Tangerine – Part II Vocabulary List

Part II Vocabulary List SL

1. agriculture - Farming. The science of cultivating land.

2. commission - A group of people with authority

3. controversial - Causing a disagreement or debate

4. ineligible - Not able to do something; doesn't qualify

5. menacing - threatening

6. minority - a group that is less than half

7. resemblance - Similarity in appearance or external or superficial details.

8. revive - Bring back to life or consciousness.

9. surplus - A quantity much larger than is needed.

10. vault - Jump across or leap over (an obstacle).

Name _____________________________ Date ___________________ Hour

Tangerine – Part II Vocabulary Practice

Match each definition with the correct word.

agriculture commission controversial ineligible menacing

minority resemblance revive surplus vault

1. ___________ threatening

2. ___________ not able to do something: doesn’t qualify

3. ___________ a group of people who make decisions about a particular topic

4. ___________ the science of cultivating land: farming

5. ___________ a group that is less than half

6. ___________ a quantity that is much more than is needed

7. ___________ similarity in appearance

8. ___________ bring back to life or consciousness

9. ___________ causing a disagreement or debate

10. ___________ jump across or leap

Complete each sentence using the correct word.

11. Attempts to him at the hospital were successful.

12. Many groups experience discrimination in this country.

13. The skies filled with storm clouds.

14. Our basketball team lost the state championship on a call at the end of the game.

15. Jess and Leslie used the rope to across the rising creek.

16. The historical ________________ has to approve all changes made to historical landmarks.

17. You are to vote until you turn 18.

18. I was struck by the uncanny between my mother and the stewardess.

19. The farmer gave the fruit to his church to help the needy.

20. created a new food surplus that hunters and gatherers never had.

Tangerine Vocabulary 2



3. - threatening

8. - Similarity in appearance or external or superficial details.

9. - A quantity much larger than is needed.

10. - Farming & the science of cultivating land.


1. - A group of people with authority

2. - a group that is less than half

4. - Jump across or leap over (an obstacle).

5. - Causing a disagreement or debate

6. - Not able to do something; doesn't qualify

7. - Bring back to life or consciousness.

Academic Vocabulary 5.5 Practice

Match the vocabulary word to the way it is used:

Oxymoron Paradox Personification Point of View Plot

1. __________________ The wind cried in the dark.

2. __________________ Sweet sorrow

3. __________________You have to spend money to make money.

4. __________________1st person

5. __________________though this be madness, yet there is method in't

6. __________________Irregular pattern

7. __________________3rd person Omniscient

8. __________________ The chair groaned as I sat in it.

9. __________________ 3rd person limited

10. __________________ I know that I know nothing at all.

Label the typical structure of a plot on the map:



2. 4.



Resolution Exposition

Rising Action Falling Action



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