Deer Valley Unified School District

August 2014MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday =G4+1 11Review syllabus, course expectations, and classroom proceduresClass Definition: What is the American Dream? Whose dreams come true? =A6+1 12Review WTQ/ORNIntroduce Online Writing Portfolio, and initial writing assignment for August =B6+1 13Writing Lesson: Christina’s World 6 Word Stories via TTTC =C6+1 14Continuation of 6 Word StoriesGallery Walk: Share out your 6 word story with your item =D6+1 15Summer Assignment Due (Hardcopy in class, online submission by midnight!)TTTC DiscussionQuestions available on my website! =G6+1 18Textbook Distribution!TTTC DiscussionQuestions available on my website! =A8+1 19TTTC DiscussionQuestions available on my website! =B8+1 20Yearbook Photos!Draft 1.0 of August OWP due for editing/revision! =C8+1 21Vocabulary Quiz 1TTTC pre-test microtheme =D8+1 22 Half DayWTQ: The Beginnings Draft “SMART” goals for your adventures here in AP Language!IF =G824 = 0,"" IF =G8 24 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =G8+1 25 "" 2525As a class: read and discuss Mike Royko’s ”A Faceless Man’s Plea”Analyze: ethos, logos, pathos, D/T/S, and purposeIF =A1025 = 0,"" IF =A10 25 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =A10+1 26 "" 2626As a class: read and discuss Mike Royko’s ”A Faceless Man’s Plea”Analyze: ethos, logos, pathos, D/T/S, and purposeIF =B1026 = 0,"" IF =B10 26 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =B10+1 27 "" 2727Junior Lexile Test – Meet in C-Lab NorthFinalize Draft 2.0 of OWP, post to site. Final product due on September 2!IF =C1027 = 0,"" IF =C10 27 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =C10+1 28 "" 2828WTQ: Bradford (Discussion will follow)Royko microthemeIF =D1028 = 0,"" IF =D10 28 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =D10+1 29 "" 2929Gatsby, Chapter 1 DiscussionSeptember 2014MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Monday = “Monday" 1 ""1 IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Monday = “Tuesday" 1 IF =A2 1 <> 0 =A2+1 2 "" 22Intro Sept OWL, Review Description Mode and read Heat-Moon’s Essay IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Monday = “Wednesday" 1 IF =B2 2 <> 0 =B2+1 3 "" 33WTQ: Bradstreet/TaylorIntro to SOAPS Class practice IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Monday = “Thursday" 1 IF =C2 3 <> 0 =C2+1 4 "" 44Vocabulary Quiz 2Introduce Sinner’s essay/discuss “sin” and its effect IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Monday= “Friday" 1 IF =D2 4 <> 0 =D2+1 5 "" 55Meet in A177 for a Counseling Presentation =G2+1 8WTQ: EdwardsDraft SOAPS in small groups/share out and discuss =A4+1 9Esther Burr – Read and annotate, complete a SOAPS =B4+1 10Gatsby Chapter 2/3 Fishbowl Discussion =C4+1 11Introduce Visual Language-9/11 Presentation =D4+1 12 Half DayAudience Awareness with Lincoln =G4+1 15DictionPyle’s “Horrible Waste of War” =A6+1 16WTQ: Revolutionary EngishDictionPyle’s “Horrible Waste of War” =B6+1 17ToneEdwards DIDLSS practice =C6+1 18ToneAscher’s “Box Man” =D6+1 19Vocabulary Quiz 3Draft 1.0 of September OWP due =G6+1 22Syntax Deductive vs. Inductive =A8+1 23Meet in the C-Lab!Publish Draft 1.0 of Edwards to for Editing =B8+1 24Live Grading of Group Pyle Microthemes =C8+1 25Final Draft of Edwards Style Analysis DueWTQ: HenryIndividual Pyle MT =D8+1 26The Great Gatsby Fishbowl Chapter 4 and 5IF =G828 = 0,"" IF =G8 28 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =G8+1 29 "" 2929Multiple Choice Pre-TestIF =A1029 = 0,"" IF =A10 29 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =A10+1 30 "" 3030 Strategies of Multiple-Choice, Types of MC QuestionsIF =B1030 = 0,"" IF =B10 30 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =B10+1 27 "" IF =C100 = 0,"" IF =C10 27 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =C10+1 28 "" 28IF =D100 = 0,"" IF =D10 28 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =D10+1 29 "" 29October 2014MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Wednesday = “Monday" 1 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Wednesday = “Tuesday" 1 IF =A2 0 <> 0 =A2+1 2 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Wednesday = “Wednesday" 1 IF =B2 2 <> 0 =B2+1 3 "" 31Meet in the C-Lab!Learnerator – sign into our class dashboard, complete questions in class, Last date to mail OWP Link for Sept. IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Wednesday = “Thursday" 1 IF =C2 1 <> 0 =C2+1 2 "" 22Oct OWP – Review, read, discuss IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Wednesday= “Friday" 1 IF =D2 2 <> 0 =D2+1 3 "" 33 Half DayVocab Quiz 4WTQ: JeffersonHw: Read Stanton =G2+1 6Intro Oral MC-Stanton vs. Jefferson =A4+1 7WTQ: RomanticismIntro Oral MC-Stanton vs. Jefferson =B4+1 8Timed Write: 40 minutes =C4+1 9Gatsby Ch 6/7 Fishbowl =D4+1 10 =G4+1 13 =A6+1 14Intro Rhetorical Devices =B6+1 15Intro Rhetorical Devices =C6+1 16Intro Rhetorical Devices =D6+1 17WTQ: Bryant DiscussionOWP Edit & Revise =G6+1 20Gatsby Ch 8/9 Discussion =A8+1 21WTQ: HolmesSeminar on American DreamCompany Man =B8+1 22DOAS Due in ClassMiller Intro/JigsawVocab Quiz 5 =C8+1 23 Half DayGatsby Rhetorical Analysis Timed Write =D8+1 24 Half DayGatsby Rhetorical Analysis Timed WriteIF =G826 = 0,"" IF =G8 26 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =G8+1 27 "" 2727iPad activity: rhetorical analysis IF =A1027 = 0,"" IF =A10 27 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =A10+1 28 "" 2828iPad activity: rhetorical analysisIF =B1028 = 0,"" IF =B10 28 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =B10+1 29 "" 2929iPad activity: rhetorical analysisIF =C1029 = 0,"" IF =C10 29 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =C10+1 30 "" 3030Timed WriteIF =D1030 = 0,"" IF =D10 30 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =D10+1 31 "" 3131OWP Link is DueWTQ: PoeIntroduce Nov OWPNovember 2014MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday =G2+1 3Watch Satire Intro Video By TodayiPad activity: satire exploration =A4+1 4iPad Activity: satire exploration =B4+1 5iPad Activity: satire exploration =C4+1 6Oral MC: Barry =D4+1 7 Half DayComplete iPad activity over SteinbeckWork on portfolio if you have time! =G4+1 10 =A6+1 11 =B6+1 12DOAS Act I Fishbowl =C6+1 13DOAS Act I Fishbowl =D6+1 14Vocab Quiz 6Barry MTOWP: Revise and Edit Day =G6+1 17Introduce Winter Break AssignmentSatire Exercises =A8+1 18Timed Write =B8+1 19AP Multiple Choice Practice:Writing Questions Activity =C8+1 20AP Multiple Choice Practice:Writing Questions Activity =D8+1 21OWP Link DueDecember OWP Initiated: Swift and Modern Proposal (with MC)IF =G823 = 0,"" IF =G8 23 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =G8+1 24 "" 2424IF =A1024 = 0,"" IF =A10 24 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =A10+1 25 "" 2525IF =B1025 = 0,"" IF =B10 25 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =B10+1 26 "" 2626IF =C1026 = 0,"" IF =C10 26 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =C10+1 27 "" 2727IF =D1027 = 0,"" IF =D10 27 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =D10+1 28 "" 2828December 2014MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Monday = “Monday" 1 ""1Swift Oral MCReview satire exercises 1-3 via interactive lectureHW: Find a political cartoon that you like. IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Monday = “Tuesday" 1 IF =A2 1 <> 0 =A2+1 2 "" 22Review satire exercises 1-3 via interactive lecture (complete)Review satire examples from notes and discuss IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Monday = “Wednesday" 1 IF =B2 2 <> 0 =B2+1 3 "" 33Rhetorical Devices PracticeAmplificationEmotional Appeals IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Monday = “Thursday" 1 IF =C2 3 <> 0 =C2+1 4 "" 44Timed Write: Satire IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Monday= “Friday" 1 IF =D2 4 <> 0 =D2+1 5 "" 55Edit/Revise OWPGroup Satire Analysis over Political CartoonRD Quiz over Terms Reviewed =G2+1 8DOAS Act II/Req Fishbowl =A4+1 9DOAS Act II/Req Fishbowl =B4+1 10Link DueRhetorical Devices PracticeArgumentationBalance, Antithesis, and Paradox =C4+1 11DOAS Final Exam Timed Write =D4+1 12 Half DayRD Quiz over Terms Reviewed =G4+1 15Rhetorical Devices PracticeMetaphorical Substitutions/PunsOmissions and Repetitions =A6+1 16RD Quiz over Terms ReviewedRhetorical Device Review Game =B6+1 17Rhetorical Device Review GameWatch Satire VideosEvaluate Target, Reform =C6+1 18 Half DayFinals 1, 3, 5 =D6+1 19 Half DayFinals 2, 4, 6January 2015MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday =G2+1 5OWP January Intro - Read doc’s online to draft proposal and prepareIntroduction: Disputation =A4+1 6EDPuzzle: Synthesis IntroductionPenny Prompt Breakdown =B4+1 7Disputation Planning =C4+1 8Penny Prompt Breakdown =D4+1 9 Half DayWinter Break Project Due!Penny Prompt Breakdown =G4+1 12MEET IN A-178: Learnerator revisit for weekly practice =A6+1 13OWP Proposal DueLMNOP Fishbowl**The prompts have been released. I’d focus on those prompts!!** =B6+1 14LMNOP Timed Write (40 minutes) =C6+1 15Introduce the Extended Write – Class Seminar over the piece you’re writingLangston Hughes =D6+1 16**Nickel & Dimed should be owned by this date!**LMNOP Timed Write (40 minutes)Learnerator Results due by 11:59pm =G6+1 19 =A8+1 20EDPuzzle: Logic and ArgumentationToulmin Model =B8+1 21Logical FallaciesNotes/Review =C8+1 22Logical FallaciesNotes/Review =D8+1 23OWP Draft posted to by 11:59PMMeet in C-Lab to DRAFT your Disputation Prompt!IF =G825 = 0,"" IF =G8 25 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =G8+1 26 "" 2626Logical Fallacy Video CreationsPSA’s with Argumentation involved IF =A1026 = 0,"" IF =A10 26 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =A10+1 27 "" 2727OWP Draft PEER MARK posted to by 11:59PMLogical Fallacy Video CreationsIF =B1027 = 0,"" IF =B10 27 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =B10+1 28 "" 2828Extended Write #1 Due ( only)Apple TV: Review and Discuss the Videos you Made IF =C1028 = 0,"" IF =C10 28 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =C10+1 29 "" 2929Rhetorical Analysis: TIMED WRITEIF =D1029 = 0,"" IF =D10 29 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =D10+1 30 "" 3030OWP FINAL Draft posted to by 11:59PMMC Results Due by 11:59PMIntro: Synthesis CreationFebruary 2015MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday =G2+1 2Extended Write Discussion/Planning =A4+1 3Feb. OWP40 Model EssaysQuestions =B4+1 4 =C4+1 5Nickel & Dimed TestIntro/Serving in Florida =D4+1 6Nickel & Dimed SeminarIntro/Serving in Florida =G4+1 9Meet in C-Lab: Counselor Presentation =A6+1 10Logic & Argument Test:ToulminFallacies =B6+1 11Meet in A-177Disputation Plan on a PageResearch =C6+1 12Synthesis/Argument How-ToBreaking DownStructureJigsaw with Boards =D6+1 13Synthesis Timed Write: 55 minutes =G6+1 16 =A8+1 17Meet in C-Lab:Disputation WorkPop Topic =B8+1 18OWP Draft to by 11:59PMMeet in C-Lab:Disputation WorkPop Topic =C8+1 19Class Review:Fallacies and Rhetorical Devices =D8+1 20Finish Logical Fallacy TestIF =G822 = 0,"" IF =G8 22 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 28 =G8+1 23 "" 2323Peer Mark Completed by 11:59PMRhetorical Device TestIF =A1023 = 0,"" IF =A10 23 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 28 =A10+1 24 "" 2424Extended Write #2 Due: ONLYPopTopic PresentationsIF =B1024 = 0,"" IF =B10 24 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 28 =B10+1 25 "" 2525PopTopic PresentationsIF =C1025 = 0,"" IF =C10 25 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 28 =C10+1 26 "" 2626Feb OWP Final PostedPopTopic PresentationsIF =D1026 = 0,"" IF =D10 26 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 28 =D10+1 27 "" 2727Learnerator CompletedDisputation 1March 2015MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday =G2+1 2Nickel & Dimed MicrothemeIntro FRQ #3 (Structure) =A4+1 3Discussion: FRQ #3 =B4+1 4TIMED WRITE: Synthesis (no pre-reading/pre-planning) =C4+1 5Group Timed Write: Entertainment in Society =D4+1 6Disputation 2 =G4+1 9Build a Test: Multiple Choice =A6+1 10TIMED WRITE: Argumentation (FRQ #3) =B6+1 11Disputation 3 =C6+1 12Meet in C-Lab to:Find materialsWrite questionsEtc. =D6+1 13 Half DaySearch for quotes to fill in subjects =G6+1 16TIMED WRITE: Synthesis =A8+1 17Meet in C-Lab to Type and Finalize Product (if possible, start editing!) =B8+1 18In-Class Peer Review:Check question stems/distracters, etc =C8+1 19 Half DayNickel & Dimed TestFishbowl =D8+1 20 Half DayNickel & Dimed TestFishbowlIF =G822 = 0,"" IF =G8 22 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =G8+1 23 "" 2323Disputation 4IF =A1023 = 0,"" IF =A10 23 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =A10+1 24 "" 2424Timed Write: Rhetorical Analysis (FRQ #2)IF =B1024 = 0,"" IF =B10 24 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =B10+1 25 "" 2525Lab: OWP Create and ProduceLearneratorIF =C1025 = 0,"" IF =C10 25 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =C10+1 26 "" 2626Lab: OWP Create and ProduceLearneratorIF =D1026 = 0,"" IF =D10 26 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =D10+1 27 "" 2727Disputation 5IF =G1029 = 0,"" IF =G10 29 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =G10+1 30 "" 3030IF =A1230 = 0,"" IF =A12 30 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =A12+1 31 "" 3131April 2015MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Wednesday = “Monday" 1 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Wednesday = “Tuesday" 1 IF =A2 0 <> 0 =A2+1 2 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Wednesday = “Wednesday" 1 IF =B2 0 <> 0 =B2+1 3 "" 1 IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Wednesday = “Thursday" 1 IF =C2 1 <> 0 =C2+1 2 "" 22 IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Wednesday= “Friday" 1 IF =D2 2 <> 0 =D2+1 3 "" 33 =G2+1 6Take MC Tests Created By PeersDiscuss common traits/etc. =A4+1 7TW: FRQ 3 =B4+1 8AZMerit: 5 =C4+1 9AzMERIT: 2, 4, 6 =D4+1 10AZMerit: 5 =G4+1 13AzMERIT: 2, 4, 6 =A6+1 14AIMS SCIENCE: Late StartQuotation Quiz, Topics 1-5 =B6+1 15AZMerit: 5 =C6+1 16AzMERIT: 2, 4, 6 =D6+1 17 Half DayQuotation Quiz, Topics 6-10 =G6+1 20AP Exam Practice: MC/FRQ2 =A8+1 21Same as day prior! =B8+1 22AP Exam Practice:FRQ1/FRQ3 =C8+1 23Same as day prior! =D8+1 24Quotation Quiz, Topics 11-15IF =G826 = 0,"" IF =G8 26 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =G8+1 27 "" 2727Disputation: TechnologyIF =A1027 = 0,"" IF =A10 27 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =A10+1 28 "" 2828Disputation: AdvertisingIF =B1028 = 0,"" IF =B10 28 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =B10+1 29 "" 2929Disputation: PrivacyIF =C1029 = 0,"" IF =C10 29 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =C10+1 30 "" 3030TW: Rhetorical AnalysisIF =D1030 = 0,"" IF =D10 30 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 30 =D10+1 27 "" May 2015MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Friday = “Monday" 1 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Friday = “Tuesday" 1 IF =A2 0 <> 0 =A2+1 2 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Friday = “Wednesday" 1 IF =B2 0 <> 0 =B2+1 3 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Friday = “Thursday" 1 IF =C2 0 <> 0 =C2+1 2 "" IF DocVariable MonthStart \@ dddd Friday= “Friday" 1 IF =D2 2 <> 0 =D2+1 3 "" 31Disputation 9: Gun Laws =G2+1 4 =A4+1 5 =B4+1 6 =C4+1 7 =D4+1 8 Half Day =G4+1 11 =A6+1 12 =B6+1 13AP Exam: Relax & Celebrate! =C6+1 14 =D6+1 15 =G6+1 18 =A8+1 19 =B8+1 20 =C8+1 21 =D8+1 22IF =G824 = 0,"" IF =G8 24 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =G8+1 25 "" 2525IF =A1025 = 0,"" IF =A10 25 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =A10+1 26 "" 2626IF =B1026 = 0,"" IF =B10 26 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =B10+1 27 "" 2727 Half DayIF =C1027 = 0,"" IF =C10 27 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =C10+1 28 "" 2828 Half DayIF =D1028 = 0,"" IF =D10 28 < DocVariable MonthEnd \@ d 31 =D10+1 29 "" 2929 ................

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