Bronx High School of Science

Bronx High School of Science Ms. Varuzza: MS2 period 4

SPSS Assignment #1: Due Friday 2/12/10

You will lose 3 points for each school day the assignment is late. Total: 29 points

Like with all software, your skill using SPSS will benefit from practice, and this homework problem serves as a tool for that. The steps required in SPSS to manipulate this data set are outlined fairly specifically, but may not be repeated in such great detail in later problem sets. The information in problems that should be handed in are indicated in bold face font.

I have allotted each class session time for you to work on SPSS since you do not have the program at home. If you need more time than the time provided for you during our period, it is expected that you come to the computer lab during a free period and/or after school to work on your SPSS’s assignments. If you need assistance I am available periods 2, 6, 7 and 9 and after school on Wednesday – Friday with an appointment.

Each assignment is due no later than 11:59pm on the day of the due date. Email is preferred as SPSS outputs tend to take up a large amount of paper due to many charts and graphs. For each assignment, one word document should be submitted with both the SPSS input followed by response questions after each output.

1. You will be entering the participants’ scores on the Scholastic Aptitude Test – Verbal (SAT). The scores on the test range from 200 to 800. Then you will be entering the same participants’ freshman GPAs. The purpose of the analysis is to determine the relationship between SAT scores and freshman GPAs.

|SAT Verbal Scores |Freshman GPA |

|650 |3.20 |

|525 |2.30 |

|480 |1.50 |

|680 |3.00 |

|500 |2.70 |

|490 |1.10 |

|590 |3.50 |

|440 |2.00 |

|400 |0.95 |

|700 |3.90 |

|370 |1.75 |

|460 |1.00 |

2. Create a scatterplot for the two variables (Graphs ( Chart Builder ( Scatter/Dot ( Simple Scatter). Cut and paste scatterplot into word document. (1 point)

3. In words, describe the relationship seen in the scatterplot between freshman GPA and Verbal SAT scores. (1 point)

4. Enter the scores shown below into a new SPSS document. In variable view, name the first variable “Words” and label it “Words Per Minute Typed.”

Number of Words Per Minute Typed on an Employment Test .

30 44 60 65 50 55 53 44 35 31

44 53 61 40 52 53 50 33 52 45

5. In the same set of data file which you entered “Words Per Minute Typed,” enter the scores shown below into SPSS. These are the ratings of the employees’ performance on the job after they were hired. The ratings were made by a supervisor on a scale from 1 (very poor) to 10 (excellent). First, in variable view mode, name this variable “Success” and label it “Success on the Job.” Then, in data view mode, enter the scores in order.

Success on the Job on a Scale from 0 to 10 .

1 3 7 9 8 4 3 4 2 4

5 6 9 4 6 5 8 4 7 5

6. Use SPSS to create a scatterplot showing the relationship between “Words Per Minute Typed” and “Success on the Job.” When identifying the variables to be analyzed in SPSS, identify “Words Per Minute Typed” as the variable to put on the x-axis and “Success on the Job as the variable on the y-axis. Cut and paste chart in word document. (1 point)

7. Answer the following question based on your output from question 6.

a. Is the relationship direct or inverse? (1 point)

b. Is the relationship perfect? (1 point)

c. Is the relationship strong? (1 point)

d. Is the relationship linear? (1 point)

For questions 8-9 use the SAT and GPA data from question 1

8. Find the Pearson Correlation Coefficient r for Verbal SAT Scores and Freshman GPA (Analyze ( Correlate ( Bivariate). Cut and paste correlation table into document. (1 point)

9. Accurately report the correlation coefficient between Verbal SAT scores and Freshman GPA. (2 points)

For questions 10-11 use the SAT and GPA data from question 1

10. Find the Pearson Correlation Coefficient r for “Words Per Minute Typed” and “Success” (Analyze ( Correlate ( Bivariate). Cut and paste correlation table into document. (1 point)

11. Accurately report the correlation coefficient between Verbal SAT scores and Freshman GPA. (2 points)

12. You are interested in performing an experiment to compare the effectiveness of three sunscreens. The experiment will be carried out at Crane’s Beach in Peabody, Massachusetts. Rather than obtaining your sample of people on a single day, you obtain three separate groups of people on each of three days (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday). On each day at precisely 11:00am, you gather a random sample of 30 people at the beach, so that a total of 90 people are involved in the study. Each study participant is randomly assigned to put on either Coppertone, Banana Boat, or a placebo. You measure the amount of skin redness three hours later using a special instrument from your lab.

a. Identify the experimental units, the factors (both treatment and blocking factors), the treatments, the blocks, and the response variable in this experiment. (4 points)

b. What is the advantage to obtaining samples on three different days rather than one large sample on a single day? (2 points)

c. What aspects of the experimental design allow you (potentially) to be able to conclude that using one suntan lotion causes less redness than another? (2 points)

13. You have a theory about the relationship between family wealth (as measured by cattle ownership) and mother’s age at birth of first child among African pastoralists. You would like to test the theory by interviewing Masai women in Kenya. Your potential subjects live in widely scattered but fairly stable settlements, each with from four to eight marital units. Only some of these are accessible to you due to difficult travel conditions, despite the kind offer of the Divisional Officer to help you plan your survey and allow you use of his jeep and driver. The Divisional Officer and his staff also have good information about the locations of the settlements, although they do not know exactly who lives there due to the extreme difficulty and expense of reaching them in this underdeveloped area with poor roads and modes of communication.

a. What is the theoretical population for this study? What is the survey population? (2 points)

b. What type of sampling scheme (e.g., SRS, stratified sampling, cluster sampling, multistage sampling) would you use? Why do you prefer your choice over other possible schemes? (2 points)

c. How might you generate the sampling frame? (2 points)

d. What are sources of bias in the sampling procedure? (2 points)


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