall appoint an official representative from her chapter membership who shall have full privileges of participation as a chapter president.

D. Each chapter shall submit its Chapter Standing Rules, biennially, to the Psi State ByLaws and Standing Rules Committee who shall ascertain that the standing rules are consistent with the state and international governing documents.

VI. Officers and Related Personnel

A. Chapter officers, all of whom must be members of the Society, shall be a president, a vice-president, a secretary (all elected), a treasurer (selected by the executive board), plus the option of a second vice-president and/or a corresponding secretary (elected) and a parliamentarian (appointed by the President).

B. The Nominations Committee (elected by the chapter) shall submit nominations for different officers (except the treasurer and parliamentarian) and for a nominations committee to the chapter for election at the March meeting. Election shall be held in even years by a majority vote of chapter members present. If there is only one nominee for each office, election shall be by voice vote.

C. The chapter president shall serve as ex-officio member, with voting privileges, of all committees except Nominations.

D. It is the obligation of the president to write to delinquent members.

E. It is the duty of the treasurer to order the president’s pin and oversee the pin’s

presentation at the president’s installation.

F. Terms of office are for two years except for the treasurer. No other officer may serve in the same office longer that two terms in succession.

G. Officers shall perform duties as specified in the Constitution, the Psi State Bylaws, and as authorized in Xi Chapter Standing Rules.

H. If an officer vacancy exists, the chapter president shall appoint a replacement.

I. The chapter parliamentarian shall serve as ex-officio member, without vote, on the Chapter Standing Rules Committee.

VII. Meetings

A. Xi Chapter shall meet five times during the year in the months of October, December, February, March, and May.

B. A quorum (majority) to conduct business shall be of the chapter members present.

C. Other meetings/excursions may be scheduled to carry out the program of the chapter

by the president with approval of the Executive Board and with a month’s prior notice

to all the members.

D. All pagers and cell phones must be turned off and smart phones must be silenced during business meetings.

VIII. Executive Board

A. The members of the Executive Board shall be the elected officers of the chapter and the immediate past president. The treasurer and parliamentarian are ex-officio members without vote.

B.The Executive Board shall meet not fewer than two times a year.

C. The chapter Executive Board shall:

1. select the treasurer for the biennium.

2. act in matters requiring immediate action and decision.

3. decide on the disposition of Society jewelry that has been returned to the chapter. Any jewelry that is returned to the chapter may be sold or given to initiates or to members who have lost their key pins.

4. recommend policies and procedures for consideration by members.

establish rules for budget development and approval and for the supervision of the chapter finances.

5. A quorum shall be a majority of the voting members of the board.

IX. Committees

A. The President shall appoint the chairmen and members of all committees.

B. Standing committees shall fulfill responsibilities as outlined in the Constitution and as detailed in the Delta Kappa Gamma Handbook.

C.The Chapter shall have the following standing committees.


Finance Program Communications Leadership Development Personal Growth and Service Scholarship

Membership Professional Affairs World Fellowship

Nominations Research

Standing Rules Music

1. The Scholarship Committee selects Xi Chapter’s scholarship recipient.

2. The Professional Affairs Committee is responsible for the selection of Xi Chapter’s Recruitment Grant recipient.

D. The chapter shall also have the following Special Committees:

1. Ad-Hoc Committees shall be appointed by the president as needed.

2 Area Care and Concern/Flower Committee shall be composed of a chairman and representatives from the areas within the chapter. The chairman notifies the representative of any illness or death within the chapter who in turn notifies the members for whom she is responsible. These representatives are also responsible for the following:

a. In the case of the illness of a member, a red rose is sent.

b. In the case of the death of a member, a $15.00 memorial gift shall be sent to the Chapter Recruitment Memorial Fund.

c. In the case of a members immediate family (Mother, Father, Husband, and Child) a $10.00 memorial gift is to be sent to the Chapter Recruitment Memorial Fund.

d. In the case of any other member of a member's family a card is to

be sent.

3. Chapter Projects Committee shall be composed of a chairman and a minimum of one member whose responsibility is to plan and recommend projects for the chapter.

4. Directory Committee shall be a committee of one who verifies and sends the names of the chapter members to the State Directory Chairman.

5. History Committee shall be composed of a chairman and a minimum of one member whose responsibility is to prepare and send the history of the chapter each biennium to the State History Chairman.

6. Hostess Committee is composed of a chairman who shall designate members to serve as hostesses for each meeting of the biennium.

7. Inspiration Committee is a committee of one who is responsible for the inspirations at each meeting.

8. Necrology Committee shall be composed of a chairman and a minimum of one member whose responsibility is to present a memorial service whenever a member dies.

9. Scrapbook Committee shall be composed of a chairman and a minimum of one member whose responsibility it is to prepare a scrapbook of chapter history and events for the biennium.

10. Women in Art Committee shall be composed of a chairman and a minimum of one member who encourage the members’ participation in art exhibits of members’ art work.

11. Yearbook Committee shall be a committee of one who updates and prepares the yearly handbooks. The Chapter President or her official representative shall carry two copies of the chapter yearbook (without Chapter Standing Rules) to Psi State Executive Board Meeting held in the Fall of each even-numbered calendar year to the state program committee chairman and the appropriate district director.

E. A Standing Committee may be rescinded:

1. if its purpose(s) and/or responsibilities no longer support the objectives or needs of Psi State Organization.

2. if its responsibilities could be assigned to another standing committee, or monetary or other factors warrant a reduction in the number of standing committees.

X.  Activities

A. Xi Chapter publishes Xi Chapter Newsletter at least five times during a fiscal year. Each publication is approved by the president. Each chapter shall submit a copy of each of its newsletters to the Psi State News editor, the Psi State Communications Committee Chairman, the appropriate district director and the state president.

B. The Xi Chapter Memorial Recruitment Fund shall be administered by the Professional Affairs Committee.

C. Each chapter shall submit a copy of its Chapter Standing Rules to the Psi State Bylaws and Standing Rules Committee at the Fall meeting of the Psi State Executive Board in odd-numbered calendar years.

D. Special Funds and /or awards may be created by the Executive Board and approved by

chapter membership.

XI. Dissolution

A. Before a chapter is dissolved, the approval of the Psi State Executive Board must be obtained,

B. Careful consideration shall be given in the matter in which those desiring to maintain membership transfer to other chapters. International procedures must be followed.

C. All liabilities and obligations shall be paid and satisfied or adequate provision shall be made thereof.

D. Any remaining funds in the chapter account shall be sent to Psi State treasurer for state and international projects.

E. The chapter’s paraphernalia, the Society publications, and chapter records shall be retained in Psi State archives and made available for use.

F. The charter must be returned to Psi State to be forwarded to International Headquarters.

G. Psi State Executive Board shall decide whether the Greek name shall be reused or not.

XII. Parliamentary Authority

Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised (current edition) shall govern the proceedings of

Xi Chapter in all cases not provided for in the Constitution, the International Standing

Rules and the Psi State Bylaws and Standing Rules.

XIII. Amendments

A. The executive board shall review the standing rules at least once during the biennium.

B. Individual rules may be considered at any regular business meeting after notification in the Xi Chapter Newsletter.

C. Changes in the Chapter Rules may be made upon the recommendation of the Executive Board and the approval of the chapter by majority vote of the chapter members present.

D. The Chapter Rules shall be included in the yearbook each year.


Women teachers, to the calling

Firmly rally, never falling,

Duty ne’er upon us palling,

Staunch, Courageous, we!

Loyalty and trust e’er heeding,

Mindful of our sisters needing

Aid and guidance from those leading,

Helpful may we be!

To Delta Kappa Gamma

Faith we pledge forever!

Hand in hand, our loyal band,

Forward, moving ever!

Onward! ‘tis our sisters need us,

Courage, Faith and Honor lead us!

Wrongs in truth and justice heed us!

Firmly shall we stand!

Guardians of the faith yet sleeping,

For our sister’s watch e’er keeping,

Deeds of others now we’re reaping,

We for others stand!

To us pioneers have given;

We return their gift to Heaven;

Work for others is the leaven

That inspires our band!

Oh, Delta Kappa Gamma,

In thy fold we gather;

Unity and Liberty

Shall be our watchword ever!

Education e’er we’ll further;

Each is bound to each as brother;

With this faith in one another

We shall win for aye!

Annie Webb Blanton and Cora M. Martin


Psi State

Parliamentarian Mrs. Mavis Johnson

Bylaws and Standing Rules Committee Dr. LeAnna Walton

Nominations Committee Mrs. Kim Hobbs

Communications Committee Mrs. Michelle Bergozza

District V

Director ---Mrs. Sandra Yerby

Nominations Committee ---Mrs. Michelle Bergozza


Xi Chapter Scholarship Recipient 2011 ---Mrs. Holli Sadler

Xi Chapter Recruitment Grant Recipient 2011---Katherine McDonald

Deerfield Windsor School


Give us, our Lord, a realization of what our organization stands for. With its high ideals always, before us, may our faith and courage never weaken.

Grant that we may be steadfast in our purposes as we endeavor to meet the responsibilities and obligations set before us.

Help us to be truly loyal one to another and may we strive to become more worthy members of our profession.

And as we pledge anew our noble cause, may unity and co-operation continue unbroken to the end.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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