Executive Committee Minutes

Delray Beach, Fl

August 4, 2012

Delray Beach, Fl

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 8:00

a.m. by President Chris Evers. Past President Ron Ribaric said prayer and the group joined in for the Pledge of Allegiance. Acting Secretary Tracy Quintana called roll.

President Chris Evers Present

President-Elect Dale Haas Present

Vice President Russell Ketchem Present

Secretary Althea Parrish Excused Absence

(Proxy to Mark Juliano)

Treasurer Rick Keeney Present

House Delegate Doug Layton Present

Immediate Past President Kim Kirby Present

District Rep. 1 – Al Green Present

District Rep. 2 – Alisha Wetherall Excused Absence

(Proxy to Robert Garland)

District Rep. 3 – Thomas Frisbie Present

District Rep. 4 – Lynn Westbrook Present

District Rep. 5 – Dale Crosby Excused Absence

(Proxy to Paul Moore)

District Rep. 6 – Robert Nowak Present

District Rep. 7 – John Dunton Present

District Rep. 8 – Thomas Wilcox Present

District Rep. 9 – Nicole Monahan Excused Absence

(Proxy to Tracy Quintana)

District Rep. 10 – Jamie Brown Excused Absence

(Proxy to Joe Crull)

District Rep. 11 – Cheech DeCelles Present


1. Secretary – Althea Parrish – (Absent – Tracy Quintana took minutes)

MOTION: Treasurer Rick Keeney MOVED to accept the minutes of the Opening Session, April 2nd, the Awards/Scholarship Luncheon Minutes, April 5th, and the Executive Committee Meeting, April 5, 2012. District Representative Cheech DeCelles seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.

2. Treasurer Rick Keeney - Rick indicated his report was on the website. He reviewed the content of the electronic vote regarding contract agreements with Corporate Events which went to the voting members. He explained Florida law required meeting planners collecting monies must be registered as professional solicitors. The issue was resolved with Corporate Events accepting a flat fee of $50,000 per year for their services instead of a percentage. The contract was until 2016. The electronic vote was done due to deadlines with National. (Written Report Attached)

MOTION: President-Elect Dale Haas MOVED to approve the Treasurer’s Reports as submitted. District Representative Tom Wilcox seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.

3. President – Chris Evers

President Evers reviewed the funding outcome from the 2012 Annual Meeting & Trade Show. He commented Team Tampa did an excellent job controlling costs. He reminded committee chairs of the conference call feature which was available and that District Representatives should not forget to get meetings, events, etc. to Tracy Quintana for posting to the website. He stated he has attended six branch meetings representing five branches, adding he would be happy to speak if so desired. (Written Report Attached)

4. President-Elect – Dale Haas

Dale Haas announced he was now retired from the City of Sarasota, which resulted in new contact information.

5. Vice President – Russell Ketchem

Russell Ketchem reported there was a lot of discussion occurring about the 2014 show, adding the steering committee and team decided to keep the show in Ft. Lauderdale immediately after the Governor’s Hurricane Conference.

6. House of Delegate – Doug Layton

Doug Layton reported he and Mark Juliano went to Ashville for the HOD meeting. He reviewed his submitted report. He stated it was time to submit qualifications in to National for the Donald C. Stone Fellowship Program. (Written Report Attached)

7. Immediate Past President – Kim Kirby - Kim stated she had no report. She announced one of her goals was to work on updating committee descriptions this year.


8. District I Representative Al Green – He noted the branch report was posted on the website. He stated the next branch meeting was September 6th. (Written Report Attached)

9. District II Representative Alisha Wetherell - Alisha Wetherell had to leave early; however, the branch report was on the website. (Written Report Attached)

10. District III Thomas Frisbie noted the report was on the website, adding he was unsure when the next meeting would be held. (Written Report Attached)

11. District IV Representative Lynn Westbrook indicated the report was on the website. He thanked President Evers for attending a branch meeting. He mentioned the next meeting was a regional transportation meeting on August 23. (Written Report Attached)

12. District V Representative Dale Crosby (Excused Absence) Paul Moore stated the report was posted on the website. He commented the branch was trying to do different things including a joint meeting with ASCE. (Written Report Attached)

13. District VI Representative Robert Nowak noted the report was on the website, adding it was the branch newsletter. He stated the joint meeting in Reunion was upcoming and the next branch meeting will be September.

14. District VII Representative John Dunton report is on the web.

15. District VIII Representative Tom Wilcox reported the branch had held a joint meeting also with the West Coast Branch, adding the branch has been active with a golf tournament and handing out scholarships.

16. District IX Representative Nicole Monahan (Excused Absence) Tracy mentioned the branch had a joint meeting with the Sun Coast Branch with President Evers and FDOT District I Secretary, Billy Hattaway, in attendance. (Written Report Attached)

17. District X Representative Jamie Brown (Excused Absence) Joe Crull indicated the branch was working hard on membership. He noted plans for the golf tournament and scholarships were underway. – (No Report Submitted)

18. District XI Representative Cheech DeCelles acknowledged the Branch Chairman and Vice Chairman in attendance. He stated the Branch had two meetings this past quarter with an average of 70-80 members in attendance. He noted President Evers attended a meeting. He stated most of the branch activity was focusing on the 2014 show, working hard to state on task.


Annual Chapter Dinner (Congress) – Tim Mooney (Absent) - President Evers announced the Florida Chapter would host a baseball game with dinner in Anaheim, adding a flyer for the event would be distributed to the membership in the near future. (Written Report Attached)

20. Association Alliance – Jim Myers (Absent) - No report submitted. President Evers indicated he would be happy to talk to other organizations as part of an outreach effort.

21. Auditing/Insurance – Paul Moore noted he had no report as the committee met only once a year.

22. Awards –Chapter & National – Don Jacobovitz, Chairman - indicated the deadline for award submittals was February 1, 2013 for projects completed by March 1, 2011. He announced the Florida Chapter was selected to receive the PACE Award and thanked Amy for the great job for preparing the submittal. He announced the Florida Chapter would begin following guidelines established by National for its awards program.

23. By Laws – Tom Pugh, Chairman – Tom noted the report posted on the website. He announced the Chapter bylaws amended in April had been received back from National approved. He stated a review of the Treasure Coast Branch Bylaws was underway, adding changes had been proposed and required action from the Florida Chapter Executive Committee.

MOTION: District Representative Tom Wilcox MOVED to approve the proposed Treasure Coast Branch Bylaws and authorize forwarding the document to APWA national for their review for approval. President-Elect Dale Haas seconded motion. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.

24. Chapter Annual Meeting – Dale Haas, Chairman stated he was pleased to work with Team Jacksonville and appreciated all the support and hard work for the 2013 show. He indicated his report was on the website. He announced the theme of the show was “Public Works Celebrities – Creating Lasting Impressions”. He stated due to conflicts in the past between technical sessions and golfing, the conference had been moved back a day, allowing for the Northeast Florida Branch to host the golf tournament on Monday, adding more details would be forthcoming. He clarified the conference would be Tuesday to Friday and there would not be a Past President’s Breakfast or a Farewell Reception. He explained by these changes, the Show will save money, stay in budget and have money for the Scholarship Program, adding these adjustments should be beneficial to everyone. He mentioned a public works directors roundtable was scheduled with a director/vendor roundtable being coordinated, adding this would be scheduled to occur at the beginning of the trade show and all on the same day. He indicated the executive committee meetings would take place in September, November and January with the final meeting March 22. He invited everyone to attend the steering committee meetings.


25. Diversity – Maria Fernandez-Poratta, Chairman (Absent) - President Evers noted the report was posted to the website. (Written Report Attached)

26. Education & Training – Rohland Bryant, Chairman

a. Public Works Academies

b. Public Works Institute

c. Public Works Accreditations

d. Education Outreach

Rohland Bryant asked to defer the committee report to the next meeting when direction would be available as there was a transition going on involving the academies. President Evers consented to the request.

27. Finance – Chad Shoultz, Chairman - He noted the report was on the website. He stated he would be meeting with the investment advisors next week. President Evers indicated asset modifications were made and were reflecting a positive increase, adding allowing the investor the freedom to invest accordingly had proven to be beneficial. (Written Report Attached)

28. Government Affairs – George Recktenwald, Chairman – He stated the report was posted on the website. He announced President Obama had signed into law a new two-year, $105 billion federal surface transportation bill. He indicated he would continue to have contact with Congressman Jon Mica. He announced Amy Davies had volunteered to serve on the committee. (Written Report Attached)

29. Historical – TBD - President Evers noted the report as submitted by Jon Yarbrough was posted on the website. He announced Robert Nowak had been appointed to assume the responsibilities of committee chair. (Written Report Attached)

30. International Affairs Committee – Herb Raybourn, Chairman (Absent) - Matt LaChance reported the Chapter had agreed to match National’s request for a reimbursement grant, adding Bill Burns from the City of Orlando had attended a conference in Helsinki and was asking for reimbursement. He noted as part of conditions established by the Florida Chapter, Mr. Burns had a responsibility to the Chapter to present a report on the conference and make a presentation at the annual meeting.

31. Marketing & Social Media – Chas Jordan, Chairman - He noted the report was on the website, adding he was working with four branches on developing a logo using the Florida Chapter brand. He commented on an idea for the Public Works Directors Roundtable to present a gift of a lapel pin to the attendees. He described the pin with having the public works logo with Director and matching the Chapter’s branding. He stated the prices were for the 500 white pins the cost would be $1.91 each, 500 blue pins - $1.50 each, 300 white - $2.18 each and 300 blue - $1.78 each. (Written Report Attached)

MOTION: District Representative Cheech DeCelles MOVED to purchase 500 white pins @ $1.91 each. District Representative Robert Nowak seconded motion. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.

32. Member of the Year – Cheech DeCelles, Chairman - He announced members should start considering nominations. He indicated the criteria would be placed on the website. He stressed this was for the Florida Chapter Member of the Year, not National. He stated a nominee could remain for three years as a nominee; however, they must be nominated each year. He went on to explain it was the responsibility of the district representatives to take the list of nominees to their branch for consideration and reply with their selection back to him within the timeline established.


33. Memberships – Amy Blaida, Chairman (Absent) -

a. Records – Carolyn Steves

b. Recruitment/Retention – Matt LaChance

c. Young Professionals – Amanda Millirons

Matt LaChance noted the report was on the website. He congratulated everyone for Florida’s win of National’s membership drive for the past quarter, with a prize of a dozen golf balls. He stated the membership as of May 31, 2012 was 1,347, and held the fourth spot in membership. President Evers noted quarterly each branch would receive $200 for new members. Matt was requesting changes on membership amounts from current dollar amounts to the proposed amounts. (See written report). John Dunton opined the Chapter should be focusing on retaining members and give a return back to the membership. Matt indicated retaining membership was the next focus for the committee.


MOTION: Immediate Past President Kim Kirby MOVED to implement the plan with funding through 2012/2013 to come from the show funds, allowing time for the district representatives to meet with the branches to consider funding the program as proposed with a limit of $2400.00. House Delegate Doug Layton seconded motion. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.

Matt LaChance announced there was another Young Professional event with the Central FL branch in September, adding the Membership Committee would like to see a similar event held in every branch. (Written Report Attached)

34. Newsletter – Brandi Allegood, Chairman (Absent) - President Evers indicated the report was on the website. He requested future articles and news information be provided to Brandi for inclusion on the next edition. (Written Report Attached)

35. Nominating – Karen Johnson, Chairman (Absent) - Kim Kirby noted the report was posted on the website. (Written Report Attached)

36. Past President's Council – Ron Ribaric, Chairman (Absent) - President Evers stated Ron Ribaric had to leave early, adding Ron would be working on distributing the past presidents pins to those not been handed out presented at the 50 Year Anniversary meeting.

37. Public Works Week – Carsey Patrick, Chairman (Absent) - Tom Pugh reviewed the report. Discussion of proclamations for the trade shows and a competition for these documents might be an idea. Chas Jordan noted this was a part of branding he would work on with Carsey.

38. Scholarship – Russell Ketchem, Chairman - Russell noted the report was on the website. He extended a thank you to the branches for supporting the Scholarship Program last year. (Written Report Attached)

39. Scholarship Trust – Kim Kirby, Chairman - Kim commented she was happy to see the investment funds doing well.

40. Sustainability – Sam May, Chairman - Sam stated the report was on the website. He reported the committee had generated new ideas which were reflected on the website. He announced the database model was being considered by other organizations. (Written Report Attached)

41. Technical Committee Task Force – Robert Garland, Chairman

a. Emergency Management – Dale Haas

b. Leadership & Management – Tom Ruiz

c. Water Resources – Alisha Wetherell

d. Facilities & Grounds – Mike Jones

e. Fleet Services – Jeff Pearson

f. Engineering & Technology – David Feuer

g. Solid Waste – Ray Lotito

h. Transportation – Larry Mau

i. Utility & Public Right-of-Ways – Gary Ferrante

Robert Garland indicated the report was posted to the website. He reported committee members participated in a conference call the previous week and received a good exchange of ideas. Dale Haas stated Gary Spraggins (Emergency Management) was well qualified and would be a benefit to the committee. (Written Report Attached)

42. Website/Insurance – Tracy Quintana, Chairman - Tracy indicated the report was on the website. She reminded the district representatives of their responsibility to provide her with the details of all meetings and events in order to ensure proper insurance coverage. She expressed appreciation for the comments and feedback given on the new website template. (Written Report Attached)

President Evers noted the next meeting would be in Lido Beach (Suncoast Branch) in November. He asked that completed postcards be returned to him. He thanked everyone for attending and thanked the Gold Coast branch for hosting.

Respectfully submitted,

Althea Parrish

Florida Chapter Secretary

Via Tracy Quintana

Meeting adjourned at 11:20 a.m.

Florida Chapter – APWA

Executive Committee Agenda 2012/2013


Florida Chapter – APWA 2012-2013


Christopher Evers

Evers Infrastructure GroupLLC

210 26th Ave. N.

St. Pete, Fl 337704

(C) 727-638-1699

E-mail: cevers@


Dale Haas


4731 Capri Avenue

Sarasota, Fl 34235-4315

(H) 941-351-1642

(C) 941-914-6228

Email: president-elect@


Russell Ketchem

City of Pompano Beach

11900 NE 3 Ave

Pompano Beach, Fl 33437

(O) 954-545-7011

(F) 954-786-4011

Email: Russell.Ketchem@


Althea Parrish

City of Sanford

P.O. Box 1788

Sanford, FL 32772

(O) 407-688-5107

(F) 407-688-5091

E-mail: parrisha@


Rick Keeney

City of Punta Gorda Public Works

326 W. Marion Avenue

Punta Gorda, FL 33950

(O) 941-575-5050

(F) 941-575-5044

E-mail: rkeeney@ci.punta-gorda.fl.us

Past President

Kim Kirby,

2331 County Hwy, 280 E

DeFuniak Springs, FL 32435

(C) 850-764-2262

E-mail: apwakim@

House Delegate

Doug Layton

12535 Mission Hills Circle North

Jacksonville, FL 32225

(C) 904-646-9068

E-mail: douglaytonathome@

(Atl. House Delegate – Mark Juliano)


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