Artist Partners with Kilimanjaro Charity to Build ...

Artist Partners with Kilimanjaro Charity to Build Classrooms in Africa

New York, November 10, 2009/PRNewswire/ -- Autumn, to many in the U.S., means back to school time. Students settle into their classrooms, learning lessons and breaking in their school supplies. Meanwhile, many children living in Tanzania and Kenya lack the basic materials for an effective education, creating a difficult environment for young people who are struggling to learn and build a sustainable future for themselves. Now New Orleans artist Aron Belka is partnering with the Kilimanjaro Education Foundation (KEF) to change that for students in and around the Mt. Kilimanjaro region.

Belka’s original oil on canvas painting “S3031273E” is an abstract translation of a satellite image of Mt. Kilimanjaro. Depicted in yellows and oranges, the painting of Africa’s most iconic image embodies the artist’s feeling of hope for the region. Limited edition archival prints of the painting, each signed and numbered by the artist, will be available for sale beginning October 26, 2009. Proceeds will benefit KEF for the development of school buildings in Tanzania.

“This is an opportunity to me to use my talents as an artist in a way that is beneficial to children in need,” Belka said. “Having two daughters myself, I know it’s easy to take education for granted. I hope this helps children in Tanzania get closer to the education they deserve.”

Tanzania’s leaders realize that a good education is the pillar of national development, for it is through education that the nation develops skilled individuals to serve in various sectors of the nation’s economy. Since 2002, primary school fees have been eliminated in Tanzania, but there has been a lack of resources for additional teachers, classrooms, books and school supplies. This has led to primary schools becoming overwhelmed by the massive increase in children seeking to take advantage of free primary education. Classrooms are becoming over-crowded and there are not enough teachers.


“I can’t think of a better gift for this holiday season, especially if you know someone who has been to Mt. Kilimanjaro or plans to go,” said Todd Grossman, Founder of KEF. “The proceeds will go directly toward the construction of a desperately needed secondary school in the village of Olutroto, where we will have Aron’s print displayed.”

Limited edition giclée archival prints or poster prints, signed by the artist, can be purchased by visiting or .

About the Artist: Aron Belka is a visual artist who has been a pioneer in the translation of exospheric satellite imagery into art. Through the lens of the satellite, Mr. Belka portrays the earth as art – abstract landscapes that allow the viewer to appreciate each painting for the technicalities of the art and the physical place it depicts. Mr. Belka received his BFA from Utah State University. His paintings have been exhibited in solo and group exhibitions nationwide, including New York City, San Antonio, New Orleans, Salt Lake City, Portland, OR and Cobleskill, NY.

About Kilimanjaro Education Foundation: Kilimanjaro Education Foundation (KEF), founded in 2006, is incorporated in New York State and organized as a 501(c)(3). In November 2008, KEF was featured on the Today Show’s “Ends of the Earth” series. KEF strives to improve education and to build school facilities for underprivileged children in Tanzania and other countries bordering Kilimanjaro. KEF’s volunteers and directors share in and impart not only the Foundation’s passion for children and education, but also in KEF’s core values of honesty, integrity, creativity and imagination.

For further information contact:

Jeffrey Durosko

Jeff Durosko Communications



Todd Grossman

Founder, Kilimanjaro Education Foundation




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