SATURATED AND UNSATURATED SOLUTIONS AND DISSOLVING SOLUTES IN DIFFERERNT SOLVENTS (COMBO LAB)QUESTION: 1. How can you make saturated solutions?2. Is saturation affected by the type of solvent used? Which will be better solvent-water or oil?HYPOTHEISIS: 1. 2. MATERIALS/PROCEDURE: Use the graduated cylinder to measure 50 mL of water into a beaker. Measure 5 g of one substance. Add this to the water. Stir the mixture until the substance has dissolved. Record your observations in the table. Keep adding more of the same substance to the water, 5 g at a time, until no more will dissolve. Repeat steps 1 to 4 for each substance.OBSERVATIONS: Solvent SoluteMass Added (g)Volume of Solvent (ml)Concentration (g/100ml) ObservationswaterSugaroilwaterSaltoilQuestions:Which substance is most soluble in water? Least soluble in water?Which substance is most soluble in oil? Least soluble in oil?Referring to lab 1, where water was used as the solvent, what was the manipulated variable? The responding variable?List 4 variables that were controlled in the first lab? (when water is the solvent)Was the solubility of the solutes the same in both solvents used in lab 2 (oil and water)? If not, explain any differences in solubility using the particle model.Why was it important that we found out the mass for each substance? (why did we not just measure out a set amount for each instead?)Make a Conclusion for this lab. What did you learn? Does it fit with your Hypothesis? What would you do differently next time if you did this over again? ................

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