HOW PRAYER CHANGES LIVES Prayer: The source of peace ... - Jesus Calling


Prayer: The source of peace, joy and perspective

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my prayers for the readers of all my

books have increased -- in length and

in scope. These prayers have grown to

the extent that I now consider them

one of the main responsibilities (and

pleasures) that God has for me each

day. I plan to continue this practice as

long as I am alive and able.

A vital part of prayer is giving

thanks to God. As I have spent time in

His presence -- praying, reading Scrip-

ture and writing -- the importance

of thankfulness has been impressed

upon me more and more. This theme is

reflected in my devotional books. Since

By Sarah Young

this is the Thanksgiving season, I'd like to share an excerpt from Jesus Calling

Over the years, people have asked me about my daily prayer practices. Prayer is so much a part of who I am that it's quite a challenge for

on this theme. The excerpt below is written from the perspective of Jesus speaking to you, the reader:

"Walk with Me along the high road of thanksgiving. To protect your thankfulness, you must remember that you reside in a fallen world, where bless-

me to answer that ques-

ings and sorrows intermingle freely.

tion. Nonetheless, I will try.

A constant focus on adversity defeats

I get a head start on my day by

many people. They walk through a

praying before I get out of bed in the

day that is brimming with beauty and

morning. Soon after I get up, I go into

brightness, seeing only the grayness of

our sunroom, where I pray at length

their thoughts. Neglecting the practice

for readers of all my books. Then I

of giving thanks has darkened their

read the day's entry in Jesus Call-

minds. How precious are My chil-

ing and pray specifically for all those

dren who remember to thank Me at

who are reading it, including readers

all times. They can walk through the

of the children's version. After that, I

darkest days with Joy in their hearts

continue praying while I walk on the

because they know that the Light of

treadmill in our sunroom. All of this

My Presence is still shining on them."

happens before I have breakfast. My

As you ponder the place of prayer

prayers continue throughout the day

in your life, I encourage you to give

in various ways -- interwoven with my

thanks to God daily and intention-

daily routines.

ally. Something that has helped me for

I also like to pray with other people

many years is keeping a Thanks Book

-- especially my husband and close

-- a notebook where I jot down each

friends. I have a dear friend who helps

day a few things that I'm grateful for.

teach a weekly Bible study to incarcer- bring about results that are unexpected stress and anxiety. It is wise to ask Him As you give thanks to God more and

ated women. Before she makes the long and even more wonderful than getting to help you see things -- including

more, be on the lookout for an increase

drive to the prison, she comes over

the answer we had hoped for. Prayer

your problems -- from His perspec-

in your joy.

to pray with me in the sunroom. This changes us as we communicate with

tive. It's so comforting to know that

provides encouragement for both of us. God -- gradually transforming us into God is with you in the midst of your

Sarah Young's devotional writings are

Our prayers give her confidence as she the ones He designed us to be. Also, as difficulties.

personal reflections from her daily

prepares to go to the prison, and she

quiet time of Bible reading, praying

assures me that I am an integral part of the Bible study through my prayers.

It is important for all of us to take

Jesus Calling grew out of my personal prayer life, my many years of writing in prayer journals. As soon

and writing in prayer journals. With sales of more than 15 million books worldwide, "Jesus Calling"? has ap-

time to quiet our minds and communicate with God. The more hectic our lives, the more we need this time to connect with Him. Sometimes it helps to have a special place in your home

as this devotional book was published, I started praying daily for readers, and I have never stopped. Over the years, my prayers for the readers of all my

books have increased -- in length and in scope.

peared on all major best-seller lists. Sarah's writings include "Jesus Calling,"? "Jesus Today,"TM "Jesus Lives,"TM "Dear Jesus," "Jesus Calling? for Little Ones," "Jesus Calling? Bible Storybook,"

where you can be still and pray with-

"Jesus Calling?: 365 Devotions for Kids,"

out interruptions. As I've mentioned, we pray, we are reminded that He is in

Jesus Calling grew out of my per-

and "Peace in His Presence" -- each

the sunroom in our home is that spe- control.

sonal prayer life, my many years of

encouraging readers in their journeys

cial place for me.

A sense of nearness to God is per- writing in prayer journals. As soon as toward intimacy with Christ. Sarah

One reason people neglect prayer is haps the most delightful blessing you this devotional book was published, I and her husband were missionaries in

that it may not lead to the desired out- can receive through praying persis-

started praying daily for readers, and Japan and Australia for many years.

14 come quickly (if ever). But prayer can tently. Another benefit is relief from

I have never stopped. Over the years, They currently live in the United States.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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