Unisa Study Notes

CHAPTER 16 THEORYThe basic permanent innate energy of all behaviour much like drives or instincts is termed as ______.A. attitudesB. sentimentsC. ergsD. traitsAnswer Key: CSelect the correct statement from the following, based on the trait theory of personality.A. General or common traits are the measurable and motivational units in personality.B. Surface traits are not related to common traits.C. Recurring behavioural patterns cannot be associated with traits.D. Unique traits are fundamental traits which determine the expression of other traits.Answer Key: AA person who is always or often willing to do more than his or her official job description demands possibly manifests a characteristic known as ______.A. extroversion and introversionB. organisational citizenship behaviourC. task and interpersonal behaviourD. team behaviours and team rolesAnswer Key: BWhich one of the following factors does NOT belong to Eysenck’s classification of three main or inclusive factors of personality?A. extroversion vs introversionB. neuroticism vs emotional stabilityC. conscientiousness vs lack of directionD. psychoticism vs tough-mindednessAnswer Key: CTraits can be described as ______.A. concepts that indicate underlying unconscious behavioursB. primarily holistic description of personalityC. certain obvious elements of personality onlyD. constructs that indicate more or less enduring behavioursAnswer Key: DThe ______ personality model is considered the most integrative.A. 16PFB. EysenckC. Five-FactorD. MBTIAnswer Key: CAllport conceptualised _____ traits as less obvious, not generalised and not manifesting frequently, like preferences for certain foods or colours.A. cardinalB. centralC. secondaryD. commonAnswer Key: CHans Eysenck's Three factor Model of personality consist of three major factors namely ______.A. Extroversion; Neuroticism; PsychoticismB. Antagonism; Introversion; VenturesomeC. Extroversion; Neuroticism; ConscientiousnessD. Dominance; Vigilance; PerfectionismAnswer Key: AQuestion 16 of 50Cattell believed that people's cognitive or ability traits of mental alertness or intelligence are mostly inherited and he referred to this as ______ intelligence.A. learnedB. inheritedC. crystallisedD. fluidAnswer Key: DWhich temperament is associated with a person who is very optimistic by nature?A. melancholicB. phlegmaticC. cholericD. sanguineAnswer Key: DThe basic assumption that personality is best expressed in interpersonal situations, distinguishes the ______ from other personality models.A. Interpersonal Trait ModelB. Three-Factor ModelC. MBTID. Five-Factor ModelAnswer Key: APersonality which is demonstrated by the way people act in specific situations is a definition of personality proposed by ______.A. AllportB. EysenckC. Costa & McCraeD. CattellAnswer Key: DIn trait psychology, the term subsidiation refers to ______.A. emotional or mood expressionsB. an approach to describe personality factorsC. the innate energy underlying behaviourD. the predominance of certain types of behaviour over other typesAnswer Key: DAccording to Allport ______ traits refer to the neurophysiological foundations and the structure of personality and they might determine the expression of attributes and behaviour styles.A. uniqueB. surfaceC. personal dispositionD. secondary______ traits enable assessors to make nomothetic comparisons of people across cultures and situations but are only a rough indication of the uniqueness of each person.A. sourceB. commonC. secondaryD. uniqueAnswer Key: BBelbin describes various types of roles that people might assume in a group. Which one of the following is often used in facilitating interaction in work groups?A. DivergerB. ConvergerC. InitiatorD. AssimilatorAnswer Key: CAllport utilises the concept of ______, which refers to fundamental underlying and motivational structures and defines a person's personality.A. cardinal traitsB. proprium traitsC. central traitsD. common traitsAnswer Key: CCattell describes ______ as traits that may be present in many people and in various situations.A. common traitsB. source traitsC. surface traitsD. unique traitsAnswer Key: CIn trait theory, the Five Factor Model can be described as _______.A. an approach to describe personality factorsB. an approach to describe emotional or mood expressionsC. an approach to measure personality typeD. an approach to describe the innate energy underlying behaviourPersonality can also be influenced and formed by the type of interpersonal experiences and situations which people encounter in their lives. This assumption can best be attributed to the trait theorists known as ______.A. Cattell and EysenckB. Allport and DigmanC. Kretchmer and SheldonD. Baldwin and SullivanAnswer Key: DCattell’s personality theory consists of ______ factors.A. threeB. sixteenC. fiveD. thirteenAnswer Key: BThe term ectomorph relates to ______.A. a personality type based on physical and behavioural attributes.B. a personality type based on verbal and non-verbal reasoning ability.C. a personality type based on numerical ability.D. a personality type based on cognitive attributes.Answer Key: AThe functions thinking, feeling, sensing, and intuition together with introversion and extraversion, form the basis of the ______.A. 16PF questionnaireB. MBTIC. Five-factor ModelD. Three-factor ModelAnswer Key: BIn terms of Eyseneck’s research on extroversion and introversion, extroverts are more sociable, but also ______.A. impulsiveB. prone to introspectionC. more quietD. more quietAnswer Key: A______ states that personality, the situation and resultant behaviours contribute collaboratively to personal consistency in behaviour.A. InteractionismB. Trait consistencyC. SituationismD. IndividualismAnswer Key: AThe MBTI is a scale which measures ______.A. numerical abilityB. personality typeC. emotionsD. verbal reasoning abilityWhich concept does Allport use to explain why people choose the motives that suit their self-concept?A. Propriate needsB. Dynamic traitsC. Preservative functional autonomyD. Propriate functional autonomyAnswer Key: DThe Three-Factor Model of personality is associated with ______.A. FreudB. CattellC. Costa and McCraeD. EysenckAnswer Key: DThe trait descriptor in the Five Factor Model that best describes the openness to experience factor is ______.A. ValuesB. AngerC. CompetenceD. AltruismAnswer Key: AThe ______ concept, used by Cattell, indicates the reciprocal relationship between situation and personality.A. interactionismB. situationismC. consistencyD. dynamismAnswer Key: ASome authors view trait approaches to personality study to be the only true scientific paradigm in psychology as a discipline, because _______.A. of its assessment technology and empirical research findingsB. it describes personality according to various modelsC. of the relationships between personality and various occupational variablesD. of research findings pointing to its relationships with many other psychological variablesAnswer Key: AThe ______ study personality in terms of typical characteristics rather than acquiredbehaviour.A. ego psychologistsB. social-psychological theoristsC. behaviouristsD. trait theoristsAnswer Key: DIn trait psychology, the term temperament refers to ______.A. an emotional or mood expressionB. an approach to describe personality factorsC. the predominance of certain types behaviour over other typesD. the innate energy underlying behaviourAnswer Key: AThe concept of psychofortology, refers to internal dispositions which denote a person’s ______.A. ability to use resources for wellness and optimal functioningB. utilisation of strong cardinal traits to be self assertive and resistantC. ability to grow into a fully functioning and mature personD. ability to develop a strong self sentiment towards being autonomousAnswer Key: AAllport conceptualised _____ traits as pervasive, strong characteristics evident in some people, like being “as wise a Solomon.”A. uniqueB. sourceC. cardinalD. commonAnswer Key: CIn trait theory, the term ectomorph refers to ______.A. an emotional or mood expressionB. the innate energy underlying behaviourC. a body or emotional typeD. a scale which measures personality typeAnswer Key: CTheFiveFactormodelofpersonalitydescribesextroversionas__________Correct A.Warmth,assertiveness,excitementB.Trust,altruism,complianceC.Order,competence,strivingD.Relaxed,calm,stableAnswerKey:AWhichfactorintheFive-FactorModeliscloselyrelatedtojobfactorssuchassocialinteractionandtrainingproficiency?A.OpennesstoexperienceB.ConscientiousnessC.AgreeablenessIncorrect D.ExtroversionThe aim of criterion research in personality research is to ______.A. correlate personality traits and maladjustmentB. predict performance based on personality traitsC. identify similarities and differences in peopleD. provide empirical data on maladjustmentAnswer Key: BAccording to Allport and Cattell, ______ traits are fundamental and determine personality structure and the way in which other traits are manifested.A. surfaceB. sourceC. commonD. uniqueAnswer Key: BWhich temperament is associated with a person who has a tendency to be irritable and angry?A. MelancholicB. PhlegmaticC. CholericD. SanguineAnswer Key: CA personality style or type can best be described as ______.A. special temperamental traitsB. traits determined by genetic factorsC. a combination of or multiple traitsD. traits determined by learning onlyAnswer Key: C ................

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