
bachelor OF ARTS(SANSKRIT)Subject Code – to be given by the university THREE YEAR FULL TIME PROGRAMREVISED AND CHANGED BASED ON UGCCOURSE STRUCTURE & EVALUATION PROCEDUREProposed through the UG BOS of Sanskrit, dated – 17/02/2017.And Draft Syllabus revised in few cases on the basis of the recommendation ofthe Workshop which held at Raghunathpur College on the 10th March, 2017 (Friday) with due consultation with present faculties of UG colleges.SIDHO-KANHO-BIRSHA UNIVERSITYAT - RANCHI ROAD, P.O. - SAINIK SCHOOL,PURULIA, WEST BENGAL, INDIA – 723104N.B. – All concerned are cordially requested to give their valuable comments within 10.05.2017 to finalise the UG (SANSKRIT) syllabus based on UGC model to the following emails (Only soft copy in form of Word file and in unicode font will be accepted) – joyguru2010akm@, akmishravu@ & sudip.chakravortti@gmailcom Institution wise responsibilities of the following Sanskrit Departments of SKBU and its affiliated colleges to prepare – 1) Suggested Readings, 2) Question Bank & 3) Lesson Plan:(As per discussion at the Workshop of Raghunathpur College on 10.03.2017.)M G College- CC1, CC4, CC13, DSC1, DSC4 & DSE1BT M College- CC2 & GE3J K College - CC3, CC11, CC14, DSC3, GE1 & SEC2Nistarini College- CC5, CC8, CC10, DSE2 & SEC1Panchakot Mahavidyalaya- CC6 & DSC2Raghunathpur College- CC7, CC9, DSE4, SEC3 & SEC4Sitaram Mahato Memorial College - GE2 & DSE3A M College & Santaldih College- GE4SKB University- CC12 (SM & MD).Proposal regarding Question and Answer:MCQ for all papers are to be set in Devanāgarī script and Sanskrit language only.Very Short questions of CC & DSE papers will be set and answered in Devanāgarī script and Sanskrit language only.Very Short questions of GE & DSC papers will be set in English and Bengali language. Answer of GE & DSC may be given in Sanskrit / English / Hindi / Bengali language.Translation from English / Bengali to Sanskrit of paper CC – 6 (section – B) and Essay of CC – 6 (section – C) must have to be answered in Devanāgarī script and Sanskrit language only.All questions carrying 5 (Five) marks should be set in English & Bengali languages (Except – Essay) and students are freed to answer in Sanskrit / English / Hindi / Bengali language (Except – Essay).Proposal in respect of Suggested Readings or Reference Books:Standard books composed in Sanskrit, English, Hindi and Bengali languages may be prescribed.Preparation of Lesson Plan for Each paper:Concerned UG faculty members are hereby requested to prepare the soft copy of lesson plan of each paper and to submit the soft copy of the same on or before 10/05/2017 positively. Each section of a paper may be divided in three (03) parts which may somehow equal to five (5) weeks. So, total academic tenure of a semester will be equivalent to 3 X 5 = 15 weeks.A proposed format is given: - CC – 1Lesson Plan of CC1 (Classical Sanskrit Literature (Poetry)PartSection ‘A’ Raghuva??am: Canto-I (Verse: 1-25) Section ‘B’ Kumārasambhavam: Canto-V (Verse: 1-30) Section ‘C’ Kirātārjunīyam - Canto I (1-25 Verses) Section ‘D’ Nīti?atakam (1-20 Verses, 1st two Paddhatis)Section ‘E’ Origin and Development of ???????? and ?????????Remarks1 (Week – I to V)Introduction & Verse 1 to 8 Introduction & Verse 1 to 10 Introduction & Verse 1 to 8 Introduction & Verse 1 to 7 Introduction, Origin of ????????, ??????? & ??????? 2 (Week – VI to X)Verse 9 to 18Verse 11 to 21Verse 9 to 18Verse 7 to 15?????, ???, ????????, ????? etc.3 (Week – XI to XV)Verse 19 to 25 & ConclusionVerse 21 to 30 & ConclusionVerse 19 to 25 & ConclusionVerse 16 to 20 & ConclusionOrigin of ?????????, ???????, ?????, ????????, Other ?????????s ????????????s.Preparation of Question Bank: - The faculty mebers of the colleges are also requested to prepare the questions in soft copy by using unicode font. On the day of workshop, the Chairman of UG BOS of Sanskrit (SKBU) will divide the charge to each and every UG & PG faculty to prepare paper and module wise questions for the successful preparation of a standard question bank.The Question pattern is as follows:Only for SEC = MCQ questions carrying 2 (Two) marks with four options are to be prepared in Devanāgarī script and Sanskrit language only. For other papers (CC, DSC, DSE & GE) = MCQ questions carrying 1 (One) mark with four options are to be prepared in Devanāgarī script and Sanskrit language only.Very Short questions carrying 2 (Two) marks are to be prepared in Devanāgarī script and Sanskrit language only.Questions carrying 5 (Five) marks should be set in English & Bengali languages (Except – Essay)Questions of essay are to be prepared in Devanāgarī script and Sanskrit language only.Paper wise 1.Suggested Readings, 2. Question Bank and 3. Lesson Plan are to submitted to the following emails (Only soft copy in form of Word file and in unicode font will be accepted) by 10.05.2017. – HYPERLINK "mailto:joyguru2010akm@" joyguru2010akm@, akmishravu@ & sudip.chakravortti@gmailcom CC-1 (Semester -I)Course Title: Classical Sanskrit Literature (Poetry)Credit: 6 (5+1) Equivalent to 60 Marks (50 + 10)To be answered from each section (MCQ – 3 X 1 = 3, Very Short Answer – 1 X 2 = 2, Other – 1 X 5 = 5)[A] Prescribed Course: Section ‘A’ Raghuva??a: Canto-I (Verse: 1-25) Section ‘B’ Kumārasambhava: Canto-V (Verse: 1-30) Section ‘C’ Kirātārjunīya: Canto I (1-25 Verses) Section ‘D’ Nīti?ataka: (1-20 Verses, 1st two Paddhatis)Section ‘E’ Origin and Development of Mahākāvya and Kha??akāvya [B] Course Objective : This course aims to get students acquainted with Classical Sanskrit Poetry. It intends to give an understanding of literature, through which students will be able to appreciate the development of Sanskrit Literature. The course also seeks to help students to negotiate texts independently. [C] Unit-Wise lesson Plan Division (15 weeks): To be prepared[D] Suggested Readings: Note: Teachers are also Freed to recommend any relevant books/articles/e-resource if -2 (Semester -I)Course Title : Critical Survey of Sanskrit LiteratureCredit: 6 (5+1) Equivalent to 60 Marks (50 + 10)To be answered from each section (MCQ – 3 X 1 = 3, Very Short Answer – 1 X 2 = 2, Other – 1 X 5 = 5)[A] Prescribed Course: Section ‘A’ Vedic Literature Section ‘B’ Rāmāya?a Section ‘C’ Mahābhārata Section ‘D’ Purā?as Section ‘E’ General Introduction to Vyākara?a, Dar?ana and Sāhitya?āstra [B] Course Objectives: This course aims to get students acquainted with the journey of Sanskrit literature from Vedic literature to Purā?a. It also intends to give an outline of different shastric traditions, through which students will be able to know the different genres of Sanskrit Literature and ?āstras. [C] Unit-Wise lesson Plan Division (15 weeks): To be prepared [D] Suggested Books/Readings: Note: Teachers are also freed to recommend any relevant books/articles/e-resource if -3 (Semester -II)Course Title: Classical Sanskrit Literature (Prose)Credit: 6 (5+1) Equivalent to 60 Marks (50 + 10)[A] Prescribed Course: Section ‘A’To be answered (MCQ – 6 X 1 = 6, Very Short Answer – 2 X 2 = 4, Other – 2 X 5 = 10)Kādamvarī: ?ukanāsopade?aSection ‘B’ To be answered (MCQ – 6 X 1 = 6, Very Short Answer – 1 X 2 = 2, Other – 1 X 5 = 5)Da?akumāracarita: Vi?rutacaritaSection ‘C’ To be answered (MCQ – 3 X 1 = 3, Very Short Answer – 2 X 2 = 4, Other – 2 X 5 = 10)Origin and development of prose and fable(Subandhu, Da??in, Bā?a, Ambikādatta Vyāsa, Paňcatantra, Hitopade?a, Vetālapaňcavi??atikā, Si?hāsanadvātri??ikā, Puru?aparīk?ā, ?ukasaptati.) [B] Course Objective : This course aims to acquaint students with Classical Sanskrit Prose literature. Origin and development of prose, Important prose romances and fables of Sanskrit are also included here for students to get acquainted with the beginnings of Sanskrit Prose literature. The course also seeks to help students negotiate texts independently. [C] Unit-Wise lesson Plan Division (15 weeks): To be prepared[D] Suggested Readings: Note: Teachers are also freed to recommend any relevant books/articles/e-resource if -4 (Semester -II)Course Title: Self Management in the ?rīmadbhagavadgītāCredit: 6 (5+1) Equivalent to 60 Marks (50 + 10)[A] Prescribed Course: Section ‘A’To be answered (MCQ – 6 X 1 = 6, Very Short Answer – 1 X 2 = 2, Other – 1 X 5 = 5)Cognitive and emotive apparatus: Hierarchy of indriya, manas, buddhi and ātman III.42; XV. 7, Role of the ātman –XV.7; XV.9, Mind as a product of prak?ti VII.4. Properties of three gu?as and their impact on the mind – XIII. 5-6; XIV.5-8 & 11-13; XIV.17. Section ‘B’ To be answered (MCQ – 6 X 1 = 6, Very Short Answer – 2 X 2 = 4, Other – 2 X 5 = 10)Controlling the mind:Confusion and conflict, Nature of conflict I.1; IV.16; I.45; II.6, Causal factors – Ignorance – II.41; Indriya – II.60, Mind – II.67; Rajogu?a – III.36-39; XVI.21; Weakness of mind- II.3; IV.5. Detail of the Core Course for Sanskrit Meditation–difficulties –VI.34-35; procedure VI.11-14 Balanced life- III.8; VI.16-17, Diet control- XVII. 8-10, Physical and mental discipline – XVII. 14-19, VI. 36. Means of conflict resolution to the importance of knowledge – II. 52 ; IV.38-39; IV.42 Clarity of buddhi – XVIII.30-32. Process of decision making – XVIII.63. Control over senses – II.59, 64. Surrender of kart?bhāva –XVIII .13-16; V.8-9. Desirelessness- II.48; II.55. Putting others before self – III.25Section ‘C’ To be answered (MCQ – 3 X 1 = 3, Very Short Answer – 2 X 2 = 4, Other – 2 X 5 = 10)Self management through devotion:Surrender of ego – II.7 ; IX.27; VIII.7; XI.55 ; II.47 Abandoning frivolous debates – VII.21, IV.11; IX.26 Acquisition of moral qualities - XII.11; XII.13-19 [B] Course Objective : The objective of this course is to study the philosophy of self-management in the Gītā. The course seeks to help students negotiate the text independently without referring to the traditional commentaries so as to enable them to experience the richness of the text. [C] Unit-Wise lesson Plan Division (15 weeks): To be prepared[D] Suggested Readings: Note: Teachers are also freed to recommend any relevant books/articles/e-resource if needed. CC-5 (Semester -III)Course Title: Classical Sanskrit Literature (Drama)Credit: 6 (5+1) Equivalent to 60 Marks (50 + 10)[A] Prescribed Course: Section ‘A’ To be answered (MCQ – 4 X 1 = 4, Very Short Answer – 1 X 2 = 2, Other – 1 X 5 = 5)Svapnavāsavadattam– Bhāsa Act I & VISection ‘B’ To be answered (MCQ – 4 X 1 = 4, Very Short Answer – 2 X 2 = 4, Other – 1 X 5 = 5)Abhijňāna?ākuntalam– Kālidāsa I & IVSection ‘C’ To be answered (MCQ – 4 X 1 = 4, Very Short Answer – 1 X 2 = 2, Other – 2 X 5 = 10)Ratnāvalī - ?rīhar?a I, II & IIISection ‘D’ To be answered (MCQ – 3 X 1 = 3, Very Short Answer – 1 X 2 = 2, Other – 1X 5 = 5)Critical survey of Sanskrit Drama [B] Course Objective : This course aims to acquaint students with three most famous dramas of Sanskrit literature which represent three stages in the growth of Sanskrit drama. [C] Unit-Wise lesson Plan Division (15 weeks): To be prepared[D] Suggested Readings: Note: Teachers are also freed to recommend any relevant books/articles/e-resource if needed. CC-6 (Semester -III)Course Title: Sanskrit Composition and CommunicationCredit: 6 (5+1) Equivalent to 60 Marks (50 + 10)[A] Prescribed Course: Section ‘A’ To be answered (MCQ – 15 X 1 = 15, Very Short Answer – 2 X 2 = 4, Other – 1 X 5 = 5)Vibhaktyartha, Voice and K?tVibhaktyartha Prakara?a of Laghusiddhāntakaumudī, Voice (kart?, karma and bhāva) Selections from K?t Prakara?a- from Laghusiddhāntakaumudī Major Sūtras for the formation of k?danta words (tavyat, tavya, anīyar, yat, ?yat, ?vul, tric, a?, kta, katavatu, ?at?i, ?ānac, tumun, ktvā-lyap, lyu? ,gha?, ktin)Section ‘B’ To be answered (Short sentence translation from English or Bengali to Sanskrit 3 X 2 = 6, From Sanskrit to English or Bengali 1X5 = 5, From English or Bengali to Sanskrit 1X5 = 5)Translation and CommunicationTranslation from Bengali/English to Sanskrit on the basis of cases, Compounds and k?t suffixes. Translation from Sanskrit to Bengali, Communicative Sanskrit.Section ‘C’To be answered (Essay – 2X 5 = 10)EssayEssay (traditional subjects) e.g. veda, upni?ad, Sanskrit Language, Sanskriti, Rāmāya?a, Mahābhārata, purā?a, gītā, principal Sanskrit poets, contemporary matters. Essays may be based on issues and topic related to modern subjects like entertainment, sports, national and international affairs and social problems. [B] Course Objective : This course aims to enhance the capacity of students to express their ideas in Sanskrit.[C] Unit-Wise lesson Plan Division (15 weeks): To be prepared[D] Suggested Readings: Note: Teachers are also Freed to recommend any relevant books/articles/e-resource if -7 (Semester -III)Course Title: Indian Social Institutions and PolityCredit: 6 (5+1) Equivalent to 60 Marks (50 + 10)[A] Prescribed Course: Section ‘A’ To be answered (MCQ – 3 X 1 = 3, Very Short Answer – 1 X 2 = 2, Other – 1 X 5 = 5)Indian Social Institutions: Nature and Concepts:Indian Social Institutions : Definition and Scope: Sociological Definition of Social Institutions. Trends of Social Changes, Sources of Indian Social Institutions (Vedic Literature, Sūtra Literature, Purā?as, Rāmāya?a , Mahābhārata ,Dharma?āstras, Buddhist and Jain Literature, Literary Works, Inscriptions, Memoirs of Foreign Writers) Social Institutions and Dharma?āstra Literature: Dharma?āstra as a special branch of studies of Social Institutions, sources of Dharma (Manusm?ti, 2,12; Yāj?avalkyasm?ti,1.7). Different kinds of Dharma in the sense of Social Ethics Manusm?ti, 10,63; Vi??upurā?a 2.16-17); Six kinds of Dharma in the sense of Duties (Mitāk?arā?īkā on Yāj?avalkyasm?ti,1.1). Tenfold Dharma as Ethical Qualities (Manusm?ti,6.92); Fourteen-Dharmasthānas (Yāj?avalkyasm?ti,1.3)Section ‘B’ To be answered (MCQ – 3 X 1 = 3, Very Short Answer – 1 X 2 = 2, Other – 1 X 5 = 5)Structure of Society and Value of LifeVar?a-System and Caste System : Four-fold division of Var?a System, (?gveda, 10.90.12), Mahābhārata, ?āntiparva,72.3-8); Division of Var?a according to Gu?a and Karma (Bhagvadgīta , 4.13, 18.41-44). Origin of Caste-System from Inter-caste Marriages (Mahābhārata, Anu?āsanaparva, 48.3-11); Emergence of non-Aryan tribes in Var?a-System (Mahābhārata, ?āntiparva, 65.13-22). Social rules for up-gradation and down-gradation of Caste System (?pastambadharmasūtra,, Baudhāyanadharmasūtra,, Manusm?ti, 10,64, Yāj?avalkyasm?ti, 1.96) Position of Women in the Society : Brief survey of position of women in different stages of Society. Position of women in Mahābhārata (Anu?āsanaparva, 46.5-11, Sabhāparva, 69.4-13. Praise of women in The B?hatsa?hitā of Varāhamihira (Strīprasa?sā, chapter-74.1-10) Social Values of Life : Social Relevance of Indian life style with special reference to Sixteen Sa?skāras. Four aims of life ‘Puru?ārtha Catu??aya’- 1. Dharma, 2. Artha, 3. Kāma, 4. Mok?a. Four ??ramas- 1. Brahmacarya, 2. G?hastha, 3. Vānaprastha, 4. Sa?nyāsSection ‘C’ To be answered (MCQ – 6 X 1 = 6, Very Short Answer – 2 X 2 = 4, Other – 2 X 5 = 10)Indian Polity: Origin and DevelopmentInitial stage of Indian Polity (from Vedic period to Buddhist period). Election of King by the people: ‘Vi?as’ in Vedic priod(?gveda,10.173;10.174;Atharvaveda,3.4.2; 6.87.1-2). Parliamentary Institutions:‘Sabhā,‘Samiti’ and ‘Vidatha’ in Vedic period (Atharvaveda,7.12.1;12.1.6 ; ?gveda ,10.85.26); King-maker ’Rājakartāra?‘ Council in Atharvaveda(3.5.6-7),Council of ‘Ratnis’ in ?atapathabrāhma?a(; Coronation Ceremony of Samrā? in ?atapathabrāhma?a (51.1.8-13; Republic States in the Buddhist Period (Digghnikāya, Mahāparinibba?a Sutta, A?guttaranikāya,1.213;4.252,256) Later Stages of Indian Polity (From Kau?ilya to Mahatma Gandhi). Concept of Welfare State in Artha?āstra of Kau?ilya (Artha?āstra, 1.13 : ‘matsyanyāyābhibhut?’ to ‘yo' asmāngopāyatīti’); Essential Qualities of King (Artha?āstra,6.1.16-18: ’sampādayatyasampanna?’ to ‘jayatyeva na hīyate’); State Politics ’Rajadharma’( Mahābhārata , ?āntiparva,120.1-15; Manusm?ti, 7.1-15; ?ukranīti,1.1-15); Constituent Elements of Jain Polity in Nitivākyām?ta of Somadeva Suri, (Da??anīti- samudde?a, 9.1.18 and Janapada- samudde?a, 19.1.10). Relevance of GandhianThought in Modern Period with special reference to ‘Satyāgraha’ Philosophy (‘Satyāgrahagītā’ of Panditā K?amārāva and ‘Gandhi Gītā’, 5.1-25 of Prof. Indra) Section ‘D’ To be answered (MCQ – 3 X 1 = 3, Very Short Answer – 1 X 2 = 2, Other – 1 X 5 = 5)Cardinal Theories and Thinkers of Indian PolityCardinal Theories of Indian Polity: ‘Saptā?ga’ Theory of State: 1.Svāmi, 2. Amātya, 3. Janapada 4. Pura, 5. Ko?a, 6. Da??a and 7. Mitra(Artha?āstra, 6.1. Mahābhārata, ?āntiparva, 56.5, ?ukranīti, 1.61-62). ‘Ma??ala‘Theory of Inter-State Relations: 1.Ari, 2. Mitra, 3. Ari-mitra,4.Mitra- mitra, 5.Ari-mitramitra; ‘?ā?gunya’Policy of War and Peace : 1. Sandhi, 2. Vigraha, 3. Yāna, 4. ?sana, 5. Sa??raya 6.Dvaidhibhāva. ‘CaturvidhaUpāya’for Balancing the power of State : 1.Sāma 2.Dāma,3.Da??a.4.Bheda; Three Types of State Power ’?akti’: 1.Prabhu ?akti,2.Mantra-?akti, 3. Utsāha-?akti. Important Thinkers on Indian Polity: Manu, Kautilya, Kāmandaka, ?ukrācārya, SomadevaSuri, Mahatma Gandhi. [B] Course Objective : Social institutions and Indian Polity have been highlighted in Dharma-?āstra literature The aim of this course is to make the students acquainted with various aspects of social institutions and Indian polity as propounded in the ancient Sanskrit texts such as Sa?hitās, Mahābhārata, Purā?a, Kau?ilya's Artha?āstra and other works known as Nīti?āstra. [C] Unit-Wise lesson Plan Division (15 weeks): To be prepared[D] Suggested Readings: Note: Teachers are also freed to recommend any relevant books/articles/e-resource if -8 (Semester -IV)Course Title: Indian Epigraphy, Paleography and ChronologyCredit: 6 (5+1) Equivalent to 60 Marks (50 + 10)[A] Prescribed Course: Section ‘A’ To be answered (MCQ – 3 X 1 = 3, Very Short Answer – 1 X 2 = 2, Other – 1 X 5 = 5)Epigraphy:Introduction to Epigraphy and Types of Inscriptions. Importance of Indian Inscriptions in the reconstruction of Ancient Indian History and Culture. History of Epigraphical Studies in India. History of Decipherment of Ancient Indian Scripts (Contribution of Scholars in the field of epigraphy): Fleet, Cunninghum, Princep, Buhler, Ojha, D.C.Sircar. Section ‘B’To be answered (MCQ – 3 X 1 = 3, Very Short Answer – 1 X 2 = 2, Other – 1 X 5 = 5)Paleography:Antiquity of the Art of Writing. Writing Materials, Inscribers and Library. Introduction to Ancient Indian Scripts. 06 Section ‘C’ To be answered (MCQ – 6 X 1 = 6, Very Short Answer – 2 X 2 = 4, Other – 2 X 5 = 10)Study of selected inscriptions:A?oka's Giranāra Rock Edict-1. A?oka's Sāranātha Pillar. Girnāra Inscription of Rudradāman. Eran Pillar Inscription of Samudragupta. Mehrauli Iron Pillar Inscription. Delhi Topra Edict of Bīsaladeva.Section ‘D’ To be answered (MCQ – 3 X 1 = 3, Very Short Answer – 1 X 2 = 2, Other – 1 X 5 = 5)Chronology: General Introduction to Ancient Indian Chronology. System of Dating the Inscriptions (Chronograms). Main Eras used in Inscriptions - Vikrama Era, ?aka Era and Gupta Era.[B] Course Objective : This course aims to acquaint the students with the epigraphical journey in Sanskrit, the only source which directly reflects the society, politics, geography and economy of the time. The course also seeks to help students to know the different styles of Sanskrit writing.[C] Unit-Wise lesson Plan Division (15 weeks): To be prepared[D] Suggested Readings: Note: Teachers are also freed to recommend any relevant books/articles/e-resource if -9 (Semester -IV)Course Title: Modern Sanskrit LiteratureCredit: 6 (5+1) Equivalent to 60 Marks (50 + 10)[A] Prescribed Course: Section ‘A’ To be answered (MCQ – 3 X 1 = 3, Very Short Answer – 1 X 2 = 2, Other – 1 X 5 = 5)Mahākāvya and Caritakāvya:SvātantryaSambhavam (RevaprasadaDwivedi) Canto 2, verses 1-45 Bhimāyanam (Prabha Shankar Joshi) Canto X. verses 20-29; Canto - XI. Verses 13-20 & 40-46.Section ‘B’ To be answered (MCQ – 6 X 1 = 6, Very Short Answer – 2 X 2 = 4, Other – 2 X 5 = 10)GadyaKāvya and Rūpaka:?ataparvikā (Abhirāja Rajendra Mishra), ?ārdūla?akatam (Virendra Kumar Bhattacharya)Section ‘C’To be answered (MCQ – 3 X 1 = 3, Very Short Answer – 1 X 2 = 2, Other – 1 X 5 = 5)GītiKāvya and Other genres Bhatta Mathurna Nath Shastri (Kundaliyān, BacchuLal Avasthi Jňāana (Kaete, Kva Yataste), SrinivasaRath (Katamā Kavitā) etc. Hariram Acharya (Sankalpa Gitih) ; Pushpa Dikshit (Bruhi kosminYuge.) RadhaVallabhTripathi DhivaraGitih (Naukamihasaramsaram…). Harshdev Madhava Haiku- Snanagrihe, vedanā, mrityuh1, mrtyuh 2; khanih; shatāvadhāni R. Ganesh (kavi-vi?ādah, var?āvibhūtih ) Section ‘D’ To be answered (MCQ – 3 X 1 = 3, Very Short Answer – 1 X 2 = 2, Other – 1 X 5 = 5)General Survey of Modern Sanskrit LiteraturePandita Kshama Rao, P.K. Narayana Pillai, S. B. Varnekar, ParmanandShastri, Reva Prasad Dwivedi, Janaki VallabhShastri, Ram Karan Sharma, Jagannath Pathak, S. Sunderrajan, Shankar Dev Avatare, Haridas SiddhantaVagish, Mula Shankar M. Yajnika, Mahalinga Shastri, Leela Rao Dayal, YatindraVimal Chowdhury, Virendra Kumar Bhattacharya. [B] Course Objective : The purpose of this course is to expose students to the rich & profound tradition of modern creative writing in Sanskrit, enriched by new genres of writing. [C] Unit-Wise lesson Plan Division (15 weeks): To be prepared[D] Suggested Readings: Note: Teachers are also freed to recommend any relevant books/articles/e-resource if -10 (Semester -IV)Course Title: Sanskrit and World LiteratureCredit: 6 (5+1) Equivalent to 60 Marks (50 + 10)To be answered from each section (MCQ – 3 X 1 = 3, Very Short Answer – 1 X 2 = 2, Other – 1 X 5 = 5)[A] Prescribed Course: Section ‘A’ Survey of Sanskrit Literature in the World & Sanskrit Studies across the World:Presence of Sanskrit words in the World languages. General survey of the Classical Sanskrit Literature in the Eastern and Western literature. Sanskrit Study Centers in Asia. Sanskrit Study Centers in Europe. Sanskrit Study Centers in AmericaSection ‘B’ Upani?ads and Gītā in World Literature:Dara Shikoh's Persian Translation of Upanisads and their Influence on Sufism, Latin translation and its influence on Western thought. Translation of the Gītā in European languages and religio–philosophical thought of the west. Section ‘C’ Sanskrit Fables in World Literature:Translation of Paňcatantra in Eastern and Western Languages. Translation of Vetālapaňcavi??atikā, Si?hāsanadvātri??ikā and ?ukasaptati in Eastern Languages and Art.Section ‘D’ Rāmāya?a and Mahābhārata in South East Asian Countries:Rāma Kathā in south eastern countries. Mahābhārata stories as depicted in folk cultures of SE AsiaSection ‘E’ Kālidāsa’s Literature in World Literature:English and German translation of Kālidāsa 's writings and their influence on western literature and theatre. [B] Course Objective : This course is aimed to provide information to students about the spread & influence of Sanskrit literature and culture through the ages in various parts of the world in medieval & modern times.[ [C] Unit-Wise lesson Plan Division (15 weeks): To be prepared[D] Suggested Readings: Note: Teachers are also Freed to recommend any relevant books/articles/e-resource if -11 (Semester -V)Course Title: Vedic LiteratureCredit: 6 (5+1) Equivalent to 60 Marks (50 + 10)[A] Prescribed Course: Section ‘A’ To be answered (MCQ – 6 X 1 = 6, Very Short Answer – 2 X 2 = 4, Other – 2 X 5 = 10)Sa?hitā and Brāhma?a?gveda- Indra- 2.12 (Mantra 1-15), U?as- 3.61, Ak?a Sūkta 10.34, Hira?yagarbha- 10.121. ?uklaYajurveda- Rudrādhyāya- 16 (1-16).Atharvaveda- Sā?manasyam- 3.30 & Varu?a Sūkta- 4.4.1 (1-9)Section ‘B’ To be answered (MCQ – 6 X 1 = 6, Very Short Answer – 2 X 2 = 4, Other – 2 X 5 = 10)Vedic GrammarDeclensions (?abdarūpa), Subjunctive Mood (le?), Gerunds (ktvārthaka, Tumarthaka), Vedic Accent and Padapā?ha.Section ‘C’ To be answered (MCQ – 3 X 1 = 3, Very Short Answer – 1 X 2 = 2, Other – 1 X 5 = 5)Mu??akopani?ad Mu??akopani?ad - 1.1 to 2.1 Mu??akopani?ad – 2.2 to 3.2[B] Course Objective : This course on Vedic literature aims to introduce various types of vedic texts. Students will also be able to read one Upani?ad, namely, Mu??aka, where primary Vedānta-view is propounded. [C] Unit-Wise lesson Plan Division (15 weeks): To be prepared[D] Suggested Readings: Note: Teachers are also freed to recommend any relevant books/articles/e-resource if -12 (Semester -V)Course Title: Sanskrit GrammarCredit: 6 (5+1) Equivalent to 60 Marks (50 + 10)To be answered from each section (MCQ – 3 X 1 = 3, Very Short Answer – 1 X 2 = 2, Other – 1 X 5 = 5)[A] Prescribed Course: Section ‘A’ SiddhāntakaumudīKārakaprakara?a (Prathamā to Caturthī Vibhakti)Section ‘B’ SiddhāntakaumudīKārakaprakara?a (Pa?camī to Saptami Vibhakti)Section ‘C’ Laghusiddhāntakaumudī Samāsaprakara?a (Kevala Samāsa prakara?a to Avyayībhāva Samāsaprakara?a)Section ‘D’ LaghusiddhāntakaumudīSamāsaprakara?a (Tatpuru?a Samāsaprakara?a)Section ‘E’ LaghusiddhāntakaumudīSamāsaprakara?a (Dvandva Samāsaprakara?a, Bahuvrīhi Samāsaprakara?a & Samāsānta) [B] Course Objective : This course aims to develop the grammatical skills to construct Sanskrit sentences and to be acquainted with the structure of compound words with power to express an idea precisely.[C] Unit-Wise lesson Plan Division (15 weeks): To be prepared[D] Suggested Readings: Note: Teachers are also Freed to recommend any relevant books/articles/e-resource if -13 (Semester -VI)Course Title: Ontology and Epistemology (Dar?ana)Credit: 6 (5+1) Equivalent to 60 Marks (50 + 10)[A] Prescribed Course: Section ‘A’ To be answered (MCQ – 5 X 1 = 5, Very Short Answer – 2 X 2 = 4, Other – 1 X 5 = 5)Essentials of Indian PhilosophyMeaning and purpose of dar?ana, general classification of philosophical schools in classical Indian philosophy. Realism (yathārthavāda or vastuvāda) and Idealism (pratyayavāda), Monism (ekattvavāda), Dualism (dvaitavavāda) & Pluralism (bahuttvavāda) ; dharma (property)-dharmi (substratum) Causation (kāryakāra?avāda) : naturalism (svabhāvavāda), doctrine of pre-existence of effect (satkāryavāda), doctrine of real transformation (pari?āmavāda), doctrine of illusory transformation (vivartavāda), doctrine of nonprexistence of effect in cause (asatkāryavāda and ārambhavāda)Section ‘B’ To be answered (MCQ – 6 X 1 = 6, Very Short Answer – 2 X 2 = 4, Other – 2 X 5 = 10)Based on Tarkasa?graha (Ontology)Concept of padārtha, three dharmas of padārthas, definition of DravyaSāmānya, Vi?e?a, Samavāya, Abhāva. Definitions of first seven dravyas and their examination; ?tma and its qualities, manas. Qualities (other than the qualities of the ātman) Five types of Karma. Section ‘C’ To be answered (MCQ – 4 X 1 = 4, Very Short Answer – 1 X 2 = 2, Other – 2 X 5 = 10)Based on Tarkasa?graha (Epistemology)Buddhi (j?āna) – nature of j?āna. Nyāya vai?e?ika - smriti-anubhava; yathārtha and ayathārtha , Kara?a and kāra?a, definitions and types of pramā, kartā-kārana-vyāpāra-phala, model, Pratyak?a, Anumāna including hetvābhāsa, Upamāna and ?abda pramā?a, types of ayathārtha anubhava[B] Course Objective : This course aims to get the students acquainted with the cardinal principles of the Nyāya-Vai?e?ika philosophy through the Tarkasa?graha and to enable students to handle philosophical texts in Sanskrit. It also intends to give them an understanding of essential aspects of Indian Philosophy. [C] Unit-Wise lesson Plan Division (15 weeks): To be prepared[D] Suggested Readings: Note: Teachers are also freed to recommend any relevant books/articles/e-resource if -14 (Semester -VI)Course Title: Poetics and Literary CriticismCredit: 6 (5+1) Equivalent to 60 Marks (50 + 10)To be answered from each section (MCQ – 3 X 1 = 3, Very Short Answer – 1 X 2 = 2, Other – 1 X 5 = 5)[A] Prescribed Course: Section ‘A’ Introduction to Sanskrit poeticsOrigin and development of Sanskrit poetics, its various names- kriyākalpa, ala?kāra?āstra, sāhitya?āstra, saundrya?āstra. Kāvyāla?kāra-Sūtrav?tti: - Definition (lak?a?a), objectives (prayojana) and causes (hetu) of poetry.Section ‘B’ Forms of Kāvya-LiteratureKāvyādar?a: - Forms of poetry - d??ya, ?ravya, mi?ra, (campū) Mahākāvya, kha??akāvya, gadya-kāvya: kathā, ākhyāyikā Section ‘C’ Sāhityadarpa?a: - Avasthā, Arthaprak?ti, Sandhi, Arthopak?epaka, Patākāsthāna & V?tti.Section ‘D’ Ala?kāra (figures of speech) and chandas (metre)Figures of speech (according to Sāhityadarpa?a):- anuprāsa, yamaka, ?le?a, upamā, rūpaka, sandeha, bhrāntimān, apahnuti, utprek?ā, ati?ayokti, tulyayogitā, dīpaka, d???ānta, nidar?anā, vyatireka, samāsokti, svabhāvokti, aprastutapra?a?sā, arthāntaranyāsa, kāvyali?ga, vibhāvanā. Metres (Chandoma?jarī):- anu??up, āryā, indravajrā, upendravajrā, drutavilambita, upajāti, vasantatilakā, mālinī, mandākrāntā, ?ikhari?ī, ?ārdūlavikrī?ita, sragdharā. Section ‘E’ Various Poetic SchoolsRasa, Ala?kāra, Dhvani, Vakrokti, Gu?a, Rīti & Aucitya.[B] Course Objective : The study of sāhitya?āstra (Sanskrit Poetics) embraces all poetic arts and includes concepts like ala?kāra, rasa, rīti, vakrokti, dhvani, aucitya etc. The entire domain of Sanskrit poetics has flourished with the topics such as definition of poetry and divisions, functions of word and meaning, theory of rasa and ala?kāra (figures of speech) and chandas (metre), etc. This develops capacity for creative writing and literary appreciation. [C] Unit-Wise lesson Plan Division (15 weeks): To be prepared[D] Suggested Readings: Note: Teachers are also freed to recommend any relevant books/articles/e-resource if needed.DSC-1 (Semester -I)Course Title: Self Management in the ?rīmadbhagavadgītāCredit: 6 (5+1) Equivalent to 60 Marks (50 + 10)[A] Prescribed Course: Section ‘A’To be answered (MCQ – 6 X 1 = 6, Very Short Answer – 1 X 2 = 2, Other – 1 X 5 = 5)Cognitive and emotive apparatus: Hierarchy of indriya, manas, buddhi and ātman III.42; XV. 7, Role of the ātman –XV.7; XV.9, Mind as a product of prak?ti VII.4. Properties of three gu?as and their impact on the mind – XIII. 5-6; XIV.5-8 & 11-13; XIV.17. Section ‘B’ To be answered (MCQ – 6 X 1 = 6, Very Short Answer – 2 X 2 = 4, Other – 2 X 5 = 10)Controlling the mind:Confusion and conflict, Nature of conflict I.1; IV.16; I.45; II.6, Causal factors – Ignorance – II.41; Indriya – II.60, Mind – II.67; Rajogu?a – III.36-39; XVI.21; Weakness of mind- II.3; IV.5. Detail of the Core Course for Sanskrit Meditation–difficulties –VI.34-35; procedure VI.11-14 Balanced life- III.8; VI.16-17, Diet control- XVII. 8-10, Physical and mental discipline – XVII. 14-19, VI. 36. Means of conflict resolution to the importance of knowledge – II. 52 ; IV.38-39; IV.42 Clarity of buddhi – XVIII.30-32. Process of decision making – XVIII.63. Control over senses – II.59, 64. Surrender of kart?bhāva –XVIII .13-16; V.8-9. Desirelessness- II.48; II.55. Putting others before self – III.25Section ‘C’ To be answered (MCQ – 3 X 1 = 3, Very Short Answer – 2 X 2 = 4, Other – 2 X 5 = 10)Self management through devotion:Surrender of ego – II.7 ; IX.27; VIII.7; XI.55 ; II.47 16 Credits Abandoning frivolous debates – VII.21, IV.11; IX.26 Acquisition of moral qualities - XII.11; XII.13-19 [B] Course Objective : The objective of this course is to study the philosophy of self-management in the Gītā. The course seeks to help students negotiate the text independently without referring to the traditional commentaries so as to enable them to experience the richness of the text. [C] Unit-Wise lesson Plan Division (15 weeks): To be prepared[D] Suggested Readings: Note: Teachers are also freed to recommend any relevant books/articles/e-resource if needed. DSC – 2 (Semester -II)Course Title: Sanskrit Composition and CommunicationCredit: 6 (5+1) Equivalent to 60 Marks (50 + 10)[A] Prescribed Course: Section ‘A’ To be answered (MCQ – 15 X 1 = 15, Very Short Answer – 2 X 2 = 4, Other – 1 X 5 = 5)Vibhaktyartha, Voice and K?tVibhaktyartha Prakara?a of Laghusiddhāntakaumudī, Voice (kart?, karma and bhāva) Selections from K?t Prakara?a- from Laghusiddhāntakaumudī Major Sūtras for the formation of k?danta words (tavyat, tavya, anīyar, yat, ?yat, ?vul, tric, a?, kta, katavatu, ?at?i, ?ānac, tumun, ktvā-lyap, lyu? ,gha?, ktin)Section ‘B’ To be answered (Short sentence translation from English or Bengali to Sanskrit 3 X 2 = 6, From Sanskrit to English or Bengali 1X5 = 5, From English or Bengali to Sanskrit 1X5 = 5)Translation and CommunicationTranslation from Bengali/English to Sanskrit on the basis of cases, Compounds and k?t suffixes. Translation from Sanskrit to Bengali, Communicative Sanskrit.Section ‘C’To be answered (Essay – 2X 5 = 10)Essay on (traditional subjects) e.g. veda, upni?ad, Sanskrit Language, Sanskriti, Rāmāya?a, Mahābhārata, purā?a, gītā, principal Sanskrit poets, contemporary matters. Essays may be based on issues and topic related to modern subjects like entertainment, sports, national and international affairs and social problems. [B] Course Objective : This course aims to enhance the capacity of students to express their ideas in Sanskrit.[C] Unit-Wise lesson Plan Division (15 weeks): To be prepared[D] Suggested Readings: Note: Teachers are also freed to recommend any relevant books/articles/e-resource if needed.DSC – 3 (Semester -III)Course Title: Vedic LiteratureCredit: 6 (5+1) Equivalent to 60 Marks (50 + 10)[A] Prescribed Course: Section ‘A’ To be answered (MCQ – 6 X 1 = 6, Very Short Answer – 2 X 2 = 4, Other – 2 X 5 = 10)Sa?hitā and Brāhma?a?gveda- Indra- 2.12 (Mantra 1-15), U?as- 3.61, Ak?a Sūkta 10.34, Hira?yagarbha- 10.121. ?uklaYajurveda- Rudrādhyāya- 16 (1-16).Atharvaveda- Sā?manasyam- 3.30 & Varu?a Sūkta- 4.4.1 (1-9)Section ‘B’ To be answered (MCQ – 6 X 1 = 6, Very Short Answer – 2 X 2 = 4, Other – 2 X 5 = 10)Vedic GrammarDeclensions (?abdarūpa), Subjunctive Mood (le?), Gerunds (ktvārthaka, Tumarthaka), Vedic Accent and Padapā?ha.Section ‘C’ To be answered (MCQ – 3 X 1 = 3, Very Short Answer – 1 X 2 = 2, Other – 1 X 5 = 5)Mu??akopani?ad Mu??akopani?ad - 1.1 to 2.1 Mu??akopani?ad – 2.2 to 3.2[B] Course Objective : This course on Vedic literature aims to introduce various types of vedic texts. Students will also be able to read one Upani?ad, namely, Mu??aka, where primary Vedānta-view is propounded. [C] Unit-Wise lesson Plan Division (15 weeks): To be prepared[D] Suggested Readings: Note: Teachers are also freed to recommend any relevant books/articles/e-resource if needed.DSC – 4 (Semester -IV)Course Title: Classical Sanskrit Literature (Poetry)Credit: 6 (5+1) Equivalent to 60 Marks (50 + 10)To be answered from each section (MCQ – 3 X 1 = 3, Very Short Answer – 1 X 2 = 2, Other – 1 X 5 = 5)[A] Prescribed Course: Section ‘A’ Raghuva??a: Canto-I (Verse: 1-25) Section ‘B’ Kumārasambhava: Canto-V (Verse: 1-30) Section ‘C’ Kirātārjunīya: Canto I (1-25 Verses) Section ‘D’ Nīti?ataka: (1-20 Verses, 1st two Paddhatis)Section ‘E’ Origin and Development of Mahākāvya and Kha??akāvya [B] Course Objective : This course aims to get students acquainted with Classical Sanskrit Poetry. It intends to give an understanding of literature, through which students will be able to appreciate the development of Sanskrit Literature. The course also seeks to help students to negotiate texts independently. [C] Unit-Wise lesson Plan Division (15 weeks): To be prepared[D] Suggested Readings: Note: Teachers are also freed to recommend any relevant books/articles/e-resource if needed.GE – 1 (Semester – I, & Semester - V)Course Title: Basic SanskritCredit: 6 (5+1) Equivalent to 60 Marks (50 + 10)[A] Prescribed Course: Section ‘A’ To be answered (MCQ – 6 X 1 = 6, Very Short Answer – 2 X 2 = 4, Other – 2 X 5 = 10)Grammar and composition Part INominative forms of pronouns- asmad, yu?mad, etat and tat in masculine, feminine and neuter. Nominative forms of ‘a’ ending masculine and neuter gender nouns with pa?h, khād, likh and similar simple verbs in present, past and future. Objective forms of the above nouns and pronouns in singular with more simple verbs Instrumental, dative, ablative forms of the above nouns and pronouns in singular, dual and plural instrumental, dative, ablative forms of all the words in this syllabus. ‘ā’ and ' ī' ending feminine words in nominative and accusative cases with lo? lakāra (imperative). ‘ā’ and ' ī' ending feminine nouns in singular in Genitive/ possessive and locative cases, genitive and locative cases in singular in pronouns tat, etat, yat, kim Masculine and Feminine nouns ending in ‘i’ and masculine nouns ending in ‘u’ in various cases in singular Masculine nouns ending in consonants – bhavat, gu?in, ātman and Feminine nouns ending in consonants – vāk, Neuter nouns ending in consonants – jagat , manasSection ‘B’ To be answered (MCQ – 6 X 1 = 6, Very Short Answer – 2 X 2 = 4, Other – 2 X 5 = 10)Grammar and composition Part IISpecial Verb forms – in parasmaipada –past, present, future and imperative - k?, ?rū 05 Special Verb forms – in parasmaipada –past, present, future and imperative j?ā . Special Verb forms – in parasmaipada –past, present, future and imperative dā. ātmanepada – sev, labh Phonetic changes – visarga sandhi vowel sandhis. Participles - ?at?, ?ānac, ktavatu, kta. Pratyayas – ktvā, lyap, tumun. Active – passive structures in lakāras – (third person forms only) and pratyayas kta, ktavatuSection ‘C’ To be answered (MCQ – 3 X 1 = 3, Very Short Answer – 1 X 2 = 2, Other – 1 X 5 = 5)LiteratureGita Chapter XII [B] Course Objective : This is an elementary course in Sanskrit language designed for students who wish to learn Sanskrit from the very beginning. Essential Sanskrit grammar will be introduced (without reference to Panini’s sutras) through the multiple example method with emphasis on students constructing themselves sentences. [C] Unit-Wise lesson Plan Division (15 weeks): To be prepared[D] Suggested Readings: Teachers are freed to recommend any relevant books/articles/e-resource if needed.GE – 2 (Semester – II & Semester - VI)Basic Principles of Indian Medicine System (Ayurveda) Credit: 6 (5+1) Equivalent to 60 Marks (50 + 10)[A] Prescribed Course: Section ‘A’ To be answered (MCQ – 6 X 1 = 6, Very Short Answer – 2 X 2 = 4, Other – 2 X 5 = 10)Introduction to Indian Medicine System: ?yurvedaDefinition of ?yurveda, ?yuh (Life), ?arīra (Body), Health, Aim of ?yurveda, Subject Matter of ?yurveda, Salient Features of ?yurveda, Concept of Health according to ?yurveda, Unique features of ?yurveda. History of ?yurveda, Atharvaveda as an early source for medicinal speculations, Introduction to Major Texts (Su?rut Sa?hitā and Caraka Sa?hitā) and Authors (Su?ruta and Caraka) and A??ā?ga H?dayam, A??ā?ga Sa?graha of Vāgbha?a. Eight Components of ?yurveda(a??ā?ga?yurveda): 1. Kāycikitsā (General Medicine) 2. Kaumārabh?tya(Pediatrics) 3. ?alyaTantra (Surgery) 4. ?ālākya-Tantra (Ent. and Ophthalmology) 5. Bhūta Vidyā (Psychiatry Medicine). 6. Vi?a Vij?āna (Toxicology). 7. Rasāyana (Rejuvenates). 8. Vajīkara?a (Aphrodisiac).Section ‘B’ To be answered (MCQ – 6 X 1 = 6, Very Short Answer – 2 X 2 = 4, Other – 2 X 5 = 10)Basic Principles of ?yurveda & Dietetics, Nutrition and Treatments in ?yurveda1. The Trigu?as: Sattva,Rajas and Tamas. 2. The Pa?camahābhūtas: ?kā?a (Space), Vāyu (Air),Teja or Agni(Fire),Jala(Water) and P?thvī (Earth). 3. The Trido?as: Vāta,Pitta and Kapha. 4. The Saptadhātus: Rasa (fluid), Rakta(blood), Mā?sa, Meda (fat),Asthi, Majjā and ?ukra. 5. The Trayodosāgni: Jatharāgni (gastric fire), Saptadhātvāgni and Pa?cabhūtāgni. 6. The Trimalas:Purī?ā (faeces),Mūtra (urine) and Sveda (sweat). ?yurvedic understanding of lifestyle and concepts of preventive medicine. Seasonal regimen & social conduct and its effect on health, Concepts of Prak?ti, Agni, and Kosta. SvasthaV?tta (Preventive Medicine) : Understanding Health and Disease in Diagnosis of illness: eight ways to diagnose illness, called Nā?ī (pulse), Mūtra (urine), Mala (stool), Jihvā (tongue), ?abda (speech), Spar?a (touch), D?k (vision), and ?k?ti (appearance). ?yurvedic understanding of nutrition and metabolism, Classification of ?hāra according to and Viruddhāhāra (incompatible diet) & role of diet. Commonly used substances and their therapeutic properties and Pharmacology: Intro to basic principles of ?yurvedic pharmacology, Art and science of ?yurvedic Pharmacy and Understanding ?yurvedic Herbs and common formulations Pa?cakarma and Other ?yurvedic Specialty Treatments: Method and classification of treatments in ?yurveda, Pretreatment, Therapeutic vomiting (Vamana), Purgation Therapy, Enema (Basti), Nasal Administration – Nāsya, Blood Letting (RaktaMok?a), Introduction and importance of Pa?cakarma/Detoxification, Science and art of rejuvenation (Rasāyana and Vājikara?a). ?yurvedic prenatal and postpartum care for healthy mothers and babies, Sa?skāra, care of infants and children. Section ‘C’ To be answered (MCQ – 3 X 1 = 3, Very Short Answer – 1 X 2 = 2, Other – 1 X 5 = 5)Important Medicinal Plants and their based on ?yurveda19 Medicinal Plants in Su?ruta Sa?hitā: Tulsī, Haridrā, Sarpagandhā, Gh?ta Kumārī, Guggulu, Brāhmī, ?malā, A?wagandhā, Arjun Tree, Turmeric, Ceylon Hydrolea, Neema Plant, Lady Ferns, Blackberries, Pot Marigold, Camomile, Peppermint, Fenugreek and Aloe Vera. [B] Course Objective : ?yurveda is a traditional Indian system of healthcare that has been traced back to as early as 5,000 BCE. This course will introduce students to the theory of ?yurveda. The major objective is to understand the basic principles and concepts of preventive medicine and health care, diet and nutrition, usage of commonly used spices and herbs and an outline of ?yurvedic therapeutic procedures in ?yurveda. [C] Unit-Wise lesson Plan Division (15 weeks): To be prepared[D] Suggested Readings: Teachers are freed to recommend any relevant books/articles/e-resource if needed.GE – 3 (Semester -III)Course Title: Indian AestheticsCredit: 6 (5+1) Equivalent to 60 Marks (50 + 10)[A] Prescribed Course: Section ‘A’ To be answered (MCQ – 3 X 1 = 3, Very Short Answer – 1 X 2 = 2, Other – 1 X 5 = 5)Aesthetics( Saundarya?āstra), its nature and components:Beauty(Saundarya): its definition, nature and components : vaya,rūpa, vacana, hāva Discussion of synonyms of the term Beauty(Saundarya) : rama?īyatā, ?ucitā, lāva?ya, cārutā, kānti, vicchitti, madhuratā, mugdhatā, manohāritā, ?rī. Section ‘B’ To be answered (MCQ – 6 X 1 = 6, Very Short Answer – 2 X 2 = 4, Other – 2 X 5 = 10)Aesthetic experience (Rasa) and its process:Nature of rasa (Aesthetic experience) according to Sāhityadarpa?a, aesthetic enjoyment – eternal bliss, the ultimate reality (ānandamayatā, alaukikatā). Constituents of rasa: bhāva (human feelings and emotions) vibhāva (causes or determinants), anubhāva (voluntary gestures), sāttvika bhāva (Involuntary gestures), vyabhicāri bhāva(transitory states) and sthāyibhāva(basic mental states), sah?daya / sāmājika (Connoisseur / Spectator). anukārya, anukartā. sādhāra?īkara?a (Generalization), four mental stages of rasa realization: vikāsa (cheerfulness), vistāra(exaltation), k?obha (agitation), vik?epa (perturbation). number of rasas according to Bharat.Section ‘C’ To be answered (MCQ – 6 X 1 = 6, Very Short Answer – 2 X 2 = 4, Other – 2 X 5 = 10)Aesthetic elements (saundarya - tattva) & Prominent thinkers on Aesthetics:Art as the mode of expression of saundarya –in fine arts (Architecture, Sculpture and Painting Main aesthetic elements of literary arts (Poetry and Drama) : ala?kāra, rīti, dhvani,vakrokti & aucitya. Bharata, Bhāmaha, Vāmana, Dan?ī, ?nandavardhana Abhinavagupta, Kuntaka, Mahimabha??a, K?emendra, Vishvanātha and Jagannātha. Perception of beauty in Drama from cultural, social and aesthetical point of view in the context of Abhij?āna?ākuntalam. [B] Course Objective : Indian aesthetics is a potent field for literary criticism. It has developed as an independent discipline today, which deals with the historically determined essence of human values, their creation, perception, appreciation and assimilation. It is the science and philosophy of essential analysis of all the fine arts. Indian perception accepts poetry, drama, music, architecture, iconography and painting as independent Arts. The main objective of this paper is to give its brief overview with reference to major trends of Indian Aesthetics. [C] Unit-Wise lesson Plan Division (15 weeks): To be prepared[D] Suggested Readings: Teachers are freed to recommend any relevant books/articles/e-resource if needed.GE – 4 (Semester -IV)Course Title: Ancient Indian PolityCredit: 6 (5+1) Equivalent to 60 Marks (50 + 10)[A] Prescribed Course: Section ‘A’ (MCQ – 3 X 1 = 3, Very Short Answer – 1 X 2 = 2, Other – 1 X 5 = 5)Name, Scope and Origin of Ancient Indian Polity:Name of Ancient Indian Polity: Dan?anīti, Dharma?āstra,Nīti?āstra; Scope of Indian Polity: Relation with Dharma, Artha and Nīti; Sources :Vedic Literature, Purā?as, Rāmāya?a, Mahābhārata, Dharma?āstra, Kautilya’s Artha?āstra and Nīti –?āstra.Origin of the State’Dan?aniti’ : Origin of State’Da??anīti’: MātsyanyāyaTheory - (Artha?āstra1.1.3, Mahābhārata, ?ānti parva, 67.17-28, Manusmrti,7.20) ? Divinity of the King’Rājā’ – (Artha?āstra,1.9, Mahābhārata, ?ānti parva,67.43-48, ,Manusm?ti,7.4-7)Section ‘B’ To be answered (MCQ – 6 X 1 = 6, Very Short Answer – 2 X 2 = 4, Other – 2 X 5 = 10)Types and Nature of the State & Kingship, Council of Ministers and Assemblies:Types of the State : Rājya, Svrājya, Bhojya,Vairājya, Mahārājya, Sāmrājya concept in Aitreya Brāhma?a (8.3.13-14 and 8.4.15-16). Republics in Buddhist Literature (Dighnikāya, Mahāparinibbā?aSūtta, Anguttaranikāya, 1.213;4.252,256) Nature of the State : With special reference to Saptānga-Theory : 1. Svāmī, 2. Amātya, 3. Janapada, 4. Pura, 5. Ko?a, 6. Da??a and 7. Mitra (Artha?āstra,6.1; Manusm?ti, 9.294) Kingship and Council of Ministers: Kingship :Royal Succession, Coronation Ceremony, King as a Public Servent (Sukranīti,4.2.130,137), King as a Trustee(Artha?āstra,10.3), King as Upholder of the Moral Order(Mahābhārata, ?ānti parva,120.1-35; Manusm?ti, 7.1-35); Council of Ministers :Ratni Council in Vedic age ?atapathabrāhma?a,; Council of Ministers in Kau?ilya’s Artha?āstra (1.4,1.5,1.11) and ?ukranīti,(2.7072) Central Assemblies and Local Administration: ? Central Assembly in Vedic Literature: ‘Sabhā’,’Samiti’ in Atharvaveda (7.12.1;12.1.6) and ‘Vidatha’ in ?gveda (10.85.26 ): Town Assembly:’ Paura- Janpada‘ in Rāmāya?a and Mahābhārata; Village Council: Sabhā, Pa?cakula, Pa?cāyataSection ‘C’ To be answered (MCQ – 6 X 1 = 6, Very Short Answer – 2 X 2 = 4, Other – 2 X 5 = 10)Law and Justice,Taxation and InterStateRelations:Nature and Sources of Law’Dharma’: Four types of Source of Law ’Dharma’ 1.’Dharma’,2. Vyavahāra’, 3.’Caritra’ and 4. ‘Rāja?āsana’; Four types of Enforcement of Law: 1. Rules of Castes ’Jatidharma’, 2. Local Customs’ ‘Janapadadharma’, 3. Bye-laws of Guilds ’?re?īdharma’ and 4. Family Traditions ’Kuladharma’ Judicial administration and Courts : King as Head and Fountain Sources of all Justice, Qualities of Chief Justice-‘Pradvivak ‘and members of Jury-‘Sabhāsadah, (Shukraniti, 4.5.69-196) Two types of Royal Courts ‘Dharmasthīya’ and ‘Ka??aka?odhana’ in Artha?āstra (3.1-20) Social and local Courts situated in Villages-‘ Kula',’Puga’,’Dharma?āsana’. Taxation Policy of State : Reasonable and EquitableTaxation Policy '?āstranīta’ permitted by Dharma?āstra (Mahābhārata, ?ānti parva,71.10-25, Manusm?ti, 7.127, 144; Criticism of unlawful taxation policy in Mahābhārata, ?ānti parva (87.19-18-22,88.4-7) TwoTypes of Tax Sources in Artha?āstra -1.’Ayasarira’ and 2’Aya-mukha’(Altekar, A.S , State and Government in Ancient India, pp.262 267; Sahay, Shiva Swarup, , Prachin Bharaa ka Samajika evam Arthika Itihas,pp.456-458) Inter-State Relations of State: ? Brief survey of ‘Man?ala’ Theory of InterState Relations; Principles and means of Diplomacy : 1.Sāma 2.Dāma,3 Dan?a.4.Bheda; Diplomacy of War and Peace – ‘?ā?gu?ya theory:1.Sandhi, 2.Vigraha, 3.Yāna, 4.?sana, 5.San?raya and,6.Dvaidhībhāva (Altekar, A.S , State and Government in Ancient India, pp.291- 308; Satyaketu Vidyalankar, Prachin Bharatiya Shasana Vyavastha aur Rajashastra, pp.363376) [B] Course Objective : The aim of this course is to make the students acquainted with various aspects of Political institutions and Indian polity as propounded in the ancient Sanskrit texts from vedic samhitās to later texts in the dharma ?āstra and artha ?āstra traditions. [C] Unit-Wise lesson Plan Division (15 weeks): To be prepared[D] Suggested Readings: Teachers are freed to recommend any relevant books/articles/e-resource if needed.DSE-1 (Semester -V)Course Title: Art of Balanced LivingCredit: 6 (5+1) Equivalent to 60 Marks (50 + 10)[A] Prescribed Course: Section ‘A’ To be answered (MCQ – 3 X 1 = 3, Very Short Answer – 1 X 2 = 2, Other – 1 X 5 = 5)Self-presentation:Method of Self-presentation : Hearing (?rava?a), Reflection (manana) & meditation (nididhyāsana) – (B?hadāra?yakopani?ad, 2.4.5)Section ‘B’ To be answered (MCQ – 6 X 1 = 6, Very Short Answer – 2 X 2 = 4, Other – 2 X 5 = 10)Concentration:Concept of Yoga : (Yogasūtra, 1.2) Restriction of fluctuations by practice (abhyāsa) and passionlessness (vairāgya) :(Yogasūtra, 1.1216) Eight aids to Yoga (a??ā?gayoga) : (Yogasūtra, 2.29, 30,32, 46, 49, 50; 3.1-4). Yoga of action (kriyāyoga) : (Yogasūtra, 2.1) Four distinct means of mental purity (cittaprasādana) leading to oneness : (Yogasūtra, 1.33Section ‘C’ To be answered (MCQ – 6 X 1 = 6, Very Short Answer – 2 X 2 = 4, Other – 2 X 5 = 10)Refinement of Behaviour: Methods of Improving Behavior : j?āna-yoga, dhyāna-yoga, karma-yoga and bhakti-yoga (especially karma-yoga) Karma : A natural impulse, essentials for life journey, co-ordination of the world, an ideal duty and a metaphysical dictate (Gītā, 3.5, 8, 10-16, 20 & 21 )[B] Course Objective : This course aims to get the students acquainted with theories of art of living inherent in Sanskrit literature and apply them to live a better life. It also intends to make students work on human resource management for giving better results. [C] Unit-Wise lesson Plan Division (15 weeks): To be prepared[D] Suggested Readings: Teachers are freed to recommend any relevant books/articles/e-resource if needed.DSE-2 (Semester -V)Course Title: Sanskrit LinguisticsCredit: 6 (5+1) Equivalent to 60 Marks (50 + 10)[A] Prescribed Course: Section ‘A’ To be answered (MCQ – 15 X 1 = 15, Very Short Answer – 5 X 2 = 10, Other – 5 X 5 = 25)????????? :???? ?? ??????, ???????, ???? ?? ?????????, ???? ??????? ?? ??????, ??????????? ?? ????? ???? ?? ???????? ??????? ?? ?????? ?? ????????????, ?????????, ???????????? ??? ??????????? ?? ??????? ????? ??????? ??? ??????? ?????????? ??????? ??? ????????? ??????????? ?? ?????? ?? ??????? ????? [B] Course Objective : This course aims to enhance the linguistics knowledge of the learners.[C] Unit-Wise lesson Plan Division (15 weeks): To be prepared[D] Suggested Readings: Teachers are freed to recommend any relevant books/articles/e-resource if needed.DSE-3 (Semester -VI)Course Title: Fundamentals of ?yurvedaCredit: 6 (5+1) Equivalent to 60 Marks (50 + 10)[A] Prescribed Course: Section ‘A’ To be answered (MCQ – 6 X 1 = 6, Very Short Answer – 2 X 2 = 4, Other – 2 X 5 = 10)Introduction of ?yurveda :Introduction of ?yurveda, History of Indian Medicine in the pre-caraka period, The two schools of ?yurveda: Dhanvantari and Punarvasu. Main ?cāryas of ?yurveda – Caraka, Su?ruta, Vāgbha??a, Mādhava, Sārńgadhara and Bhāvami?raSection ‘B’ To be answered (MCQ – 6 X 1 = 6, Very Short Answer – 2 X 2 = 4, Other – 2 X 5 = 10)Carakasa?hitā – (Sūtra-sthānam):Carakasa?hitā – (Sūtra-sthānam): Division of Time and condition of nature and body in six seasons. Regimen of Fall Winter (Hemanta), Winter (?i?ira) & Spring (Vasanta) seasons. Regimen of Summer (Grī?ma), Rainy (Var?ā) and Autumn (?arada) seasons.Section ‘C’ To be answered (MCQ – 3 X 1 = 3, Very Short Answer – 1 X 2 = 2, Other – 1 X 5 = 5)Taittirīyopani?ad:Taittirīyopanishad—Bh?guvalli, anuvak 1- 3[B] Course Objective : ?yurveda is a traditional Indian system of healthcare that has been traced back as early as 5,000 BCE. Through the classroom lectures and discussions, this course will introduce students to the theory of ?yurveda. The theory modules sessions that make up this course offer an introduction to ?yurveda that is well rounded, comprehensive and useful for students in their own day-to-day living. The major objective is to understand the basic principles and concepts of preventative medicine and health maintenance, diet and nutrition, usage of commonly used spices and herbs and outline of ?yurvedic therapeutic procedures in ?yurveda. [C] Unit-Wise lesson Plan Division (15 weeks): To be prepared[D] Suggested Readings: Teachers are freed to recommend any relevant books/articles/e-resource if needed.DSE-4 (Semester -VI)Course Title: Environmental Awareness in Sanskrit literature Credit: 6 (5+1) Equivalent to 60 Marks (50 + 10)[A] Prescribed Course: Section ‘A’ To be answered (MCQ – 6 X 1 = 6, Very Short Answer – 2 X 2 = 4, Other – 2 X 5 = 10)Environmental Issues and Importance of Sanskrit Literature :Science of Environment : Definition, Scope and Modern Crises : Role of Environment in human civilization; Meaning and definitions of The Environment; Various name for Science of Environment: ‘Ecology’, ‘Paryavarana’, Prakriti Vijnana’; Main components of Environment: living organisms( Jaiva Jagat) and non-living materials (Bhoutika Padarth). Elementary factor of Environment Physical elements, Biological elements and Cultural elements. Modern Challenges and Crises of Environment : Global warming, Climate change, Ozone depletion, Explosively increase in Pollution, Decrease in underground water label, River pollution, Deforestation in large scale. Natural calamities such as flood , draft and earthquakes Environmental Background of Sanskrit Literature : Importance of Sanskrit Literature from the view point of Science of environment ; Concept of ‘ Mother Earth’ and worship of Rivers in Vedic literature; Brief survey of 06 environmental issues such as protection and preservation of mother nature, planting trees in forests, and water preservation techniques as propounded in the Sanskrit Literature. Buddhist and Jain concepts of ecology, protection of trees, love for animals and birds; Section ‘B’ To be answered (MCQ – 6 X 1 = 6, Very Short Answer – 2 X 2 = 4, Other – 2 X 5 = 10)Environment Awareness in Vedic Literature :Environmental Issues and Eco-system in Vedic Literature Divinity to Nature, Co-ordination between all natural powers of universe; Cosmic order ‘Rta’ as the guiding force for environment of whole universe (Rgveda, 10.85.1 ); Equivalent words for Environment in Atharvaveda : ‘Vritavrita’ (12.1.52 ), ‘Abhivarah,’(1.32.4.), ‘Avritah’ (10.1.30), ‘Parivrita’’ (10.8.31); five basic elements of universe covered by environment : Earth, Water, Light, Air, and Ether. (Aitareya Upanishad 3.3) ; Three constituent elements of environment known as ‘Chandansi’: Jala (water),Vayu (air), and Osadhi (plants) (Atharvaveda, 18.1.17); Natural sources of water in five forms: rain water(Divyah),natural spring(Sravanti), wells and canals (Khanitrimah), lakes (Svayamjah) and rivers(Samudrarthah) Rigveda, 7.49.2). Environment Preservation in Vedic Literature: Five elementry sources of environment preservation: Parvat(mountain), Soma (water),Vayu (air), Parjanya (rain) and Agni (fire) (Atharvaveda, 3.21.10); Environment Protection from Sun (Rgveda,1.191.1-16,Atharvaveda,2.32.1-6, Yajurveda,4.4,10.6); Congenial atmosphere for the life created by the Union of herbs and plants with sun rays (Atharvaveda,5.28.5);Vedic concept of Ozone-layer Mahat ulb’(Rgveda,10.51.1; Atharvaveda,4.2.8); Importance of plants and animals for preservation of global ecosystem; (Yajurveda ,13.37); Eco friendly environmental organism in Upanishads (Brhadaranyaka Upanishad,3.9.28,Taittiriya Upanishad,5.101, Iso-Upanishad,1.1)Section ‘C’ To be answered (MCQ – 3 X 1 = 3, Very Short Answer – 1 X 2 = 2, Other – 1 X 5 = 5)Environment Awareness in Classical Sanskrit Literature :Environmental Awareness and Tree plantation : Planting of Trees in Puranas as a pious activity ( Matsya Purana ,59.159;153.512 ; Varaha Purana 172. 39),Various medinal trees to be planted in forest by king (Sukraniti,4.58-62) Plantation of new trees and preservation of old trees as royal duty of king ( Arthasastra, 2.1..20); Punishments for destroying trees and plants (Arthasastra,3.19), Plantation of trees for recharging under ground water(Brhatsamhita, 54.119). Environmental Awareness and Water management : Various types of water canels ’Kulya’ for irigation : canal originated from river ‘Nadimatr mukha kulya’, canal originated from nearbv mountain ‘Parvataparsva vartini kulya’, canal originated from pond,’Hrdasrta kulya’, Preservation of water resources ‘Vapi –kupa –tadaka’ (Agnipuranas,209-2;V.Ramayana,2.80.10-11); Water Harvesting system in Arthasastra (2.1.20-21);Underground Water Hydrology in Brhatsamhita (Dakargaiadhyaya,chapter54); Universal Environmental Issues in Literature of Kalidasa : Eight elements of Environment and concept of ‘Astamurti’ Siva (Abhijnasakuntalam1.); Preservation of forest,water resources, natural resources; protection of animals, birds and plant in Kalidasa’s works, Environmental awareness in Abhijnasakuntalam Drama, Eco- system of indian monsoon in Meghdoot, Seasonl weather conditions of Indian sub continent in Rtusamhara, Himalayan ecology in Kumarasambhava, Oceanography in Raghuvamsa (canto-13). [B] Course Objective : The National Culture of every country depends on its environment, climatic conditions and human behavior with natural resources. Sanskrit is the vehicle of civilization and culture of India. Nature oriented eco- friendly thoughts of Sanskrit Literature have been serving the human race from the time immemorial. Religion was probably used in ancient India as a tool to protect nature and natural resources. Therefore, the Sanskrit literature is of great utility to us and to the world environment at large. The aim of this course is to make the students acquainted with the basic concept of Indian Science of Environment and salient features of environmental awareness as reflected in Vedic and Classical Sanskrit literature. [C] Unit-Wise lesson Plan Division (15 weeks): To be prepared[D] Suggested Readings: Teachers are freed to recommend any relevant books/articles/e-resource if needed.SEC-1 (Semester -III)Course Title: Indian System of DebateCredit: 2 Equivalent to 20 Marks [A] Prescribed Course: Section ‘A’ To be answered (MCQ –5 X 2 = 10)Fundamentals of Science of Debate:Science of inquiry (ānvīk?ikī) & its importance, Growth of ānvīk?ikī into art of debate, The council of debate (pari?ad) & its kinds, Discussant (vādī), Opponent (prativādī), Judge (madhyastha/prā?nika). The Method of debate (sambhā?āvidhi/vādavidhi) & its utility, Types of debate - congenial debate (anuloma sambhā?ā ) & hostile debate (vig?hya sambhā?ā ), The expedience of debate (vādopāya), The limits of debate (vādamaryādā). Note : The definitions and concepts are to be taken only from the Nyāyasūtra, Nyāyako?a by Bhimacharya Jhalkikar and A History of Indian Logic by S. C. Vidyabhushan, Chapter III of Section I. The illustrations and examples must be taken from day to day life and philosophical examples must be abandonedSection ‘B’ To be answered (MCQ –5 X 2 = 10)Theory of Debate:Basic understanding of the following terms: Example (d???ānta), Tenet (siddhānta), Ascertainment (nir?aya), Dialouge (kathā) and its kinds, Discussion (vāda), Wrangling (jalpa), Cavil (vita??ā). Quibble (chala) & its kinds; Analogue (jāti) and its important kinds (only first four, i.e. sādharmyasama, vaidharmyasama, utkar?asama & apakar?asama); Point of defeat (nigrahasthāna) & its kinds – Hurting the proposition (pratij?āhāni), Shifting of proposition (pratij?āntara), Opposing the proposition (pratij?āvirodha), Renouncing the proposition (pratij?āsannyāsa), Admission of an opinion (matānuj?ā).[B] Course Objective : This course aims to get the students acquainted with the Indian principles of debate and its applications, not just in philosophical dialogue, but in every walk of knowledge.[C] Unit-Wise lesson Plan Division (15 weeks): To be prepared[D] Suggested Readings: Teachers are freed to recommend any relevant books/articles/e-resource if needed.SEC -2 (Semester -IV)Course Title: Tradition and History of Indian DramaturgyCredit: 2 Equivalent to 20 Marks To be answered (MCQ – 10 X 2 = 20) [A] Prescribed Course: Section ‘A’ Drama : vastu (subject-matter), netā (Hero) and rasa:Definition of drama and its various names - d??ya, rūpa,rūpaka , abhineya; abhinaya and its types: ā?gika (gestures), vācika(oral), sāttvika (representaion of the sattva), āhārya (dresses and make-up). Vastu: (subject-matter) : ādhikārika (principal), prāsa?gika (subsidiary), Five kinds of arthaprak?ti, kāryāvasthā (stages of the action of actor) and sandhi (segments), arthopak?epaka (interludes), kinds of dialogue:1. sarva?rāvya or prakā?a (aloud) 2. a?rāvya or svagata (aside) 3. niyata?rāvya : janāntika (personal address), apavārita (confidence) 4. ākā?abhā?ita (conversation with imaginary person). Netā: Four kinds of heroes, Three kinds of heroines,sūtradhāra (stage manager), pāripār?vika (assistant of sūtradhāra), vidū?aka (jester), ka?cukī (chamberlain), pratināyaka (villain). Rasa: definition and constituents, ingredients of rasa-ni?patti: - bhāva (emotions), vibhāva (determinant), anubhāva (consequent), sāttvikabhāva (involuntary state), sthāyibhāva (permanent states), vyabhicāribhāva (complementary psychological states), svāda (pleasure), Four kinds of mental levels : vikāsa (cheerfulness), vistāra (exaltation), k?obha (agitation), vik?epa (perturbation). [B] Course Objective : It aims at to cope up the learners with dramaturgy which was developed by the Bharatamuni. The objectives of this curriculum are to identify the beauty of drama and to introduce classical aspects of development of Indian theatre among the students.[C] Unit-Wise lesson Plan Division (15 weeks): To be prepared[D] Suggested Readings: Teachers are freed to recommend any relevant books/articles/e-resource if needed.SEC -3 (Semester -V)Course Title: Indian System of Logic Credit: 2 Equivalent to 20 Marks To be answered (MCQ – 10 X 2 = 20) [A] Prescribed Course: Syllogistic Logic:Inference (anumāna) & its key terms, viz. major term or probandum (sādhya), middle term or probans (hetu), minor term (pak?a), illustration (sapak?a), contrary-illustration (vipak?a), basic understanding of invariable concomitance (vyāpti) & its types, establishing vyāpti by inductive method, Five components of argument (pa?cāvayava) – proposition (pratij?ā), reason (hetu), example (udāhara?a), application (upanaya) & conclusion (nigamana), the hetu term – its nature and requirement, demonstration of pervasion – upādhi and tark, nature and variety of tark. Note : The definitions and concepts are to be taken only from the Tarkasa?graha and The Nyāya Theory of Knowledge by S. C. Chatterjee, Chapters X1-XIV. [B] Course Objective : The course intends not only to bring our indigenous science of argument to the fore, but it also wants to enable students to develop logical faculty of their mind and to perceive the world in a more rational way in their day to day life. [C] Unit-Wise lesson Plan Division (15 weeks): To be prepared[D] Suggested Readings: Teachers are freed to recommend any relevant books/articles/e-resource if needed.SEC -4 (Semester -VI)Course Title: Tradition and History of Indian TheatreCredit: 2 Equivalent to 20 Marks [A] Prescribed Course: Section ‘A’ To be answered (MCQ –5 X 2 = 10)Theatre: Types and Constructions:Types of theatre: vik???a (oblong), caturasra (square), tryasra (triangular), jye???a (big), madhyama (medium), avara (small). bhūmi?odhana (Examining the land) and māpa (measurement of the site), mattavāra?ī (raising of pillars), ra?gapī??a and ranga?īr?a (stage), dārukarma (wood–work), nepathya -g?ha (greenhouse), prek?kopave?a (audience-hall), Doors for entrance & exit.Section ‘B’ To be answered (MCQ –5 X 2 = 10)Tradition and History of Indian Theatre:Origin and development of stage in different ages: pre-historic, Vedic age, epic-puranic age, court theatre, temple theatre, open theatre, modern theatre: folk theatre, commercial theatre, national and state level theatre. [B] Course Objective : The student may be familiar with audio-visual kāvya which is considered to be the best amongst all forms of arts. The history of theatre in India is very old, the glimpses of which can be traced in the hymns (sa?vādasūkta) of the ?gveda. [C] Unit-Wise lesson Plan Division (15 weeks): To be prepared[D] Suggested Readings: Teachers are freed to recommend any relevant books/articles/e-resource if needed. ................

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