DPI Finance Listserv Bulletin #751 (January 8, 2019)


PI-1563 JANUARY PUPIL COUNT REPORT: The next pupil count date is Friday, January 11, 2019. The report is due Friday, January 25, 2019. A district that fails to submit the report by the due date will automatically receive a 2018-19 membership audit. General information about school finance related student counts can be found at .

Questions about the report should be submitted to Bruce Anderson (bruce.anderson@dpi. or 608-267-9707) or Roger Kordus (608-267-3752 or roger.kordus@dpi.)

It is important to remind your school building administration and secretaries that the PI-1563 January count report is separate and, in addition to, any other WISEdata information. The 2nd Friday in January is a pupil count date that impacts many programs, including the calculation of general school aids. The PI-1563 (the school finance pupil report) can be adjusted over a period of months to impact state school aids. Student information submitted via WISEdata has different and unique reporting requirements.

Each district is encouraged to complete the PI-1563 Pupil Count Report Workbook Form (updated 12-19-2018) before attempting to complete the PI 1563 portal. A link to this spreadsheet can be found under “Guidelines for Counting” on the Membership Information and Reporting page at .

Or, directly at

For school finance purposes ONLY (reported via the PI-1563 January pupil report), if your district is unable to hold school on January 11, a request/with the reason for an alternative pupil count date may be submitted to the State Superintendent (Wis. Stat. §. 121.05(3)/(3m)). Please review the Alternative Count Date information at . The reason a district requests an alternative count date will determine the alternative date. Send your request by e-mail to Bruce Anderson at bruce.anderson@dpi..


[January 11: 2nd Friday in January Pupil Count Date]

[January 11: PI-1563 January Pupil Count Report Open]

[January 25: PI-1563 January Pupil Count Report Due]


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|January 22-25: State Education Convention, Milwaukee | |

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WASBO Conferences and Training Opportunities

Wisconsin Federal Funding Conference

February 25-26, 2019

Kalahari Resort, Wisconsin Dells

Facilities Management Conference

March 7-8, 2019

Kalahari Resort, Wisconsin Dells

Transportation and Bus Safety Conference

March 8, 2019

Kalahari Resort, Wisconsin Dells

Accounting Conference

March 20-21, 2019

Kalahari Resort and Conference Center, Wisconsin Dells







[Jillian Raff, Auditor: 608-267-7882 Jillian.Raff@dpi.]

[Terry Casper, Accountant-Advanced: 608-267-9218 Terry.Casper@dpi.]

[Sumana Sengupta, Accountant-Senior: 608-267-9205 Sumana.Sengupta@dpi.]

[Bruce Anderson, Consultant: 608-267-9707 Bruce.Anderson@dpi.]

[Dan Bush, Consultant: 608-266-3862 Daniel.Bush@dpi..

[Derek Sliter, Consultant: 608-266-3464 Derek.Sliter@dpi.]

[Roger Kordus, Consultant: 608-267-3752 Roger.Kordus@dpi.]

[Roselynn Bittorf, Consultant: 608-267-9212 Roselynn.Bittorf@dpi.]

[Carey Bradley, Assistant Director: 608-267-9209 Carey.Bradley@dpi.]

[Bob Soldner, Director: 608-266-6968 Robert.Soldner@dpi.]


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JANUARY PUPIL COUNT DATE IS FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 2019: Now is a good time to check your school district calendar to confirm that school is scheduled for January 11th and your district intends to take the 2nd Friday in January pupil count that day. If your district needs an Alternative Count Date, due to a scheduled event you will need to email DPIFIN@dpi. and explain the situation. Your district will be notified of the Alternative January Pupil Count date by email. The PI-1563 report for the January 2019 count will open on the morning of Friday, January 11, 2019. The report is scheduled to close at the end of the day on Friday, January 25, 2019. 

Updated information to assist with the January PI-1563 PUPIL COUNT: Updated guidance can be found on the Membership Information Reporting webpage under the “Guidelines for Counting” section. Each item that has been updated as a “Revised 12-19-2018” tag to assist the district in locating the updated information.

Reminder:  If it is necessary during the school year to edit the September - 2018 PI-1563 data and the edit includes 9th grade students, make the needed adjustments on those webpages where that data is collected.  This data will impact your Personal Electronic Computing Device Grant in 2019-2020.

For questions about this information, contact Bruce Anderson (608) 267-9707, Roger Kordus (608) 267-3752.

STATE SPECIAL EDUCATION AID ELIGIBILITY INFORMATION: Amounts for the December 3, 2018 eligibility payment of Special Education and School-Age Parents categorical aid, the first payment of the year, have been determined. This year’s November through March interim payments will use a proration rate of 24.50 percent. A slightly lower rate is used for these maximum eligible payments to avoid overpayment; the final payment in June 2019 will reflect each LEA’s full aid eligibility at the year’s final proration rate. It is important to note that the eligibility amount will not necessarily equal the cash payment amount, due to a variety of factors, including state law required aid deductions.

Payment worksheets can be found on the SFS Team web site at:

1. School Financial Services ()

2. State and Federal Aid

3. Special Education Aids

4. Special Ed & School-Age Parents Aid

5. Payment Worksheets

Or, directly at

Once on the page, go to the section:

2018- 2019 Categorical Aid Computation and Eligibility

• Macro-enabled format (.xlsm) - LEAs update together on worksheet tabs (12/3/2018)


• Standard format (.xlsx) - LEA selected separately on each worksheet tab (12/3/2018)


• Raw data (.xlsx) - No Pivot Tables or other advanced functionality--must be filtered manually (12/3/2018)


Contact Roselynn Bittorf at roselynn.bittorf@dpi. or 608-267-9212 with questions.

SCHOOL MANAGEMENT SERVICES TEAM – SCHOOL FINANCE AUDITOR: The School Management Services (SMS) Team is recruiting for a school finance auditor. This position is responsible for developing, implementing, and determining adherence to accounting, financial reporting and auditing requirements for private schools participating in the Private School Choice Programs (PSCP); which includes the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program, Racine Parental Choice Program, Wisconsin Parental Choice Program, and the Special Needs Scholarship Program. The deadline to apply is January 7, 2019.

The job announcement is at:


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