Revised 1/14/2008 .us










June 12, 2013


















APPENDIX J, SAS Network Topology






Appendix P - SAS Portal Site Analytics

Appendix Q - PD Center Statistics

Appendix R - Lesson Plan Vetting



APPENDIX U- Small diversed Business intent letter

Exhibit A - PDE SAS System Overview


The Commonwealth will make every effort to adhere to the following schedule:

|Activity |Responsibility |Date |

|Deadline to submit 1st Round of Questions via email to |Potential Offerors |Tuesday, June 25, 2013 by 1:00 PM |

|Pre-proposal Conference—Location. |Issuing Office/Potential |Monday, July 8, 2013 from 10:00 AM |

|Office of Information Technology |Offerors |to 12:00 PM |

|Bureau of IT Procurement | | |

|Finance Building | | |

|613 North Drive, 5th floor | | |

|Harrisburg, PA 17120 | | |

|Conference Room 503 | | |

|1st Round Answers to Potential Offeror questions posted to the DGS website |Issuing Office |Wednesday, July 10, 2013 |

|() no later than this date. | | |

|Source Code Preview (see section I-22. Issuing Office Participation for additional |Issuing Office/Potential |Tuesday, July 9, 2013 & Wednesday, July |

|information). |Offerors |10, 2013 |

|Deadline to submit 2nd Round of Questions via email to |Potential Offerors |Wednesday, July 17, 2013 by 1:00 PM |

|2nd RoundAnswers to Potential Offeror questions posted to the DGS website |Issuing Office |Monday, July 29, 2013 |

|() no later than this date. | | |

|Please monitor website for all communications regarding the RFP. |Potential Offerors |Ongoing |

|Sealed proposal must be received by the Issuing Office at: |Offerors |Tuesday, August 13, 2013 by 1:00 PM |

|Bureau of IT Procurement | | |

|c/o Commonwealth Mail Processing Center | | |

|2 Technology Park (rear) | | |

|Attn: IT Procurement, Christina Geegee-Dugan | | |

|506 Finance | | |

|Harrisburg, PA 17110 | | |

| | | |

|Proposals must be time and date stamped by the facility receiving the proposal. Proposals may| | |

|only be hand-delivered between 6:00 a.m. and 2:45 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding | | |

|Commonwealth holidays. | | |



Purpose. This request for proposals (RFP) provides to those interested in submitting proposals for the subject procurement (“Offerors”) sufficient information to enable them to prepare and submit proposals for the Office of Information Technology Bureau of IT Procurement’s consideration on behalf of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (“Commonwealth”) to satisfy a need for Department of Education’s Standard Aligned System. (“Project”).

Issuing Office. The Office of Information Technology Bureau of IT Procurement (“Issuing Office”) has issued this RFP on behalf of the Commonwealth. The sole point of contact in the Commonwealth for this RFP shall be Christina Geegee-Dugan, Bureau of IT Procurement, 506 Finance Building, Harrisburg, PA 17120,, the Issuing Officer for this RFP. Please refer all inquiries to the Issuing Officer.

Scope. This RFP contains instructions governing the requested proposals, including the requirements for the information and material to be included; a description of the service to be provided; requirements which Offerors must meet to be eligible for consideration; general evaluation criteria; and other requirements specific to this RFP.

Problem Statement. PDE’s Office of Elementary and Secondary Education seeks procurement services of a qualified vendor for the continued maintenance, development, enhancement, growth, training and support services for its Standards Aligned System (SAS). It will continue to be available to a school entities (for example, public school district, charter school, cyber charter school, Area Vocational Technical School(AVTS)/Career and Technical Center (CTC), or intermediate unit), institutions of higher education (IHE), parents and students and general public for their use. . The majority of the site is open and available to everyone; however there are also features available only to registered users. The intent is to have a contractor that will provide a high level of quality and at a reasonable dollar cost to the Commonwealth. Additional detail is provided in Part IV of this RFP.

Type of Contract. It is proposed that if the Issuing Office enters into a contract as a result of this RFP, it will be a deliverable based, fixed price contract containing the Contract Terms and Conditions as shown in Appendix A. The Issuing Office, in its sole discretion, may undertake negotiations with Offerors whose proposals, in the judgment of the Issuing Office, show them to be qualified, responsible and capable of performing the Project.

Rejection of Proposals. The Issuing Office reserves the right, in its sole and complete discretion, to reject any proposal received as a result of this RFP.

Incurring Costs. The Issuing Office is not liable for any costs the Offeror incurs in preparation and submission of its proposal, in participating in the RFP process or in anticipation of award of the contract.

Pre-proposal Conference. The Issuing Office will hold a Pre-proposal conference as specified in the Calendar of Events. The purpose of this conference is to provide opportunity for clarification of the RFP. Offerors should forward all questions to the Issuing Office in accordance with Part I, Section I-9 to ensure adequate time for analysis before the Issuing Office provides an answer. Offerors may also ask questions at the conference. In view of the limited facilities available for the conference, Offerors should limit their representation to two (2) individuals per Offeror. The Pre-proposal conference is for information only. Any answers furnished during the conference will not be official until they have been verified, in writing, by the Issuing Office. All questions and written answers will be posted on the Department of General Services’ (DGS) website as an addendum to, and shall become part of, this RFP. Attendance at the Pre-proposal Conference is not mandatory.

Questions & Answers. If an Offeror has any questions regarding this RFP, the Offeror must submit the questions by email (with the subject line “RFP 6100023537 Question”) to the Issuing Officer named in Part I, Section I-2 of the RFP. Questions must be submitted via email no later than the date indicated on the Calendar of Events. The Offeror shall not attempt to contact the Issuing Officer by any other means. The Issuing Officer shall post the answers to the questions on the DGS website by the date stated on the Calendar of Events. An Offeror who submits a question after the deadline date for receipt of questions indicated on the Calendar of Events assumes the risk that its proposal will not be responsive or competitive because the Commonwealth is not able to respond before the proposal receipt date or in sufficient time for the Offeror to prepare a responsive or competitive proposal. When submitted after the deadline date for receipt of questions indicated on the Calendar of Events, the Issuing Officer may respond to questions of an administrative nature by directing the questioning Offeror to specific provisions in the RFP.  To the extent that the Issuing Office decides to respond to a non-administrative question after the deadline date for receipt of questions indicated on the Calendar of Events, the answer must be provided to all Offerors through an addendum.

All questions and responses as posted on the DGS website are considered as an addendum to, and part of, this RFP in accordance with RFP Part I, Section I-10. Each Offeror shall be responsible to monitor the DGS website for new or revised RFP information. The Issuing Office shall not be bound by any verbal information nor shall it be bound by any written information that is not either contained within the RFP or formally issued as an addendum by the Issuing Office. The Issuing Office does not consider questions to be a protest of the specifications or of the solicitation.

Addenda to the RFP. If the Issuing Office deems it necessary to revise any part of this RFP before the proposal response date, the Issuing Office will post an addendum to the DGS website at . It is the Offeror’s responsibility to periodically check the website for any new information or addenda to the RFP. Answers to the questions asked during the Questions & Answers period also will be posted to the website as an addendum to the RFP.

Response Date. To be considered for selection, hard copies of proposals must arrive at the Issuing Office on or before the time and date specified in the RFP Calendar of Events. The Issuing Office will not accept proposals via email or facsimile transmission. Offerors who send proposals by mail or other delivery service should allow sufficient delivery time to ensure timely receipt of their proposals. If, due to inclement weather, natural disaster, or any other cause, the Commonwealth office location to which proposals are to be returned is closed on the proposal response date, the deadline for submission will be automatically extended until the next Commonwealth business day on which the office is open, unless the Issuing Office otherwise notifies Offerors by posting an Addendum to the RFP. The hour for submission of proposals shall remain the same. The Issuing Office will reject, unopened, any late proposals.

Proposals. To be considered, Offerors should submit a complete response to this RFP to the Issuing Office, using the format provided in Part II, providing ten (10) paper copies of the Technical Submittal and two (2) paper copy of the Cost Submittal and two (2) paper copies of the Small Diverse Business (SDB) participation submittal. In addition to the paper copies of the proposal, Offerors shall submit two complete and exact copies of the entire proposal (Technical, Cost and SDB submittals, along with all requested documents) on CD-ROM or Flash drive in Microsoft Office or Microsoft Office-compatible format. The electronic copy must be a mirror image of the paper copy and any spreadsheets must be in Microsoft Excel. The Offerors may not lock or protect any cells or tabs. Offerors should ensure that there is no costing information in the technical submittal. Offerors should not reiterate technical information in the cost submittal. The CD or Flash drive should clearly identify the Offeror and include the name and version number of the virus scanning software that was used to scan the CD or Flash drive before it was submitted. The Offeror shall make no other distribution of its proposal to any other Offeror or Commonwealth official or Commonwealth consultant. Each proposal page should be numbered for ease of reference. An official authorized to bind the Offeror to its provisions must sign the proposal. If the official signs the Proposal Cover Sheet (Appendix C to this RFP) and the Proposal Cover Sheet is attached to the Offeror’s proposal, the requirement will be met. For this RFP, the proposal must remain valid until a contract is fully executed. If the Issuing Office selects the Offeror’s proposal for award, the contents of the selected Offeror’s proposal will become, except to the extent the contents are changed through Best and Final Offers or negotiations, contractual obligations.

Each Offeror submitting a proposal specifically waives any right to withdraw or modify it, except that the Offeror may withdraw its proposal by written notice received at the Issuing Office’s address for proposal delivery prior to the exact hour and date specified for proposal receipt. An Offeror or its authorized representative may withdraw its proposal in person prior to the exact hour and date set for proposal receipt, provided the withdrawing person provides appropriate identification and signs a receipt for the proposal. An Offeror may modify its submitted proposal prior to the exact hour and date set for proposal receipt only by submitting a new sealed proposal or sealed modification which complies with the RFP requirements.

Small Diverse Business Information. The Issuing Office encourages participation by small diverse businesses as prime contractors, and encourages all prime contractors to make a significant commitment to use small diverse businesses as subcontractors and suppliers.

A Small Diverse Business is a DGS-verified minority-owned business, woman-owned business, veteran-owned business or service-disabled veteran-owned business.

A small business is a business in the United States which is independently owned, not dominant in its field of operation, employs no more than 100 full-time or full-time equivalent employees, and earns less than $7 million in gross annual revenues for building design, $20 million in gross annual revenues for sales and services and $25 million in gross annual revenues for those businesses in the information technology sales or service business.

Questions regarding this Program can be directed to:

Department of General Services

Bureau of Small Business Opportunities

Room 611, North Office Building

Harrisburg, PA 17125

Phone: (717) 783-3119

Fax: (717) 787-7052

Email: gs-bsbo@


The Department’s directory of BSBO-verified minority, women, veteran and service disabled veteran-owned businesses can be accessed from: Searching for Small Diverse Businesses.

Economy of Preparation. Offerors should prepare proposals simply and economically, providing a straightforward, concise description of the Offeror’s ability to meet the requirements of the RFP.

Alternate Proposals. The Issuing Office will not accept alternate proposals.

Discussions for Clarification. Offerors may be required to make an oral or written clarification of their proposals to the Issuing Office to ensure thorough mutual understanding and Offeror responsiveness to the solicitation requirements. The Issuing Office will initiate requests for clarification. Clarifications may occur at any stage of the evaluation and selection process prior to contract execution.

Prime Contractor Responsibilities. The contract will require the selected Offeror to assume responsibility for all services offered in its proposal whether it produces them itself or by subcontract. The Issuing Office will consider the selected Offeror to be the sole point of contact with regard to contractual matters.

Proposal Contents.

A. Confidential Information.  The Commonwealth is not requesting, and does not require, confidential proprietary information or trade secrets to be included as part of Offerors’ submissions in order to evaluate proposals submitted in response to this RFP.  Accordingly, except as provided herein, Offerors should not label proposal submissions as confidential or proprietary or trade secret protected.  Any Offeror who determines that it must divulge such information as part of its proposal must submit the signed written statement described in subsection c. below and must additionally provide a redacted version of its proposal, which removes only the confidential proprietary information and trade secrets, for required public disclosure purposes.

B. Commonwealth Use.  All material submitted with the proposal shall be considered the property of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and may be returned only at the Issuing Office’s option.  The Commonwealth has the right to use any or all ideas not protected by intellectual property rights that are presented in any proposal regardless of whether the proposal becomes part of a contract.  Notwithstanding any Offeror copyright and/or trademark designations contained on proposals, the Commonwealth shall have the right to make copies and distribute proposals internally and to comply with public record or other disclosure requirements under the provisions of any Commonwealth or United States statute or regulation, or rule or order of any court of competent jurisdiction.

C. Public Disclosure.  After the award of a contract pursuant to this RFP, all proposal submissions are subject to disclosure in response to a request for public records made under the Pennsylvania Right-to-Know-Law, 65 P.S. § 67.101, et seq.  If a proposal submission contains confidential proprietary information or trade secrets, a signed written statement to this effect must be provided with the submission in accordance with 65 P.S. § 67.707(b) for the information to be considered exempt under 65 P.S. § 67.708(b)(11) from public records requests.  If financial capability information is submitted in response to Part II of this RFP such financial capability information is exempt from public records disclosure under 65 P.S. § 67.708(b)(26).

Best and Final Offers.

A. While not required, the Issuing Office reserves the right to conduct discussions with Offerors for the purpose of obtaining “best and final offers.” To obtain best and final offers from Offerors, the Issuing Office may do one or more of the following, in any combination and order:

1. Schedule oral presentations;

2. Request revised proposals;

3. Conduct a reverse online auction; and

4. Enter into pre-selection negotiations.

B. The following Offerors will not be invited by the Issuing Office to submit a Best and Final Offer:

1. Those Offerors, which the Issuing Office has determined to be not responsible or whose proposals the Issuing Office has determined to be not responsive.

2. Those Offerors, which the Issuing Office has determined in accordance with Part III, Section III-5, from the submitted and gathered financial and other information, do not possess the financial capability, experience or qualifications to assure good faith performance of the contract.

3. Those Offerors whose score for their technical submittal of the proposal is less than 70% of the total amount of technical points allotted to the technical criterion.

The issuing office may further limit participation in the best and final offers process to those remaining responsible offerors which the Issuing Office has, within its discretion, determined to be within the top competitive range of responsive proposals.

C. The Evaluation Criteria found in Part III, Section III-4, shall also be used to evaluate the Best and Final offers.

D. Price reductions offered through any reverse online auction shall have no effect upon the Offeror’s Technical Submittal. Dollar commitments to Small Diverse Businesses can be reduced only in the same percentage as the percent reduction in the total price offered through any reverse online auction or negotiations.

News Releases. Offerors shall not issue news releases, Internet postings, advertisements or any other public communications pertaining to this Project without prior written approval of the Issuing Office, and then only in coordination with the Issuing Office.

Restriction of Contact. From the issue date of this RFP until the Issuing Office selects a proposal for award, the Issuing Officer is the sole point of contact concerning this RFP. Any violation of this condition may be cause for the Issuing Office to reject the offending Offeror’s proposal. If the Issuing Office later discovers that the Offeror has engaged in any violations of this condition, the Issuing Office may reject the offending Offeror’s proposal or rescind its contract award. Offerors must agree not to distribute any part of their proposals beyond the Issuing Office. An Offeror who shares information contained in its proposal with other Commonwealth personnel and/or competing Offeror personnel may be disqualified.

Issuing Office Participation. Offerors shall provide all services, supplies, facilities, and other support necessary to complete the identified work, except as otherwise provided in this Part I, Section I-22.

Hosting: The SAS is hosted by a contracted hosting provider. Currently, the SAS solution hosting provider is Blast Intermediate Unit 17 (Blast IU17). The SAS solution will continue to be hosted under a separate contract. The selected Offeror will be given both physical and remote access to the hosting provider’s systems to configure and update all SAS components as required by PDE. Please see section IV-3. 10 Hosting for additional information on the SAS hosting. In addition, PDE will contract with the hosting provider for a test environment for which the selected Offeror shall use for system testing prior to moving releases into production.

Source Code: Source Code for the SAS solution will be provided to the selected Offeror and remain in production with the hosting provider.

Source Code Preview: The PDE will make the SAS source code available for review for potential Offerors. SAS source code review appointments will be available during the period specified in the Calendar of Events. In order to take part in the SAS source code review and reserve an appointment time, the Offeror must contact, in advance, the Issuing Officer and provide a list of individuals who will be attending the SAS source code review. Only those individuals named will be able to attend a SAS source code appointment. SAS source code review appointments will be limited to one (1) appointment per Offeror. SAS source code review appointments are limited to two (2) individuals per Offeror. SAS source code review appointments will be limited to two (2) hours in length. SAS source code review is optional.

The SAS source code is confidential. In order for an Offeror to attend the SAS source code review, the Offeror must sign the non-disclosure agreement attached to this RFP as Appendix I. The non-disclosure agreement must be signed by an individual that has the authority to bind his or her company. The Issuing Officer will schedule SAS source code review appointments only for those Offerors that provide a properly executed non-disclosure agreement. Individuals seeking to attend a SAS source code review appointment will be required to provide contact information to the Issuing Officer including name, address, phone number, email address and title within their respective company, as well as a photo ID.

Individuals attending a SAS source code review appointment may not bring any devices such as, but not limited to cell phones, cameras, computers, smart phones, flash drives, CD’s, or other devices or media which could be used to copy confidential information. Individuals attending a SAS source code review appointment will be monitored.

PDE SAS system overview: A system overview document entitled Exhibit A - PDE SAS System Overview will be given to Offerors who have signed a non-disclosure agreement at the Source Code Preview. Offerors who are not attending a source code preview appointment may contact the Issuing Officer to obtain a copy of Exhibit A - PDE SAS System Overview. All Offerors must sign a non-disclosure agreement prior to receipt of Exhibit A - PDE SAS System Overview.

Term of Contract. The term of the contract will commence on the Effective Date and will end three (3) years after the Effective Date. The Commonwealth may renew the contract, by letter addressed to the selected Offeror, for up to an additional two (2) years with one (1) year renewals. The Issuing Office will fix the Effective Date after the contract has been fully executed by the selected Offeror and by the Commonwealth and all approvals required by Commonwealth contracting procedures have been obtained. The selected Offeror shall not begin to perform or incur any expenses under the contract until (1) the contract Effective Date has arrived; (2) it has received a copy of the fully executed contract; and (3) it has received a purchase order or other written notice to proceed signed by the Contracting Officer.

Offeror’s Representations and Authorizations. By submitting its proposal, each Offeror understands, represents, and acknowledges that:

A. All of the Offeror’s information and representations in the proposal are true, correct, material and important, and the Issuing Office may rely upon the contents of the proposal in awarding the contract(s). The Commonwealth shall treat any misstatement, omission or misrepresentation as fraudulent concealment of the true facts relating to the Proposal submission, punishable pursuant to 18 Pa. C.S. § 4904.

B. The Offeror has arrived at the price(s) and amounts in its proposal independently and without consultation, communication, or agreement with any other Offeror or potential offeror.

C. The Offeror has not disclosed the price(s), the amount of the proposal, nor the approximate price(s) or amount(s) of its proposal to any other firm or person who is an Offeror or potential offeror for this RFP, and the Offeror shall not disclose any of these items on or before the proposal submission deadline specified in the Calendar of Events of this RFP.

D. The Offeror has not attempted, nor will it attempt, to induce any firm or person to refrain from submitting a proposal on this contract, or to submit a proposal higher than this proposal, or to submit any intentionally high or noncompetitive proposal or other form of complementary proposal.

E. The Offeror makes its proposal in good faith and not pursuant to any agreement or discussion with, or inducement from, any firm or person to submit a complementary or other noncompetitive proposal.

F. To the best knowledge of the person signing the proposal for the Offeror, the Offeror, its affiliates, subsidiaries, officers, directors, and employees are not currently under investigation by any Local, State or Federal governmental agency and have not in the last four years been convicted or found liable for any act prohibited by Local, State or Federal law in any jurisdiction, involving conspiracy or collusion with respect to bidding or proposing on any public contract, except as the Offeror has disclosed in its proposal.

G. To the best of the knowledge of the person signing the proposal for the Offeror and except as the Offeror has otherwise disclosed in its proposal, the Offeror has no outstanding, delinquent obligations to the Commonwealth including, but not limited to, any state tax liability not being contested on appeal or other obligation of the Offeror that is owed to the Commonwealth.

H. The Offeror is not currently under suspension or debarment by the Commonwealth, any other state or the federal government, and if the Offeror cannot so certify, then it shall submit along with its proposal a written explanation of why it cannot make such certification.

I. The Offeror has not made, under separate contract with the Issuing Office, any recommendations to the Issuing Office concerning the need for the services described in its proposal or the specifications for the services described in the proposal. (See Pennsylvania State Adverse Interest Act)

J. Each Offeror, by submitting its proposal, authorizes Commonwealth agencies to release to the Commonwealth information concerning the Offeror's Pennsylvania taxes, unemployment compensation and workers’ compensation liabilities.

K. Until the selected Offeror receives a fully executed and approved written contract from the Issuing Office, there is no legal and valid contract, in law or in equity The selected Offeror shall not begin to perform or incur any expenses under the contract until (1) the contract Effective Date has arrived; (2) it has received a copy of the fully executed contract; and 3) it has received a purchase order or other written notice to proceed signed by the Contracting Officer.

Notification of Selection.

A. Contract Negotiations. The Issuing Office will notify all Offerors in writing of the Offeror selected for contract negotiations after the Issuing Office has determined, taking into consideration all of the evaluation factors, the proposal that is the most advantageous to the Issuing Office.

B. Award. Offerors whose proposals are not selected will be notified when contract negotiations have been successfully completed and the Issuing Office has received the final negotiated contract signed by the selected Offeror.

Debriefing Conferences. Upon notification of award, Offerors whose proposals were not selected will be given the opportunity to be debriefed. The Issuing Office will schedule the debriefing at a mutually agreeable time. The debriefing will not compare the Offeror with other Offerors, other than the position of the Offeror’s proposal in relation to all other Offeror proposals. An Offeror’s exercise of the opportunity to be debriefed does not constitute nor toll the time for filing a protest (See Section I-28 of this RFP).

RFP Protest Procedure.

A. Who May File a Protest.  An Offeror or Prospective Offeror which is aggrieved in connection with the RFP or award of the contract  may file a protest.   An Offeror is an entity which submits a proposal in response to an RFP.  A Prospective Offeror is an entity which has not submitted a proposal in response to the RFP.  No protest may be filed if the RFP is cancelled or if all proposals received in response to the RFP are rejected.

B. Place for Filing.   A protest must be filed with the Agency Head Designee by either email or hardcopy.

1. A protest filed by email should be submitted to RA-oitprotests@, with a subject line including the solicitation number [6100023537] for which the action is being filed.

2. A protest filed by hardcopy should be submitted to the attention of the Agency Head Designee at the following address:

Mr. John Clark

Special Assistant to the Secretary of Administration

Governor's Office of Administration

207 Finance Building

Harrisburg, PA 17120

C. Time for Filing.

1. A Prospective Offeror which is considering filing a proposal must file the

protest  within  seven (7)  days after  the  Prospective Offeror knew or should have known  of the facts giving  rise to the protest, but in no event  later than the proposal submission  deadline specified in the RFP.

2. A protest filed by an Offeror which submits a proposal must be filed within seven (7) days after the protesting Offeror knew or should have known of the facts giving rise to the protest, but in no event may an Offeror file a protest  later  than seven (7) days after  the date the notice of award  of the contract  is posted on the DGS website.

3. The date of filing the protest is the date the Agency Head Designee receives the protest.

4. For purposes of this RFP, to be timely, a protest must be received by 4:00 p.m. of the seventh day.

5. Commonwealth agencies are required by law to disregard any protest  received beyond the deadlines established in this Section I-28.

D. Contents of Protest.

6. A protest must be in writing. Hard copy in paper and electronic copy via email are acceptable.

7. A protest shall state all grounds upon which the protesting party asserts that the RFP or contract award was improper.

8. The protesting party may submit with the protest any documents or information it deems relevant.

E. Notice of Protest.

1. The Agency Head Designee will notify the successful Offeror of the protest if contractor selection has already been made.

2. If the Agency Head Designee receives the protest before selection, and he or she determines that substantial issues are raised by the protest, the Agency Head Designee will, in the sole discretion of the Agency Head Designee, notify all Offerors which appear to have a substantial and reasonable prospect of selection, as determined by the Agency Head, that a protest has been filed.

F. Stay of Procurement.

3. The Agency Head designee will promptly decide upon receipt  of a timely  protest  whether  or not the award  of a contract  shall be delayed, or if the protest  is timely  received  after the award, whether  the performance of the contract  should be suspended.

4. The Issuing Office shall not proceed further with the RFP unless the Agency Head Designee makes a written determination that the protest is clearly without merit or that award of the contract without delay is necessary to protect the substantial interests of the Commonwealth.

G. Response and Reply.

1. Within 15 days of receipt of the protest, a response to the protest may be submitted to the Agency Head Designee. The protesting party must be copied on the response.

2. The protesting party may file a reply to the response within ten days of the date of the response.

H. Procedures.

1. The Agency Head Designee shall review the protest and any response and reply.

2. The Agency Head Designee may request and review such additional documents or information he deems necessary to render a decision and may, at his sole discretion, conduct a hearing.

3. The Agency Head Designee shall provide to the protesting party and the contracting officer a reasonable opportunity to review and address any additional documents or information deemed necessary by the Agency Head Designee to render a decision.

I. Determination.

The Agency Head Designee shall promptly, but in no event later than 60 days from the filing of the protest unless both parties agree to an extension, issue a written determination. The determination shall:

1. State the reason for the decision, and

2. If the determination is a denial of the protest, inform the protesting party of its right to file an action in the Commonwealth Court within fifteen  (15)  days of the determination mailing  date.

3. The Agency Head Designee shall send a copy of the determination to the protesting party and any other person determined by the Agency Head Designee in his sole discretion to be affected by the determination.

Use of Electronic Versions of this RFP. This RFP is being made available by electronic means. If an Offeror electronically accepts the RFP, the Offeror acknowledges and accepts full responsibility to insure that no changes are made to the RFP. In the event of a conflict between a version of the RFP in the Offeror’s possession and the Issuing Office’s version of the RFP, the Issuing Office’s version shall govern.

Information Technology Bulletins.

This RFP is subject to the Information Technology Bulletins (ITB’s) issued by the Office of Administration, Office for Information Technology (OA-OIT).  ITB’s may be found at

All proposals must be submitted on the basis that all ITBs are applicable to this procurement.   It is the responsibility of the Offeror to read and be familiar with the ITBs.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Offeror believes that any ITB is not applicable to this procurement, it must list all such ITBs in its technical submittal, and explain why it believes the ITB is not applicable.  The Issuing Office may, in its sole discretion, accept or reject any request that an ITB not be considered to be applicable to the procurement.  The Offeror’s failure to list an ITB will result in its waiving its right to do so later, unless the Issuing Office, in its sole discretion, determines that it would be in the best interest of the Commonwealth to waive the pertinent ITB.



Offerors must submit their proposals in the format, including heading descriptions, outlined below. To be considered, the proposal must respond to all requirements in this part of the RFP. Offerors should provide any other information thought to be relevant, but not applicable to the enumerated categories, as an appendix to the Proposal. All cost data relating to this proposal and all Small Diverse Business cost data should be kept separate from and not included in the Technical Submittal. Each Proposal shall consist of the following three separately sealed submittals:

A. Technical Submittal, which shall be a response to RFP Part II, Sections II-1 through


B. Small Diverse Business participation submittal, in response to RFP Part II, Section II-10; and

C. Cost Submittal, in response to RFP Part II, Section II-11.

The Issuing Office reserves the right to request additional information which, in the Issuing Office’s opinion, is necessary to assure that the Offeror’s competence, number of qualified employees, business organization, and financial resources are adequate to perform according to the RFP.

The Issuing Office may make investigations as deemed necessary to determine the ability of the Offeror to perform the Project, and the Offeror shall furnish to the Issuing Office all requested information and data. The Issuing Office reserves the right to reject any proposal if the evidence submitted by, or investigation of, such Offeror fails to satisfy the Issuing Office that such Offeror is properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the RFP and to complete the Project as specified.

Statement of the Problem. State in succinct terms your understanding of the problem presented or the service required by this RFP.

Management Summary. Include a narrative description of the proposed effort and a list of the items to be delivered or services to be provided.

Work Plan. Describe in narrative form your technical plan for accomplishing the work. Use the task descriptions in Part IV of this RFP as your reference point. Modifications of the task descriptions are permitted; however, reasons for changes should be fully explained. Indicate the number of person hours allocated to each task. Include a Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) or similar type display, time related, showing each event. If more than one approach is apparent, comment on why you chose this approach.

Prior Experience. The Offeror must have a minimum of five (5) years of experience in developing and implementing an integrated curriculum, instruction, assessment and professional development system that is interactive and allows for synchronous and asynchronous user participation. In addition, the Offeror shall have a minimum of five (5) years of experience and knowledge in PK-12 curriculum, instruction, best practices, assessment, and adult theory or professional development other than online. Offeror shall also have experience with PA Common Core standards. Additional information on PA Common Core standards can be found at Standard/CommonCore.

Offerors must provide at least three (3) customer references for projects similar to this Project using Appendix E – Project References. To the extent possible, references should be selected to represent projects of similar size and complexity to the project described in this RFP. The Commonwealth at its sole discretion may request references from any or all proposed subcontractors.

Experience shown should be work done by individuals who will be assigned to this project as well as that of your company. Studies or projects referred to must be identified and the name of the customer shown, including the name, address, telephone number, and email address of the responsible official of the customer, company, or agency who may be contacted.

Provide a link to a standards based system developed by the Offeror that has aligned instructional material supports.

Provide links to a minimum of three professional development courses designed and developed by the Offeror.

Personnel. Include the number of executive and professional personnel, analysts, auditors, researchers, programmers, consultants, etc., who will be engaged in the work. Show where these personnel will be physically located during the time they are engaged in the Project. For key personnel Project Managers, Programmers, Web Developers, Curriculum Specialists, Trainers, Customer Support Personnel, Database Administrator, Professional development designer, and Chief Statistician include the employee’s name and, through a resume or similar document, the Project personnel’s education and experience in the respective role they will be assigned as part of this project. Indicate the responsibilities each individual will have in this Project and how long each has been with your company. Identify by name any subcontractors you intend to use and the services they will perform. Reference Appendix F, Personnel Experience by Key Position.

Substitution or Addition of Personnel.  During the project period, personnel not previously identified in the contractor’s quotation may only be substituted for another person or added to the project team when approved in writing by Pennsylvania Department of Education.

PDE may require the removal of an assigned employee from the project if the employees skills fail to meet the standards as defined in this RFP, if the employee violates existing Commonwealth or PDE policy for access to Commonwealth systems as defined in this RFP, if budgetary or project priorities for the Commonwealth warrant a reduction or change in contracted resources, or for any other reason at PDE’s discretion.  PDE may request that the selected Offeror remove one or more of its staff persons from this project at any time, with 30 calendar days written notice.  In the event a staff person is removed from the project, the selected Offeror will have ten (10) business days to fill the vacancy with a staff person whose experience and skills are acceptable to PDE’s Project Manager. Request for additional time is subject to approval by PDE’s Project Manager.

Training. If appropriate, indicate recommended training of agency personnel. Include the agency personnel to be trained, the number to be trained, duration of the program, place of training, curricula, training materials to be used, number and frequency of sessions, and number and level of instructors.

Financial Capability. Describe your company’s financial stability and economic capability to perform the contract requirements. Provide your company’s financial statements (audited, if available) for the past three fiscal years. Financial statements must include the company’s Balance Sheet and Income Statement or Profit/Loss Statements. Also include a Dun & Bradstreet comprehensive report, if available. If your company is a publicly traded company, please provide a link to your financial records on your company website in lieu of providing hardcopies. The Commonwealth reserves the right to request additional information it deems necessary to evaluate an Offeror’s financial capability.

Objections and Additions to Standard Contract Terms and Conditions. The Offeror will identify which, if any, of the terms and conditions (contained in Appendix A) it would like to negotiate and what additional terms and conditions the Offeror would like to add to the standard contract terms and conditions. The Offeror’s failure to make a submission under this paragraph will result in its waiving its right to do so later, but the Issuing Office may consider late objections and requests for additions if to do so, in the Issuing Office’s sole discretion, would be in the best interest of the Commonwealth. The Issuing Office may, in its sole discretion, accept or reject any requested changes to the standard contract terms and conditions. The Offeror shall not request changes to the other provisions of the RFP, nor shall the Offeror request to completely substitute its own terms and conditions for Appendix A. All terms and conditions must appear in one integrated contract. The Issuing Office will not accept references to the Offeror’s, or any other, online guides or online terms and conditions contained in any proposal.

Regardless of any objections set out in its proposal, the Offeror must submit its proposal, including the cost proposal, on the basis of the terms and conditions set out in Appendix A. The Issuing Office will reject any proposal that is conditioned on the negotiation of the terms and conditions set out in Appendix A or to other provisions of the RFP as specifically identified above.

Small Diverse Business Participation Submittal.

A. To receive credit for being a Small Diverse Business or for subcontracting with a Small Diverse Business (including purchasing supplies and/or services through a purchase agreement), an Offeror must include proof of Small Diverse Business qualification in the Small Diverse Business participation submittal of the proposal, as indicated below:

A Small Diverse Business verified by BSBO as a Small Diverse Business must provide a photocopy of their verification letter.

B. In addition to the above verification letter, the Offeror must include in the Small Diverse Business participation submittal of the proposal the following information:

1. All Offerors must include a numerical percentage which represents the total percentage of the work (as a percentage of the total cost in the Cost Submittal) to be performed by the Offeror and not by subcontractors and suppliers.

2. All Offerors must include a numerical percentage which represents the total percentage of the total cost in the Cost Submittal that the Offeror commits to paying to Small Diverse Businesses (SDBs) as subcontractors. To support its total percentage SDB subcontractor commitment, Offeror must also include:

a) The percentage and dollar amount of each subcontract commitment to a Small Diverse Business;

b) The name of each Small Diverse Business. The Offeror will not receive credit for stating that after the contract is awarded it will find a Small Diverse Business.

c) The services or supplies each Small Diverse Business will provide, including the timeframe for providing the services or supplies.

d) The location where each Small Diverse Business will perform services.

e) The timeframe for each Small Diverse Business to provide or deliver the goods or services.

f) A signed subcontract or letter of intent for each Small Diverse Business. The subcontract or letter of intent must identify the specific work, goods or services the Small Diverse Business will perform and how the work, goods or services relates to the project.

g) The name, address and telephone number of the primary contact person for each Small Diverse Business.

3. The total percentages and each SDB subcontractor commitment will become contractual obligations once the contract is fully executed.

4. The name and telephone number of the Offeror’s project (contact) person for the Small Diverse Business information.

C. The Offeror is required to submit two copies of its Small Diverse Business participation submittal. The submittal shall be clearly identified as Small Diverse Business information and sealed in its own envelope, separate from the remainder of the proposal.

D. A Small Diverse Business can be included as a subcontractor with as many prime contractors as it chooses in separate proposals.

E. An Offeror that qualifies as a Small Diverse Business and submits a proposal as a prime contractor is not prohibited from being included as a subcontractor in separate proposals submitted by other Offerors.

Cost Submittal. The information requested in this Part II, Section II-10 shall constitute the Cost Submittal. The Cost Submittal shall be placed in a separate sealed envelope within the sealed proposal, separated from the technical submittal. The total proposed cost shall be broken down into the following components listed in Appendix D. Please use the instructions contained in Appendix D for further information.

Offerors should not include any assumptions in their cost submittals. If the Offeror includes assumptions in its cost submittal, the Issuing Office may reject the proposal. Offerors should direct in writing to the Issuing Office pursuant to Part I, Section I-9, of this RFP any questions about whether a cost or other component is included or applies. All Offerors will then have the benefit of the Issuing Office’s written answer so that all proposals are submitted on the same basis.

The Commonwealth reserves the right to negotiate costs with the selected Offeror prior to exercising any renewal options. The selected Offeror’s pricing will remain fixed for the term of the contract to include renewal years. Sixty (60) days prior to the date, Commonwealth will meet with the selected Offeror to conduct a review of the rates and rate card based on market conditions and update pricing at the Commonwealth’s sole discretion. Following the first review, Commonwealth and the selected Offeror will repeat this review process within sixty (60) days to subsequent contact end dates. Following the renewal reviews, the Commonwealth may update pricing at its sole discretion.

The Issuing Office will reimburse the selected Offeror for work satisfactorily performed after execution of a written contract and the start of the contract term, in accordance with contract requirements, and only after the Issuing Office has issued a notice to proceed.

Domestic Workforce Utilization Certification. Complete and sign the Domestic Workforce Utilization Certification contained in Appendix B of this RFP. Offerors who seek consideration for this criterion must submit in hardcopy the signed Domestic Workforce Utilization Certification Form in the same sealed envelope with the Technical Submittal.



Mandatory Responsiveness Requirements. To be eligible for selection, a proposal must be:

A. Timely received from an Offeror;

B. Properly signed by the Offeror.

Technical Nonconforming Proposals. The two (2) Mandatory Responsiveness Requirements set forth in Section III-1 above (A-B) are the only RFP requirements that the Commonwealth will consider to be non-waivable. The Issuing Office reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to (1) waive any other technical or immaterial nonconformities in an Offeror’s proposal, (2) allow the Offeror to cure the nonconformity, or (3) consider the nonconformity in the scoring of the Offeror’s proposal.

Evaluation. The Issuing Office has selected a committee of qualified personnel to review and evaluate timely submitted proposals. Independent of the committee, BSBO will evaluate the Small Diverse Business participation submittal and provide the Issuing Office with a rating for this component of each proposal. The Issuing Office will notify in writing of its selection for negotiation the responsible Offeror whose proposal is determined to be the most advantageous to the Commonwealth as determined by the Issuing Office after taking into consideration all of the evaluation factors.

Evaluation Criteria. The following criteria will be used in evaluating each proposal:

A. Technical: The Issuing Office has established the weight for the Technical criterion for this RFP as 50 % of the total points. Evaluation will be based upon the following:

• Soundness of Approach

• Contractor Qualifications

• Personnel Qualifications

• Proposed Technical Solution

B. The final Technical scores are determined by giving the maximum number of technical points available to the proposal with the highest raw technical score. The remaining proposals are rated by applying the Technical Scoring Formula set forth at the following webpage: .

C. Cost: The Issuing Office has established the weight for the Cost criterion for this RFP as 30 % of the total points. The cost criterion is rated by giving the proposal with the lowest total cost the maximum number of Cost points available.  The remaining proposals are rated by applying the Cost Formula set forth at the following webpage:

D. Small Diverse Business Participation:

BSBO has established the weight for the Small Diverse Business (SDB) participation criterion for this RFP as 20 % of the total points. Each SDB participation submittal will be rated for its approach to enhancing the utilization of SDBs in accordance with the below-listed priority ranking and subject to the following requirements:

1. A business submitting a proposal as a prime contractor must perform 60% of the total contract value to receive points for this criterion under any priority ranking.

2. To receive credit for an SDB subcontracting commitment, the SDB subcontractor must perform at least fifty percent (50%) of the work subcontracted to it.

3. A significant subcontracting commitment is a minimum of five percent (5%) of the total contract value.

4. A subcontracting commitment less than five percent (5%) of the total contract value is considered nominal and will receive reduced or no additional SDB points depending on the priority ranking.

Priority Rank 1: Proposals submitted by SDBs as prime offerors will receive 150 points. In addition, SDB prime offerors that have significant subcontracting commitments to additional SDBs may receive up to an additional 50 points (200 points total available).

Subcontracting commitments to additional SDBs are evaluated based on the proposal offering the highest total percentage SDB subcontracting commitment. All other Offerors will be scored in proportion to the highest total percentage SDB subcontracting commitment within this ranking. See formula below.

Priority Rank 2: Proposals submitted by SDBs as prime contractors, with no or nominal subcontracting commitments to additional SDBs, will receive 150 points.

Priority Rank 3: Proposals submitted by non-small diverse businesses as prime contractors, with significant subcontracting commitments to SDBs, will receive up to 100 points. Proposals submitted with nominal subcontracting commitments to SDBs will receive points equal to the percentage level of their total SDB subcontracting commitment.

SDB subcontracting commitments are evaluated based on the proposal offering the highest total percentage SDB subcontracting commitment. All other Offerors will be scored in proportion to the highest total percentage SDB subcontracting commitment within this ranking. See formula below.

Priority Rank 4: Proposals by non-small diverse businesses as prime contractors with no SDB subcontracting commitments shall receive no points under this criterion.

To the extent that there are multiple SDB Participation submittals in Priority Rank 1 and/or Priority Rank 3 that offer significant subcontracting commitments to SDBs, the proposal offering the highest total percentage SDB subcontracting commitment shall receive the highest score (or additional points) available in that Priority Rank category and the other proposal(s) in that category shall be scored in proportion to the highest total percentage SDB subcontracting commitment. Proportional scoring is determined by applying the following formula:

SDB % Being Scored                x     Points/Additional =   Awarded/Additional

Highest % SDB Commitment Points Available* SDB Points

Priority Rank 1 = 50 Additional Points Available

Priority Rank 3 = 100 Total Points Available

Please refer to the following webpage for an illustrative chart which shows SDB scoring based on a hypothetical situation in which the Commonwealth receives proposals for each Priority Rank:

E. Domestic Workforce Utilization: Any points received for the Domestic Workforce Utilization criterion are bonus points in addition to the total points for this RFP. The maximum amount of bonus points available for this criterion is 3% of the total points for this RFP.

To the extent permitted by the laws and treaties of the United States, each proposal will be scored for its commitment to use domestic workforce in the fulfillment of the contract. Maximum consideration will be given to those Offerors who will perform the contracted direct labor exclusively within the geographical boundaries of the United States or within the geographical boundaries of a country that is a party to the World Trade Organization Government Procurement Agreement. Those who propose to perform a portion of the direct labor outside of the United States and not within the geographical boundaries of a party to the World Trade Organization Government Procurement Agreement will receive a correspondingly smaller score for this criterion. See the following webpage for the Domestic Workforce Utilization Formula:

. Offerors who seek consideration for this criterion must submit in hardcopy the signed Domestic Workforce Utilization Certification Form in the same sealed envelope with the Technical Submittal. The certification will be included as a contractual obligation when the contract is executed.

Offeror Responsibility. To be responsible, an Offeror must submit a responsive proposal and possess the capability to fully perform the contract requirements in all respects and the integrity and reliability to assure good faith performance of the contract.

In order for an Offeror to be considered responsible for this RFP and therefore eligible for selection for best and final offers or selection for contract negotiations:

A. The total score for the technical submittal of the Offeror’s proposal must be greater than or equal to 70% of the available technical points; and

B. The Offeror’s financial information must demonstrate that the Offeror possesses the financial capability to assure good faith performance of the contract. The Issuing Office will review the Offeror’s previous three financial statements, any additional information received from the Offeror, and any other publicly-available financial information concerning the Offeror, and assess each Offeror’s financial capacity based on calculating and analyzing various financial ratios, and comparison with industry standards and trends.

An Offeror which fails to demonstrate sufficient financial capability to assure good faith performance of the contract as specified herein may be considered by the Issuing Office, in its sole discretion, for Best and Final Offers or contract negotiation contingent upon such Offeror providing contract performance security, in a form acceptable to the Issuing Office, for twenty percent (20%) of the proposed value of the base term of the contract. Based on the financial condition of the Offeror, the Issuing Office may require a certified or bank (cashier’s) check, letter of credit, or a performance bond conditioned upon the faithful performance of the contract by the Offeror. The required performance security must be issued or executed by a bank or surety company authorized to do business in the Commonwealth. The cost of the required performance security will be the sole responsibility of the Offeror and cannot increase the Offeror’s cost proposal or the contract cost to the Commonwealth.

Further, the Issuing Office will award a contract only to an Offeror determined to be responsible in accordance with the most current version of Commonwealth Management Directive 215.9, Contractor Responsibility Program.

Final Ranking and Award.

A. After any best and final offer process conducted, the Issuing Office will combine the evaluation committee’s final technical scores, BSBO’s final small diverse business participation scores, the final cost scores, and (when applicable) the domestic workforce utilization scores, in accordance with the relative weights assigned to these areas as set forth in this Part.

B. The Issuing Office will rank responsible offerors according to the total overall score assigned to each, in descending order.


D. The Issuing Office has the discretion to reject all proposals or cancel the request for proposals, at any time prior to the time a contract is fully executed, when it is in the best interests of the Commonwealth. The reasons for the rejection or cancellation shall be made part of the contract file.




A. General. The Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE) seeks to procure the services of a qualified vendor for the continued maintenance, content development, enhancement, training, and support services for its Standards Aligned System (SAS). SAS will continue to be available to a school entities (for example, public school district, charter school, cyber charter school, AVTS/CTC, or intermediate unit), institutions of higher education (IHE), parents and students and general public for their use. The majority of the site is open and available to everyone; however, there are also features available only to registered users. Additional information on SAS can be found at

B. Specific. The OESE seeks to select an Offeror with the unique combination of expertise and experience in education (e.g., developing and aligning curriculum, instruction, assessment, professional development and accountability systems) as well as the technical expertise to maintain, develop, enhance, augment, support and customize an integrated and progressive web based portal that serves as the one-stop-shop for the implementation of efforts by the Commonwealth focused on improving student achievement. Thus, the Offeror must be knowledgeable about educational content that reflects best practice, current research and progressive technology integration (data architecture, design, software components and development).

Nature and Scope of the Project. PDE’s goal to develop an on-line open system to support instruction was articulated in 2009. As the vision expanded, it was clear that the resource needed to be research-based while practical and filled with easy to access resources to support the range of work, from development of curriculum to lesson plans to resources to enhance instruction.

Strategic to SAS’s efficacy is its dynamic quality: a work-in-progress philosophy that allows SAS to grow and evolve as research informs, as resources and stakeholder needs emerge, as Commonwealth initiatives decree and PA educators contribute. Not only do the elements of SAS increase over time as more is added, but as changes occur in the educational horizon, SAS content evolves. As PA educators develop facility and expertise with SAS and what it offers, they are engaged in such activities as, but not limited to creating model lesson plans, vetting materials, participating in professional development and giving feedback to improve SAS.

While SAS is designed for stakeholders in the Commonwealth it is largely open and accessible for worldwide use. As of March 31, 2013, there were 145,024 registered users in the SAS Portal with 2,700,111 non-duplicated visitors representing 220 countries including the United States.

Currently the SAS has six distinct elements to provide a common framework for continuous school and district enhancement and improvement.

The six elements of the SAS Portal are:

1. Academic Standards: Pennsylvania’s Academic Standards are declarative statements that define what students should know and be able to do as a result of instruction. Standards are the foundational elements for building curriculum and informing instruction, and form the backbone of the SAS Portal. Assessment Anchors and Eligible Content detail the tested material on State assessments and offer focus for instruction.

2. Curriculum Framework: Drawn from the Academic Standards, the Curriculum Framework is a specific set of teaching topics by subject and grade level. The Curriculum Framework guides educators in curriculum development and elaborates the topics through the use of Long Term Transfer Goals, Big Ideas, Concepts, Competencies and Essential Questions.

3. Materials and Resources: SAS’s Materials and Resources are a collection of curricular assets to assist teachers in delivering standards aligned instruction. Two key resources underscore the value added component of Materials and Resources: Learning Progressions and the Voluntary Model Curriculum (VMC). While learning progressions illustrate when skills need to be introduced, reinforced and mastered, the voluntary model curriculum provides model units and lesson plans in core content areas. The VMC is directly linked to the Learning Progressions, allowing educators to seamlessly access the VMC.

4. Assessments: Assessments is a collection of evaluative resource tools for classroom use. SAS currently provides definition of the four commonly used assessment types. SAS offers assessment exemplars as well as a tool for teachers to create and customize assessments to match a teaching objective. Online Classroom Diagnostic Tools (CDT) allows teachers to administer diagnostic tests and report each student’s grade/proficiency level by learning progressions. Based upon student performance on CDT, links to aligned materials and resources for instruction are provided.

5. Instruction: Instruction integrates multiple resources for educators. The Danielson Framework for Teachers and the Pennsylvania Framework for Leadership anchor Pennsylvania’s vision for educator effectiveness and are supported by resources for professional development.

6. Safe and Supportive Schools: Safe and supportive schools supplies resources and exemplars to promote active student engagement in a safe and positive environment.

Additional information on the SAS Portal can be found in this RFP and in Exhibit A - PDE SAS System Overview.


1. Solution Standards

a. Information Technology

i. The selected Offeror must comply with Commonwealth IT policies and directives as referenced in Section I.28 Information Technology Bulletins.

ii. The selected Offeror shall conform to industry best practices, such as ITIL v3 standards.

b. Educational Requirements

i. The selected Offeror must be able to apply the principles of backward design as described in Understanding by Design. (Wiggins & McTighe, 2000).

ii. The selected Offeror must be able to use Universal Design for Learning (LIDL) as described by the Center for Applied Special Technology.

iii. The selected Offeror must be able to employ best practices in support of a variety of assessment opportunities and formats aligned to relevant standards.

iv. The selected Offeror must continue to adhere to the body of research that describes how to modify instructions to adults as well as instructional principals and standards for online learning, while also maintaining tight alignment with The Danielson Framework for Teaching and the Pennsylvania Framework for Leadership.


How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School: Expanded Edition. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2000

Mezirow, J. (1997). Transformative Learning: Theory to Practice. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, 74, 5–12.Mezirow, J. (2000). Learning as Transformation: Critical Perspectives on a Theory in Progress. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.

c. Learning Management System (LMS)

The LMS must allow the user to integrate all elements of the SAS portal for activities and assignments. In addition, the LMS shall allow for ongoing support via professional learning communities and/or secure social media vehicles.

d. Portal

i. Accessibility: The SAS Portal shall be accessible for users. Offerors shall describe their methodology for ensuring the SAS Portal is accessible as stated in Accessibility Policy ITB-ACC001.

ii. The SAS Portal shall support browsers and browser versions currently in use by over 95% of web users (e.g., Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, and Opera). The platform shall adhere to World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) recommendations and other standards of interoperability.

2. Functions and Features

The selected Offeror shall be responsible for ensuring all current functions and features continue to operate, and shall also develop and implement requested enhancements to the SAS solution.

3. Supporting Continuation and growth of SAS

a. The Offeror will continue integration, customization and professional development of SAS components to enable teachers and school administrators to integrate critical student achievement data with key SAS components including but not limited to:

i. Adding and aligning assessments, resources and materials with academic and student support standards.

ii. Provide resources and reference material in support of a variety of assessment opportunities and formats.

iii. Offering on-site professional development as directed by PDE for PDE staff, contractors and PA educators on all aspects of the SAS Portal.

b. Learning Management System (LMS):

The selected Offeror shall support all aspects of the LMS system to include supporting the current functions and features of the system, including an application for the administration, documentation, tracking, reporting and delivery of online courses. In SAS, the LMS refers to the Professional Development (PD) Center. These functions and features include, but are not limited to:

i. Users: Users include but are not limited to registered PA Educators with unique identification Professional Personnel Identification (PPID). The system must accommodate non-registered users; users who are registered but do not have a PPID and have access to specifically identified portions of SAS as need exists.

ii. Administrative: Registered users of the SAS portal who have administrative access to the LMS, including access to the Asset Library

iii. Asset Library: A shared repository where all course materials are stored, in a similar fashion to the ePortfolio.

iv. Classrooms: An online area that is created when users register for a course. The student reviews the course materials and completes assignments within the classroom, and the instructor receives the assignments and assigns grades via an online grade book.

v. Course Designer: An area where users with administrative access can manage existing courses and can create new courses.

vi. Course Rendering: Defines how a course is presented to the user; combines all of the components, including the course description, contents, assignments, and grading into a cohesive unit.

vii. Feedback: Notes from an instructor to a student in a course regarding an assignment.

viii. Gateway: Hardware that allows for communication between systems. The gateway between the LMS and SAS allows users to be simultaneously logged into (the main SAS portal) and pdcenter. (the LMS).

ix. Messaging: A closed email system that can be used for communication between an instructor and a student within a classroom.

x. Registration: The process of registering for participation in a course. Registration allows users to search for, preview, and register for a course.

xi. Emailer: This sends automated, periodic, email reminders to course participants. Examples would be notifications received when the participants course deadline is approaching, has expired, or reminders to complete the end-of-course survey.

xii. Web Interface: This is where the common or general LMS functionality is housed, lists of courses are stored, and all of the LMS modules come together.

xiii. Social

1. Chat Room: An online area where users can communicate in real time.

2. Forums: These are forums that are similar to those found in the Professional Learning Communities module of the SAS website. Forums allow for the creation of topics, and provide a means for multiple users to communicate with one another in a common web space.

xiv. Teaching and Leadership Framework: Navigable versions of the Framework for Teaching and the Pennsylvania Framework for Leadership where users can drill down from the domains to components and elements. The Frameworks also include links to PD Center courses aligned to specific components.

xvi. Professional Development Differently (PDD). This is a separate module that allows for the development of workshops and on-line course evaluations for qualified administrative users..

xvii. Course Catalog: The list of available courses that in which a user may enroll. This is a subpage(s) in the LMS and provides a quick description, a means for previewing the course, and also a link to register.

xviii. Reporting: The system must continue to support statistical reporting. Sample report has been included as Appendix Q – PD Center Statistics.

b. Portal:

The selected Offeror shall support all aspects of the SAS Portal to include supporting the current functions and features of the system. These functions and features include, but are not limited to:

i. Framework: The modules and database objects that comprise the SAS portal and LMS.

ii. Code generators: The selected Offeror must continue to maintain current as well as develop new code generators as needed. CodeGen is the term used to describe the actions of a third party tool called CodeSmith Generator. This tool creates the code necessary to allow the user interface to communicate with the database. More commonly referred to as the business logic layer of the framework.

iii. Navigation: The common sections/links used throughout all modules that allow the user to move from page to page and module to module. There is a main navigation section as well as sub-navigation sections.

iv. Modules: The PDE SAS portal utilizes a series of relational databases that house the data that comprises user information, content and functionality. These databases are joined in normalized fashion through the use of primary and foreign keys. The current contractor has taken a modular approach in designing these databases to allow for a more robust plug and play methodology. This results in self-contained modular data and efficiently provides easier maintenance, increased portability and lowers cross-functional interference/dependencies.

1. Administrative: The module that houses all of the administrative functions in the SAS portal and LMS. Only users with the proper roles will see and be able to access these tools.

2. Assessment: This database houses all Assessment related data.

3. Curriculum Mapper (CMAP): Home to the data required to create, view, and align Curriculum Maps.

4. Communicate: This database houses all the data used in the Professional Learning Communities environment.

5. Content: This database houses all Materials & Resources used on the portal, as well as the Quality Review process.

6. Portal: This database houses overarching data that pertains to the portal itself, not specific to the modular level.

7. Professional Development: This module houses Professional Development.

8. Profile: This section houses all user account, permissions, logins, and organizational data. This is the central hub between all databases, linking users to their data.

9. Standards: This houses definitions, descriptions, and alignments for Standards.

10. Survey: Part of the professional development (PD) module. There are tools for qualified users to create and administer workshops and course evaluations. Also provides means for users to complete the surveys and have their results recorded and presented to qualified administrative users.

11. Teacher Tools: This module houses the Teacher Tools available within the portal, such as the ePortfolio and Website Creator. These easy-to-use tools allow educators to organize and share curriculum, assessment, and instruction resources with others.

a. My ePortfolio - A tool to organize all digital resources for curriculum and instruction that provides anywhere/anytime access from home or school.

b. My Website - A “point and click” web page builder that easily allows teachers to create their own web pages to enhance communication between school and home.

c. Publish Your Best - Allows educators to become instructional leaders by creating and publishing their best work in the Standards Aligned System, and sharing it with other educators across the Commonwealth.

d. My Communities - Communicate and collaborate with educators from across the Commonwealth via communities, threaded discussion forums, and blogs.

e. Curriculum Mapping - Allows access to district curriculum maps as well as allowing educators to create personalized instructional maps based on those district curriculum maps by including their own resources and sharing those maps with others.

f. Professional Development (PD) Center - Provides a platform to allow teachers across Pennsylvania to take online courses to meet Act 48 and Act 45 and submit earned requirements for certification, and will track and record hours

xvi. Website reporting: The SAS portal uses Google Analytics for website reporting.

1. The selected Offeror shall continue to support site analytics and reporting. A sample report has been included as Appendix P - SAS Portal Site Analytics.

xvii. Real Simple Syndication (RSS) Feeds: The SAS portal uses RSS feeds for content updates. In addition, SAS allows users to subscribe to RSS feeds.

xviii. Java scripts: Scripts implemented in order to create enhanced user interfaces and dynamic webpages.

xix. Active Server Pages: dynamically generated web pages.

xx. Cascading Style Sheet (CSS): file used to format the contents of Web pages containing customized, global properties for how to display HTML elements.

c. PA School Performance Profile Reporting System: The selected Offeror shall support all aspects of the PA School Performance Profile Reporting System to include supporting the functions and features of the system. The School Performance Profile System is a new feature of SAS, which is expected to be implemented in fall 2013. The PA School Performance Profile reporting system will have secure data verification capability to allow LEAs to view, review and submit corrections to the LEA information used in the PA School Performance Profile, in advance of public release. This capability will include two primary components:

i. Secure access for LEAs to annually review all data elements and to indicate where there is a potential error, along with the explanation as to why the data is incorrect.

ii. A secure reporting and analysis tool for access only by PDE, which facilitates the disposition of any LEA reported errors. The system will allow for a customizable list of dispositions, such as: data is under review, data is correct as is, data is to be corrected, etc. The system will retain the review and disposition histories as both an audit trail and as a guide in future data verification activities.

iii. Support for the School Performance Profile Reporting System shall include the management of all school performance data used in the School Performance Profile (SPP) web site. This data management will include the following:

1. Work directly with PDE information technology staff to acquire all of the data necessary for reporting school performance information. This activity includes the following requirements:

a. Create and maintain software logic to extract raw performance information from source systems.

b. Create and maintain all of the algorithms used in the SPP to integrate and compute meaningful performance metrics from the raw data.

c. Create and maintain a consolidated database to house this information for all LEAs

2. The Offeror’s chief statistician shall be responsible for design of the performance algorithms and web site functionality and shall be on-site and available on a daily basis.

3. The Offeror’s web software developers shall create PDE approved presentations from the underlying data.

4. Collaborate with multiple Commonwealth and third-party organizations that serve as primary sources of data (e.g., Bureau of Assessment and Accountability, Bureau of Special Education, Bureau of Career and Technical Education, Bureau of Fiscal

Management, SAS, Inc., College Board)

3. Change Request

All changes to the SAS solution must be approved by OESE in writing. The selected Offeror shall be responsible for change management including the development of a communication tree in collaboration with PDE. Offerors shall describe their change management approach that will be used for this project.

4. Enhancements

The selected Offeror will be responsible for enhancing the SAS solution as requested by PDE. Some examples of system enhancements may include, but not be limited to, the following:

a. School Performance Profile: The PA School Performance Profile provides comprehensive information about a school in the areas of academic, finance and school climate. Secure elements of the SPP support data verification and school improvement planning and documentation.

i. The Offeror will support the translation of the SPP into other languages, minimally, Spanish.

1. Translation of content will be performed by a separate contractor, but the Offeror must support the content being incorporated into the SAS portal.

ii. The SPP must have secure data verification capability to allow LEAs to see and correct LEA information used in the above mentioned data collection systems in advance of public release of specifically identified data elements. The capability shall include three (3) primary components:

1. Secure access for the LEA review of all data elements scheduled to be released to the public and to identify and indicate potential error, along with the explanation as to why the data is incorrect.

2. A secure reporting and analysis tool for access only by PDE, which facilitates the disposition of any LEA reported errors. The system should allow for a customizable list of dispositions, such as: data is under review, data is correct, data is in error.

3. The system shall retain the review and disposition histories as both an audit trail and as a guide in future data verification activities.

a. Educator Effectiveness On-Line Professional Development: Development of courses to support teachers, educational specialists and school leaders.

i. The selected Offeror shall expand the SAS Professional Development Center to include full support of Educator Effectiveness including teachers, educational specialists and school leaders.

1. Facilitators for online professional development shall have content area and adult learning theory and pedagogical expertise.

2. Professional Development must be aligned to the Framework for Teaching (professional development for teachers) and Pennsylvania Inspired Leadership Core and Corollary Standards (professional development for school leaders).

b. SLO Student Learning Objectives: SLO is a process to document a measure of educator effectiveness based on student achievement of content standards.  SLOs are a part of Pennsylvania’s multiple-measure, comprehensive system of Educator Effectiveness authorized by Act 82 of 2012.  The offeror shall support the implementation of SLOs, including but not limited to, facilitating on-line processes for teachers to complete an individualized SLO template, identifying aligned resources, and posting on SAS the following items that will be developed by PDE: sample content-specific SLO Templates and professional development modules for both trainers and other end users.

c. Project Based Assessment: Project Based Assessments (PBA) are an alternative pathway to proficiency available to students who have not met proficiency on Keystone Exams, the state assessments. Project Based Assessments allow for the demonstration of multi-faceted skills encompassed into a cumulative project. Project Based Assessments are designed in modules to support assessment in the Keystone testing areas.

i. Expansion of the PBA site to increase capacity to accommodate all PA students who opt for the PBA. Expansion includes online registration of students and staff, on-line training for all stakeholders, development of content specific support tools (e.g., highlighter, magnifier, equation builder, and scientific calculator), accessibility compliance, help desk and scoring module.

1. Messaging: a closed email system that can be used for communication between a tutor and a student

2. Registration: the process for administrators to register students (linked to tutors) for a project module as well as evaluators who submit applications

3. Emailer: This sends automated, periodic email reminders to both students and their tutors Example would be notifications of inactivity on a project after a defined period of time.

4. Feedback: the ability for a tutor to interact with the student as the project is reviewed and evaluated along the way; tutors must be able to approve or disapprove at checkpoints and provide narrative feedback to students.

5. Reporting: The system must be able to support statistical reporting. Examples include generating pass/fail reports of students by PPID and be able to notify LEAs of student status. Other reports include, but are not limited to, list of evaluators, state enrollment data and verification of successful project completion.

6. Levels of Access: the ability to differentiate levels of access based upon role. Example would be that tutors can access of their students’ files and be able to view a summary report of status.

7. Assignment of Evaluators: Upon verification of appropriate certification from PDE of evaluators, Offeror must be able to randomly assign (within defined parameters) evaluators to projects upon completion by students; as data indicates a project evaluation tie, Offeror will automatically send it to a third evaluator for review.

8. Project Display: Offeror must be able to post PDE-provided projects online and to update to reflect new projects

9. Surveys: This functionality will permit PDE to generate surveys to gather feedback on the projects, site navigability, and other essential components.

10. Online Navigability Guides: The Offeror shall develop navigability guides customized for roles: Administrator, Student, Tutor, and Evaluator.

5. Release Management:

Release management ensures that all changes within the SAS solution are properly planned, designed, developed, tested, documented and implemented; to ensure all changes produce the intended effect. The Offeror must establish the overall release management function and manage the daily operations of the functions. At a minimum, the Offerors change management approach should address the following release management functions:

a. Initiating – The conducting of a cost benefit analysis or feasibility study. The development of the project charter or scope documents.

b. Requirements Analysis– The definition of requirements for a system, and the documentation of these requirements. This would also include any changes to requirements after the initial requirements have been signed off.

c. Design – The design of a system based on the requirements.

d. Configure/Build – The system development or software configuration. The installation of any hardware. The cleansing or conversion of any data.

e. Test and Accept – The testing of functionality of the system, including unit, integration and user acceptance.

f. Deploy – Transition of accepted system into production from staging.

g. End User Readiness – Communication with and training of the system’s user community.

h. Production Support - SAS Support Services and system maintenance as described in section IV4.2 Production Support.

As part of their release management approach, the selected Offeror shall at a minimum provide the following technical documentation:

a. Functional Specifications/Requirements Document

b. Code Documentation

c. Traceability Matrix

d. High Level Design Documentation

e. Test Plans

f. Deployment Documentation

Offerors shall describe their release management approach that will be used for this project. After each release is deployed, the selected Offeror shall provide an updated copy of all source code, project inclusion files, and supporting technical documentation to PDE.

7. Hosting:

The selected Offeror shall be responsible for working with the SAS solution hosting provider. The SAS solution must work on the hosting provider’s hardware, software and network architecture. Please see Appendix J – SAS Network Topology, Appendix N – Hosting Environment Hardware and Software, and Appendix O – Hosting Environment Requirements for additional information.

a. Host Provider Responsibilities

i. Provide and support all infrastructure components of the SAS platform.

1. Web servers

2. Database servers

3. Network components (such as routers) and access to the Internet

4. Security devices such as firewalls

ii. Management of hardware platforms

1. Performance monitoring and detection of failures

2. Backups of systems and databases

b. Offeror Responsibilities

i. Management of all software for SAS and related projects (Educator Effectiveness, School Performance Profile, Early Warning System, Educator Dashboard, Project Based Assessment, etc)

1. Offeror will have both physical and remote access to host computers to configure and update all software components as required by PDE.

2. The Offeror provides and implements all debugging of software issues.

3. The Offeror configures and manages all of the data in the databases.

ii. The Offeror does some software setup and configuration of the hardware, such as settings on the network devices or server operating systems.

iii. The Offeror provides all user support and contact management

8. Interfaces :

a. The Portal will interface via single sign-on or secure single sign-on as designated by PDE with vendors supporting PDE initiatives and aligning with SAS Portal elements and activities. These vendors include but are not limited to Data Recognition Corporation (DRC), SAS, Inc., and Teachscape. Please see Appendix K - eDIRECT SAS configuration additional information on the DRC interface.

b. The SAS system must provide a secure application programming interface (API) which can accept an eligible content item and return a list of URLs to instructional materials and resources aligned to that item.

c. The Offeror will receive voluntary model curriculum units and lesson plans from DRC in MS Word format and must transcribe them into a web content management system so that they can be searched and displayed on a variety of web pages within the SAS Portal, downloaded as a MS Word document and printed in either MS Word or PDF format.

d. The selected Offeror must provide the capability to support and maintain the solution so that it is able to serve as the portal for other applications. The selected Offeror shall be able to link to PDE’s educator dashboard and early warning system

i. Educator Dashboard: The secure educator dashboard provides comprehensive information about individual educators such as: Educator Effectiveness scores in the aggregate and disaggregated by the elements in the multiple measures of educator effectiveness. Included in the educator dashboard are documentation of professional development aligned to the Framework for Teaching and the Pennsylvania Framework for Leadership.

ii. Early Warning Indicators: A research based system designed to facilitate the collection of data designed to provide an early warning and interventions for students at risk of not graduating.

9. Volumes:

a. The SAS must have the capacity to maintain current registered users and accommodate additional users as the Portal reaches out to additional stakeholders such as: students, parents, pre-service teachers, community members. The selected Offeror shall be responsible to ensure that all developed works are scalable to account for future growth in the user base. In addition, the selected Offeror shall be responsible for working collaboratively with the hosting provider in making any recommendation for changes to hosting environment which may be needed to account for the growth in user base.

10. Performance Standards:

a. The selected Offeror must meet the performance standards as described in Appendix L – Performance Standards

b. The Offeror must be available and responsive to end users including PDE staff and via Help Desk to Portal Users.

c. Availability includes electronic mail as well as telephone access via toll-free number from 7:00 am – 5:00 pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday; 12:00 pm – 9:00 pm Tuesdays and Thursdays as well as five-day per week email Help. Help desk shall be staffed by individuals with the educational and technical expertise in curriculum, instruction, assessment, and professional development as well as full functionality and usage of the portal.

d. The Offeror will provide responses to portal users and PDE within the timeframes described in Appendix L – Performance Standards.

e. The Offeror will track help desk inquiries in a manner prescribed by PDE and communicate to PDE on a monthly basis with any suggested upgrades or enhancements to meet customer need.

11. Incident Management

a. Offeror is responsible for all incident management.

b. Offeror shall manage all issues until resolution.

i. For incidents outside of the Offeror’s control, upon notification of incident the Offeror shall escalate the issue to the appropriate entity for resolution (ex. Hosting provider, PDE)

c. Offeror will provide updates to PDE based on severity of the incident as described in Appendix L – Performance Standards.


1. Transition:

a. Offeror must be able to assume full responsibility of the work from the

incumbent within 60 days of the effective date of the contract (transition);

Offerors shall submit a transition plan which includes all activities necessary to

transition services from the incumbent contractor to the selected Offeror without disruption of services.

b. At the end of the transition task, the selected Offeror shall prepare a Final Transition report that documents the completion of the transition activities and provides the status of each high-level task and activity that took place during the transition period. The Final Transition report shall validate the selected Offeror has transitioned all services.


• Transition Plan

• Final Transition Report

2. Production Support:

a. System Maintenance

i) Maintenance shall include all activities to keep the SAS solution functioning and bug fixes. Changes which require source code changes will be considered Enhancements as described in Section IV-4.4 Enhancements, unless those changes are a bug fix for a previous implemented function or feature.

ii) Maintenance activities shall include the testing and implementation of various software and security updates (i.e. Microsoft Updates) required to maintain the system. Offerors shall describe their methodology for maintenance of the SAS solution.

a. SAS Support Services:

i) Phone and email support

SAS Support must be staffed by customer support personnel who can provide comprehensive support in the educational areas addressed within the Portal as well as provide support in technological areas related to Portal use and navigation.

ii) Online Support

The selected Offeror shall continue to maintain and develop online support for users. Online support shall include, but not be limited to:

1) FAQs

2) Training Materials

3) Tutorials

The selected Offeror shall provide SAS Support Services which meet the requirements as described in section IV-3.11 Performance Standards.

Background information on current SAS Support Services can be found in Appendix M - Background information on SAS Support Services.

3. Enhancements: (includes Offeror, user and system requirements)

The selected Offeror shall be responsible for the project management, development, and implementation of system enhancements upon request from OESE. System enhancements will include the addition of any new feature or function to the SAS solution, which has been requested by OESE. Configuration changes that do not require source code changes will be considered maintenance and not an enhancement. System enhancements may also include content development. The role of the Offeror and PDE in terms of content development is defined primarily by enhancement.

The selected Offeror will provide system enhancements, to include project management assistance and other tasks necessary to adhere to and other tasks required to adhere to the Release Management approach as required in Section IV.3.7. Release Management on an hourly basis as needed to support ongoing SAS improvement efforts. PDE estimates an annual need of approximately 600 hours. The hours provided are for evaluation purposes only. The estimates provided are not a guarantee of hours of service to be provided or payment under the resulting purchase order.

All enhancements) shall adhere to the Release Management approach as required in Section IV.3.7. Release Management.


• Enhancements

An enhancement will be considered delivered once it has been deployed in production environment and PDE acceptance is received in writing.

4. SAS Professional Development

a. SAS Professional Development for Educators including the offering of one hundred (100) workshop days per year (8 hours equals a full day) as designated and directed by PDE. Training will include on-site, virtual and blended models at the discretion of PDE. For bidding purposes, Offeror shall calculate costs based on 80 of the 100 workshop days as on-site training including travel and expenses of all Offeror trainers and 20 workshop days as virtual workshops. The Offeror will provide all participant materials including but not limited to printed materials, books and supplies necessary for training. The Offeror is responsible for obtaining required Act 48 and Act 45 approvals and subsequently submitting hours to PDE. PDE shall designate training sites (PAIU and PaTTAN) at no cost to the Offeror. Expenses for participants will be determined at the discretion of PDE.

b. On-line Professional development content development will be an iterative process. All materials solely created by the Offeror will be approved by PDE prior to implementation. All content developed for professional development will be owned by PDE. Approximately 20 courses per contract year shall be developed. Courses will be a minimum of 5 hours in length, unless otherwise directed by PDE. Offeror will be responsible for the development of a maximum of 100 total hours of coursework per contract year. Online professional development occurs in an asynchronous environment. The online professional development courses will be supported by the Offeror’s content and professional development experts and facilitators, as appropriate.


• SAS professional development for Educators workshops

• On-line professional development courses

5. Turnover:

a. The Offeror must be able to turn over the work to a subsequent vendor when the contract is completed (turnover). Turnover plan must include contractor to new contractor collaboration, participation, knowledge transfer to occur within 30 days before expiration of contract. Turnover plan will be submitted 6 months before transition. Upon request, the selected Offeror shall execute the Turnover Plan.

b. At the end of the turnover task, the selected Offeror shall prepare a report that documents the completion of the turnover activities and provides the status of each high level task and activity that took place during the transition period.


• Turnover plan

• Final turnover report

Emergency Preparedness.

To support continuity of operations during an emergency, including a pandemic, the Commonwealth needs a strategy for maintaining operations for an extended period of time. One part of this strategy is to ensure that essential contracts that provide critical business services to the Commonwealth have planned for such an emergency and put contingencies in place to provide needed goods and services.

1. Describe how Offeror anticipates such a crisis will impact its operations.

2. Describe Offeror’s emergency response continuity of operations plan. Attach a copy of the plan, or at a minimum, summarize how the plan addresses the following aspects of pandemic preparedness:

a) Employee training (describe Offeror’s training plan, and how frequently it will be shared with employees)

b) Identified essential business functions and key employees (within Offeror) necessary to carry them out

c) Contingency plans for:

i. How Offeror will handle staffing issues when a portion of key employees are incapacitated due to illness.

ii. How Offeror employees will carry out the essential functions if contagion control measures prevent them from coming to the primary workplace.

d) How Offeror will communicate with staff and suppliers when primary communications systems are overloaded or otherwise fail, including key contacts, chain of communications (including suppliers), etc.

e) How and when Offeror’s emergency plan will be tested, and if the plan will be tested by a third-party.

Reports and Project Control.

A. Task Plan. A work plan for each task that identifies the work elements of each task, the resources assigned to the task, and the time allotted to each element and the deliverable items to be produced. Where appropriate, a PERT or GANTT chart display should be used to show project, task, and time relationship.

B. Status Report. A monthly progress report covering activities, problems and recommendations. The monthly report is due to OESE on the second Thursday of each month. The format of the report will be communicated to the Offeror by OESE.

1. Monthly Status reports shall include at a minimum the following information:

i) Project Activities Report

1) A report outlining all activities of the project to include system changes, enhancements, and content development. Report shall include at a minimum:

a) The SAS element affected

b) Description of activity

c) Status of activity

d) Date submitted to Offeror (ex. Date problem identified, date change request was received)

e) Due date

f) PDE Lead

g) Offeror Lead

h) Resources/Costs

i) Contract Year affected

ii) Maintenance Activity Report

1) A report outlining all maintenance activities of the project to include, but not limited to, software and security updates and bug fixes.

iii) SAS Support Services Activity Report

1) A report summarizing the monthly SAS Support Services Activity to include, but not limited to; phone, email, and online support activities.

iv) SAS Portal statistics.

1) A sample report has been included as Appendix P - SAS Portal Site Analytics.

v) PD Center Statistics

1) Sample report has been included as Appendix Q - PD Center Statistics

vi) Lesson Plan Vetting Statistics

1) Sample report has been included as Appendix R - Lesson Plan Vetting

vii) Training Report

a) Total training days contracted (as described in section IV-4.5)

b) Total training days used

c) Total training days scheduled

d) Total remaining training days available

e) Training schedule which includes

i) Date

ii) Name of Training

iii) Trainer/Presenter

iv) Audience

v) Location

vi) Number of Days

C. Problem Identification Report. An “as required” report, identifying problem areas. The report should describe the problem and its impact on the overall project and on each affected task. It should list possible courses of action with advantages and disadvantages of each, and include Offeror recommendations with supporting rationale.

D. GASB51: Estimated Total Reportable Cost. An initial project cost estimation report that provides an estimated total reportable cost by project phase. For purposes of this report, the phases of a project include:

a. Initiating – The conducting of a cost benefit analysis or feasibility study. The development of the project charter or scope documents.

b. Requirements Analysis– The definition of requirements for a system, and the documentation of these requirements. This would also include any changes to requirements after the initial requirements have been signed off.

c. Design – The design of a system based on the requirements.

d. Configure/Build – The system development or software configuration. The installation of any hardware. The cleansing or conversion of any data.

e. Test and Accept – The testing of functionality of the system, including unit, integration and user acceptance.

f. Deploy – Transition of accepted system into production from staging.

g. End User Readiness – Communication with and training of the system’s user community.

h. Production Support – SAS Support Services as activities and system maintenance.

This report must be submitted by the selected supplier prior to contract award and be in the format defined in Appendix S.

E. GASB51: Annual Fiscal Year-End Actual Reportable Costs. An annual, fiscal year-end (June 30), report that provides a summary of actual reportable costs incurred during the fiscal year, by project phase. For purposes of this report, the phases of a project include:

a. Initiating – The conducting of a cost benefit analysis or feasibility study. The development of the project charter or scope documents.

b. Requirements Analysis– The definition of requirements for a system, and the documentation of these requirements. This would also include any changes to requirements after the initial requirements have been signed off.

c. Design – The design of a system based on the requirements.

d. Configure/Build – The system development or software configuration. The installation of any hardware. The cleansing or conversion of any data.

e. Test and Accept – The testing of functionality of the system, including unit, integration and user acceptance.

f. Deploy – Transition of accepted system into production from staging.

g. End User Readiness – Communication with and training of the system’s user community.

h. Production Support – SAS Support Services activities and system maintenance.

This report must be submitted by July 15 each year for the life of the contract for the period of July 1 through June 30 of the previous fiscal year and in the format defined in Appendix T. The report is required for partial fiscal years for both the beginning and ending years of the contract.

Contract Requirements—Small Diverse Business Participation.

All contracts containing Small Diverse Business participation must also include a provision requiring the selected contractor to meet and maintain those commitments made to Small Diverse Businesses at the time of proposal submittal or contract negotiation, unless a change in the commitment is approved by the BSBO. All contracts containing Small Diverse Business participation must include a provision requiring Small Diverse Business subcontractors to perform at least 50% of the subcontracted work.

The selected contractor’s commitments to Small Diverse Businesses made at the time of proposal submittal or contract negotiation shall, to the extent so provided in the commitment, be maintained throughout the term of the contract and through any renewal or extension of the contract. Any proposed change must be submitted to BSBO, which will make a recommendation to the Contracting Officer regarding a course of action.

If a contract is assigned to another contractor, the new contractor must maintain the Small Diverse Business participation of the original contract.

The selected contractor shall complete the Prime Contractor’s Quarterly Utilization Report (or similar type document containing the same information) and submit it to the contracting officer of the Issuing Office and BSBO within 10 workdays at the end of each quarter the contract is in force. This information will be used to determine the actual dollar amount paid to Small Diverse Business subcontractors and suppliers. Also, this information will serve as a record of fulfillment of the commitment the selected contractor made and for which it received Small Diverse Business participation points. If there was no activity during the quarter then the form must be completed by stating “No activity in this quarter.”



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