NURS 701 – Biostatistical Methods for Health Care Research

STAT 601 – Statistical Methods for Health Care Research

This handout covers basic information about the course. It contains the tentative course syllabus, information about my website, and the D2L website. It also briefly discusses technology for hosting online meetings.


Instructor:  Brant Deppa, Ph.D.

Office:  311 Gildemeister Hall (Winona Campus)

Office Hours:  It is best to contact me via e-mail and arrange a time we could meet using Breeze.

Phone:  507-457-5457


Website: ( Courses ( STAT 601


We will review most of the common statistical methods, research designs, and data procedures used in health care research.  With the emphasis in health care today on evidence-based practice, it is more important than ever for health care professionals to understand essential information about measurement, sampling, and statistical analysis techniques.  The topics covered in this course represent basic tools most commonly employed in the published literature in the health sciences.

A second important component of the course will be conducting statistical analyses yourself using a statistical software package. The package we will be using is SAS-JMP because it is my experience that it is by the far the easiest to use. It also is very visual which I believe makes it easier to “see” the important features of data. On most assignments you will be using actual data from published studies to conduct appropriate statistical analyses using JMP and then interpret the results from them to answer research questions of interest. 

Required Materials:

1) 6-month academic license for JMP 11 ($29.95)

2) Computer with a microphone for participating in Breeze sessions if you want to talk.

Otherwise you can use the Chat feature. Your computer should also be capable of

viewing lecture materials.

Optional/References (in order of importance):

• Basic Biostatistics: Statistics for Public Health Practice (1st or 2nd edition), Jones and Bartlett, by B. Burt Gerstman

• Biostatistics: A Foundation for the Health Science (9th or 10th ed.),

Wiley Publishing by Wayne Daniels



Course assignments & projects 100%

Course grades will be assigned as follows:

A = 90%-100%, B = 80%-89.99%, C = 70%-79.99%, D = 60% - 69.99%, F = below 60%

Assignments will consist of:

• Viewing all relevant lectures and software demonstrations.

• Completion of assigned problems. Some of these problems will consist of answering questions pertaining to a research paper related to the current course topics. The other problems will require conducting statistical analyses in JMP using real data and answering questions related to the results.  All relevant computer output should be incorporated into your write-ups.  This is easily done by copying output and pasting it into Word.

General Course Outline (BB = Gerstman (1st), D = Daniel (9th),)

1.   Organizing and Displaying Data

      (D = Ch. 1 – 2, BB = Ch. 1)

2.   Types of Studies and Sampling

      (D = Ch. 2, BB = Ch.2)

3.   Descriptive Statistics for Numeric Variables

      (D = Ch. 2, BB = Ch. 3 & 4)

4. Examining Relationships Between Two Variables

(D = no specific chapter, BB = no specific chapter)

5.   Probabilities, Baye's Rule, RR and OR

      (BB = Ch. 5, 17 & 18)

6.   Key Principles of Statistical Inference

      a) probability and its role in decision making

          (BB = Ch. 8)

      b) normal distribution, z-scores

          (D = Ch. 4, BB = Ch. 7)

      c) hypothesis testing

          (D = Ch. 7, BB = Ch. 9)

      d) confidence intervals

          (D = Ch. 6, BB = Ch. 10)

      e) effect size (practical vs. statistical significance)

      f) sample size, power, and precision

         (D = Ch. 7, BB = Ch. 11 & 12)

7.   Single Population Inference

      a) inference for a population mean (D = Ch. 7, BB = Ch. 11)

      b) inference for a population proportion (D = Ch. 7, BB = Ch. 16)

8.   Comparing Two Populations with a Numeric Response

      a) independent samples

          (D = Ch. 6 - 7, BB = Ch. 12)

      b) dependent samples

          (D = Ch. 6 - 7, BB = Ch.11)

9.   Comparing Two Populations with a Nominal/Categorical Response

      a) independent samples (z-test, Fisher's Exact test, Chi-square test)

          (D = Ch. 7 & 12, BB = Ch.16 - 18)

      b) dependent samples (McNemar's test)

          (BB = Ch.18)

10. Comparing Several Population Means

      a) one-way ANOVA

          (D = Ch. 8, BB = Ch. 13)

      b) block designs/repeated measures design

          (D = Ch. 8)

      c) post hoc analyses

          (D = Ch. 8, BB = Ch. 13)

11. Nonparametric Tests for a Numeric Response

      a) comparing two or more populations with independent samples

          (D = Ch. 13, BB = Ch. 13)

      b) comparing two populations with dependent samples

         (D = Ch. 13)

12. Analysis of Categorical Data

(D = Ch. 12, BB = Ch. 18, 19)

13. Correlation

      (D = Ch. 9, BB = Ch. 14)  

14. Simple Linear Regression

      (D = Ch. 9, BB = Ch. 14, 11)

17. Multiple Linear Regression (time permitting)

      (D = Ch. 10, BB = Ch. 15)

18. Analysis of Covariance (time permitting)

      (D = Ch. 10, BB = Ch. 15)

19. Logistic Regression (time permitting)

      (D = Ch. 11)

Content on the my course1 website:

( Courses ( STAT 601

• Narrated Powerpoints

• Non-narrated (regular) Powerpoints

• Course assignments and supporting materials

• Live demo tutorials on how to use the statistical software package JMP 11 and organized by statistical topic.  You can order a 6 month academic license for JMP 11 by visiting:

• Datasets which you will use to conduct your own statistical analyses

in JMP.

• Links to additional material of interest.

For assignments in particular, it easier for students to use the course1 website as opposed to D2L because of dataset transfer issues.

Content on D2L:

• Research articles for assignments ( the only way to access these!

• Dropboxes for turning in assignments

• Assignment grades

• Discussion boards for each assignment

• Assignment walk-thrus – for each assignment I will record a short presentation walking you through the assignment and demonstrating some aspects of JMP that you will need to use to complete it. These will be accessible the Tegrity Recordings link in the News section of D2L.


I plan to host weekly online meetings using Breeze/Adobe Connect through METNET. I will send an e-mail to your address weekly with the URL for the meeting. (last year the URL didn’t change and is one shown below). I will try to use the following link for all meetings assuming it allows me to:

For my schedule Wednesday evenings work best and start times will probably vary between 6 pm and 7 pm. These sessions should not last longer than 1 hour.

Also this technology allows me to easily create a brief meeting at the spur of the moment. Therefore if a group of students wants to arrange a short meeting during the day you can shoot me an e-mail and we can possibly arrange a time.

To view a commercial for the product that shows a much more glorified use of the technology than you will ever see from me visit:

Breeze Link (again):

COURSE WEBSITE – ( Courses ( STAT 601


D2L Course Site -


Research article links for assignments are found under the Content section of D2L.



This is the link to Tegrity recordings for the class. For each assignment I will post Assignment Walk-throughs that you access by clicking this link.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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