Reports Overview

Reports Overview - Spiceworks

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Video - Reporting Overview

Reporting Overview

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Reports Overview

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End of month. End of quarter. End of year. It's all the same. Somebody wants one of those pesky reports. What software is installed in our network? I need a list of all our hardware assets. How much disk space are we using? And you're left scrambling to make it happen. Not anymore.

Why Should I Use Reports?

Are you tired of being asked the same questions by the same people? Well now, with just a few clicks, you can have a report ready to hand them, or even better, you can give them reporting access to Spiceworks and let them answer their questions themselves.

? Answer common questions easily: There are some questions that we know you are going to be asked so we've gone ahead and included several report options out-of-the-box. But we know that there's going to be that guy who asks for some strange report, so we've given you the ability to generate a report for almost anything.

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? Make a good impression: You can reply to a question from your boss with a fancy report either printed out or as a PDF, CSV, or Excel file. Or you can show off one of your more slick reports to the Spiceworks Community by sharing it through the Extensions Center

? Allow people to print their own reports: Get yourself out of the loop and grant certain people "reporting access". Now the office administrator can print a report to determine which printers need new toner, or accounting can print reports for themselves on their own.

What Can I Do With Reports?

From the Reports tab you can: ? Set access to reports

Allow others to access Spiceworks to only run reports ? Run a report

Run a report then print it or save it to PDF, CSV, or Excel format ? Edit a report

See how to edit an existing report to better meet your needs ? Delete a report

When you don't need a report anymore ? Export a report

Allows you to create a backup of a report or share it with others ? Import a report

Allows you to restore a backup or a report shared to the community ? Create a custom report

When you don't find the exact report you need to run, create your own

? Share custom reports The Spiceworks Community is a great channel for sharing slick reports

? Find a report Search for shared reports in the Spiceworks community

? Make a report public Make a report available to be run by anyone with reporting access

? Using dates and times in reports Customize your reports using both specific and relative dates and times

? Create a report using SQL You can create your own reports using SQL

? Some reporting tricks and examples Report on devices that don't have certain software installed or use relative dates (last week, today, etc.)

In the Community

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How to read dump files 34 minutes ago in Windows 7

Good Hard Drive Source. 1 hour ago in Storage

Making LTFS more Scaleable and Accessible 1 hour ago on the Storage Switzerland page

Accessing Reports

There are two levels of access when it come to reports in Spiceworks. There is Admin access and Reporting access. You can designate reporting access to anyone who might regularly need reports. A convenient way to save yourself a little work.

? Admin access: This is the normal level of access that you have as the administrator of Spiceworks. You have complete control over all reporting functions, including granting "Reporting" access to others.


Reports Overview - Spiceworks

? Reporting access: People with reporting access are allowed to open Spiceworks and run reports designated "public". Reporting users cannot create their own reports nor access any other Spiceworks features. See Managing Users to learn how to grant reporting access.

Running A Report

You'll be amazed at how easy Spiceworks has made it to run reports, whether you're a user with 'Admin' access or 'Reporting' access.

To run a report if you have 'Admin' access: ? Click Reporting under any of the navigation drop-downs. ? Click on the report you'd like to run in the report table.

To run a report if you have 'Reporting' access: ? Log-in to the Spiceworks desktop. ? You will be taken directly to a web page designed for users with reporting access to run 'public' reports. ? Click on a report in the table. ? Click column headings to sort the report information. ? Click the Print, PDF, CSV or Excel links to print or save the report in the desired format.

Once you are viewing the report: ? Click column headings to sort the report information. ? Click the Print link, or hover your mouse over Export and select PDF, CSV or XLS links to print or save the report in the desired format. ? When saving a report to Excel, you must open the document with Microsoft Office 2003 or later. If you are using Open Office, you should try saving as a .CSV file and then importing it. If you are using Microsoft Office 2003 or later and exporting to Excel still doesn't seem to work, you can send Spiceworks your log files and we'll try to help.

Editing A Report

You can easily make changes to what is displayed in a report.

To edit a report: ? Click Reporting under any of the navigation drop-downs. ? Find the report you'd like to edit in the report table, hover over the arrow to the right of it and select edit ? You will be taken to the Report Details page where you can change the following:

The report name. The report description. Whether or not you want to make a report public. The report type. What to include in the report. What columns to display. For a detailed description of these fields please see Creating a Custom Report. ? Click Save or Save and Run.

Deleting A Report

You can easily delete any Spiceworks Report.

To delete a report: ? Click Reporting under any of the navigation drop-downs. ? Find the report you'd like to delete in the report table, hover over the arrow to the right of it and select delete. ? Confirm that you want to delete the report.

Exporting A Report

You can easily export any Spiceworks report for sharing with the community or for backup purposes.

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Reports Overview - Spiceworks

To export a report:

? Click Reporting under any of the navigation drop-downs. ? Find the report you'd like to export in the report table, hover over the arrow to the right of it and select export ? Save the report somewhere safe (make sure to leave the .rptx extension to aid in importing at a later time).

Importing A Report

You can easily import a report into Spiceworks if you need to restore a backup report or shared community report.

To import a report:

? Click Reporting under any of the navigation drop-downs. ? Click the Import Report button in the toolbar. ? Use the Browse button to find the file to import. It should have a .rptx extension. ? Click the OK button and a new report will be added to your report table. Depending

on the type of report, it may take a while to import.

Note: If the imported report contains custom attributes which are not defined in your Spiceworks, then those custom attributes will be created.

Helpful Hints

You can always change the name of any report you import; especially if you import a new report with the same name as an existing report. Just highlight the new report in the table and select edit.

Creating A Custom Report

As much as Spiceworks tries to anticipate your needs, sometimes you want a report run on something we never would've guessed. Don't worry, though. You can create custom reports to gather the data you need.

To create a custom report:

? Click Reporting under any of the navigation drop-downs. ? Click the New Report button. ? You will be taken to the Report Details page where you can enter the following:

The report name The report description

Whether or not you want to make the report public The report type What to include in report What columns to display For a detailed description of each of these fields,

please see below.

? Click Save or Save and Run.


This is the name that will appear in the name column of the Reports Table.


This is the description that will appear in the description column of the Reports Table.


Check this box if you want to make the report available to Reporting users.

Report type Choose between Devices, Tickets, Applications, Vendors/Services, People and Purchases.

What to include in report

This section is the heart of your search criteria. It will dictate what rows are displayed in your report.

? Identify what type of entity you're searching for (devices, tickets or applications).

? Indicate whether 'any' or 'all' search criteria must be true to be included in the report.

? Enter what you're searching for (your 'search criteria'). You can specify more than one search criteria by selecting the Add button just below the list of search criteria. Each data field is driven by selections made up to that point. You will always be given a list box with relevant choices based on selections you've already made.

Helpful Hints

Search criteria list boxes only show relevant choices based on selections made up to that point. If you don't see the choice you're looking for, you might want to reevaluate the selections you've already made.

Columns to display

This section allows you to essentially 'format' your report. You can add, remove, or rearrange columns. Spiceworks will select a default set of columns to be included in the report automatically depending on what type of entity you're searching for (devices, tickets, or applications).

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Reports Overview - Spiceworks

? You can remove any column by clicking 'x' in the column heading.

? You can rearrange the columns by dragging/dropping the column to a new location.

? You can add new columns by selecting a column heading from the drop-down list and clicking the Add button. The drop-down list only shows column headings that are not already selected and are relevant for the entity type you're searching for (devices, tickets, or applications).

Sharing Your Custom Report

Have you written a cool report? Share it with the Spiceworks Community. Your report may save someone else like you a lot of time. You'll also earn a nifty badge for your profile.

To share a report: ? Click Reporting under any of the navigation drop-downs. ? Find the report you'd like to share in the report table, hover over the arrow to the right of it and select share. ? Enter more details about the report you've shared and click the Submit button.

Finding A Report You Need

The IT Pros in the community may already have written a report you need. Just visit the Shared Reports section of the community. You'll see the top-rated reports on the main page. To see more reports click on See More.

To import the report you find:

? Click on the install button. ? The report will automatically be installed in your

Spiceworks. ? Be sure to 'spice up' the report by clicking on the chili

pepper. This will help recognize the author for the contribution. You can also leave a personal comment by replying.

If you don't see the install button, you can also do the following:

? Download the desired report definition (.rptx file) on your hard drive (remembering the location and file name). ? Click the Reporting under the Inventory nav item. ? Click the Import Report button. ? Select Browse and choose the location and file name for the report defintion you want to import. ? Click OK. You should see the new report listed in the Reports table.

Making a Report Public

Same report, different data. It doesn't have to be up to you to run the same reports for the same people over and over. You can set up key personnel as Spiceworks users with reporting access only. All reports you make 'public' can be run by any Spiceworks user with reporting access.

To make a report public:

Helpful Hints

You can add as many users as you'd like with reporting access only.

? Click Reporting under any of the navigation drop-downs. ? Find the report you want to make public in the table. ? Check the box in the Public column. You can always uncheck the box if you change your mind later.

Using Specific & Relative Dates And Times

When creating reports, you can use both specific and relative dates and times. So if you want to view tickets closed between 3weeks ago and today, just use those words. Spiceworks uses the Chronic language which works with Ruby. You can view Chronic's documentation here . Some examples:

? yesterday at 4:00 ? 7 days from now ? 3rd thursday this September ? January 5 at 7pm ? There are many more examples located at Chronic's site linked to above.

Using SQL Reports

Spiceworks gives you the power to script your own reports using SQL. This option will be useful for advanced users who can work with SQL.

Note: Since the SQL reports run against the Spiceworks database schema it is possible that your reports might break if and when the Spiceworks schema changes. You may have to change your report in this case.

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Reports Overview - Spiceworks

To build a report using SQL: ? Click Reporting under any of the navigation drop-downs. ? Click the New Report button in the toolbar. ? Enter a name and description for the report. ? Click the checkbox Build this report using SQL ? You can have the report available as a widget for your dashboard by checking the corresponding box. ? Choose whether to have the results displayed in a bar graph or pie chart. ? Write your SQL code ? Click either Save or Save and Run.

Spiceworks uses SQLite as a database. You can explore the database with one of the many free tools available - just be sure not to edit/write changes to the database! We recommend SQLite Manager - Firefox add-on . Please be sure to backup your database before using these tools.

SQL reports and graphs: Currently our Pie/Bar Charts only support single-series data, Only the first two columns of the sql report are used for charting. The first column specified in your SQL statement is the label, the second column the value. For eg: If you write a report to show number of tickets by users make sure the first column is the name of the user and the second column is the number of tickets. Otherwise the graph will not display data.

Potential problems with SQL reports As Spiceworks evolves over time, so does our Database. Sometimes, we need to make changes in order to support new features and functionality. To see changes that have been made to the database over time, visit this page.

Some Reporting Tricks And Examples

? Using relative dates: * You can add relative dates such as 7 days ago, today, last week, etc. in the date boxes instead of traditional dates. Using this, you could run a report with all tickets less than a week old by displaying all tickets where the create date is between 7 days ago and today. NOTE: The earlier date must always be listed first.

? Searching for devices that do not contain specific software: Let's say you want to run a report to find out which devices do not have Microsoft Office 2007 installed. The best way to do this is to start with this shared report and simply change one line of the SQL to contain the name of the software you are looking for.

Rev 27 (diff) -- Last edited at July 30, 2012 04:17 pm by Jonathan (Spiceworks)

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