Liberal Media Are Deranged ... - Media Research Center


Creating a Media Culture in America Where Truth and Liberty Flourish

Vol. 26 ? Issue 10 ? October 2019

MRC Headquarters ? Reston, VA



YouTube, Pinterest, Facebook Censor Pro-Life

Group Live Action

PAGE 4-5

BITS & PIECES: Alert! No Sources,

The R-Word, Oh Look, a Poll, `If True,' Clear Bias, Shh! Illegal Aliens and



Nationally Syndicated Column by Brent Bozell

and Tim Graham: They Dish it Out, But Can't Take It


MRC In the News


The Media Have Taken Aim

at America's Guns

Liberal Media Are Deranged, Compare Trump to Hitler, a Madman Who Gassed Children to Death

The liberal media are insane when

not catching the irony, reported,

they compare Donald Trump, a real estate "That's the president, actually, from his

developer from Queens who plays golf,

Nuremberg rally last night."

with Adolf Hitler, a genocidal dictator who

On another edition of Morning Joe,

gassed disabled children to death and

Scarborough commented, "Donald Trump

launched a world war that killed more

talking about what a disgrace to our

than 50 million people.

system.... I have to think back to that

To even hint

Financial Times

at comparing a

article yesterday

duly elected U.S.

talking about how

president with a

the Nazis in the

dictator who hanged

early 1930s would

his political enemies

rail against quote,

with piano wire and

`the system,'

filmed their death

[because it was]

agony -- so he could

stopping them in

watch it over and

the early 1930s

over -- is absurd.

from doing what

The comparison is

To compare President Donald Trump with the

they wanted to

preposterous. Yet the liberal

media make this lunatic comparison

genocidal dictator Adolf Hitler, who launched a world war that killed 50 million people and who gassed Jewish families to death is preposterous. Yet the liberal media do it almost every day.

do." In other words,

just like Hitler, Trump wants

all the time, and they are serious about it. to hijack Congress and establish a

"I want people to go back and look at

dictatorship, from which he will put

Nazi Germany in the early `30s because

his political enemies in concentration

the parallels are stunning," gasped MSNBC camps. Seems like a reasonable

analyst Donny Deutsch about the Trump

assumption, right?

administration. "Oh, it can't happen here,

"When is the time to sound the

it can't happen here. It can happen here." alarm?" screeched Scarborough. "When

MSNBC is one of many liberal news

is the time to start saying, well, does

outlets that have made the deranged

this look like Germany in 1932? Does this

Hitler-Trump comparison. Some of the

look like Germany in 1933? Is now the

other outlets include The Washington

time to start asking that question?"

Post, and CNN.

Washington Post columnist Eugene

These mad pronouncements are

Robinson ludicrously replied, "People

regularly documented and exposed by the should be screaming now.... We're

MRC, principally through NewsBusters and getting close."

MRCTV. Let's look at some examples.

Trump "is a man with Nazi

At one of his rallies, President Trump

tendencies," lectured Donny Deutsch

criticized anti-Semitic comments made by on MSNBC's Saturday Night Politics.

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), which revved

"There's so many stunning parallels to

up the crowd. MSNBC's Joe Scarborough,

Continued on page 2


Continued from page 1

what Hitler was doing in the early `30s." "You look at history, it can happen here," ranted

Deutsch. "Maybe it's the Jews next." This insanity is given a national platform on

MSNBC, which is owned by NBC Universal News Group.

CNN is just as unbalanced. On CNN's Reliable Sources, hosted by Brian Stelter, the former Duke Psychiatry Department chairman, Dr. Allen Frances, actually said, "Trump is as destructive a person in this century as Hitler, Stalin, Mao in the last century. He may be responsible for many more million deaths than they were."

Hitler, with World War II, killed 50 million people; Joseph Stalin killed 30 million people; and Mao Zedong killed 65 million -- a total of 145 million people dead. CNN's psychiatry expert declared that Trump is worse than that and Stelter did not object.

When Trump first announced he was running for president in 2015, Vanity Fair recycled a story from 1990 about the then-pending divorce of Ivana and Donald Trump. The story mentioned that Ivana had told her lawyer that Donald kept a book of Hitler's speeches, My New Order, "in a cabinet by his bed," which he would read "from time to time."

Vanity Fair was able to confirm that Paramount Pictures executive Marty Davis had given the book to Trump. The Donald remembered receiving the book but said he hadn't read it. It is not unreasonable to conclude that Vanity Affair reported this news only to smear Trump. It also merits noting that every major library in the world likely carries Mein Kampf and My New Order, as do most of the libraries at large news outlets.

Not to be outdone in the bonkers department, The Washington Post ran the following headline in August:


"Trump, Amid Claims of Anti-Semitism, Invoked Henry Ford. Hitler called the Automaker his `Inspiration.'"

Trump had posted several positive tweets about the U.S. auto industry, which was revolutionized by Henry Ford. The Post chose to quote Hitler and claim that Ford was the "most notorious anti-Semite in modern U.S. history" Get it? Trump, Ford, Hitler. It's so obvious!

After a man and boy were found dead along the Rio Grande in June, trying to illegally enter the United States, suggested this was the Third Reich redux. "This Is the Week It Became Accurate to Compare Trump to Hitler," ran the headline.

Famed civil liberties lawyer Burt Neuborne wrote in The Forward, "I can't ignore the fact that Trump's savagely divisive political rhetoric, both as a candidate and as our 45th President, closely tracks the tropes that Adolf Hitler used from 1932-36.... Hitler promised to return Germany to pre-WW I greatness, railing against a shadowy international order dedicated to keeping Germany in chains. Trump promises to make America great again, railing against a shadowy international order dedicated to fleecing America."

These are but a few examples of the liberal media comparing our president to Hitler. It is insane and morbidly insulting to the millions of victims of the Nazis, as well as the 420,000 Americans who died fighting that monstrous regime.

This left-wing bias of the press is surreal. The MRC is battling against this bias every day, and you can help us by making a donation to our non-profit organization. Use the reply card and postage-paid envelope enclosed with this newsletter to send your most generous gift today.


L. Brent Bozell III Founder and President

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Hello. You've been banned.

Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest Censor Pro-Life Group `Live Action'

In their ongoing crackdown on conservative speech, the social media giants YouTube, Facebook, and Pinterest have restricted, blocked or banned the pro-life organization Live Action. The situation is so Orwellian that Live Action has had to take legal action to try to restore its content (and ad revenue and reputation) on those widely popular platforms.

"When reviewing the evidence in both of these cases, it is quite clear that YouTube and Pinterest have engaged in discriminatory and speech-suppressing actions that have led to monetary and reputational damages to our organization," said Live Action President Lila Rose.

"We have played by the rules outlined by these enterprises, paid our bills and lived up to the terms of service agreements, yet they still choose to discriminate against us because we are a pro-life advocacy organization."

On Pinterest, which is an online scrapbook site, a whistleblower at the company revealed that Live Action's materials were being flagged as "pornography" and automatically relegated to a banned list. When the conservative group Project Veritas reported on this, its video was removed from YouTube. Then, a video made by Live Action about Pinterest's censorship was removed from YouTube. As the news of Pinterest's selective censorship spread, the company banned Live Action outright, claiming the pro-life group violated its Community Guidelines by publishing "medical misinformation."

In addition to removing the videos about the censorship, YouTube apparently has made it harder and harder for Live Action to post its pro-life videos. This is killing a major source of revenue for Live Action and is preventing a highly respected pro-life voice from hosting its message on one of the most popular news and entertainment sites on the Internet.

With Facebook, the company removed two Live Action videos, claiming that so-called "fact-checkers" had concluded the videos were "false." In the videos, Lila Rose defined abortion as the "direct and intentional killing of an embryo, a fetus, a baby in the womb." Facebook's "factchecker," Dr. Daniel Grossman, who sits on the board of the pro-abortion NARAL, stated that abortion is defined as "a procedure to end pregnancy." Apparently, there is a colossal difference between ending a pregnancy and intentionally killing a fetus. Grossman, incidentally, has also worked as a consultant to Planned Parenthood. Live Action has sent "cease and desist" letters to YouTube and Pinterest. As of this writing it is not known if the case is headed to a courtroom. Speaking with NewsBusters' TechWatch, Lila Rose said, "Our fight should be with the abortion industry," not with the Big Tech middlemen who are acting as "defenders of the abortion industry."

"Our fight should be with the abortion industry," not with the Big Tech middlemen who are acting as "defenders of the abortion industry."

-- Lila Rose, President Live Action



Bits & Pieces

Alert! No Sources ... but, Alert!

CNN Tonight hosted The Atlantic's McKay Coppins on Sept.

9 to promote his sleazy attack on President Trump's children,

a tall tale with no named sources, all "anonymous." CNN's Don

Lemon was giddy. Coppins claimed -- "I'm told by people" -- that

after the Trump Tower controversy involving Donald Trump Jr.,

the president "was resigned to his son's idiocy," and supposedly

said his son, "is not the sharpest knife in the drawer."

Coppins also claimed that overall Don Jr. "emerged as this

kind of shouty, testosterone-soaked, mini-Trump," while Ivanka

stayed in the White House and "kind of very quickly figured out

that she was out of her depth." Coppins further asserted that "sources" told him the president judges his children by how well they defend him on TV.

Using only "anonymous" sources, no one on the record, The Atlantic's McKay Coppins claims that President Trump harshly attacks his children in front of other people and

Imagine CNN running a story based on anonymous sources

judges them by how well they defend him on cable TV.

that Barack Obama thought his children were stupid. Or the

Clintons thought Chelsea was a moron. Unthinkable? Naturally. But with the Trump family, anything goes.

ABC The View's Joy Behar defends Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) laughing when a supporter called President Trump "mentally retarded," and adding, "well said, well said."

The R-Word

Although Democratic presidential contender Kamala Harris clearly smiled, laughed, and remarked "well said, well said" after a supporter described President Donald Trump as "mentally retarded," the networks buried the news or tried to defend Harris. The incident happened at a Sept. 6 rally and is on video. Nonetheless, CBS Face The Nation's Margaret Brennan called it a "gaffe." On the same program, The Hill TV's Jamal Simmons labeled it a "bad moment." NBC's Nightly News didn't report the story. On ABC's The View, Joy Behar repeated Harris's spin that "she didn't hear it, the guy had an accent." This is the same Behar who in 2016 defended Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy, saying she'd vote for a rapist as long as they were a Democrat. Co-host Sunny Hostin laughed and claimed Harris "has a real plan for people with disabilities."

All this proves that you can be vile, as long as you're a Democrat.

Oh Look, a Poll

One day before it hosted the third Democratic primary debate,

ABC News giddily promoted its own poll showing that the top five

Democrat contenders would beat Donald Trump, if the presidential

election were held now. On the Sept. 11 Good Morning America,

George Stephanopoulos swooned, "Let's turn now to our brand-

new poll showing how the top Democrats are doing against

President Trump ahead of tomorrow night's debate. With the

president's approval rating down to 38%, approaching his record

low, he's now trailing all the top Democrats in head-to-head match-ups."

White House reporter Cecilia Vega chimed in, "So these

Although the 2020 election is more than a year away, ABC News couldn't help promoting its own poll showing that Trump would lose to any of the top five Democrats if the

numbers really should give the president and his team some pause election were held today.

heading into this debate. If the election was held today, five Democrats would handily beat him."

The presidential election is more than a year away. In 2016, nearly every poll predicted a landslide win for Hillary

Clinton. ABC News should give its liberal enthusiasm "some pause."



`If True'

MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell, a Harvard grad, reaffirmed his poor judgment and left-wing bias by reporting, based on one unnamed source, that Russian oligarchs had co-signed loans for Donald Trump to help his real estate projects. O'Donnell further claimed that this was why President Trump was beholden to the Russians and Vladimir Putin. "If true, if true, that would be a significant factor in Vladimir Putin's publicly stated preference for presidential candidate Donald Trump over presidential candidate Hillary Clinton," huffed O'Donnell. But it wasn't true. After his Aug. 27 "scoop" hit the news, O'Donnell and MSNBC were faced with the threat of a defamation lawsuit from Trump. O'Donnell had no one on the record and no documents. So, he retracted the entire horse-pucky report, claiming it "didn't go through our rigorous verification and standards process." Whether MSNBC has a standards process is debatable. However, Lawrence O'Donnell's sophomoric reporting reveals, again, why Americans don't trust the liberal media.

Clear Bias

For several days in early September, MSNBC ran numerous stories charging that President Donald Trump was "raiding" FEMA disaster relief funds to pay for immigration control at the U.S.Mexico border. MSNBC reporters were hyperventilating but they didn't tell their audience that, as president, Barack Obama had also transferred FEMA funds, with no liberal media hysterics. They also didn't mention that Trump was transferring $155 million, which is less than 1% of the $27 billion in FEMA's account.

MSNBC's Nicole Wallace called Trump's action "shocking and horrifying." Reporter Ayman Mohyeldin breathlessly disclosed the "new revelations of Trump raiding Homeland Security funding." Other anchors falsely claimed the FEMA money would be used for the border wall, and MTP Daily host Chuck Todd hinted it might be investigated by Democrats as part of an impeachment inquiry.

Only on Fox and Friends First was it reported that the Obama administration had done similar fund transfers to support ICE's operations.

Shh! Illegal Aliens

Although at least seven illegal aliens have been arrested and charged with rape in the "sanctuary" of Montgomery County, Md., since July, the national network news programs have said nothing. They censored these horrific stories even though one of the victims was as young as 11.

The networks, moreover, didn't brush them off as local news stories. ABC and NBC ran several reports that name-dropped Montgomery County as a place where there were dangerous drivers not stopping at school bus crossings. That made the national news, but not the rapes and sexual assaults by illegals.

Imagine what would happen if the networks could muster up even half the emotional energy they spend on school shootings for these children victimized by a preventable crime.

MINIBITS n Hollywood's Rob Reiner laments for America: "If we don't start impeachment proceedings against this lawless president, then what we fought for 243 yrs. ago will have been for nothing. It's about the survival of democracy." n Alleged

comedian Sarah Silverman lets it rip, "Dear @VP you are a hate mongering, fear based weasel & your biggest

irony is that if there was hell, you'd 100% be going there." n Miley Cyrus is also a motivational speaker, "The

youth, this generation, we are the last f***ing hope on this dying f***ing planet!" n Apparently unfamiliar

with facts, The View's Sunny Hostin lectures, "the leading cause of death for young black men, one of the

leading causes of death between 2013 and 2018 is police brutality." n MSNBC's Joy Reid reveals her brilliant

intellect, "At minimum what Donald Trump has done, at the most generous, he's taken the Republican Party

of the United States and turned them into the National Party of South Africa from

1948 until 1990. Because that party was a purely Christian fascist." n The View's Abby

Huntsman wonders that because Joe Biden has "had a rough month" with gaffes, "do

you think the media people are too hard on him?" n NBC's Chuck Todd covers for

Joe Biden's frequent gaffes, "There's a part of Biden that seems more Reaganesque.

That way you're like, `Oh, it's Grandpa, it's Uncle Joe,' whatever that is. `Eh, let the old

man do it.'" n Snapchat's Peter Hamby clearly agrees, "Biden's gaffes really only

showcase what we've known about him for a long time -- that he makes gaffes.

Compared to the horror show coming out of Trump's mouth on a near-daily basis, who cares? n NBC's Frank Figliuzzi concludes, "If you call Trump followers racist en masse, they simply coalesce around each other and become more defensive and

Chuck Todd on Biden's frequent gaffes, "Reaganesque" and

protective of the leader, just as they would in, say, a terrorist organization."

"Eh, let the old man do it."




AUGUST 27, 2019 ? Nationally Syndicated Column

They Dish It Out, But Can't Take It

In the midst of the daily tarring and feathering of President Trump by our "objective" press, we are treated to some precious moments where these badly disguised political operatives write something unintentionally hilarious.

Take, for example, the New York Times story on August 26 headlined "Trump's Allies Scour Internet to Punish Press." Reporters Ken Vogel and Jeremy Peters ominously warned "A loose network of conservative operatives allied with the White House is pursuing what they say will be an aggressive operation to discredit news organizations deemed hostile to President Trump by publicizing damaging information about journalists."

Notice how journalists employ a language of scandal and conspiracy to insist those horrible conservatives are going to publicize damaging information about journalists, as if this is entirely different than their daily output. So let's use their lingo. The Times is "an aggressive operation to discredit anyone deemed hostile to liberalism by publishing damaging information about them."

This outraged front-page story came in the wake of a Times politics editor named Tom WrightPiersaniti being forced to apologize for (and delete) objectionable tweets. On January 1, 2010, he tweeted "For example, I was going to say `Crappy Jew Year,' but one of my resolutions is to be less antiSemitic. So... HAPPY Jew Year. You Jews."

And this: "I don't hate Mohawk Indians, though. I love those guys. I just hate Indians with mohawks. Different indians, different mohawks."

A month ago, CNN photo editor Mohammed Elshamy was exposed for 2011 tweets, including "More than 4 jewish pigs killed in #Jerusalem today by the Palestinian bomb explode," and "Despite everything happening now in

So in other words, everything they

do is "legitimate." Everything their critics report about them is "undercutting the influence" of heroic journalists.

Egypt. I'm proud of the army generation that liberated us from the zionist pigs @ 6 october 1973".

Those who live to expose Twitter outrages must be stopped!

Arthur Schwartz, an ally of Donald Trump Jr, tweeted "If the @nytimes thinks this settles the matter we can expose a few of their other bigots. Lots more where this came from."

The Times admitted this was about "potentially embarrassing social media posts and other public statements," but a caption under a picture on this story

warned "The operation is the latest step in a long-running effort by President Trump and his allies to undercut the influence of legitimate news reporting."

So in other words, everything they do is "legitimate." Everything their critics report about them is "undercutting the influence" of heroic journalists.

Not to be outdone in outrage, Times publisher Arthur Gregg Sulzberger issued a memo about his paper's allegedly "fearless and fair coverage" of Trump and complained "They are using insinuation and exaggeration to manipulate the facts for political gain." The lack of self-awareness is mind-boggling. This sentence could be the motto of The New York Times.

A spokesman for CNN also looked silly by proclaiming when those in government "and those working on their behalf, threaten and retaliate against reporters as a means of suppression, it's a clear abandonment of democracy for something very dangerous." Can we please stop these insufferable people constantly insisting that they are the Embodiment of Democracy, and when you attack them, Democracy is abandoned or suppressed or endangered?

These journalists can dish it out against Trump and Trump backers as the worst human on Earth, news cycle after cycle, but they're reduced to whining like children when someone, somewhere says "Boo!" about them.



MRC in the News


Media Research Center experts are frequently interviewed on stories of national importance, reaching millions of Americans daily. They provide analysis and commentary on radio, TV, the Internet, social media, and in print. Some of the MRC's latest media appearances include the following:


CBN Newswatch, Aug. 27


Book TV, Jul. 25 FBN

Bulls & Bears, Aug. 7, 20, 27 Cavuto Coast to Coast, Aug. 19 Trish Regan Primetime, Aug. 21

FNC Fox & Friends, Aug. 8, 9, 20 Hannity, Aug. 7, 17

MSNBC Morning Joe, Aug. 26

NRA TV Dana, Aug. 5, 26,19, Sep. 9

OANN Daily Ledger, Aug. 5, 19, 21, 26, Sep. 9

NEWSMAX TV America Talks Live, Aug. 6, 9, 26, 29, Sep. 9



AFA, Focal Point, Aug. 24, 31, Sep. 14 Alan Nathan Show, Aug. 22, 23, 28, 29, Sep. 10, 12, 13 American Family Radio, Aug. 19, 21, 28, 29, Sep. 10, 12 Bill Cunningham Show, Sep. 10 Bill Martinez Show, Aug. 23, 30 Breitbart News Daily, SiriusXM, Aug. 26, Sep. 9 Chosen Generation, Aug. 21, 28, Sep. 11 Chris Plante, Aug. 20, 27 Conservative Commandos, Aug. 20, Sep. 10 EWTN Catholic Connection, Aug. 12 Joe Piscopo Show, Aug. 20 Lars Larson Show, Aug. 20 Mark Levin Show, Sep. 11 Mike Hayes Show, Sep. 13 Rush Limbaugh, Aug. 21, 29, Sep. 9, 12, 16, 17 KFMB, San Diego, CA, Aug. 21, 28, Sep. 11 KFTK, St. Louis, MO, Sep. 13 KIDO, Boise, ID, Aug. 27, Sep. 12 KNSS, Wichita, KS, Sep. 8 KNTH, Houston, TX, Aug. 21, 23, 28, 30, Sep. 11, 13, 16 KTLK, Minneapolis, MN, Sep. 10 KVOR, Colorado Springs, CO, Aug. 25, 28, 29, Sep. 11, 12 KZIM, Cape Girardeau, MO, Aug. 28 WCBM, Baltimore, MD, Aug. 1, 5, Sep. 12 WGMD, Lewes, DE, Aug. 19, 26, Sep. 9 WHBU, Anderson, IN, Aug. 26, 28, Sep. 10, 13 WISNL, Milwaukee, WI, Sep. 10 WJNO, West Palm Beach, FL, Aug. 20 WPGP, Pittsburgh, PA, Aug. 22, 29, Sep. 12 WTKF, Morehead City, NC, Aug. 22, 29, Sep. 13 WWTN, Nashville, TN, Aug. 19, 20, 27



International Business Times, Aug. 21 Spectator USA, Sep. 16 Philadelphia Tribune, Aug. 29 The Sun, Aug. 26 Wall Street Journal, Sep. 10 Washington Times, Aug. 20, 22, 25,

26, 28, Sep. 9, 11



@AOC (Alexandria Ocasio Cortez), Aug. 29 @DonaldTrumpJr, Aug. 20 @StephanieGrisham, Sep. 6 Accuracy in Media, Aug. 26, Sep. 9 American Thinker, Sep. 12 Biz Pac Review, Aug. 21, 25, 30 Breitbart News, Aug. 19, 22, 26, 28 Canada Free Press, Sep. 12 Capital Research Center, Sep. 18 CBN News, Aug. 27 Conservative Daily News, Aug. 18, 21 Conservative HQ, Aug. 21, 22 Daily Caller, Aug. 21, Sep. 19 Daily Signal, Aug. 22, 23 Daily Wire, Aug. 29, Sep. 7, 12, 14 Drudge Report, Aug. 13, Sep. 6, 9, 10, 13 Fox News, Aug. 17, 21, 25, 27, 28, 29,

Sep. 7, 9, 10, 12, 19 GOPUSA, Aug. 20 Huffington Post, Aug. 30 Inquisitr, Sep. 10 Intellectual Conservative, Sep. 8 Legal Insurrection, Sep. 11 LifeSite News, Sep. 11, 12 Live Action, Aug. 29 Mediaite, Aug. 26 Media Matters, Sep. 12, 13, 16 Nat. Ctr. for Public Policy, Aug. 27 Newsmax, Aug. 19, 20 One News Now, Aug. 20, 22,

23, 26, 29, Sep. 9, 12 Patriot Retort, Aug. 26 PJ Media, Aug. 26 Politico, Aug. 20, 23, 25 Rasmussen Reports, Aug. 21 Salon, Aug. 25 The Blaze, Aug. 20 The Federalist, Aug. 21 The Jewish Voice, Aug. 14 Toronto Sun, Aug. 24 Townhall, Aug. 26, 29 Washington Examiner, Aug. 19,

26, Sep. 9, 16 WND, Aug. 18, 20, 23 White House -- Resolute Reads, Sep. 7 White House -- West Wing Reads, Sep. 7 World Magazine, Sep. 10 Yahoo News, Aug. 27, Sep. 10


Aug. 17: Sean Hannity cites two different NewsBusters reports about the liberal media's blackout of information vindicating Brett Kavanaugh. ABC and NBC said nothing and CBS gave it a scant 36 seconds.

Aug. 21: On FBN's Trish Regan Primetime, NewsBusters Editor Tim Graham rips into The New York Times by comparing it to the current House, complete with a lefty leader being besieged by her "radical base."

On Aug. 29, House Rep. Alexandria OcasioCortez, a radical, mistook an MRCTV video mocking her socialist ideals for a GOP attack ad. Thanks for the boost. 1.1 million viewed the clip and 9.6 thousand retweeted it from her account alone.

One of 's monthly features on unemployment and the economy -- "Record 157, 228,000 Employed" -- was the lead story in the White House's "Resolute Reads - Real News President Trump Doesn't Want You To Miss" and in the popular White House "West Wing Reads."

The media are taking aim at Americans' right to self-defense.

Here's how to fight back (without firing a shot).

It's clear the liberal media have an agenda when it comes to firearms. The media want gun control. The MRC reveals what the media choose to cover and how they cover it -- their omissions, misrepresentations, and deceptions.

You can help the MRC keep law-abiding, patriotic Americans aware of the media's left-wing, gun-grabbing agenda by joining the MRC's Patriot Fund, an elite force of bold men and women who are committed to monthly support of all of our vital work at the MRC.

Like all special forces, they engage in target practice, figuratively speaking. They set a generous giving target to keep the MRC strong throughout the year.


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$83.33 a month

Join the Patriot Fund today and set a generous target to stop the media's anti-American agenda. To find out more or sign up, please call

Rachel O'Rourke at (571) 267-3452 or email rorourke@.


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