PART I - University of Minnesota



Introduction to Statistics

M&S 19-21

1.12 (6 points) College Application. Colleges and universities are requiring an increasing amount of information about applicants before making acceptance and financial aid decisions. Classify each of the following types of data required on a college application as quantitative or qualitative.

Q a. High school GPA

A. High school GPA is a number usually between 0.0 and 4.0. Therefore, it is


Q b. High school class rank

A. High school class rank is a number: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. Therefore, it is


Q c. Applicant’s score on the SAT or ACT

A. The scores on the SAT’s are numbers between 200 and 800. Therefore, it is


Q d. Gender of applicant

A. Gender is either male or female. Therefore, it is qualitative

Q e. Parents’ income

A. Parents income is a number: $25,000, $45,000, etc. Therefore, it is quantatitive

Q f. Age of applicant

A. Age is a number: 17, 18, etc. Therefore it is quantitative,

1.25 (5 points) Massage vs. rest in boxing. Does a massage enable the muscles of tired athletes to recover from exertion faster than usual? To answer this question, researchers recruited eight amateur boxers to participate in an experiment (British Journal of Sports Medicine, April 2000.) After a 10-minute workout in which each boxer threw 400 punches, half the boxers were given a 20-minute massage and half just rested for 20 minutes. Before returning to the ring for a second workout, the heart rate (beats per minute) and blood lactate level (micromoles) were recorded for each boxer. The researchers found no difference in the means of the two groups of boxers for either variable.

Q a. Identify the data collection method used by the researchers.

A. Designed experiment.

Q b. Identify the experimental units of the study.

A. Amateur boxers

Q c. Identify the variables measured and their type (quantitative or qualitative).

A. Heart rate (quantitative); blood lactate level (quantitative)

Q d. What is the inference drawn from the analysis?

A. No difference between the two groups of boxers

Q e. Comment on whether this inference can be made about all athletes.

A. No

1.27 (3 points) Blood loss in burn patients. A group of University of South Florida surgery researchers believe that the drug aprotinin is effective in reducing the blood loss of burn patients who undergo skin replacement surgery (USF Office of Research Annual Report, 1997-1998.) In a clinical trial of 14 burn patients, half were randomly assigned to receive the drug and half a placebo (no drug). A preliminary analysis of the patients’ blood loss revealed that the group with the drug had a significant reduction of bleeding.

Q a. Identify the data collection method used for this study.

A. Designed Experiment

Q b. Does the study involve descriptive or inferential statistics? Explain.

A. Inferential statistics

Q c. What is the population (or sample) of interest to the researchers?

A. All possible burn patients

Total Points:_________/14


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