4038600352425SANTANDER MOBILITY FUND Santander funding is available to encourage student mobility for a short term project. The fund is to support student mobility to one of the Santander network countries, which currently includes Argentina, Brazil,?Belgium, Chile, China, Colombia,?France, Germany, Ghana,?Mexico, Poland,?Portugal, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Russia, Singapore, Spain,?USA,?UAE and Uruguay.The activity must take place at one of our partner institutions, for a group of students to be accompanied by a member of staff. The project should be closely aligned to the University or Faculty’s objectives, and will require support from the Dean.Academic staff can apply for a maximum of ?10,000 depending on the size of the group and the Faculty will be expected to cover any additional costs.Expressions of interest are requested by 30 April 2017 SANTANDER MOBILITY FUND - EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FORMApplicant DetailsNamePositionFacultyE-mailName/Details of any CollaboratorsReason for Mobility/Description of ProjectPartner University Details InstitutionContact NamePositionEmailProposal Aims and Objectives/Significance to Faculty/links to Strategic objectives:Breakdown of funds requested from the Santander Award (please note that ?10,000 is the maximum award available):Any additional funds sought in addition to the Santander Award (where appropriate): Supporting Statement from the Dean/Deputy Dean/Director: Dean/Deputy Dean/Director signature:Date: Expressions of interest should be submitted to by 30 April 2017 ................

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