Application Form for Scholarships in Physics

Scholarship Application, AY 2020-2021

Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Kentucky

Important instructions: Please edit this application form, and submit it as an attached file to with the Subject Scholarship Application. (As you edit, be sure to retain the format of this document.) No other type of submission will be accepted. The application deadline is 11:59 pm, Monday, March 23, 2020. You may submit your application as a Microsoft Word file or as a pdf file (preferred).


Last First M.I.

Permanent Address


City State Zip

Phone ________________________ Email ____________________________

If you are currently a high school student, please complete this section.

High School

Name City State

Rank in H.S. Class H.S. GPA Graduation Date

(e.g. 50th in 100) (4.0 scale) unweighted weighted

ACT Scores

English Math Social Sci. Natural Sci. Composite

SAT Scores (if taken) SAT II

Verbal Math Physics Math Other

H.S. Physics (or other Science) Teacher Phone or e-mail

Have you applied for Fall 2020 admission to the University of Kentucky?

Have you applied to the University Honors Program? Intended UK Major(s)

If you are now or have been enrolled in a college or university (including UK), please complete this section. List additional schools on additional pages if necessary.

School Name Location

Enrollment Dates Major Field(s)

From To

Current Enrollment Status GPA

(Freshman, …) (4.0 Scale)

All applicants should complete the remainder of this form.


(Indicate level and where taken)


SCHOLARSHIPS (current and pending) DATE AMOUNT


Requirements for students holding Physics & Astronomy Department scholarships

• Student must declare physics as the primary major before the start of the award.

• Student must complete at least 3 credit hours of physics each semester of the award.

• Student must be making good progress toward a degree in physics.

• Student must maintain a GPA of at least 3.3.

I certify that all the information provided on this form is true and accurate. I authorize the Scholarships Committee to make any necessary inquiries in determining my eligibility for an award.

Student’s Signature Date

Brief student statement of goals and interests

Please describe briefly (one page and 400 words maximum) your current plans for physics education at the undergraduate level. Also, describe your aspirations for postgraduate education or employment. Finally, discuss your interest in and (if relevant) your accomplishments in physics. How did you get interested in physics? What aspects or subjects in physics particularly interest you? Do you have accomplishments so far that might be relevant to a physics career (e.g. undergraduate research, experience in the field, science awards)? Note: You do not need to repeat in this statement any information provided earlier on the application form.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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