Psych 12AP Chapter 11 Practice Test - McConnell

Psych 12AP Chapter 11 Practice Test

|1. |The widespread improvement in intelligence test performance during the past century is called: |

|A) |the bell curve. |

|B) |divergent thinking. |

|C) |the g factor. |

|D) |standardization. |

|E) |the Flynn effect. |

|2. |Boys are most likely to outperform girls in a(n): |

|A) |essay contest. |

|B) |chess tournament. |

|C) |speed-reading tournament. |

|D) |spelling bee. |

|E) |speech-giving contest. |

|3. |Research on racial and ethnic differences in intelligence indicates that: |

|A) |desegregation has actually decreased the academic achievement of black American children. |

|B) |the average mathematics achievement test scores of Asian children are notably higher than those of North American |

| |children. |

|C) |among American Blacks, those with African ancestry receive the highest intelligence test scores. |

|D) |the Black-White difference in SAT scores has increased since 1979. |

|E) |the average vocabulary achievement test scores of North American and Asian children are about the same. |

|4. |The components of creativity include: |

|A) |impulsivity and empathy. |

|B) |expertise and a venturesome personality. |

|C) |competitiveness and dogmatism. |

|D) |imagination and extrinsic motivation. |

|E) |competitiveness and empathy. |

|5. |The best predictor that infants will develop high levels of intellectual aptitude is their: |

|A) |readiness to crawl at an early age. |

|B) |capacity for imitating adult facial expressions. |

|C) |tendency to quickly shift their gaze from a familiar to a novel picture. |

|D) |ability to discriminate their mother's voice from that of a female stranger. |

|E) |head circumference at birth in relation to their total weight. |

|6. |Generating multiple possible answers to a problem illustrates: |

|A) |neural plasticity. |

|B) |factor analysis. |

|C) |predictive validity. |

|D) |divergent thinking. |

|E) |framing skills. |

|7. |If a test yields consistent results every time it is used, it has a high degree of: |

|A) |standardization. |

|B) |predictive validity. |

|C) |reliability. |

|D) |content validity. |

|E) |heritability. |

|8. |The written exam for a driver's license would most likely be considered a(n) ________ test. |

|A) |achievement |

|B) |reliability |

|C) |interest |

|D) |aptitude |

|E) |intelligence |

|9. |Robert Sternberg distinguished among analytical, practical, and ________ intelligence. |

|A) |intrapersonal |

|B) |creative |

|C) |spatial |

|D) |musical |

|E) |physical |

|10. |Academic aptitude test scores are most likely to predict accurately the academic success of ________ students. |

|A) |pre-school |

|B) |elementary school |

|C) |high school |

|D) |college |

|E) |graduate school |

|11. |Although Nicole scored well above average on the SAT, she frequently loses her temper and needlessly antagonizes even her best |

| |friends. Her behavior best illustrates a low level of: |

|A) |convergent thinking. |

|B) |validity. |

|C) |the g factor. |

|D) |mental age. |

|E) |emotional intelligence. |

|12. |A 12-year-old who responded to the original Stanford-Binet with the proficiency typical of an average 9-year-old was said to |

| |have an IQ of: |

|A) |75. |

|B) |85. |

|C) |115. |

|D) |125. |

|E) |133. |

|13. |Whenever Arlo reminded himself that his musical skills could earn him fame and fortune, he became less creative in his musical |

| |performance. This best illustrates that creativity may be inhibited by: |

|A) |the Flynn effect. |

|B) |a venturesome personality. |

|C) |the g factor. |

|D) |emotional intelligence. |

|E) |extrinsic motivation. |

|14. |Factor analysis is a statistical procedure that can be used to: |

|A) |derive IQ scores by comparing mental age with chronological age. |

|B) |evaluate how accurately test items predict a criterion behavior. |

|C) |extract test norms from a standardization sample. |

|D) |identify clusters of closely related test items. |

|E) |provide a quantitative estimate of heritability. |

|15. |If both depressed and nondepressed individuals receive similar scores on a diagnostic test for depression, it suggests that the |

| |test: |

|A) |has not been standardized. |

|B) |is not valid. |

|C) |is not reliable. |

|D) |has not been factor-analyzed. |

|E) |does not produce scores that form a normal distribution. |

|16. |To assess mental age, Binet and Simon measured children's: |

|A) |head size. |

|B) |reasoning skills. |

|C) |muscular power. |

|D) |neural processing speed. |

|E) |creative abilities. |

|17. |Those who define intelligence as academic aptitude are most likely to criticize: |

|A) |Terman's concept of innate intelligence. |

|B) |Spearman's concept of general intelligence. |

|C) |Binet's concept of mental age. |

|D) |Gardner's concept of multiple intelligences. |

|E) |Sternberg's concept of analytical intelligence. |

|18. |Comparing the average performance of the initial WAIS standardization sample with the average performance of the most recent |

| |WAIS standardization sample provides convincing evidence of: |

|A) |heritability. |

|B) |the g factor. |

|C) |the Flynn effect. |

|D) |emotional intelligence. |

|E) |intrinsic motivation. |

|19. |Researchers assess the correlation between scores obtained on two halves of a single test in order to measure the ________ of a |

| |test. |

|A) |validity |

|B) |reliability |

|C) |standardization |

|D) |normal distribution |

|E) |factor analysis |

|20. |To regard an abstract concept as if it were a real, concrete thing is called: |

|A) |convergent thinking. |

|B) |heritability. |

|C) |factor analysis. |

|D) |reification. |

|E) |standardization. |


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