Report Functional Specifications

|Prepared by |Michelle P. Feliciano |

|Associated Documentation | |

Sign Off

|Team |Name |Date |Signature |

|CD CPL |Darlene Chiong / Jo Cenir-Macaalay | | |

|Local IT |Farida Ferraris | | |

|RAC | | | |

|CD RPL |Narayanan Badri | | |

Revision History

|Version |CR No/ |Date |Author |Status |CR Description |

| |FUR No | | | | |

|1.2 |CR6613 |12-01-2010 |Michelle |Draft - Updated |Updated the Design Assumption, error handling|

| | | |Panganiban-Feliciano | | |

|1.3 |CR6613 |12-02-2010 |Michelle |Draft - Updated |Updated the Design Assumption; Add fields in |

| | | |Panganiban-Feliciano | |VMI staging tables; remove the control |

| | | | | |staging table for VMI; as the control number |

| | | | | |will be populated already in the header and |

| | | | | |detail of staging tables for Purchase Order. |

< version 1.x: First FS of CR

version 2.x: If any FUR created to related CR

version 3.x: For another FUR

version x.1:First version of FS after CAB approval which is called DRAFT.

version x.2:Under Review

version x.3:SIGNOFF version of FS after country and RAC agreement..>

Interface General Requirements

|Initiating process (transaction, interface,|Interface |

|new screen, etc.): | |

|Reusability |No |

|Execution frequency (period): |Philippines GMT +8 timezones |

| | |

| |Every Hour from VMI to SAP PI |

| |Real Time (SAP PI to SAP ECC ) |

|Volumes: |Estimates based on number of DMS databases in Philippines |

| |No. of Distributors in VMI 41 |

| | |

| |Header |

| |123 Purchase Order per day |

| | |

| |Detail |

| |32,800(@800 lines) |

| | |

|Estimated daily peak: |32,800(@800 lines) |

| | |

| |Peak Time 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM Philippine Time |

|Estimated daily low: | |

| |1:00 PM to 2:00 PM Philippine Time |

|Estimated message size: |1 KB for 1 record (approx.) |

|Core Time for Availability: | |

| |24 Hours |

|Execution authorization (role or profile): |N/A |

Capacity and Performance

VOL details

|Country |Interface/Module |Avg. Volume |Peak Volume |% of Growth |Batch |Remarks |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

Assign a unique identifier to each capacity or performance requirement, all beginning with the same characters (for example “VOL”) and sort the requirements on this identifier. The below table can be used as a reference to capture the information.>

Contact and Phone number

|Name Surname |E-mail |Phone Number |

|Michelle Panganiban-Feliciano |Michelle.Panganiban@ |+639178800657 |

|Jo Cenir-Macaaalay |Jo.Cenir-Macaalay@ |+639178732614 |

|Rosarah.Reyes |Rosarah.Reyes@ |+639175956022 |

| | | |

RICEF Work Unit #: (Required)

CR 6613

Interface Title: (Required)

VMI Legacy – Sales Order Interface to SAP ECC

Module & Sub module: (Required)


Regional / Country Project:


Expected Delivery Timeline


Glossary of Terms

1a. Business Overview

The replenishment order via VMI Legacy system should be sent real time in ECC for Order processing

Business process detail

The GT Orders being replenished by the VMI legacy system will be sent to SAP ECC via SAP PI on a real time and daily basis

Current functionality

1b. Design

Process Flow Diagram:

Data to be transferred from VMI to BPCS as shown below

Category of Change

| New Business Process | Enhancement | Interface with Local System |

| Productivity Improvement | Interface with Regional System | Legal / Statutory |

| Performance Improvement | Others (Please indicate details): | |

Dependencies / Constraints

Product Master and Hierarchy should be present to VMI coming from SAP ECC.

Business Case

Currently, GT orders are being replenished by the VMI Legacy System. Since the SNC of SAP still need to test on ITC1 if replenishment formula is applicable to PH. If encounter failure, the VMI Legacy system will still do the processing, hence an interface from VMI going to SAP is required.

The expectation from this project is to build the standard interface from VMI Legacy System to SAP ECC to enable the uploading of replenished Order from VMI to SAP ECC for Order processing.

1b. General Requirements

Functional Description of Interface: (Required)

[Describe briefly the purpose of the interface and contents that it displays, upload or download]

To send the GT orders replenished by VMI Legacy system to SAP ECC via SAP PI.

From System: (Required) To System: (Required)

[Enter ‘from’ system to indicate which application system [Enter ‘to’ system to indicate which application system

the data will be transferred from.] the data will be transferred to.]

VMI Legacy System SAP ECC

Frequency: (Required) Processing Type: (Required)

[Indicate how often the interface is run.] [Enter the processing type of the interface:

Daily Asynchronous

Owner: (Required) Audience: (Required)

[Enter the owner of this interface. E.g.: Buyer] [Enter the audience of this interface. E.g.: Global Purchasing]

CD Sales Order Management

Business Driver: (Required)

[Describe the business driver for this interface. E.g.: Audit Requirement, etc]

Order to Cash Process for GT


[Enter the relative priority of the interface based on its necessity to run the business. Use the following criteria:

Low - Item has little or no impact on running the business and does not support the business case or quality of the project.

Medium - Item is not required to run the business on 'day one' and indirectly supports the business case and quality of the project.

High - Item is required to run business on 'day one' and directly support the business case of the project.]



[Enter the following complexity:

Easy - Up to 2 SAP transactions in upload or data read from less than 5 tables in download. No retry logic (errors to report log). No reconciliation. No translations of codes/mapping. 1 external file; Fewer than 3 different record types.

Medium - 2 to 5 transactions in upload or data read from 5 to 9 tables in download. Moderate ABAP (some validation). Some retry logic and error processing. Minimal reconciliation. 2 to 4 external files; 3 to 5 more different record types.

Difficult - More than 5 transactions in upload or data read from 10 or more tables in download. Complex ABAP (complex validation). Significant retry logic and error handling. Heavy reconciliation/translation. Near real-time/Real-time. 5 or more external files; 6 or more different record types

Very Diff. - Data not readily available. Unnormalized input data. Input data is dirty. Synchronous updates (online processing between systems). Not standard ALE/IDoc]


Design Assumptions:

[Describe the expectations external to this document that directly affect the outcome and are not discussed in detail. Areas discussed should include: Entry criteria prior to design document, things that need to be done prior to design completion, resource support and requirements sign-off.]

1. Staging tables (Purchase Order header and details) will be provided by the VMI staging Database

2. In the staging tables, PI will get these Orders.

3. SAP PI will be do the polling of Purchase Orders from VMI staging Database where the staging table are found

4. When SAP PI gets the data of the Orders (header and detail) the orderstatus field in the staging tables

will be updated by the SAP PI to tag that PO has been picked-up or successfully

Created in ECC (N-I-C)

5. VMI will create the gui number for each purchase order created by VMI and initial orderstatus field

Value is “N”.

6. VMI will always use the Case (CS) as standard unit of measure.

7. If needed to re-send the Purchase Order, VMI will change the status again to “N”. And will create a new gui number for this

8. Interfaced Orders from VMI will not be updated anymore.

Open Issues

|S No |Issue Description |Date Raised (MMDDYYYY)/Owner |Resolution |Status |

|1 |Provide the fields for the |11252010 / Mitch | |Closed |

| |control table | | | |

|2 |Archiving strategy of the |11252010 / Mitch | |Closed |

| |Staging tables in VMI | | | |

1c. Design

Process Flow Diagram: (Required)

[This flow should depict all processes and input/output files and tables that will be a part of the interface.]

Data to be transferred from VMI to ECC

Detailed Description of New Interface/Changes to Existing Interface: (Required)

1.1 Detailed Description of New Interface/Changes to Existing Interface: (Required)

This will be a new interface.

• Upon the replenishment of VMI Legacy System Purchase Order will be sent to the staging tables in VMI Legacy database

1. Initially once the order has been created and are posted in the staging tables of PO header and details, VMI will insert record in the control table and will generate the GUI NO , dateposted, and the status of the Order which is “N”.

2. Each Purchase Order will have a unique Control number in VMI

• SAP PI will do an hourly polling of the Purchase Order

1. The “N” status under the OrderStatus field be the basis of PI to get all the Orders in the header and detail with common GUI Number.

2. PI will change the status of the orderstatus field in the control table when it starts to get the Orders. From “N” it will “I”

• SAP PI will send this Purchase Order in SAP ECC

• If IDOC processing is error for any reason, an e-mail should be sent to the CSO group e-mail account. The Order will not be created. Error message should say – “IDOC Number **

** error, Error Message ”

1. VMI E-mail group for go live environment for HPC and FOODS: CS.VMI@

• Once the Purchase Order has already been successfully created in SAP ECC, PI will update the status of the Orderstatus field in control table of VMI to “C” and the update date of the status.

• SAP ECC to proceed with the standard Sales Order Process.

• SAP ECC will do the validation of the Purchase Order number plus the sold to coming from VMI Legacy System. If fails, then VMI need to re-send it.

Format for data staging tables in VMI database


|# |

|1 |

|1 |  |Sold-to Party |Sold-to |X |C |10 | |

| | | |Party | | | | |

|2 |SalesOrg |Sales organization |C |10 |  |  |X |

|3 |Sold-to Party |Sold-to Party |C |10 |  |  |X |

|4 |Source |Source system |C |10 | |  |  |

|5 |DocType |Sales document type |C |3 |ZTA |  |  |

|6 |OrderDate |Order date |D |  |VMI orderdate |  |  |

|7 |RequestDeliveryDate |Request delivery date|D |  |VMI Delivery date.|  |  |

|8 |CustomerPONumber |Customer PO Reference|C |20 |PO Number from |  |X |

| | | | | |generated VMI | | |

|9 |ShipToParty |Ship To Party |C |10 |  |  |X |

|10 |OrderStatus |control number status|  |  |1: loaded |  |  |

| | | | | |0: open | | |

|11 |GUI_No |Control number |C |10 |Provided by VMI – |  |X |

| | | | | |come from control | | |

| | | | | |table | | |

|12 |Createdate | | | | | | |

|13 |UpdateDate | | | | | | |


|Position |Field Name |Field Description |Data Type |Length |Default Value |Mandatory |Primary Key |

|2 |ShipToParty |Ship To Party |C |10 |  |  |x |

|3 |CustomerPONumber |Customer PO Reference |C |20 |VMI PO Nbr |  |x |

|4 |GUI_No |Control Number |  |  |Staging table |  |x |

| | | | | |control of VMI | | |

|5 |SKU | Product Code |C |18 |  |  |x |

|6 | LineId | Sequence Id |N |7 |VMI should |  |  |

| | | | | |provide in | | |

| | | | | |sequence to | | |

| | | | | |10’s (10, 20, | | |

| | | | | |30) .. Each | | |

| | | | | |order should | | |

| | | | | |start from 10. | | |

|7 | UOM | Unit Of Measure |C |5 |CS |  |  |

|8 | Quantity | Product Volume |N |18 |Final Qty |  |  |

|9 |Createdate | | | | | | |

|10 |UpdateDate | | | | | | |

SAP Transaction ID (Inbound only):

[The inbound SAP Transaction Code to be used to transfer data into SAP.]


Standard Load Module (IDoc/ALE/BAPI/Direct Input/BDC) (Inbound only):

[Enter the SAP load module (if it exists) into SAP]


Input/Output File Layout: (Required)

[Enter the name and sample layout of the incoming or outgoing file or provide a document link containing the layout. Provide the incoming/outgoing fields and the details. Mention the delimiter of the file, e.g.: fix length, tab delimited, etc.]

Routing Rules


Data Mapping: (Required)

[Provide the field name, a short description, and any functional notes, translations and calculations. If a transaction was referenced to obtain the table and field names, please list the transaction code.]


|Source Field Name |SAP Field Name |SAP Field |Target Data Type |Target Data |

| | |Description | |Length |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

Legend Field Type A Alpha only

N Numeric

C Alphanumeric

R Radio button

X Check box

D Date

2a. Selection Criteria

Selection Criteria (Input Parameters)

[Provide select options (ranges), parameters (single value options), whether the item is mandatory/optional and whether the input parameter should have a drop-down list with values for selection. Group the selection criteria in frames.]


Security and Authorization Check

[Provide the security and authorization check requirements, such as the field to check, authorization objects, field value, etc. This authorization check should be able to control that only user with the correct authorization can execute/view the data in this interface. ]

2b. Error Handling

Potential Errors:

[Describe instances where errors may occur. This should include the extent to which the organization is responsible for error monitoring in correction versus users responsibilities. Full details on how operations will be notified are not required; however, state the business expectations for level of service provided.]

|No |Possible Errors |Notification Procedures |

|1 |Connection is broken between SAP ECC to SAP PI |Email Notification by RAC Support Team to Local IT. |

| | |RAC Support Team will co-ordinate with PI Support Team to Resolve |

| | |the issue |

|2 |Connection is broken between SAP PI to VMI |Regional PI Support Team to have an e-mail notification to Local IT |

| | |and to Ecomm support TEAM |

| | |Ecomm Support team to resolve the issue |

| | |Once connection issue is resolved, IDOCs will be posted to SAPPI |

|3 |IDOC is not created |Error log from creating program |

| |a) Validation rules in posting program prevent IDoc |Users get a warning |

| |generation |Users modify the improper data and re-submit the transaction |

| |b) settings issues in SAP program |IDoc not generated and no error -> |

| | |Operation is wrong then Reverse and redo it |

|4 |IDoc is generated but not sent successfully |SAP Support team check IDoc Report |

| | |SAP support team coordinates with RAC/PI Support Team to resolve the|

| | |issue. |

|5 |Staging Tables not available in VMI |E-mail notification by SAP Support Team to Local IT |

| | |Local IT team to check and resolve the issue |

| | |Once issue has been resolved SAP Support Team will try again to |

| | |insert data to this staging tables |

• In case if there is some error in PI due to data / target application or something else, PI generates email alert which goes to PI Support & local country support.

• In case if data error, VMI can correct data

• 3a. Existing/Sample Interfaces or Related Transaction

Existing SAP Program Name:

[Enter the name of the related SAP program]


Existing SAP Menu/Transaction:

[Enter the related SAP Menu path and/or transaction]


Legacy Report Name:

[Indicate document/sample cross reference or link design object into form.]


Legacy Report Number:

[Indicate legacy number on document/sample cross reference.]


3b. Related Documents

|No. |Related Documents |Description |Attachment |

| | | | |

| | | | |

3c. Configuration Requirements:

[What configuration is required to support this process? Does this process require master data to be loaded? Do all configuration, master, and transactional data exist in the development system? ]

3d. Component Testing Requirements

[List at a high level any requirements that exist to fully test this program.. Please enter functional conditions that are required for testing. Please include normal conditions and error handling conditions. This should include the following categories of test conditions:

1) Normal Processing: To test and display the report as the normal situation.

2) Exception Processing: To test and display the exception process (e.g.: zero amounts are not display, do not show deleted material, etc).

3) Error Processing: To test and display the error message (e.g.: invalid company code, invalid sales order number, etc).]

|Test condition |Expected results |

|VMI Legacy System confirms |Polling of SAP PI to the new Purchase Order and send it to |

|Purchase Order |SAP ECC |

|VMI will resend the same |Idoc going to SAP ECC will go to error. |

|Purchase Order number with | |

|different quantity (change the status to “N”) | |

Test Data: (Required)

[Provide the test data that to perform the above test conditions]

To be updated later

Review Result

|Is the Change Request content adequate enough to move | |

|ahead? | |

|Is it a new requirement or can be reused with | |

|modification? Please specify: | |

|Summarize Business Requirement: | |

|Definition of Change (Technical Details / Addendum to the| |

|Change): | |

|Brief description - Feasibility assessment for proposed | |

|change: | |

|Describe Assumption if any: - | |

|Describe in detail impact of change (On existing systems | |

|/ inter project related): | |

|Is the proposed change / feature available in SAP? (If | |

|Applicable) | |

|Risk Rating |High Medium Low |

|Financial Processing Integrity impact | |

FS Status

|FS Status |Approved Rejected Deferred Escalated |

|Regional Application Manager |Name: |

|(ERP / Information Management / | |

|Customer Development etc.) | |

| |Date: |

| |Signature / Email Rejection |

| |Comments / Reasons if rejected or escalated: |

| | |

APPENDIX A : Screen shots of process

[Set of screen shots to clarify steps of process. For example if the report is a standard modification, then provide the screen shots of transaction]









In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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