Questions to ask before writing your college essays and ...

Questions to ask before writing your college essays and applying for scholarships

1. What do I want to be?

2. Why do I want to do this?

3. What classes and organizations have I participated in that prepared me for this?

4. What have I done outside of the school to prepare myself?

5. Where do I want to go to study to be this?

6. Why do I want to go there?

7. What types and how much community service activities have I done?

8. What have I learned from my community service?

9. What are my scores on TAKS, ACT, THEA, SAT?

10. What is my numerical GPA, my 4-point GPA, and my weighted GPA?

11. What percent of my class am I in? What is my class rank?

12. Where do my parents work?

13. What is their job?

14. Do they work for a corporation or belong to a union? Where and what?

15. Were my parents in the military? When, where, what rank, what branch?

16. Do my parents or I belong to any clubs or organizations? What are they?

17. Is anyone in my family disabled? What is the disability?

18. Why do I need money for college? Be very specific with examples.

Talk with your family and write the answers to these questions in complete sentences or paragraphs.


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