Home – Missionaries of the Precious Blood


of the


August 2-4 1960

Saint Joseph’s College Rensselaer, Indiana

copyright 1962 by Society of the Precious Blood Carthagena, Ohio


F. Hunnefeld, C.PP.S. Carthagena, Ohio March 1, 1962


John E. Byrne, C.PP.S. Provincial Superior March 12, 1962


►f< John J. Carberry Bishop of Lafayette-in-Indiana March 12, 1962

Published by Precious Blood Institute Saint Joseph’s College Rensselaer, Indiana

Printed in U.S.A. — The Messenger Press, Carthagena, Ohio





Acknowledgments - VI

Letter of His Holiness, Pope John XXIII X

Letter of His Eminence Cardinal Tardini,

Papal Secretary of State XIII

Letter of the Very Reverend Herbert Linenberger,

Moderator General of the Society of the Most Precious Blood XIV

Cablegram to Institute XVI

Cablegram to Pope - — XVII

Contributors XVIII

Apostolic Letter: On promoting devotion to the

Most Precious Blood XXI

Welcome 1

The Precious Blood in the Magisterium of the Church

Very Rev. John E. Byrne, C.PP.S 3

The Blood of Christ in Saint Paul’s Soteriology

Rev. Edward F. Siegman, C.PP.S 11

The Precious Blood and Saint Peter

Rev. Robert T. Siebeneck, C.PP.S 36

The Precious Blood in Saint John Chrysostom

Rev. Andrew J. Pollack, C.PP.S 58

Devotion to the Precious Blood in Relationship to the “Mystery of Christ” and its Application in the Mass Centered Liturgy

Dom Gaspar Lejebvre, O.S.B 83

The Blood and the Sacraments: Sign and Signs of Redemption

Rev. Edwin G. Kaiser, C.PP.S 110




Three Essential Devotions: Sacred Heart, Precious Blood, Holy Name

Rev. Mark J. Dorenkemper, C.PP.S 151

Devotion to the Precious Blood and the Contemporary Liturgical Movement

Rev. Francis B. Sullivan, C.PP.S 208

Saint Thomas and the Price of Redemption

Rev. Ambrose J. Heiman, C.PP.S 228

The Precious Blood as the Glory of Victimhood

Rev. Rudolph P. Bierberg, C.PP.S 237

The Precious Blood and Church Unity

Rev. Aloysius F. O’Dell, C.PP.S 251

Sermons Delivered During the Study Week:

The World of Man and the World of God

Most Rev. Leo A. Pursley, D.D 268

The Precious Blood: Motive for Intensified Christian Living

Rev. Joseph H. Rohling, C.PP.S 275

The Precious Blood: Paschal Symbol

Rev. Robert F. Lechner, C.PP.S 280

Prayers in Honor of the Precious Blood

Sister Mary Scholastica, Ad.PP.S 285

The Precious Blood in Liturgical Art

Sister Mary Hiltrudis, C.PP.S 339

Our Lady and the Precious Blood in Art

Rev. Charles H. Bonet, C.PP.S 356


Our deepest debt of gratitude is to our noblest patron, John XXIII, now gloriously reigning. We are grateful for the autograph letter to our Institute and the encouragement of our devotion by many public and private acts- These generous favors of the Pontiff shall ever remain in our memory! They are referred to elsewhere in these pages. In the teaching of Pope John and the papal magisterium; we find justification for our claim that our devotion is objectively universal, solid, calculated to promote the glory of God and the salvation of men. In the light of the grand concepts of theology in this its golden age we find in our study of the devotion a depth and warmth scarcely possible in decades past. In the light of Precious Blood doctrine in turn we are able to synthesize the truths of faith in the tremendous mystery of the Blood shed on Calvary, really present and mystically shed in the Church, the Savior’s Mystical Body and His Supreme Sacrament, with whom and through whom we adore and offer the Blood of redemption, as we look forward to the Eternal Liturgy. The Christ of Calvary, the Christ of the Mystical Body, the Christ of Eternal Glory is Christ our Priest now and forever. For gently directing our minds to these lofty heights we are humbly grateful to our Supreme Shepherd, John XXIII, pope of the Precious Blood.

Among the Fathers of the Precious Blood Society the gratitude of us all must, above all, go out to our Moderator General, Very Reverend Herbert Linenberger (for representing our needs and best interests in Rome) — to our Provincial, Very Reverend John E. Byrne (for directing and guiding our entire Study Week and the Institute) — to Reverend Isidore McCarthy, of the provincial curia (for presenting the paper of Father Siegman in the latter’s absence) — to Very Reverend Leonard Kostka, superior of Saint Joseph’s College (for leading, bella voce, the recitation of the prayers in honor of the Precious Blood). We are also particularly grateful to Fathers Raymond Cera and William Kramer (the former for painstaking proofreading, the latter for the translation of the Lefebvre paper, and both for presenting the paper). A great measure of the




success of the Study Week was due to Father David Van Horn and the Precious Blood Sisters from O’Fallon, Missouri, and Dayton, Ohio (who were responsible for the attractive exhibits). No little credit for the Study Week’s success is also due Father Richard Baird (for visitor arrangements). Participating in the preparation of the Proceedings for publication were Sister M. Hiltrudis, C.PP.S. (title designs of the papers), Sister M. Cephas, C.PP.S. (cover design), and the Messenger Press (for the immense task of printing and binding, unfailing cooperation in the delicate tasks of arranging the art and layout, and not least the spirit of discernment in deciphering the meticulous corrective work of writers and readers). A special note of thanks is due to Father Joseph Lazur for assistance on the index. Finally, the editor of the Proceedings, Father Frederick Hunnefeld, of the Saint Charles Seminary faculty, Carthagena, Ohio, is in our exceeding great debt for the patience and love with which he discharged a most onerous duty. May our dear Savior grant them all the rich fullness of His Redemptive Love.

For the Institute

Edwin G. Kaiser,’C.PP.S.

George J. Lubeley, C.PP.S.

Charles H. Banet, C.PP.S.

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