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Practice Set: Solution Saturation

Part A. Identify the following statement as unsaturated, saturated, or supersaturated. In the blank beside of each, write U for unsaturated, S for saturated, or SS for supersaturated.

____1. The surface of the solution is agitate and the solute precipitates.

____2. A small amount o solute in a large amount of solvent.

____3. The solution is first heated, more solute added, then the solution is cooled.

____4. Gas escapes from the liquid when a bottle is opened.

____5. Solute is added to a solvent at room temperature until only a little remains undissolved.

Part B. Each of the following statements describes one step in the preparation of a supersaturated solution. Sequence the following steps 1-4.

1._____ a) Allow solution to cool

2._____ b) Heat the solution

3._____ c) Add solute to the solvent until it becomes saturated

4_____ d) As the solution gets hotter add more solute

Part C. Fill in the blanks using the following terms: saturated, unsaturated, and supersaturated.

A few crystals of solute are added to a solution. They immediately dissolve. This indicates that the solution is ___________. A few more crystals are added, and they do not dissolve. The solution is now _____________. A few crystals are added to a different solution and they cause a large amount of solute to come out of the solution and form crystals. This solution is _____________.

Practice Set: Solubility

Part A. In the blank preceding each statement write an I to indicate an increase in solubility or a D to indicate a decrease in solubility.

_____1. Oxygen in water - temperature drops

_____2. Salt in water – temperature drops

_____3. Sugar in water – temperature rises

_____4. Nitrogen in blood as diver descends

_____5. CO2 in a soft drink – cap is removed

_____6. Tea in water – water is heated

_____7. Nitrogen in blood as diver ascends

_____8. Sun shines on an aquarium and warms water with dissolved oxygen.

Part B. Place an X in the blank beside each of the following statements that will increase the solubility of sugar in water.

_____1. Heating the solution

_____2. Cooling the solution

_____3. Stirring the solution

_____4. Removing energy from the solution

_____5. Crushing the sugar


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