/*Combining SAS data sets*/

Combining SAS data sets: Stacking

data dataname;

set data1 data2;

Useful for combining data with all or most of the same variables but different observations

data southentrance;

input entrance $ passnumber partysize age;


S 43 3 27

S 44 3 24

S 45 3 2


data northentrance;

input entrance $ passnumber partysize age lot;


N 21 5 41 1

N 87 4 33 3

N 65 2 67 1

N 66 2 7 1


data both;

set southentrance northentrance;

if age < 3 then amount = 0;

else if age > 65 then amount = 27;

else amount = 35;

proc print;


interleaving: stack data by order of a variable

proc sort data=southentrance;

by passnumber;

proc sort data=northentrance;

by passnumber;

data both_ordered;

set southentrance northentrance;

by passnumber;

proc print;


• Combining SAS data sets: Merging

Data newdata;

merge data1 data2;

by variable;

Useful when you want to match observations from data1 with those from data2.

Data1 and data2 have to have at least one common variable.

Note variables with the same names besides those in the BY variables will be merged into one, with the second dataset overwriting the first one.

data shoes;

input style $ 1-15 ExcerciseType $ Sales price;


Max Flight running 1930 142.99

Zip fit leather walking 2250 83.99

zoom airborne running 4150 112.99

Light step walking 1130 73.99

Max step woven walking 2230 75.99

zip sneak c-train 1190 92.99


data discount;

input ExcerciseType $ discount;


c-train .25

running .30

walking .20


proc sort data=shoes;

by ExcerciseType;

proc sort data=discount;

by ExcerciseType;

data prices;

merge shoes discount;

by ExcerciseType;


proc print;run;

Merge a dataset with a summary dataset

proc means data=shoes sum;

class ExcerciseType;

var sales;

output out=sums sum=Sales_sum;


data sums1;

set sums;

if _TYPE_= 1;

proc sort data=sums1;

by ExcerciseType;

data shoes1;

merge shoes sums1(drop=_TYPE_ _FREQ_);

by ExcerciseType;


proc print data=shoes1;

by ExcerciseType;

ID ExcerciseType;


Merge a single observation with many, without a common variable

data sums2;

set sums;

if _TYPE_=0;

data shoes2;

if _N_=1 then set sums2;

set shoes;


proc print data=shoes2; run;

Merge on multiple variables

data worker;

input ID year work $ :10. WBC;


1 1940 Mixer 6000

2 1940 Spreader 8000

3 1940 Mixer 9000

1 1941 Mixer 6500

2 1941 Mixer 8500

3 1941 Spreader 8900


data exp;

input year work $:10. exposure;


1940 Mixer 190

1940 Spreader 200

1941 Mixer 140

1941 Spreader 150

1942 Mixer 90

1942 spreader 100

1943 Mixer 70

1943 Spreader 80


Proc sort data=worker;

by year work;

proc sort data=exp;

by year work;

data combine;

merge worker exp;

by year work;


proc print data=combine;run;

• Combining SAS data sets: Updating a master data set with an update data set

data master-data-set;

update master-data-set update-date-set;

by variable-list;

data patients;

infile datalines dlm=",";

length lastname $10 address $30;

input account lastname $ address $ birthdate mmddyy10. gender $ insurance $ lastupdate mmddyy10.;


620135, Smith, 234 Aspen st.,12-21-1975, m, CBC,02-16-1998

645722, Miyamoto, 65 3rd Ave.,04-03-1936, f, MCR,05-30-1999

645739, Jensvold, 505 Glendale ave.,06-15-1960, f, HLT,09-23-1993

874329, Kazoyan, 76-C la vista, ., ., MCD,01-15-2003


data transactions;

infile datalines dlm=",";

length lastname $10 address $30;

input account lastname $ address $ birthdate mmddyy10. gender $ insurance $ lastupdate mmddyy10.;


620135, ., ., ., ., HLT,06-15-2003

874329, ., .,04-24-1954, m, .,06-15-2003

235777, Harman, 5656 Land Way,01-18-2000, f, MCD,06-15-2003


proc sort data=transactions;

by account;

proc sort data=patients;

by account;

data patients;

update patients transactions;

by account;


proc print data=patients;run;

Data set options

dataname (drop=variables, keep=variables, rename=(oldname=newname), in=varname)

data shoes;

input style $ 1-15 ExcerciseType $ :10. Sales price;


Max Flight running 1930 142.99

Zip fit leather walking 2250 83.99

zoom airborne running 4150 112.99

Light step walking 1130 73.99

Max step woven walking 2230 75.99

zip sneak c-train 1190 92.99

Air basketball 1000 150


data discount;

input ExcerciseType $ discount;


c-train .25

running .30

walking .20

soccer .30


proc sort data=shoes;

by ExcerciseType;

proc sort data=discount;

by ExcerciseType;

data prices;

merge shoes(in=index1) discount(in=index2);

by ExcerciseType;

if index1 or index2;




proc print;run;


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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