Set-up Instructions for Integration Scenarios - SAP Blogs

SOAP API Invocation of Billable Item Creation and Provider Contract CreationCustomer16592555712459Enable the Formatting ribbon with the SAP Styles by adding the template file SAP_styles.dotm (download here) to your Microsoft Templates folder.C:\Users\<user ID>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\TemplatesTo add the template, go to Developer > Document Template > AttachMake sure that macros are enabled.To view the template instructions, turn on Paragraph Marks.0Enable the Formatting ribbon with the SAP Styles by adding the template file SAP_styles.dotm (download here) to your Microsoft Templates folder.C:\Users\<user ID>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\TemplatesTo add the template, go to Developer > Document Template > AttachMake sure that macros are enabled.To view the template instructions, turn on Paragraph Marks.16598903620770Make sure to use the appropriate style in order to facilitate the efficient, error-free migration to the DITA CMS. For user Interface texts use SAP_ScreenElementFor user input, use SAP_UserEntry.For subheadings (Use, Procedure), apply the SAP_KeyblockTitle styleFor tables, use the SAP_StandardTable table format. Do not merge cells in tables.Do not nest a table within another table.Make sure to use the appropriate style in order to facilitate the efficient, error-free migration to the DITA CMS. For user Interface texts use SAP_ScreenElementFor user input, use SAP_UserEntry.For subheadings (Use, Procedure), apply the SAP_KeyblockTitle styleFor tables, use the SAP_StandardTable table format. Do not merge cells in tables.Do not nest a table within another table.Typographic ConventionsType StyleDescriptionExampleWords or characters quoted from the screen. These include field names, screen titles, pushbuttons labels, menu names, menu paths, and menu options.Textual cross-references to other documents.ExampleEmphasized words or expressions.EXAMPLETechnical names of system objects. These include report names, program names, transaction codes, table names, and key concepts of a programming language when they are surrounded by body text, for example, SELECT and INCLUDE.ExampleOutput on the screen. This includes file and directory names and their paths, messages, names of variables and parameters, source text, and names of installation, upgrade and database tools.ExampleExact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they appear in the documentation.<Example>Variable user entry. Angle brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with appropriate entries to make entries in the system.EXAMPLEKeys on the keyboard, for example, F2 or ENTER.Document HistoryRevisionDateChange1.0<YYYY-MM-DD><Change Description>1.12018 09 30Added section 221 for Cloud Connector Copy editing + PCA Table of Contents TOC \o "1-5" \u 1Purpose PAGEREF _Toc26447345 \h 52Preparation PAGEREF _Toc26447346 \h 63Billable Item Creation PAGEREF _Toc26447347 \h 94Provider Contract Creation PAGEREF _Toc26447348 \h 12Purpose SAP Billing and Revenue Innovation Management solution is the solution with capabilities of the revenue management and recurring billing used to monetize subscription and usage-based business models, extensively used by customer around the word at Cloud. Considering the variant customer owned system and variant scenario can be seamless integrate with SAP Billing and Revenue Innovation Management solution at S/4 HANA Cloud. SAP offers wide range to APIs to make the data replication / scenario extension between SAP System & SAP System and SAP System & Non-SAP System. In this blog, it will demonstrate the way on how to consume the communication arrangement inbound service of S/4 HANA Cloud by invoking the SOAP API through SoapUI to create Billable Item and Provider Contract. Include an illustration in this section to show the set-up on a high-level basis. For further details, refer to the Set-Up Instructions WIKI.PreparationBefore we start to consume the SAP SOAP API, please make sure the communication user, the communication system and Communication Arrangement are well configured. You may follow the Blog to make it step by step. In our case, the communication scenario of SAP_COM_0165 and SAP_COM_0167 are used. SAP API HUB is the place for API storage. You can search out the details of the SOAP API you want to consume. Launch the SAP API Hub from Search out the SOAP API of Billable Item Click the link Convergent Invoicing Billable Items – Create to retrieve the details of the SOAP API. Similarly making SAP_COM_0167 as the search key, you can locate the SOAP API of Contract Accounting Provider Contract - Manage makeBillable Item CreationLogin the SAP S/4HANA Cloud as Administrator and open the communization arrangement of communication scenario SAP_COM_0165 to download the WSDL file of SOAP API Convergent Invoicing Billable Items – Create. Create Project based on the WSDL file at SOAP UI. Maintain the authorization and security related configuration based on the communication user of SAP_COM_0165.Maintain the message id to consume a asynchronous processing Maintain the value as below to simulate the SOAP API. BillableItemBasicCreateElementsDescriptionSample ValueCommentsCABllbleItmSourceTransTypeSource Transaction Type 01 External Assignment of Source Transaction ID02Internal Assignment of Source Transaction IDIf fill 01, the source transaction id will be automatically assigned by system. CABllbleItmSourceTransIdSource Transaction IDEg: 56789CABllbleItmClassBillable Item Class0SAPCABillgSubprocessSubprocess of BillingEg: Y001BusinessPartnerBusiness Partner Number for Billing and InvoicingBusiness Partner NumberPlease refer to Test Script 2AR Contract Accounting - Master Data and Basic Functions for more detailsContractAccountContract Account Number for Billing and InvoicingContract Account NumberPlease refer to Test Script 2AR Contract Accounting - Master Data and Basic Functions for more detailsCABllbleItmAmountAmount of Billable ItemEg: currencyCode: EUR CABllbleItmAmount: 12 Provider Contract CreationLogin the SAP S/4HANA Cloud as Administrator and open the communization arrangement of communication scenario SAP_COM_0167 to download the WSDL file of SOAP API Provider Contract - Manage. Open your tool for API testing, e.g. SoapUI and import the WSDL file and create a new project.Maintain the authorization and security related configuration based on the communication user of communication arrangement for SAP_COM_0167 .Fill the values in the editor. Below are some explanations for the elements and sample values. MessageHeaderElementDescriptionSample ValueCommentCreationDateTimethe date and time for the provider contract creation2019-12-03T02:53:45ZProviderContractElementDescriptionSample ValueCommentSenderTechnicalIDthe technical id for the API senderSenderOneHeaderElementElementDescriptionSample ValueCommentIdentificationInternalIDthe provider contract id. The number range is defined in S/4 system.API1575341697069Should be unique in the system.BusinessPartnerInternalIDthe business partner used in the provider contract which should be available in S/4 before API testingBP_DE_T1CAProviderContractNamethe name of the provider contractBasic Provider ContractCAPrvdrContrStartDateTimethe start date and time for the provider contract2018-01-01T00:00:00ZtimeZoneCode needs to be filled, e.g. UTCCAPrvdrContrEndDateTimethe end date and time for the provider contract9999-12-31T00:00:00ZtimeZoneCode needs to be filled, e.g. UTCCAPrvdrContrActivationDateTimethe activation date and time for the provider contract, usually the same as the start date2018-01-01T00:00:00ZtimeZoneCode needs to be filled, e.g. UTCCAPrvdrContrChangedDateTimethe changed date and time for the provider contract, usually used in provider contract change process2018-01-01T00:00:00ZtimeZoneCode needs to be filled, e.g. UTCIsMarkedForDeletionthe flag for deletion, 1 means deleted0ProviderContractItemElementElementDescriptionSample ValueCommentCAProviderContractItemUUIDa 32-bit hexadecimal number (UUID) for the provider contract item which should be uniqueA3BB2221288D4FFCB9C29F2DF541095DCAPrvdrContrItmValidToDateTimethe valid-to date and time for the provider contract item9999-12-31T00:00:00ZtimeZoneCode needs to be filled, e.g. UTCCAProviderContractItemTexta description text for the provider contract itemprovider contract demoCAPrvdrContrItmChangeReasonthe reason for provider contract item change, not used for the creation step.Empty for the provider contract creationSalesOrganisationthe sales organization used in the provider contract1010The value should be available in S/4.DistributionChannelCodethe distribution channel used in the provider contract10The value should be available in S/4.Productthe provider used in the provider contract itemCBPTS001The value should be available in S/4.CABillgCyclethe billing cycle to determine the billing date for the items in steps afterwardsY001The value should be available in S/4.ServiceRecipientInternalIDthe partner who receives the goods, works or services specified in the provider contractBP_DE_T1ContractAccountInternalIDthe contract account id CA_DE_T1The value should be available in S/4.Elements for Revenue Accounting IntegrationBelow elements are mandatory if Revenue accounting integration is activated.ElementDescriptionSample ValueCommentRevenueAccountingRefTypethe reference type for Revenue AccountingPOProvider OrderRevenueAccountingReferencethe reference ID for Revenue AccountingAPI1575341697069The same as the provider contract idStandAloneSellingPricethe standalone selling price for each recurring period200currencyCode needs to be filled, e.g. EURTransactionPricethe transaction price for each recurring period100currencyCode needs to be filled, e.g. EURTransacPriceRcrrcPerdTimeUnitthe time unit for the recurring period of the transaction priceMONTHTransacPriceRcrrcPerdDurationthe duration of each recurring period for the transaction price1SSPriceRecurrencePerdTimeUnitthe time unit for the recurring period of the standalone selling priceMONTHSSPriceRecurrencePerdDurationthe duration of each recurring period for the standalone selling price1EndOfDurationDateTimethe end date of the recurring period2020-12-31T00:00:00ZtimeZoneCode needs to be filled, e.g. UTCOptional: Elements for Billing PlanThese elements are optional. They are only used if billing plan is needed in the provider contract.BillingPlanHeaderElementDescriptionSample ValueCommentCABillgPlnExtRefthe external reference text of the billing plan assigned to current provider contractBIP01CABillgPlnTypethe billing plan type, need to be checked in S/4SPL01CABillgPlnDescriptionthe description text for the billing planAPI testBillingPlanItemElementDescriptionSample ValueCommentCABillgPlnItmTypethe billing plan item type, need to be checked in S/4YRECUThe value should be available in S/4.CABillgPlnItmTxtthe description text for the billing plan itemRecurring ItemCABillgPlnItemExtRefthe external reference text of the billing plan item1CABillgPlnItemAmountthe amount to be billed for the billing plan item30currencyCode needs to be filled, e.g. EURIsTaxIncludedthe flag whether tax is already included in the amount0CATaxDeterminationCodethe tax determination code, need to be checked in S/4TaxCodethe tax code, need to be checked in S/4A1The value should be available in S/panyCodethe company code, need to be checked in S/41010The value should be available in S/4.Segmentthe segment, need to be checked in S/41000_AThe value should be available in S/4.CAMainTransactionthe main transaction for the item to be billedY600The value should be available in S/4.CASubTransactionthe subtransaction for the item to be billed0020The value should be available in S/4.CAAccountDeterminationCodethe account determination code01CABillgPlnItemServiceTypethe service type for the billing plan itemThe value should be available in S/4.Optional: Elements for configurable productsThese elements are optional. They are only used if the product used is a configurable product.ProductConfigurationHeaderElementDescriptionSample ValueCommentConfigurationthe id for the product configuration header000001ConfigurationRootInstancethe id for the configuration root instance00000001ProductConfigurationInstanceElementDescriptionSample ValueCommentConfigurationthe id for the product configuration header000001Fill the identical value as the Configuration in ProductConfigurationHeader.ConfigurationInstancethe id for the configuration instance00000001ClassTypethe class type for the configuration product, can be found in material master300The value should be available in S/4.Productthe material number for the productCBPTS001The value should be available in S/4.ProductQuantitythe quantity of the product1ProductConfigurationValueElementDescriptionSample ValueCommentConfigurationthe id for the product configuration header000001Fill the identical value as the Configuration in ProductConfigurationHeader and ProductConfigurationInstanceConfigurationInstancethe id for configuration instance00000001Fill the identical value as the ConfigurationInstance in ProductConfigurationInstanceCharacteristicthe charateristic which can be configuredCATEGORYThe value should be available in S/4.CharcDescriptionthe description of the charateristicKategorieCharcValuethe value for the charateristicHIGH_ENDThe value should be available in S/4.CharcValueDescriptionthe description for the valuehigh end目的 SAP 计费和收入创新管理解决方案(SAP Billing and Revenue Innovation Management solution)是一个具有收入管理和连续开票能力,用于货币化订阅和基于使用量商业模式的解决方案,为全球用户通过云端广泛使用。为了让客户的多种系统和场景与S/4 HANA Cloud 的SAP 计费和收入创新管理解决方案无缝集成,SAP 为SAP系统之间和SAP系统与非SAP系统间的数据复制/场景扩展提供了众多API。 这篇文档将展示如何通过 SoapUI 调用SOAP API,使用S/4 HANA Cloud通信安排入站服务来创建可开票项目和供方合同。Include an illustration in this section to show the set-up on a high-level basis. For further details, refer to the Set-Up Instructions WIKI.准备在开始使用SAP SOAP API之前,请确保通信用户、通信系统和通信安排已配置完善。您可按照文档 逐步完成。本文档中用到的通信场景是 SAP_COM_0165 和 SAP_COM_0167。 API 存储地址为 SAP API HUB( )。 您可在该网站上搜索想使用的SOAP API。点击 ,打开 SAP API Hub。 检索可开票项目的 SOAP API。 点击链接“ Convergent Invoicing Billable Items – Create”,检索 SOAP API的详细信息。 同样,将 SAP_COM_0167作为搜索关键词 ,您也可以找到SOAP API, 也就是 Contract Accounting Provider Contract – Manage。创建可开票项目以管理员身份登录 SAP S/4HANA Cloud,打开通信场景SAP_COM_0165 的通信安排,下载SOAP API Convergent Invoicing Billable Items – Create的WSDL文件。根据 SOAP UI的WSDL 文件创建项目。 维护通信用户SAP_COM_0165的授权和安全相关配置。维护message id设置,以进行异步处理。 输入下列值,模拟 SOAP API。BillableItemBasicCreateElementsDescriptionSample ValueCommentsCABllbleItmSourceTransTypeSource Transaction Type 01 External Assignment of Source Transaction ID02Internal Assignment of Source Transaction ID如填入01, 则系统自动分配源业务标识CABllbleItmSourceTransIdSource Transaction IDEg: 56789CABllbleItmClassBillable Item Class0SAPCABillgSubprocessSubprocess of BillingEg: Y001BusinessPartnerBusiness Partner Number for Billing and InvoicingBusiness Partner Number请参阅:2AR 合同会计核算测试脚本-主数据、基本功能和更多细节ContractAccountContract Account Number for Billing and InvoicingContract Account Number请参阅:2AR 合同会计核算测试脚本-主数据、基本功能和更多细节CABllbleItmAmountAmount of Billable ItemEg: currencyCode: EUR CABllbleItmAmount: 12 创建供方合同以管理员身份登录 SAP S/4HANA Cloud, 并打开通信情景下的通信安排SAP_COM_0167 以下载 WSDL 文件 SOAP API Provider Contract - Manage. 打开您的 API 测试工具,如SoapUI, 导入 WSDL文件并创建一个新项目。维护与通信安排的通信用户SAP_COM_0167 相关的授权和安全相关配置。在编辑器中填入值。下文列出了某些元素的解释和样本值。MessageHeaderElementDescriptionSample ValueCommentCreationDateTimethe date and time for the provider contract creation2019-12-03T02:53:45ZProviderContractElementDescriptionSample ValueCommentSenderTechnicalIDthe technical id for the API senderSenderOneHeaderElementElementDescriptionSample ValueCommentIdentificationInternalIDthe provider contract id. The number range is defined in S/4 system.API1575341697069在系统中应该是唯一的BusinessPartnerInternalIDthe business partner used in the provider contract which should be available in S/4 before API testingBP_DE_T1CAProviderContractNamethe name of the provider contractBasic Provider ContractCAPrvdrContrStartDateTimethe start date and time for the provider contract2018-01-01T00:00:00Z须填写timeZoneCode,如 UTCCAPrvdrContrEndDateTimethe end date and time for the provider contract9999-12-31T00:00:00Z须填写timeZoneCode,如 UTCCAPrvdrContrActivationDateTimethe activation date and time for the provider contract, usually the same as the start date2018-01-01T00:00:00Z须填写timeZoneCode,如 UTCCAPrvdrContrChangedDateTimethe changed date and time for the provider contract, usually used in provider contract change process2018-01-01T00:00:00Z须填写timeZoneCode,如 UTCIsMarkedForDeletionthe flag for deletion, 1 means deleted0ProviderContractItemElementElementDescriptionSample ValueCommentCAProviderContractItemUUIDa 32-bit hexadecimal number (UUID) for the provider contract item which should be uniqueA3BB2221288D4FFCB9C29F2DF541095DCAPrvdrContrItmValidToDateTimethe valid-to date and time for the provider contract item9999-12-31T00:00:00Z须填写timeZoneCode,如 UTCCAProviderContractItemTexta description text for the provider contract itemprovider contract demoCAPrvdrContrItmChangeReasonthe reason for provider contract item change, not used for the creation step.供方合同创建时为空SalesOrganisationthe sales organization used in the provider contract1010该值应该在S/4中存在DistributionChannelCodethe distribution channel used in the provider contract10该值应该在S/4中存在Productthe provider used in the provider contract itemCBPTS001该值应该在S/4中存在CABillgCyclethe billing cycle to determine the billing date for the items in steps afterwardsY001该值应该在S/4中存在ServiceRecipientInternalIDthe partner who receives the goods, works or services specified in the provider contractBP_DE_T1ContractAccountInternalIDthe contract account id CA_DE_T1该值应该在S/4中存在收入会计核算集成元素收入会计核算集成激活时, 下列元素是必需的。ElementDescriptionSample ValueCommentRevenueAccountingRefTypethe reference type for Revenue AccountingPO提供商订单RevenueAccountingReferencethe reference ID for Revenue AccountingAPI1575341697069与 供方合同号一致StandAloneSellingPricethe standalone selling price for each recurring period200须填写currencyCode,例:EURTransactionPricethe transaction price for each recurring period100须填写currencyCode,例:EURTransacPriceRcrrcPerdTimeUnitthe time unit for the recurring period of the transaction priceMONTHTransacPriceRcrrcPerdDurationthe duration of each recurring period for the transaction price1SSPriceRecurrencePerdTimeUnitthe time unit for the recurring period of the standalone selling priceMONTHSSPriceRecurrencePerdDurationthe duration of each recurring period for the standalone selling price1EndOfDurationDateTimethe end date of the recurring period2020-12-31T00:00:00Z须填写timeZoneCode, 例: UTC可选:开票计划元素以下为可选元素,仅在供方合同需要开票计划时使用。BillingPlanHeaderElementDescriptionSample ValueCommentCABillgPlnExtRefthe external reference text of the billing plan assigned to current provider contractBIP01CABillgPlnTypethe billing plan type, need to be checked in S/4SPL01CABillgPlnDescriptionthe description text for the billing planAPI testBillingPlanItemElementDescriptionSample ValueCommentCABillgPlnItmTypethe billing plan item type, need to be checked in S/4YRECU该值应该在S/4中存在CABillgPlnItmTxtthe description text for the billing plan itemRecurring ItemCABillgPlnItemExtRefthe external reference text of the billing plan item1CABillgPlnItemAmountthe amount to be billed for the billing plan item30需填写currencyCode,例: EURIsTaxIncludedthe flag whether tax is already included in the amount0CATaxDeterminationCodethe tax determination code, need to be checked in S/4TaxCodethe tax code, need to be checked in S/4A1该值应该在S/4中存在CompanyCodethe company code, need to be checked in S/41010该值应该在S/4中存在Segmentthe segment, need to be checked in S/41000_A该值应该在S/4中存在CAMainTransactionthe main transaction for the item to be billedY600该值应该在S/4中存在CASubTransactionthe subtransaction for the item to be billed0020该值应该在S/4中存在CAAccountDeterminationCodethe account determination code01CABillgPlnItemServiceTypethe service type for the billing plan item该值应该在S/4中存在可选:可配置产品元素以下属于可选元素,只用于产品是可配置产品的情况。ProductConfigurationHeaderElementDescriptionSample ValueCommentConfigurationthe id for the product configuration header000001ConfigurationRootInstancethe id for the configuration root instance00000001ProductConfigurationInstanceElementDescriptionSample ValueCommentConfigurationthe id for the product configuration header000001Configuration 中填写的值需与ProductConfigurationHeader一致ConfigurationInstancethe id for the configuration instance00000001ClassTypethe class type for the configuration product, can be found in material master300该值应在S/4中存在。Productthe material number for the productCBPTS001该值应在S/4中存在。ProductQuantitythe quantity of the product1ProductConfigurationValueElementDescriptionSample ValueCommentConfigurationthe id for the product configuration header000001填入与 ProductConfigurationHeader 和ProductConfigurationInstance的Configuration一致的值ConfigurationInstancethe id for configuration instance00000001填入与ProductConfigurationInstance 的ConfigurationInstance 一致的值Characteristicthe charateristic which can be configuredCATEGORY该值应在S/4中存在。CharcDescriptionthe description of the charateristicKategorieCharcValuethe value for the charateristicHIGH_END该值应在S/4中存在。CharcValueDescriptionthe description for the valuehigh end ................

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