Jack’s Personal Testimony:

I believed on the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior when I was twenty years old. Prior to that time I was heavily involved with new age practices. The Lord was gracious to deliver me from all of this abomination to Him by sending to me a Christian friend to open my eyes up to what I was doing. My friend had recently been saved and he told me that what I was dealing with was Satanic. He said that I must read Deuteronomy 18:10-12.

“There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, or one who practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. For all who do these things are an abomination to the LORD.” The Holy Spirit used those verses to convict me of my evil. Subsequently the Lord lead me to a Bible believing church and I believed the glorious gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and I became a believer in the Person and work of Christ.

After believing on the Lord, I was consumed with wanting to learn as much about the Bible as I could. Every time the church doors were open I was there taking in the Word of God. I began speaking at youth rallies to share my testimony about the reality of Satan and warning young people to stay away from Satan’s allurements.

Two years after my salvation the Lord led me to Bible college. I was ordained into to the ministry a few years later and I am currently a vocational pastor at Free Grace Bible Chapel. I love the Lord, His Word and His people and I also have a love for those that do not know our Lord Jesus Christ.

From the day I was saved, the Lord opened my mind to His Word and that knowledge created an insatiable desire for me to learn. I became a student in the essential areas of life. That growth lead me into my business development throughout my life. Even with the martial arts – I started Kung Fu for Christ at seminary and used the martial arts school to lead people to Christ.

JACK IN BUSINESS – Vocational Pastor

Once saved, God gave Jack the hunger and gifts to research, study, learn and teach. Jack developed his memory systems during Bible College, and then began to teach his college professors and his own college classmates. God has continued to grow him with hunger to learn God’s Word; and also, to be an entrepreneur and educator with developing how-to-learn educational programs; to developing his own business consulting program, called M.I.N.D. Inc., in Nashville.

Jack’s has always set his company’s beliefs as that the only way to do business is to do it all to the glory of God. “And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.” (Colossians 3:23-24) The Christian Businessman magazine published an article of Jack’s, which reflected our desire to bring God’s principles into the workplace. Jack’s book, Untapped Potential, developed that theme in great detail.

Here are some of the highlights of Jack Lannom’s life and career.

Jack Lannom, a black-belt minister. () Jack Lannom a teacher of Christian scholarship and kung fu black belt and an ordained minister. The combination of intense physical and mental training which these two pursuits require has given him an incredible understanding of the mastering of our mental processes, as well as the wisdom to become one of America’s most dynamic teachers, speakers, and corporate trainers.

“The bulk of our education, from teaching children in schools to training staffers in corporations, focuses on teaching people what to learn instead of how to learn,” Jack has often said. “There’s an old saying that exhortation without explanation leads to frustration. We need to make learning fun, both for children and adults, and we need to make it personally applicable and relevant for people of all ages.” Throughout his thirty years of training and motivating companies such as Blockbuster Video, The Florida Marlins/Miami Dolphins/Pro Players Stadium, Citibank, AT&T, Kimberly-Clark Professional, Boston Scientific, Balfour Beatty Construction, UPS, PepsiCo, Ritz Carlton, Miami Herald, Carnival Cruise Lines, Chick-fil-A, Iron Mountain, and Waste Management, Jack has used this philosophy to assist people to quickly and easily learn and remember a dramatically increased number of the details that continually bombard them in today’s advanced information age. In 1999, Newsweek magazine () cited Jack as an expert in accelerated learning and memory methods.

Born in Tennessee, Jack attended Middle Tennessee State University, and it was there that his minister, Pastor Jack Fisher, started Jack Lannom on what he calls “The Learning Journey.” Pastor Fisher gave Jack a demonstration of accelerated learning techniques, and Jack took off from there, reading and researching voraciously. By the time Jack left the University, he was financing his education by tutoring his fellow students and his professors in how to learn!

Jack has always been passionate about teaching and helping others, so the natural vehicle for his brilliant mind and buoyant personality was the ministry. Jack enrolled in Baptist Bible College in Springfield, Missouri, and after ordination, devoted more than ten years to preaching and teaching God’s Word.”

Jack co-pastored a church in Nashville with Bobby Cassell called Cornerstone Bible Church; and then moved to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida to teach at Florida Bible College. He started a church in Hollywood with Assistant Pastor Bob Williams, a Greek Professor at Miami Christian College, called Grace Bible Church; and as a vocational pastor, also continued his corporate consulting business, Lannom Inc., and his Lannom’s Kung-Fu School.

In the late 70’s, Jack developed, The Bible Master’s Program. This learning program, gave students a mnemonic system to learn the entire New Testament idea-for-idea by learning 260 master words that correspond to the 260 chapters in the New Testament. Jack traveled the United States, speaking at Christian conferences and colleges teaching the Bible Master’s Program.

In addition, Jack developed in the 80’s the Self-Concept Game, which was designed to bring families to a greater understanding of who they are in Christ. The game was endorsed by such Christian educators as Josh McDowell, Dr. Ed Wheat, and R.C. Sproul.

Then, in 1986: Jack’s thirteen-hour “Lannom’s Memory Methods” series on PBS () was the first of its kind to air, moreover it aired nationally for eleven consecutive years. A highlight taught in this show that Jack still hears being taught today are the Ten Plaques in Egypt. Using the memory system, Jack developed an audio that teaches the Books of the New Testament. Jack has appeared twice on the Worship Channel/Pax TV, and has been heard on several national radio shows as well. Jack’s memory products are: Memory Genius® - The Keys to Maximum Mental Performance; and You Are A Genius® Children’s Interactive software ( and )

The calls to “Around the Table”, a Christian radio program, were particularly gratifying. Jack taught the listeners how to learn the 10 Commandments in 10 minutes. Several people pulled their cars off the road to write down the memory techniques. Many of them gratefully exulted, “I never thought I could learn. Praise God! It really works!” A young boy who suffers from ADD flawlessly repeated all Ten Commandments after hearing Jack explain how to commit them to memory. Another man told Jack that he had gone back to his office and taught his entire staff the Commandments. Clergy called in, saying, “This is just what we’ve been looking for!” At least two churches, First Baptist Church of Ft. Lauderdale and University Baptist in Miami, have incorporated Jack’s teaching methods to enable their entire congregations to memorize the Commandments. One elderly woman told Jack, “You’ve given me the confidence to begin memorizing Scripture. I never thought I could do it!”.

Jack’s book, Untapped Potential, was released by Thomas Nelson Publishers, in 1998..


Untapped Potential is unparalleled in the field of personal development and professional motivation because it contends for a theistic, rather than a humanistic basis for self-worth. “This is a book of motivation that is based on the personal nature of God,” Jack explains. “Humanism teaches that we must work for self-worth, in order to become somebody. Christianity teaches that we work from a secure platform of imputed righteousness because of what Christ did for Christians through His finished work on the cross!”

In the past years, Jack has completed work on a thorough, systematic study of historical, biblical Christianity titled:

Legacy – Passing on the Keys to Salvation, Sanity and Civilization.

|You can read on the website above: The Chapter outline: |

|Part I – Before You Go Up, You Must Go Down |

|What Will Your Legacy Be? |

|The Reformation: The Lost Legacy |

|The Authority and Sufficiency of Scripture |

|The Axiom: The First Principle of Christianity |

|Logic: Thinking God’s Thoughts After Him |

|The Eternal Laws of Logic |

|Sovereignty is Sanity |

|Let God be God! |

| |

|Part II - Before You ‘Tell It Like It Is,’ Make Sure It is Like You Tell It! |

|Let Man be Man |

|“But How Can a Man be Righteous Before God?” |

|Sovereign Grace and God’s Election |

|Let Faith be Faith |

|Did James Teach a Faith-Plus-Works Gospel? |

|“To God Alone be the Glory!” |

|Appendix: A Guide for Young Christians written by Dr. John Robbins |

Your 101 Riches in Christ (), a workbook which will allow believers to learn, understand, and memorize their one hundred and one positions, possessions, and privileges in Christ. Jack has given this seminar in churches, men’s retreats, and at Lifeway in Nashville.

In addition, Jack has produced the book “People First™ - Achieving Balance in an Unbalanced World” (,) and a corporate three-month certification manual and training program called “People First® Strategic Leadership manual” () , both are Biblically-based, yet written to be used in the secular arena and describes the beliefs and behaviors of the best business leaders. People First is a marketplace ministry program. Jack calls this course, “covert Christianity” in the secular business arena.

In addition to writing, Jack maintains a busy speaking and training schedule. He is a nationally and internationally known motivational speaker. Learning with Jack Lannom is invariably accompanied by laughter and fun, as Jack brings his own unique blend of enthusiasm, humor, and boundless energy. ()

Everything that Jack Lannom says and does is firmly established on, and centered in God’s Word. His love for our Lord Jesus Christ is real and personal. It shines out of everything Jack says and does, and there is nothing that excites him more than making it possible for others to learn, understand, and hide God’s Word in their hearts.

In addition, Jack’s mentor, the late Dr. John Robbins () was Jack’s one-on-one professor for 10 years (1998-2008). The Christian scholar, Dr. John Robbins, imparted to Jack, through the Holy Spirit, a level of Christian scholarship that he had never been exposed to in his life. John taught Jack the greatest educational gift that he had ever received, a whole view of things thought out together from the philosophical axiom of Scripture alone. Jack received a 10-year education in Christian epistemology, Christian metaphysics, Christian soteriology, Christian ethics, Christian politics and Christian economics. Moreover, this is the only foundation for a free society. Dr. Robbins stated to Jack that this level of Christian scholarship is not taught in Christian schools today. Jack’s goal was to assist John in starting a Christian college called The Freedom College. However, the Lord took John home before he could bring to fruition his vision. Jack, as John’s protégé, still maintains the same vision, to one day, God willing, complete John’s goal of establishing a thoroughly Christian liberal arts college that teaches the whole counsel of God applies to every area of life for the glory of God Alone. ()



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