Soc213(004)Social Deviance Bogart Test03C 4/17/01

Soc213(004)Social Deviance Bogart Test03C 4/17/01

Part01: Text (Thio) Items: Old

Ch. 09: Heterosexual Deviance

01. Sociobiologists regard the _____ difference in adultery as the most significant finding because it exists in virtually all societies. A. income B. religious C. gender D. racial E. legal (p. 194)

02. Which of the following statements regarding prostitutes is FALSE? A. Most prostitutes have the same desire as conventional women to be married and raise children. B. Most prostitutes have a lower level of education than conventional women. C. Most prostitutes do not have a history of child abuse. D. Most prostitutes are not addicted to drugs. E. Most prostitutes are not promiscuous in their private lives. (pp. 198- 204)

03. According to Perkins’ study, _____ is the most important reason for entering prostitution. A. money B. nymphomania C. excitement/adventure D. curiosity E. independence (p. 204)

04. Most prostitutes who contract the AIDS virus do so through _____. A. a failure to use condoms B. oral sex C. blood transfusions D. intravenous drug use E. their pimps (p. 205)

05. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. Prostitution is more prevalent in the developing world than in the West. B. The Third World’s patriarchal culture imposes a heavier burden of filial and familial duty on sons rather than daughters. C. Marxist theorists blame prostitution in the Third World on gender inequality. D. Rural poverty explains why the overwhelming majority of prostitutes in developing countries are women. (pp. 212-213)

06. The concept of supply and demand is associated with _____ theory. A. labeling B. social-psychological C. feminist D. psychoanalytic E. functionalist (p. 214)

07. In discussing why some women become prostitutes, the primary difference between psychological and sociological theory rests on the assumptions of _____ and _____. A. abnormality; normality B. promiscuity; monogamy C. patriarchy; matriarchy D. functionalism; feminism E. addiction; rehabilitation (p. 215)

Ch. 10: Homophobia And its Targets

08. Which of the following is a characteristic of homophobia? A. antigay attitude, B. prejudice against gays, C. discrimination against gays, D. negative feeling toward gays, E. all of the above. (p. 221)

09. Which of the following statements is true? A. all gays walk like women, B. most child molesters are heterosexual, C. gays play one “role” either the dominant or submissive partner, D. same-sex orientation is a mental illness, E. gays and lesbians have an unfulfilled, unnatural sex life. (pp. 225-226)

10. Which of the following statements is FALSE? A. Most bisexuals are married to members of the opposite sex. B. A “LUG” is an example of a situational lesbian. C. Most bisexuals identify themselves as gay. D. Street hustlers are primarily heterosexual. E. All trades are male. (pp. 227-229)

11. According to Thio, it is _____ that ensures “marital” happiness among male couples. A. sexual compatibility B. power equality C. bisexual leanings D. desire for fatherhood E. public versus private identity (p. 231)

12. Open hostility toward other gays is characteristic of the _____ stage of gay identity acquisition. A. sensitization B. disturbance C. dissociation D. coming out E. commitment (p. 234)

13. Which of the following statements is FALSE? A. When AIDS first broke out in the early 1980s, it was referred to as the “gay plague” because almost all the victims were gay men. B. In the 1980s, the Justice Department approved discrimination against individuals with AIDS based on the contamination factor. C. Conservative politicians have opposed the development of a vaccine to fight AIDS because they think gays should be punished. D. The gays’ anti-AIDS crusade has helped to slow the spread of the disease among heterosexuals. E. Although a growing number of heterosexuals have been afflicted with AIDS, the majority of new AIDS cases are still among gay men. (pp. 239-240)

14. According to _____, how gays and lesbians live their lives depends on how they are treated, not on their sexual orientation. A. constructionists B. biologists C. functionalists D. psychoanalysts E. essentialists (p. 244)

Ch. 11: Illegal Drug Use

15. Unlike today, in the 17th century people would be put to death in China and Turkey for A. drinking alcohol, B. smoking hashish, C. smoking opium, D. eating psychedelic mushrooms, E. smoking tobacco. (p. 248)

16. Smoking cocaine in the form of crack has a more powerful effect most likely due to A. administration, B. purity, C. dosage, D. drug mixing, E. habituation. (p. 249)

17. Marijuana is A. physically addictive but not psychologically addictive, B. both physically and psychologically addictive, C. psychologically addictive but not physically addictive, D. neither physically nor psychologically addictive, E. there is no consistent evidence to prove or disprove either form of addiction. (p. 250)

18. According to Thio, A_____ is addictive, and most users do not become addicts. A.marijuana, B. cocaine, C. crack, D. heroin, E. crystal. (p. 252)

19. Utilizing deviance theories, drug abuse can best be explained with all of the following EXCEPT A. being a member of a drug-using subculture, B. lack of attachment to conventional persons or institutions, C. association with others that use drugs, D. minimizing withdrawal distress, E. easy access to drugs. (p. 266)

20. Current research has demonstrated the significance of all but which of the following social factors swaying individuals towards drug use? A. lack of attachment to conventional persons or institutions; B. expecting drugs to mitigate life’s problems C. being a member of a drug-using subculture; D. having friends who use drugs; E. having easy access to drugs. (p. 266)

Part 02: Lecture Items and Video: Old Items

V08: Search for Satan

21. In the video, The Search for Satan, the patient named Mary S. was first sent to Rush North Shore Presbyterian Medical Center where she was first evaluated by _____. A. Dr. Judith Peterson, B. Dr. Roberta Sachs, C. Dr. Cory Hammond, D. Dr. Pat Burgess, E. Dr. Bennett Braun.

22. According to the video, The Search for Satan, Mary S. worked as a _____ before she spent _____ in psychiatric wards after being diagnosed as a victim of satanic ritual abuse. A. social worker;11 months, B. secretary; 2 years, C. sales representative; 30 months, D. teacher; 3 years, E. clerk steno; 18 months.

23. In the video, The Search for Satan, Dr. Bennett Braun was responsible for establishing the _____, and one of his first patients was _____. A. Center for Study of Multiple Personality Disorders; Maureen Gannon, B. Ritualistic Abuse Counseling Center; Sally McDonald, C. Abuse Trauma Clinic; Mary S., D. Behavior Disorder Treatment Office; Michelle R.,E. Dissociative Disorders Unit; Pat Burgess.

24. According to the video, The Search for Satan, in 1988 satanic ritual abuse was considered to be _____. A. a hoax, B. the main cause of psychosomatic health problems for which there was no prescribed treatment, C. the leading cause of multiple personality disorder, D. a way for cult groups to get publicity for their causes, E. a major cause of violent criminal behavior.

25. The video, The Search for Satan, described how children of some of the patients were also admitted for treatment. According to one nurse, Mary S’s son, _____, appeared to be a normal boy but he was still was admitted for treatment having been diagnosed as having a _____ disorder. A. Ryan; multiple personality, B. Joe; manic depressive, C. John; learning disability, D. Cory; attention defici, E. Michael; severe hypertensive.

V09: Navy Blues

26. According to the video, in the U.S. Navy the term ‘leave taking’ refers to _____. A. the taking of annual vacation leave, B. going ashore while in port, C. taking leave of your senses (doing something dumb), D. going AWOL (absent without leave), E. a naval tradition whereby men left with the fleet while the women stayed behind.

27. As a naval pilot, all of the following statements about Commander Bob Stumpf are true EXCEPT _____. A. he flew A-6 Intruders in Vietnam, B. he led a squadron of attack jets into the heart of Baghdad, Iraq, C. he commanded the elite Navy Blue Angels Demonstration Flying Team, D. he felt the ultimate job was to be a flying squadron commander, E. he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross.

28. Lieutenant Cara Hultgreen, nicknamed _____, was already flying in the Navy. A. Warrior Princess, B. Flying Dutchess, C. Incredible Hulk, D. Amazon Lady, E. Mean Moma.

29. President Clinton’s appointment of Admiral Mike Bourda as Chief of Naval Operations was unprecedented because of all the following reasons EXCEPT _____. A. he was not a graduate of the Naval Academy, B. he had come ‘up through the ranks’ C. he was not a member of the Navy’s ‘Old Guard’, D. he never served in combat, E. he was a bureaucrat and not a warrior.

30. According to the video, the ‘new Navy forged in the heat of culture wars finally humbled the old Navy’ when _____. A. Commander Stumpf was not promoted to Captain, B. Ensign Hansen won her case for reinstatement to flight training, C. Lieutenant Hultgreen was allowed to fly F-14s, D. Admiral Bourda shot himself. E. concern over sexual harassment cases resulted in Admiral Arthur retiring.

V10: The Transformation

31. Sara originally came from _____; however, Sara is now sorry for coming to the United States because _____. A. El Salvador; people are not friendly here, B. Puerto Rico; her boyfriend left her for another woman, C. Columbia; she misses her family back home, D. Cuba; in the United States without money you are no one, E. Mexico; she is afraid of being caught by immigration officials.

32. Reference is made to a place called the Salt Mines which refers to _____. A. a salt storage area in New York City, B. salt mines near Santiago where Cuban prisoners were forced to work, C. a cover name for cocaine production labs in Columbia, D. an open salt pit in Puerto Rico where Sara’s friend Hugo had worked before coming to the United States, E. a club in New York City which was frequented by drag queens.

33. Ricardo believed that all of the following statements about gay love (as compared to the love he had for his wife) were true EXCEPT that gay love _____. A. was more passionate, B. involved a lot of sex and fighting, C. was more sweet and affectionate, D. was more carnal, E. involved more suffering.

34. Before he got married to Betty, Ricardo almost returned to the streets and to his life as a drag queen when he _____. A. realized after talking to Hugo that he was not being true to himself, B. saw Gigi’s videotaped message, C. traveled back to New York City with Terry in order to bring his friends into the Church, D. realized that he had nothing else to lose since he already was HIV positive, E. found out he could not get married in his Church because of his past.

35. Ricardo and Hugo locate Giovanna living _____. A. in an apartment with his mother, B. living on the streets of New York City, C. in his own apartment and going back to school, D. in the jail after being busted for drugs, E. in a homeless shelter.

V11: Godfather of Cocaine

36. According to the video, The Godfather of Cocaine, Pablo Escobar was the most successful criminal in history having amassed a fortune of _____, and gaining a reputation in his hometown as _____. A. $2 billion; an organized crime leader, B. $950 million; just a normal guy, C. $5 billion; a brutal thug, D. $675 million; a ruthless murderer, E. $3 billion; folk hero

37. The video, The Godfather of Cocaine, states that Escobar’s operation was most efficient and that a pilot could earn _____ per flight smuggling cocaine into the Unites States with only a _____ chance of being caught by law enforcement agents. A. $500,000; 1 in 20, B. $1 million; 1 in 100, C. $750,000; 1 in 30, D. $2 million; 1 in 10, E. $1.5 million; 1 in 50.

38. According to the video, The Godfather of Cocaine, _____ was the person who convinced Pablo Escobar to buy _____ as a transhipment point. A. Carlos Leyter; an airstrip on Grand Cayman, B. Ron Pettingill; an airstrip and dock facilites on Grand Turk Island, C. Max Merlestein; villa in the Bahamas, D. Barry Seal; an airstrip in Nicaragua, E. Robert Vesco; Norman’s Key.

39. The video, The Godfather of Cocaine, states that according to the former US Ambassador to Columbia, _____, the Columbian government viewed the cocaine situation as _____. A. Harry Fullet; an evil inflicted upon their country, B. Ron Pettingill; an industry which needed to be regulated, C. Carlos Leyter; a situation that was beyond their control, D. Lewis Tames; a United States problem, E. Barry Seal; as an industry which was completely harmless.

40. According to the video, The Godfather of Cocaine, the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) used _____ to initially locate cocaine production facilites in Columbia. A. surveillance spy planes, B. intercepted communications, C. transponders in ether shipments, D. paid informants, E. combined U.S. and Columbian military patrols.

Ch. 09: Heterosexual Deviance

41. According to Slosser (1997), which adult venue brings in more money than opera, ballet, jazz and classical music combined? A. strip clubs, B. phone sex lines, C. adult book stores, D. adult cable programming, E. none of the above. (p. 189)

42. The Canadian government has ruled that pornography dehumanizes and degrades women. United States feminists argue that pornography violates the fourteenth amendment which guarantees A. equal protection, B. equal access, C. freedom of the press, D. freedom of individual expression, E. none of the above. (p. 192)

43. Liberals find pornography distasteful, and _____ censorship because they view pornography as _____. A. are indifferent to, economically beneficial; B. oppose, harmless; C. applaud, horrific; D. oppose, healthy; E. none of the above. (p. 192)

44. According to the National Opinion Research Center (1994) an individual is MORE LIKELY to have extramarital sex if they possess which of the following social characteristics? A. female, B. regular church attendance, C. higher household income, D. those who have had premarital sex, E. none of the above. (p. 194)

45. After an extramarital affair, most often the husband and wife A. continue the affair, B. divorce C. separate D. react violently to their spouse=s behavior, E. try to save their marriage. (p. 196)

46. Which of the following statements about prostitution is TRUE? A. most prostitutes are sexually frigid B. they are nymphomaniacs C. the different types of prostitutes are part of a highly stratified occupation D. most are involved with drugs E. none of the above. (p. 198-203)

47. Sociologist Kingsley Davis asserted that prostitution exists because A. the moral system encourages it B. it satisfies men=s needs C. the police try to suppress it D. the economic system demands it E. none of the above (p. 213)

Ch. 10: Homosexual Deviance

48. Which of the following statements did Thio provide as reasons for why society considers same-sex marriage deviant? A. marriage is intended for the propagation male-female couples B. same-sex marriage is inherently incompatible with our culture=s understanding of the institution C. procreation and reproduction is often used as the norm for defining same-sex marriage D. all of the above E. none of the above (pp. 221)

49. Which of the following statements about the nature and extend of homophobia is true? A. homophobia is both a negative attitude and unjust action towards gays and lesbians B. a slight majority of Americans may be considered homophobic C. homophobia is covert and invisible D. all of the above E. none of the above (p. 221)

50. Which of the following characteristics is NOT true about homophobes? A. well educated and more well- off B. more likely to be men than women C. less likely to personally know someone who is gay or lesbian D. more supportive of traditional gender roles E. more conservative. (p. 222)

51. Which of the following characteristics pertains to most bisexuals? A. primarily gay B. married to members of the opposite sex C. primarily straight D. primarily men E. have sex primarily with other bisexuals (p. 229)

52. Which of the following statements is FALSE? A. Virtually all the parents of gays and lesbians are heterosexual. B. The suicide rate among gay youths is much higher than among their straight peers. C. Lesbians and gays are generally better educated than their straight peers. D. Children raised by same-sex parents are no more likely than other children to become gay. E. Gays and lesbians are less likely than heterosexuals to feel comfortable about crossing traditional gender lines (pp. 235-237)

53. June 1969 marked the day known as _____ when men and women protested violently against police harassment at the Stonewall Inn. A. Daughters of Bilitis B. the gay power movement C. Matachine Society D. Queer Nation E. same-sex marriage movement. (p. 240)

54. In 1973, the American Psychiatric Associated began to refer to the problems that some gays and lesbians have with their sexual orientation as A. deviant sexual behavior B. temporary phase C. sexual orientation disturbance D. special sexual preference E. none of the above (p. 241)

Ch. 11: Illegal Drug Use

55. According to Thio, what is the primary reason that heroin users continue to use the drug? A. withdrawal avoidance B. a sense of euphoria C. pursuit of normalcy D. analgesic benefits E. respect (p. 252)

56. “Roofies” are over-the-counter prescription drugs for the treatment of A. insomnia B. weight loss C. sexual potency D. stomach disorder E. allergies (p. 256)

57. In San Francisco, the first attempt to battle drug use appeared in the form of a city ordinance against A. heroin B. crack cocaine C. marijuana D. alcohol E. opium (p. 267)

58. According to Thio, which of the following theories is the LEAST credible in explaining drug use? A. cognitive association B. biological C. drug enslavement D. economic deprivation E. general deviance syndrome (p. 263-264)

59. The U.S. government devotes most of its antidrug budget to A. the fight for legalization B. drug prevention programs C. congressional campaigns D. law enforcement E. school education programs (p. 266)

60. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? A. All 50 states have legalized the smoking of marijuana by cancer and AIDS patients. B. Historically, the war on drugs has turned out to be a war on powerless groups. C. Detoxification, by itself, cannot cure addiction. D. Most Americans oppose legalization of drugs. E. Project DARE works only for children who are unlikely to use drugs in the first place. (p. 267- 271)

Part 04: Lecture Items and Video: New Items

Lecture VII: Conflict Theory

61. Contemporary conflict theorists have tended to view deviants as what? A. undersocialized, B. mentally ill, C. unlucky, D. political victims, E. the more admirable figures in society.

62. In Outlining conflict theory, Vold argued that the most salient feature of politics is what? A. economic interests, B. group conflict, C. “social facts”, D. the use of violence by the agencies of social control, E. the level of education of the population.

63. Turk argued that we should depart from the standard approach to the relationship between conflict and crime by focusing instead upon what? A. economic conflict, B. intrapersonal conflict, C. cultural conflict, D. religious conflict, E. “realistic conflict.”

64. If Gusfiled’s (1963) model of “symbolic crusades” was applied to the abortion controversy, we should expect to find those most invested in overturning Roe vs. Wade would be who? A. females, B. status incongruent, C. status threatened, D. Latinos, E. uneducated.

65. Liazos= sociological deviance shows a preoccupation with “nuts, sluts, and... what? A. ‘perverts’, B. guts, C. cuts, D. godfathers, E. guns.

V08: Search for Satan

66. When Mary=s insurance ran out, she felt she might do what? A. commit suicide, B. live life under a bridge as a bag woman, C. never see her husband again, D. be committed to a state institution, E. disappear among the homeless in another city.

67. Mary’s problems included which of the following? A. seizures, B. panic attacks, C. a childhood learning disability, D. depression, E. all of the above.

68. Geraldo Rivera interviewed which of the following? A. members of Satanic cults, B. families of cult members, C. well known therapists, D. Clergy from Marys church, E. academics who studied cults by infiltrating them.

69. Generally speaking, Mary=s friends did/thought which of the following? A. she was dead, B. kept in touch with her through her school, C. sent her frequent letters, D. organized a group in her church, E. collected money for her medical expenses.

70. Children in MVD treatment were rewarded for doing which of the following? A. telling good stories, B. Aratting on each other, C. performing well in school, D. participating in art therapy, E. eating well and good behavior at meals.

V09: Navy Blues

71. The video introduced Captain Mike Malone who was in command of the USS Enterprise, an aval ship with a crew of how many sailors? A. 290, B. 6,600, C. 1,000, D. 5,400, E. 6,400.

72. ‘Tailhook’ became known to the public in 1991 because of what? A. the Admiral’s Panel discussed the U.S. Navy’s position regarding women pilots in combat jets, B. Lieutenant Paula Coughlin blew the whistle on improper sexual conduct, C. the Secretary of the Navy personally awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross to naval aviators for their actions in the Gulf War, D. all night parties got too rowdy, E. Ensign Rebecca Hansen levied charges of sexual misconduct against Lieutenant Larry Myer.

73. Lt. Hultgreen was eligible to enter the elite Knighthood of Naval Aviators because she did what? A. served as technical assistant for the movie ATop Gun,

B. getting admitted to the U.S. Navy ‘Top Gun’ School. C. maintained a perfect 4.00 GPA at the Air Force Academy, D. skillfully landing a crippled A-6 Intruder aircraft, E. by bravely reporting misbehavior despite peer pressure not to.

74. Vice Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Stanley Arthur, had a long record of accomplishments to include all of the following EXCEPT what? A. he had flown 500 missions in Vietnam, B. in the Gulf War he had commanded the largest American armada since World War II,C. he had received 11 Distinguished Flying Crosses, D. he attained the position of the most senior warfighter in the U.S. Navy, E. as Commander in Chief of Pacific Forces (CINCPAC), he maintained a strong presence in Korea.

75. What was the final straw which led to Admiral Bourda taking his life? A. stress from the ‘Tailhook’ scandal, B. the sexual harassment case filed against him, C. his dishonor by wearing two ‘V’ insignia which he had not earned. D. the top brass in the navy failing to adequately support him against attacks, E. his overall loss of credibility due toAdmiral Arthur’s retirement.

V11: Godfather of Cocaine

76. What did the DEA agent use to compare how big Escobar and his cocaine empire was? A. Sears and catalogue sales, B. Ford and cars, C. Capone and alcohol, D. Bill Gates and Microsoft, E. none of the above.

77. Escobar’s early career was characterized by what? A. stealing and contract killing, B. gang leadership, C. killing for the sake of killing, D. car theft, E. enforcer for political boss.

78. Why did Columbia become drug capital of the western hemisphere? A. Nixon, Ford and Carter’s war on drugs, B. Mexican success against marijuana and heroine, C. proximity to the U.S., D. expertise in smuggling as a livelihood, E. all of the above.

79. Escobar built up his status in the Medellin community by doing which of the following? A. terrorizing kidnappers, B. controlling job access, C. political bribes, D. political patronage, E. none of the above.

80. The symbol of Escobar=s power was what? A. a fleet of ships, B. his own zoo, C. statues throughout Columbia, D. a town was renamed Escobar, E. his son ran for Congress.


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