Matthew William SMITH
Matthew William SMITH
Native translator of texts in economics, political science and social policy. 23 years experience. Resident in Spain since 1989. Bilingual. Education and employment in Australia, France, Spain and England. B.A. (Honours) in Social Policy, University of Durham (1982-85). Master in Housing, Birmingham Polytechnic (1987-89).
ALAÑÓN, A. and GÓMEZ, M. (2005): "Estimating the size of the shadow economy in Spain: a structural model with latent variables. Applied Economics, 2005, Vol. 37, No. 9, pp. 1011-1025. Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
ALAÑÓN, A., DELL'ANNO, P. and GÓMEZ, M. (2006): "The shadow economy in three Mediterranean countries: France, Spain and Greece; a MIMIC approach". Empirical Economics, Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 1-34, 2006. Universidad Complutense de Madrid- Università degli Studi di Salerno.
ÁLVAREZ, I., ROMERO, D. and SANZ, J.F. (2009): "Further considerations on the link between adjustment costs and the productivity of R&D investment: evidence for Spain". Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 16, Issue 14, September 2009, pp. 1471-1476. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid-Universidad Complutense de Madrid-Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.
APARICIO, G., PINILLA, V. and SERRANO, R. (2009): "Europe and the international agricultural food trade, 1870-2000”, in Pedro Lains and Vicente Pinilla (eds.), Agriculture and Economic Development in Europe since 1870, pp. 52-75. Routledge, London, 2009. Universidad de Zaragoza.
AYALA, L. and SASTRE, M. (2002): "Europe vs the Unites States: is there a trade-off between mobility and inequality?". Paper presented to the International Association for Research in Income and Wealth, 27th General Conference, Djurhamn (Sweden), 18-24 August 2002. Published in Empirical Economics, Vol. 35, 2008, pp. 451-473. Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha-Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
AYUDA, M.I., COLLANTES, F. and PINILLA, V. (2007): "Long-run regional population divergence and modern economic growth in Europe: a case study of Spain". FUNCAS Documento de Trabajo 310/2007. Universidad de Zaragoza.
AYUDA, M.I., COLLANTES, F. and PINILLA, V. (2009): "From Locational Fundamentals to Increasing Returns: The Spatial Concentration of Population in Spain, 1787-2000". Journal of Geographical Systems, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 25-50, 2009. Universidad de Zaragoza.
AYUDA, M. I and PINILLA, V. (2010): “Taking advantage of globalization? Spain and the building of the international market in Mediterranean horticultural products, 1850-1935”. European Review of Economic History Vol. 14, No. 2, (pp. 239-274), 2010. Universidad de Zaragoza.
BIRD. R and MARTÍNEZ, J. (2010): "El Impuesto sobre el Valor Añadido: ¿Hacia Adelante y Hacia Arriba?". FUNCAS. Papeles de Economía Española Nº 125/126, 2010. Translation from English to Spanish.
CALERO, J., CHOI, A., MANCEBÓN, M.J and XIMÉNEZ, D. (2010): “The Efficiency of Public and Publicly-Subsidized High Schools in Spain. Evidence from PISA-2006”. FUNCAS Documentos de Trabajo, Nº 539/2010.
CARBÓ, S. (2008): Review of the book "Regional Monetary Policy" by Carlos J. Rodríguez Fuentes, published in Regional Studies, Vol. 42 (2), pp. 302-303. 2008. Universidad de Granada.
CARBÓ, S. (2011): “The cost of a banking sector “without savings banks”. Date and place of publication/presentation to be confirmed (November 2012). Universidad de Granada/FUNCAS.
CARBÓ, S (2010): “Crisis and financial regulation: lessons from empirical evidence and mechanisms for action.” Date and place of publication/presentation to be confirmed (November 2012). Universidad de Granada/FUNCAS.
CARBÓ, S. and RODRÍGUEZ, F. (2010): “Counter-cyclical provisions, managerial discretion and loan growth: the case of Spain”. Paper presented to the Conference on Countercyclical Capital Requirements, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, 14-15 October 2010. Universidad de Granada and Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. Style correction.
CARBÓ, S., LIÑARES, J.M. and RODRÍGUEZ, F. (2007): "Market power and willingness to pay in multiproduct industries: evidence from banking and payment cards”. Presented to the Northern Finance Association Meeting, Toronto (Cánada), September 2007. Universidad de Granada.
CARBÓ, S., LIÑARES, J.M. and RODRÍGUEZ, F. (2010): “Price structure and willingness to pay in network industries: evidence from payment cards”. Presented to the Workshop on Payments, Universidad de Granada, 22 June 2010. Universidad de Granada-Universidad de Alicante-Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.
CARBÓ, S. and RODRÍGUEZ, F. (2007): “The determinants of bank margins in European banking”. Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 31, No. 7, pp. 2043-2064. 2007. Universidad de Granada.
CASTAÑER, J.M.; ONRUBIA, J., and PAREDES, R. (2004): “Evaluating social welfare and redistributive effects of Spanish personal income tax reform”. Applied Economics, Vol. 36, No. 14, pp. 1561-1568. 2004. Instituto de Estudios Fiscales-Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
CENTRO PARA EL DESARROLLO TECNOLÓGICO INDUSTRIAL (1999): “Spain in Space”. Folleto informativo. 1999. CDTI.
CLAVERO, A. and GONZÁLEZ, M.L (2009): "Inequalities in health care utilization in Spain due to double insurance coverage: an Oaxaca-Ransom decomposition. Social Science and Medicine, Vol. 69, No. 5, September 2009, pp. 793-801. Universidad de Málaga.
CNOSSEN, S. (2010), “La economía de los impuestos especiales”. FUNCAS. Papeles de Economía Española, No. 125/126, 2010. Translation from English to Spanish.
DEFENSOR DEL PUEBLO (1994): “El Defensor del Pueblo”. Public relations brochure.
DELGADO, M.L. and DÍAZ, C. (1995): “The compliance costs of Personal Income Tax in Spain”, in Sanford, C. (ed.) Tax Compliance Cost - Measurement and Policy. Fiscal Publications, Bath, UK. Instituto de Estudios Fiscales.
DELOITTE ESPAÑA: Various due diligences and confidential reports 2006- .
DOMÍNGUEZ, F. and LÓPEZ, J (2012): “Taxation and the saver’s choice between a life annuity and a lump sum pension plan payout: the case of Spain”. Pensions: An International Journal. Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 63-69, February 2012. Universidad de Zaragoza.
DOMÍNGUEZ, F. and LÓPEZ, J. (2012), “Taxation and the Portfolio Structure of Spanish Households”, Applied Economics, Vol. 44, No. 23, pp. 3011-3027, August 2012.
DURÁN, M.A. (2009): “The satellite account for unpaid work in the Community of Madrid, 2005”. La Suma de Todos, Dirección General de la Mujer de la Comunidad de Madrid-CSIC.
EDNILSON DE OLIVEIRA, J. and RAMA, R. (2008): "Innovation in the Brazilian food and drink industry", in Ruth Rama (ed), Innovation in the food and drink industry, Taylor & Francis Group, New York and London, 2008. CSIC-Universidad de Fortaleza (Brasil).
ESADE BUSINESS SCHOOL: Various press releases, articles and blogs, 2011-
EXCELTUR: “What is Exceltur”? Press release. 2011.
FERNÁNDEZ-ÁVILES, G., MÍNGUEZ, R. and MONTERO, J.M. “Measuring the impact of pollution on property prices in Madrid: objective versus subjective pollution indicators in spatial models”. Journal of Geographical Systems, April 2012. Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha.
FUERTES, Y., GUTIÉRREZ, B. and SERRANO, C. (2010): “Internet positioning and performance of e-tailers. An empirical analysis", Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Issue 3, May-June 2010, pp. 237-248. Universidad de Zaragoza.
FUNDACIÓN DE ESTUDIOS DE ECONOMÍA APLICADA (FEDEA) (2009): “Making the housing market work: a proposal for structural reform”.
GIL R. and LÓPEZ, J. (2006): “Revenue Decentralization and Economic Growth in the Spanish Autonomous Communities”, 46th European Congress of the European Regional Science Association, Volos, Grecia, 30 August to 3 September 2006. Universidad de Zaragoza.
GÓMEZ, J.M and MANCEBÓN, M.J. (2009): “The evaluation of scientific production: towards a neutral impact factor”. Scientometrics, Vol. 81, No. 2, 2009, pp. 435-458. Universidad de Zaragoza.
GÓMEZ, J.M. and PÉREZ, C. (2012): " International Higher Education Rankings at a Glance: How to Valorise the Research in Social Sciences and Humanities?" in López-Varela, A. (2012): Social Sciences and Cultural Studies - Issues of Language, Public Opinion, Education and Welfare, pp.357-374. Universidad de Zaragoza.
GUTIÉRREZ-NIETO and SERRANO, C. (2010): “Factors Influencing Funder Loyalty to Microfinance Institutions”. Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly, April 2010, Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 302-320. Universidad de Zaragoza.
HERNÁNDEZ, B., JIMÉNEZ, J. and MARTÍN, M.J. (2009): “Intersectorial analysis of the effect of experience on web procurement”. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 7-24, 2009. Universidad de Zaragoza.
HERNÁNDEZ, B., JIMÉNEZ, J. and MARTÍN, M.J. (2009): “Adoption vs acceptance of e-commerce: two different decisions” European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 43, Issue 9/10, pp. 1232-1245, 2009. Universidad de Zaragoza.
HERNÁNDEZ, B., JIMÉNEZ, J. and MARTÍN, M.J. (2010): “Business management software in high-tech firms: The case of the IT services sector”. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, Vol. 25, Issue 2, pp. 132-146, 2010. Universidad de Zaragoza.
HOLL, A., PARDO, R and RAMA, R. (2010): “Just-in-Time Manufacturing Systems, Subcontracting and Geographical Proximity”. Regional Studies, Volume 44, Issue 5, 2010, pp. 519-533. FEDEA-Fundación BBVA-CSIC. Style correction.
HOLL, A. and RAMA, R. (2009): "Networking and R&D in national and FDI plants in Spanish Electronics Clusters". International Journal of Strategic Business Alliances, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2009, pp. 68-83. FEDEA-CSIC. Style correction.
HOLL, A. and RAMA, R. (2009): "The spatial patterns of networks, hierarchies and subsidiaries". European Planning Studies, Vol. 17, Issue 9, 2009, pp. 1261-1281. FEDEA-CSIC. Style correction.
HOLL, A. and RAMA, R. (2009): “An exploratory analysis of networking, R&D and innovativeness in the Spanish electronics sector”. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, Vol. 9, Issue 1/2, 2009, pp. 68-83. FEDEA-CSIC. Style correction.
INSTITUTO DE ESTUDIOS FISCALES (1998): “Tax reform in Spain”. Document for the meeting of the Fiscal Affairs Committee of the OECD, 18 December, Madrid, IEF.
INSTITUTO DE ESTUDIOS FISCALES (1998): Organic Law 3/1996 on the Partial Modification of Organic Law 8/1980. IEF.
INSTITUTO DE ESTUDIOS FISCALES (1992): Organic Law 8/1980 on the Financing of the Autonomous Communities. IEF.
INSTITUTO DE ESTUDIOS FISCALES (1991): “El Instituto de Estudios Fiscales”. Public relations brochure. IEF.
INTERNATIONAL OMBUDSMAN INSTITUTE (1994): Statutes of the International Ombudsman Institute. Internal document. Defensor del Pueblo. Translation from English to Spanish.
JIMÉNEZ, S, LABEAGA, J.M and VILAPLANA, P. (2006): "A sequential model for older workers: labor transitions following a health or disability shock*. Health Economics, 15, pp. 1033-1054, 2006. FEDEA-UNED-Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia-Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
JURADO, A. and PÉREZ, J. (2011): “Construction and evolution of a multidimensional well-being index for the Spanish regions”. Social Indicators Research, Volume 107, No. 2, pp. 259-279. April 2011. Universidad de Extremadura.
LABEAGA, J.M., OLIVER, X. and SPADARO, A. (2008): "Discrete choice models of labour supply, behavioural microsimulation and the Spanish tax reforms". The Journal of Economic Inequality, Volume 6 (2008), Issue 3 (September), pp. 247-273. FEDEA-UNED-Paris Jourdan Sciences Economiques-Universitat de les lles Balears.
LASHERAS, M.A. and HERRERA, C. (1991): “Tax administration and fiscal system. A comparative analysis”. Paper presented to the International Seminar in Public Economics, El Escorial, June 1991. Instituto de Estudios Fiscales.
LEAL, A., LÓPEZ, J. and RODRIGO, F. (2013), "The inside and outside revenue impact of regional gambling taxes in Spain", Growth and Change, forthcoming 2013. Universidad de Zaragoza.
LEAL, A., LÓPEZ, J. and RODRIGO, F. (2010): “Cross-border shopping: a survey”. International Advances in Economic Research, No. 16 (2), pp. 135-148, 2010. Universidad de Zaragoza.
LEAL, A., LÓPEZ, J. and RODRIGO, F. (2009): “Prices, taxes and automotive fuel cross-border shopping". Presented to the XIV Encuentro de Economía Pública, Santander, 1-2 February 2007, and to the 63rd International Atlantic Economic Conference, Madrid, 14-18 March 2007. Published in Energy Economics, Vol. 31, pp. 225-234, March 2009. Universidad de Zaragoza.
LEDESMA, F., NAVARRO, M., PÉREZ, J. and SOSVILLA. S. (2005): “Implicit Regimes for the Spanish Peseta/Deutschmark Exchange Rate”. International Economics and Finance Working Paper No. 2005-21, October 2005. FEDEA.
LÓPEZ, J. (2006): “Capital gains taxation and progressivity”. Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, Papeles de Trabajo, No. 1/06, 2006. Universidad de Zaragoza.
LÓPEZ, J. and ONRUBIA, J. (2005): “Personal Income Tax Decentralization, Inequality, and Social Welfare”. Working Document of the Fundación Centro de Estudios Andaluces, Serie Economía E2004/17, 2003. Presented to the 59th Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance, Prague, 25-28 August 2003. Published in The Public Finance Review, Vol. 33, Part 2, pp. 213-235, November 2005. Universidad Complutense de Madrid-Universidad de Zaragoza.
LÓPEZ, J. and VALLÉS, J. (2010): “Factors explaining the regulatory activity of the Autonomous Communities (1989-2001)”. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, Vol. 28 (3), pp. 469-491, 2010. Universidad de Zaragoza.
MARTÍNEZ, C. and RAMA, R. (2011): “Home or abroad? R&D and patenting among European food and beverage multinationals”. CSIC-IPP/CSIC-IEGD. Style correction.
MARTÍNEZ-VÁZQUEZ, J. and BIRD, R.M. “El Impuesto sobre el Valor Añadido. ¿Hacia adelante y hacia arriba?”. Papeles de Economía Española, No. 125/126, pp. 223-261. 2010. Translation from English to Spanish.
MEDRANO, L. (2010): “Market versus Limit Orders in an Imperfectly Competitive Security Market”. Social Science Research Network Spanish Economic Review. University of Zaragoza. Style correction.
MULAS, C., ONRUBIA, J. and SALINAS, J. (2009): "Do Budget Institutions Matter? Fiscal Consolidations in the EU new member states". Fiscal Policy: Current Issues and Challenges, proceedings of the Banca d’Italia Workshop (Perugia, 29-31 March 2007). Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Published in Eastern European Economics, Vol. 47 (1), pp. 60-91, 2009. Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
ORSINI, K. and SPADARO, A. (2007): "Strategic weight within couples: a microsimulation approach". Research on Economic Inequality, Vol. 15, pp. 99-132, 2007. Paris Jourdan Sciences Economiques-Universitat de les lles Balears-Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Bélgica).
OOSTING, M. (1994): “El Defensor del Pueblo y los Derechos Humanos”. IV Round Table of the European Ombudsmen, Lisbon, 16-18 June 1994. Internal document. Defensor del Pueblo. Translation from English to Spanish.
PABLOS, L de (2007): “The personal wealth taxes: the Inheritance and Gift Taxes and the Net Wealth Tax”, in Martínez, J. and Sanz, J.F (eds.), Fiscal Reform in Spain. Accomplishments and challenges. Edward Elgar. Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
PARDO, R. and RAMA, R. (2009): “Are outsourcers and non-outsourcers really different? Flexibility and advanced manufacturing technology”. ENEF 2009/19 Discussion Paper, European Network on the Economics of the Firm (ENEF), Sheffield (UK).
PARDO, R. and RAMA, R. (2008): “Technical capital and social capital in outsourcing networks. Complements or substitutes?”, in Morroni, M. (ed.), Corporate Governance, Organization and the Firm: Co-operation and Outsourcing in a Globalised Market, Edward Elgar. CSIC.
PERELLI, Ó. and RODRÍGUEZ, M. (2010): “MoniTUR 2009: A New Approach to Regional Tourism Competitiveness in Spain”. Paper presented to the 10th International Forum on Tourism Statistics, Session 5, Sustainable and Competitive Tourism, Lisboa, 22-23 November 2010. EXCELTUR (Alianza para la Excelencia Turística). Style correction.
PÉREZ, D and SANZ, F. “Geographical Concentration of Service Activities across U.S. States and Counties, 1969-2000”. XVII International RESER Conference. Tampere (Finland). September 2007.
PINILLA, V and SERRANO, R. (2011): “The Long-run Decline in the Share of Agricultural and Food Products in International Trade: A Gravity Equation Approach to Its Causes”. Universidad de Zaragoza. Revised text under review by Applied Economics (November 2012).
PULIDO, J.I. (2006): "Adaptive tourism management of protected areas. A new model for natural parks of Andalusia (Spain) through Chaos Theory”. Working Paper of the Economics Department of the Universidad de Jaén. WP 0601/Nº 31.
RAMIÓ, C and SALVADOR, M. “Institutionalising participatory democracy and the emergence of an epistemic community in Spanish local government”. Journal of Urban Affairs, Vol. 33, Issue 5, pp. 491-510, December 2011. Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
RETUERTO, M. (1996): “The advancement of women in Spain: Utopia or challenge?” Intervention of the First Deputy Ombudswoman of Spain in the Arbarus Association Congress, Paris, 19 March 1996. Mimeo. El Defensor del Pueblo.
RETUERTO, M (1996): “The constitutional protection of minors through the Ombudsman”. European Ombudsmen Newsletter, August 1996. El Defensor del Pueblo.
RETUERTO, M. (1994): “The concept of consumerism in Spanish public services and the Ombudsman”. IV Round Table of European Ombudsmen, Lisbon, 16-18 Junio 1994. Mimeo. El Defensor del Pueblo.
ROMERO, D. and SANZ, J. (2009): "Energy taxes and household compliance with the Kyoto Protocol". Public Finance Review, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 142-169, 2009. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos-Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
ROMERO, D., SANZ J. and ÁLVAREZ, I. (2009): "Further considerations on the link between adjustment costs and the productivity of R&D investment: evidence for Spain". FUNCAS Documentos de Trabajo 291, October 2006 and Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 16, Issue 14, September 2009, pp. 1471-1476.
RUIZ-HUERTA, J. (1994): “A review of the frontiers between the public and private sectors and the private sector: consolidation and crisis of the welfare state in Spain”. Paper presented to the International Institute of Administrative Science, Helsinki, 1994. Instituto de Estudios Fiscales.
RUIZ-HUERTA, J. and JIMÉNEZ, A. (1994): “Public expenditure policy in the 1990s: structural changes, social demands and the budgetary process in Spain”. Public Finance and Financial Management, Vol. 6, No. 2, 1994. Erasmus University, Rotterdam. Instituto de Estudios Fiscales.
RUIZ-HUERTA, J. and JIMÉNEZ, A. (1990): “Decentralization indices and distribution of decision-making capacity: an application to the Spanish case”. Paper presented to the 46th Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance, Bruselas, 27-30 August. Mimeo. Instituto de Estudios Fiscales.
SECRETARÍA DE ESTADO DE HACIENDA (1992): Report on the economic-financial management of public expenditure in Spain. Executive Summary (Libro Blanco). Instituto de Estudios Fiscales.
SERRANO, C., RUEDA, M. and PORTILLO, P. (2009): "Factors influencing e-disclosure in local public administrations", Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 27(2) pp. 355 – 378, 2009. Universidad de Zaragoza.
SERRANO, R. and PINILLA, V. (2006): "Causes of World Trade Growth in Agricultural and Food products, 1951–2000". Documento de Trabajo DTEECONZ, 2006-07. Universidad de Zaragoza.
SERRANO, R. and PINILLA, V. (2011): "Terms of trade of agricultural and food products, 1951-2000". Revised version under review by Revista de Historia Económica-Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History (March 2011). Universidad de Zaragoza.
TRIBUNAL DE CUENTAS (2005): “Twinning” proposal RO/04/IB/FI-06 for the strengthening of the institutional capacity of the Court of Accounts of Romania.
URBANOS, R.M. (2001): “Measurement of inequity in the delivery of public health care: evidence from Spain (1997)”. FEDEA Documento de Trabajo 2001-15. Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
URBANOS, R.M. (2001): “Explaining inequality in the use of public health care services: evidence from Spain”. Health Care Management Science. Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 143-157, June 2001. Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
VARIOUS AUTHORS (1999): Week-long seminar on the tax administration system for civil servants from Eastern European countries, organised by the Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, Madrid, March 1999. The texts translated were:
“The Spanish tax system”
“The Spanish Ministry of Economy and Finance”
“The Spanish tax administration: recent evolution and perspectives
“Political-territiorial organization in Spain”
“Tax-raising management in the AEAT”
“The organization and functioning of the AEAT tax inspection office”
“The tax management area of the AEAT”
“Tax information in the AEAT”
“The Department of Customs and Excise”
“Information systems in the AEAT”
“The implementation of IVA in Spain: its practical application”
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