Occultic, Masonic Six-pointed Stars on Golden Mitre of ...

Occultic, Masonic Six-pointed Stars on Golden Mitre of

Satan's Anti-Christ Roman Catholic Pope

The Occultic, Masonic, Six-pointed Star connects Papal Rome with Freemasonry

with Masonic Zionist "Israel"

The Six-pointed Star, commonly known as the "Star of David", is actually an ancient, occultic, mystic, Masonic symbol. The pictures of Rome's current Pope Benedict XVI (German Joseph Ratzinger) below, wearing his golden mitre displaying the Six-pointed Stars, link the false Babylonian religion

of Roman Catholicism practiced by Papal Rome, with the false Babylonian religion of Freemasonry, with the Jesuit General / Papal creation of the modern nation of Masonic Zionist "Israel" in 1948, displaying this same occultic, Masonic symbol on its national flag:


The implication of the so-called "Star of David" [sic] Masonic, Occultic, Six-pointed Star

being used as the symbol on the national flag of the modern (1948) Zionist, Masonic-led

State of Israel, is that Masonic-led Israel is a creation and an instrument of Rome's Vatican /

Papal / Jesuit General / Freemason / Illuminati New World Order.


"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge:

because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee,...

seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children." Hosea 4:6, KJV

2 Corinthians, chapter 11, KJV

13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.

14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness;

whose end shall be according to their works.

Jesus said, "... ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:32, KJV

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." John 14:6, KJV

Steve Lefemine

Columbia Christians for Life

July 15, 2011 / Revised August 1, 2011 / Edited and Revised August 5, 2011



The Pope Benedict XVI Forum

Cardinal Ratzinger / Pope Benedict XVI

Papal clothing and liturgical practices

Papal clothing and liturgical practices

[ CCL: Comments below on Pope and his ostentatious attire are from the posting on-line. ]

A new golden mitre for the Canonisation.


The Pope wore new golden mitre for the canonisation ceremony of five blessed in the basilica on October 11.

The mitre was richly embroidered and set with gems. It was not too tall and the proportions suited the Pope perfectly.



His arms were embroidered on the lappets or "ribbons" at the back, indicating that it was made for him.



The chasuble was of cream silk with wide golden panel and delicate golden decoration around the edge and scattered over the fabric.



He looked wonderful and very relaxed and healthy in spite of such a long ceremony.





A new golden mitre for the Canonisation.

(Source: Getty)


Proud to be Papist!

"Each of us is the result of a thought of God. Each of us is willed, each of us is loved ..." - Benedict XVI

"He knocks at the door, he is close to us and thus true joy is close, which is stronger than all the sorrows in the world, and in our life." - Benedict XVI

Easter Spiritual Bouquet in Support of Benedict XVI / Sign the Pledge to Support the Pope

©2011 Yuku. All rights reserved.



From Columbia Christians for Life:

Freemason Israel Prime Ministers, 1948-2008

Of the 13 different people who have served as Prime Minister of Israel,

documentation and/or references found thus far indicate at least eight (8)

of these people are (were) Masons.

Illuminati (Freemasons) in control of Israel

"Masonic display in the middle of the street."



Former Nazi conscript Joseph Ratzinger, now German Pope Benedict XVI,

criticized by Israeli Jews over his words May 11, 2009 at Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem

[ Vatican-Nazi Connection historical documentation section included ]

Iran's Ahmadinejad: Nazi Holocaust used as a pretext for Israel's formation

TIME magazine July 1940

VATICAN CITY: Pope to Get Jerusalem?

Monday, July 08, 1940

UPI News, September 24, 1975

- Roman Catholic Church considering moving Vatican to Jerusalem

Posted July 13, 2011

Was Obama’s September 2, 2010 summit in Washington D.C. of Middle East masonic leaders simply

a strategic planning meeting to set up the multiple uprisings of the so-called “Arab Spring” ??? :

Masonic Israel-Palestinian peace talks in Wash DC:

Bilderberger, Friend-of-the-CFR, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and CFR-member,

former CFR-director, Bilderberger, Special Middle East Envoy, Roman Catholic George Mitchell

announce meeting of Middle East Freemasonic national leaders in Masonic Washington, DC - Sept. 2, 2010

International Attendees:

1) United States President Barack Hussein Obama - 32nd Degree Prince Hall Mason, Papal Servant

2) Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu - Freemason

3) Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas - Freemason [ Photo ]

4) Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak - Freemason [ Photo ]

5) Jordanian King Abdullah II - Freemason

6) Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair - Bilderberger, Freemason, Knight of Malta

(special [ CCL: NWO ] representative of the U.S., the U.N.,

the European Union and Russia)

Steve Lefemine, dir., Columbia Christians for Life

August 22, 2010 / Revised, Edited September 1, 2010


The “Star of David” [sic] and Freemasonry:

The Supreme Council, 33rd Degree, Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction headquarters,

Is located at 1733 16th Street NW, Washington, DC, less than 10 blocks directly behind the White House.

16th Street NW bisects the back of the White House on the North (Lafayette Park) side. This Masonic

Temple headquarters, museum, and library is open to the public for visiting and free guided tours.

The Southern Jurisdiction of Scottish Rite Freemasonry in the United States consists of the 35 States

West of the Mississippi River, and those South of the Mason-Dixon Line.

Three pictures below are from this Masonic Temple Headquarters located in Washington, DC.


Front of Masonic Temple headquarters at 1733 16th Street NW, Washington, DC

Supreme Council, 33rd Degree, Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction


Photo taken in Executive Session Meeting Room of Supreme Council, 33rd Degree, Scottish Rite Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction, Masonic Temple headquarters at 1733 16th Street NW,

Washington, DC. The masonic six-pointed star shown here is in the right front upper corner of

the room, near the ceiling. This meeting room is part of the guided tour for the public.


This is the last picture from inside the Supreme Council, 33rd Degree, Scottish Rite Freemasonry,

Southern Jurisdiction, Masonic Temple headquarters at 1733 16th Street NW, Washington, DC.

Notice at the bottom of this “illuminated” display, the words in Latin: “Ordo Ab Chao”

“Order Out of Chaos” the motto of the 33rd Degree of Scottish Rite Freemasonry. It is also

the operative de facto motto for the New World Order, and therefore, also, the Administration

of 32nd Degree Prince Hall Mason, Marxist United States President, Barack Hussein Obama.


32nd Degree Prince Hall Mason, Marxist U.S. President Obama is a Servant of the Vatican /

Pope / Jesuit General / Shriner Freemasonry / Illuminati / CFR / Trilateral Commission / Bilderberger / Masonic Zionist / Skull and Bones / United Nations, et al. NEW WORLD ORDER.

Servants of the New World Order:

George H.W. Bush = Bill Clinton = George W. Bush = Barack H. Obama

Three United States presidents pay public homage to Rome

President Reagan re-established full diplomatic relations with the Vatican in 1984,

for the first time since 1867


Jan 10, 1984 - The United States and the Vatican established full diplomatic relations for the first time in 117 years.

(AP, 1/10/98)(HN, 1/10/99)

George H.W. Bush was a CFR-member, a CFR director, and a member of the Trilateral Commission

BEFORE he was picked by " Vatican-friendly" Ronald Reagan to be his vice presidential running mate in 1980:

President George H. W. Bush New World Order


Video (0:33)

Views - 359,934


ROME / VATICAN = The New World Order

The Vatican / Pope / Jesuits are leaders in the New World Order:

- one-world government

- one-world money

- one-world religion

- global population reduction ( stones.htm / pca.htm )

Obama is controlled by Rome's Papal / Jesuit General NEW WORLD ORDER

Vatican Assassins / Obama's White Papal Masters

The most comprehensive list of the Chain of Command leading and controlling Obama and his administration.

See who really runs the show from the top to the bottom (Obama). Read their credentials and connections.

Posted by - August 5, 2009


Alfred E. Smith dinner, Waldorf Astoria Hotel, Manhattan, New York City - October 16, 2008

Obama And McCain Attend Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner

Democratic presidential nominee U.S. Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) (R) shakes hands with

Republican presidential nominee Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) (L) as the Archbishop of New York, Cardinal Edward Egan (C)

looks on at the 2008 Alfred E. Smith Dinner at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel October 16, 2008 in New York City.

Appearing at the Alfred Smith dinner is a tradition for presidential candidates, with both major nominees usually attending

during the election year.

(Photo by Getty Images North America)

Photo # 23


Photographs #1 through #30 at this site

Alfred E. Smith dinner, Waldorf Astoria Hotel, Manhattan, New York City - October 16, 2008

Obama And McCain Attend Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner

Democratic presidential nominee U.S. Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) (R) the Archbishop of New York, Cardinal Edward Egan (C)

and Republican presidential nominee Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) (L) sit together at the 2008 Alfred E. Smith Dinner at the

Waldorf Astoria Hotel October 16, 2008 in New York City. Appearing at the Alfred Smith dinner is a tradition for presidential candidates, with both major nominees usually attending during the election year.

(Photo by Andrew Theodorakis-Pool/Getty Images) *** Local Caption

*** Barack Obama;Edward Egan; John McCain (Photo by Getty Images North America)

Photo # 7


Photographs #1 through #30 at this site

New World Order's Roman Catholic Pope called for One-World Government:

"A True World Political Authority"

Pope Benedict XVI - "There is urgent need of a true world political authority"

Globalist Papal Encyclical published July 7, 2009


President Barack Obama shakes hands with Pope Benedict XVI, Friday, July 10, 2009, at the Vatican.

(Haraz N. Ghanbari/AP Photo) -

Video - Obama Senior Officials Kissing the Pope's Ring at the Vatican:

Obama's Deputy National Security Adviser and

WH Press Secretary both pay obeisance during papal audience

Deputy National Security adviser Denis McDonough and WH Press Secretary Robert Gibbs

both kissed Pope Benedict XVI's ring as Obama stood at Pope's right side during presidential visit

Embedded Video (1:21): Obama Meets Pope at the Vatican -

July 10, 2009


POTUS meets his master the POPE:

Obama is the servant of the NWO's Benedict XVI and Jesuit General

The relationship of the Pope to the President of the United States (POTUS) is that of Master to Servant;

so it was with Joseph Ratzinger and George W. Bush, and so it is between

Joseph Ratzinger and Barack Hussein Obama.

Both Pope and Obama are servants of the NWO's Jesuit General, a.k.a. the "Black" Pope.

Obama is controlled by the Pope / Jesuits / Jesuit General - the NEW WORLD ORDER

July 10, 2009


Marxist Pope Proposes New World Financial Order, Re-distribution of Wealth;

to meet Vatican servant, fellow Marxist Obama

The relationship of the Pope to the U.S. President is that of Master to Servant;

so it was with Joseph Ratzinger and George W. Bush, and so it is between

Joseph Ratzinger and Barack Hussein Obama.

Both Pope and Obama are servants of the NWO's Jesuit General, a.k.a. the "Black" Pope.

July 8, 2009


New World Order's Roman Catholic Pope called for One-World Government:

"A True World Political Authority"

Pope Benedict XVI - "There is urgent need of a true world political authority"

Globalist Papal Encyclical published July 7, 2009


Pope calls for a new world order [CNN] (Pope John Paul II, 2004)


Pope calls for a new world order (Pope John Paul II, 2004)


"Pope John Paul II launched one of the most important diplomatic initiatives of his long papacy ...

when he called for a new international order to replace the one that emerged from the second world war."

"The Pope called ... for the reform of world institutions and deplored any failure to respect international law."

" "More than ever, we need a new international order that draws on the experience and results achieved

in these years by the United Nations," he [ the Pope ] declared..."

Vatican, Jesuits, Masonry, Popery, Knights of Malta, Roman Catholicism, Occultism, and the New World Order

911:Vatican & Jesuits


Scottish Rite Freemasonry 33rd Degree "Jewel" [pin]

33rd Degree Scottish Rite Jewel



Notice the words at the top of the circle: "Ordo Ab Chao" - "Order Out of Chaos"


Circle of Intrigue - The Hidden Inner Circle of the Global Illuminati Conspiracy, by Texe Marrs, 1995

Notice the masonic six-pointed star on the cover of “Circle of Intrigue,” by Texe Marrs. On page 200,

Marrs writes, “This six-pointed star is the national emblem of today’s Israel and is found on that country’s flag.

But the Star of David [sic] is not now, nor has it ever been, a holy symbol. It is an ancient, magical sign of

immense evil. In fact, the six-pointed star conceals and incorporates within its design the very same principles

of the occultic Secret Doctrine which are to be discovered in the swastika!”

On page 201 of “Circle of Intrigue,” are four drawings of symbols incorporating the six-pointed star,


1) the national flag of the modern (since 1948) State of Israel,

2) the original emblem of esoteric occultist Helena Blavatsky’s Theosophy Society,

which incorporates both the six-pointed star and the Swastika,

Helena Blavatsky

3) two different talismans, or charms, used by occultists, which depict versions of the six-pointed star.



The implication of the so-called "Star of David" [sic] Masonic, Occultic, Six-pointed Star

being used as the symbol on the national flag of the modern (1948) Zionist, Masonic-led

State of Israel, is that Masonic-led Israel is a creation and an instrument of Rome's Vatican /

Papal / Jesuit General / Freemason / Illuminati New World Order.

"... I will build My church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Matthew 16:18

Yeshua Messiah

Hallelu-Yah !

Steve Lefemine, pro-life missionary

dir., Columbia Christians for Life

PO Box 50358, Columbia, SC 29250

July 15, 2011 / Revised August 1, 2011 / Edited and Revised August 5, 2011


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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