“Snowballing” is a term using when a something starts out small at the top of the hill, and becomes something huge when it hits the bottom of the hill, like a small snow ball rolled down a snowy hill gathers more snow and other components that increase its size. Oftentimes when a snowball, carried by avalanche-force, finally reaches the bottom, it can be big enough to crash through someone’s cabin, destroying it--for along the way it picks up rocks and other debris that takes it from being something benign to being something life threatening.

This article includes up-to-date happenings throughout the Middle East and North Africa, as well as information about solar flares, the coming of Planet X, and more on the trumpet judgments.

It may appear that I am mixing apples and oranges in this article-- writing on two very diverse subjects. But, I am reporting on very current prophetic fulfillment, which is all tumbling together in one giant prophetic snowball. There are many diverse things being gathered as the prophetic snowball rolls downward, but they all are part of a whole that will climax in victory at the coming of Messiah.

[Refer to other recent previous updates in 2011 for more debris that is making this snowball, the final plans of the Illuminati and their god Lucifer, very dangerous--“Unraveling”, “Whole Lotta’ Shakin’ Goin’ On” and “Launching the Chaos That Will Bring the Order”]

Daniel speaks of Messiah and His Kingdom--the great Stone cut from a mountain--Whose coming destroys the works of Lucifer and his agents, and brings the Kingdom of Yahuweh to earth. Daniel 2:34-35, Daniel speaking to King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon regarding his dream: “And you were looking on until a stone was cut out without hands, and it smote the image on its feet of iron and clay and broke them in pieces. Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver and the gold were crushed together and became like chaff from the summer threshing floors. And the wind took them away so that no trace of them was found. And the stone that smote the image became a great mountain and filled all the earth”. Let us focus on Revelation 11:15-18: The seventh trumpet judgment—the “last trump”, the coming of our Messiah, Savior, and King!

The Tunisian revolt was not enough for the world to be concerned. Today, because Egypt followed suit, Yemen, Jordan, Algeria, Bahrain, Iran, Syria, Libya, Morocco, and even Iraq have broken out in riots of protest. Then there was the successful Hezbollah coup in Lebanon in

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January. Even elements within Hamas and the PA are protesting. They all have one thing in common besides Islam—to bring the ball down on to wipe out Israel. This is Part III of the Mazzini/Pike Plan, to pit the Muslims against the Jews to bring in WW III, chaos, and out of it to bring order--the new world order. As part of it, when chaos reaches its

pentacle, they will join with Russia, Turkey, Germany/Austria, and

other factions of Ezekiel 38’s “all her bands” to attack Israel, and then we will see Yahuweh arise to fight. He says that the world will know that He is Yahuweh. He says His own people will know that He is Yahuweh.

To more fully understand what I write here, read the previous article “Launching the Chaos That Will Bring The Order”. This whole scenario that is happening in the Middle East has been planned since 1871 as Part III of the Mazzini/Pike Plan for three world wars that will bring the world in to chaos, and out of it, the new world order. Parts I and II were pulled off right on schedule, perfectly. Part III has been launched. The motto of the Illuminati is “out of chaos, order”.

Not only are we watching the set up of what will bring Ezekiel 38 and Isaiah 17:1, and the rise of the world ruler to power, but also “natural” phenomenon that will be used to bring the trumpet judgments.

Refer to “Pole Shift” and “What Are the Elite Doing to Prepare Their Arks?” When I wrote those in 2008, following “The Shmittah Year Prophecy” and “The Forty-Eight Hour Transition”, and so many others about prophecy’s fulfillments since then, only a few understood what was happening and what was coming. Some believers actually don’t want Messiah to come back until they’ve reached old age and need Him. But, as the child’s game goes, He is saying: “Ready or not, here I come!” Now all the Scriptural signs of His coming are in motion.

We have been experiencing the four horsemen of the seal judgments for some time in various places on the earth. But, the fourth one is now riding over 1/4th of the earth to launch the chaos needed to bring the rest of the judgments down on mankind. The pale (greenish) horse that brings death is given authority over 1/4th of the earth to kill with the sword, with famine, with pestilence (disease), and with the beasts of the earth. This has begun in the Middle East. [Refer to: “Yahuweh’s Pattern of Judgment”] He has a 10-part pattern of judgment, but the first four main ones are found throughout the Word. If you look at Ezekiel 14:12-23, you will see this pattern in more detail.

At this time, I see the white horse as the U.N., world political force, who goes out on a platform of peace, the crown representing world authority, to do the bidding of Lucifer, to overcome the world’s people

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to reach its Illuminati/Luciferic goals. For all its “white” supposed goodness it has a black heart, for it helps the enemies of Israel to win, as they did in 2006 in Lebanon. The UN controls Jerusalem, and will be used to give His City to His enemies.

I see the red horse bringing violence to the earth, which will launch WW III from the chaos between Muslims and Jews. It will bring Russia, China, and North Korea, down on America--they’ve already surrounded America with WMD.

I see the black horse as the fall of world economy. With war and economic collapse comes famine, destruction of crops, diseases, and a release of the beasts of the earth that are also starving. War, famine, pestilence, economic miseries, and death by beasts of the earth following disasters, have been going on for centuries. It is the curse of mankind who has forsaken the boundaries of Yahuweh. But, the four horsemen will finally cover the entire earth, and as many passages of Scripture say, there will be few men left alive. [Refer to the Scriptures in “All Flesh” and “No Flesh Saved But A Remnant”]

The cosmic trumpet judgments affect mainly 1/3 of the earth, though the whole earth will be affected economically, having to deal with the result of the devastation. We are now seeing evidence of them coming through giant telescopes worldwide. The sun is now throwing out such huge flares towards earth, like on February 17th, which will affect life on earth. Space scientists are keeping a close watch on all these things. The big object approaching earth, and I mean four times the size of Jupiter, is on its way towards out South Pole—“Planet X” – Nibiru. NASA is touting it as a new discovery--but it is not a new discovery. It’s just that a tight lid has been put on its approach to keep the world’s people from going into hysteria and panic. Luke 21:22-27 says it well.

Nibiru (The Sumerian name for “the planet of the crossing”) has come close to earth many times in the past. It is possible that Abba used it to “break up the deep” at the time of the flood. It’s on its way towards our earth now, and in passing, as before it has the potential of wiping the earth clean – as Isaiah 13 and 24 and so many other Scriptures tell us. Nibiru can produce 300 mph winds across earth and scattering debris that it picks up along its way. It is believed to have moons of its own. Because of its magnetic pull, it is affecting the planets of the solar system, the sun, and the polar shift on earth. The world’s elite know its coming and they are preparing their “arks”—that’s what they call them. They know to be way underground soon. But, they won’t tell you that. They want to come out after its passing and collect the wealth left behind. They want to rule the earth with a few slaves.

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Before that we’re facing Comet Elenin. It is predicted to come closest to earth in October. It all has been in the Scriptures all this time. It’s even on the History Channel. But, how we’re supposed to deal with it is not on the History Channel. There is spiritual preparation and there is physical preparation, and we need to be doing both, FAST!

The last thing we need to do is panic. Fear is for the unbelievers. Faith and fear are mortal enemies. Let the lost and dying have fear of what they see and hear. Let His people have faith—believing what He has said to us about our future. Yahuweh’s people fear Him – and believe Him.

Why is China building so many cities—top-ground and underground? None are inhabited right now. Why do Russia and the US have so many underground cities? The U.S. alone has at least 200 underground cities. Israel is building them too, some for their people. Russia and the US, and European countries are building them for the elite rulers of the world, primarily themselves. But, news has leaked out that in the purposed and designed destruction of the earth by Illuminati, as well as the natural disasters to come, the elite have decided that there should be no more than 500,000 remaining. These remaining ones will be their slaves. They have decided that the Chinese are the hardest workers and least troublesome, so China is building cities for the slaves of the Luciferic elite.

Let me now give some news quotes, sites to look at, and knowledge from the Word. You can do your own homework. Use “google” as long as the sun flares don’t cut us off, or the government doesn’t crack down on our knowledge gathering. It is amazing that in several countries where rioting is breaking out, as it happened in Egypt, one of the first things to go was Internet access for the people. Don’t think for a moment that the regime in America won’t cut off communication when it gets ready to take down its people. It’s all in the Book. Yes, it tells us in Jeremiah 50 and 51 details of what will happen in America [Refer to: End-Time Babylon]. It talks about a time when communication is cut off, even to the President’s office. Runners have to carry news to the White House. The military is frozen in panic.

For a quick overview of each country in turmoil, Arutz Sheva () has an all inclusive article on each country that’s tumbling from February 16th, written by Hillel Fendel: “New Middle East at a Glance--Country by Country Part I and Part II. They also give the Jewish situation in each country--excellent article.

I lived in the Middle East for 8 years, and have been in and out of

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Israel since leaving Jordan 2007. I know how Arabs think. I know Egyptians, Jordanians, Iraqis, Iranians, and Palestinians think. I know the Bedouin and how they think, and why they are now rioting. I’ve talked to families of these people and individuals. I understand it from their prospective. I know what’s being done to them, and it makes me angry. But, the tribulum (pressure) has to be applied to every human on earth, some more than others, for the removal of the chaff from the wheat and for the burning of the tares. (Matthew 13)

For those in America, my birth country, I am very sad. According to several chapters of the Word, America will be destroyed to the ground, with no one left on it. Since 1991, the early beginning of the infamous Olso Accord, America has been, and still is, the major orchestrator that the Illuminati is using to force Israel to divide Yahuweh’s land, especially to give away His three-portal area in East Jerusalem. [To understand the focus of Lucifer, and of Yahuweh, read ”East Jerusalem” and “The Rocks That Nearly Hit Me”] There is no doubt about it--America will get the backlash of the wrath of Yahuweh! I highly recommend the book Face to Face by Bill Koenig!

In the article from () we read that

Jim Jones, former US National Security Advisor, said at the Herzliya Conference in Israel: “I’m of the belief that had God appeared in front of President Obama in 2009 and said if he could do one thing on the face of the planet, and one thing only, to make the world a better place and give people more hope and opportunity for the future, I would venture it would have something to do with finding the two-state solution to the Middle East”. Jones called the Israel-Palestinian conflict “the epicenter of all the world’s problems”. Jones insisted that the conflict is the “knot that is the center of the mass” and all regional and most global diplomatic problems today. “`This conflict’, said Jones, `is one of the most important issues on the planet’ ”.

Jones is simply speaking for the whole international community leadership, possibly knowing, as they do, that this conflict was created by the Illuminati leadership with the Vatican and other elite rulers involved in the Muslim world, to bring war with Israel, and in the process they hope to destroy Israel and the Muslim world with it.

We know Obama was born in Kenya--he is an illegal President. But, now there is a media push to tell that he was born in Hawaii.

In the article entitled “Obama’s Visit is Spiritually Ordained” from the Ghana Web, Monday 25 May 2009, we see that his visit to Ghana was quite open. Ghana’s leading prophet, Peter Anamoh, known as

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“prophet to the nations”, had been doing “intercession in America” to ask God to bring Obama to the Presidency. Anamoh said, back in 2004: “Barack Obama is appointed by God to rule the US”. Obama was in Ghana on the infamous July 11-12, 2009, sandwiched in after his visit with the Pope.

The article goes on to say that Anamoh said publicly that “he traveled, at the command of God, to the ancestral village of President Obama IN KENYA on the 17th of November, 2008, where he was made an honorary member of the Obama family by President Obama’s grandmother, Sarah Obama”. This is the grandmother that conveniently died the day before Obama’s inauguration. Sarah had said publicly, early in his campaign, that she was there in Kenya when he was born.

I find it strange that Ghana, in the “armpit” of Africa, would draw a visit from the US President, as well as much attention from the CIA in past years. Kofi Annan, the former UN chief came from Ghana, too. I checked on Ghana as to what might be drawing attention from the super powers, and found that their main export is GOLD. Do the elite want to protect their investment in Ghana’s gold!

David Meyer said he had a copy of the Kenya national newspaper, telling how proud they were that a Kenyan-born citizen had been made

a Senator of the United States. Obama has been found to have personal ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. He ordered Mubarak to step down, thus giving strength to an already rolling snowball by the “Brotherhood”. Obana was trained by Saul Alinsky in radical Communist takeover, so was Hillary Clinton. This is the man who has repeatedly, even before being nominated for President, insisted to Israel’s leaders that they give away the Golan Heights, the West Bank, and principally East Jerusalem, to the Palestinians. At this point, he is the major player in dividing the land. This is the man who bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia, who has brought countless Muslims into the US, appointing key ones to top positions in Washington. Well did Yahuweh plead with Americans in a post 1948 world to flee from America, for He will judge it powerfully!

Let’s me begin by giving the latest in Egypt: Mubarak supposedly fell ill in Sharm ElSheik and collapsed into a coma. Germany reported he was in a hospital there. But, others said the family had not decided on what to do with him…strange huh. Where is he? Is he dead or alive? The same question could be asked of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, who supposedly had a heart attack after a phone conversation with Obama. Where is he? If he is alive why is Saudi Arabia so illusive?

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Egypt is now ruled by the military. Not good… The “Defense Ministry” have decided to let the Iranian warships through the Suez Canal. The

Iranians say they are on their way to Syria for “training”. Sure – we know they’re all in bed together--Russia, Iran, Syria, and Hezbollah in Lebanon. This may be just an excuse to begin to amass power close to Israel, since Iran also has warships in the Mediterranean off of Israel. Keep a check on Israel through Artuz Sheva () and DebkaFile.

From the Associated Press (AP) February 18, 2011: “It is believed to be the first time since Iran’s 1979 Islamic Revolution that Iranian warships are attempting to pass through the Suez Canal, which links the Red Sea and the Mediterranean…Earlier this week, Israel Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said Iran’s attempts to send warships through the canal is a provocation. Israel considers Iran an existential threat.” I’m sure Israel is watching this carefully, for in order to reach Syria, they have to pass by Israel in international waters.

Hezbollah’s coup in Lebanon in January: Did you hear about that? It was kept silent by the American news media. From Press TV, February 16, 2011: “Head of Hezbollah Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has aid he is ready for another war with Israel and called on his Hezbollah members to be ready to free the Galilee region…”

From UK Telegraph, 25 January 2011: “Lebanese have erupted in fury at the Iranian-backed party’s `coup’ …Mr. Mikati (a billionaire) has emerged from the obscurity of Lebanon’s second largest capitalist

fortune to be the new figurehead of a government that will be dominated by Hezbollah.” From , January 30, 2011, by J.E. Dyer, “The Dog That Didn’t Bank”: “The interesting feature is the fact that, in the current Arab turmoil, the US has done nothing—and the place where that matters the most is in Lebanon…The biggest thing

that has happened this month is that a terrorist organization took over Lebanon, and we did nothing about it…the Hezbollah coup in Lebanon functioned as a test of what the US reaction would be…But, riots in Egypt after Hezbollah has taken over Lebanon in a coup while the US did nothing--that is a set of conditions that means the world has

already changed…we are not in the post-Cold War status anymore”.

This is the beginning of the Ezekiel 38:13 reality--that the US, England, Canada, Australia – the “young lions of Tarshish” -- and Saudi Arabia (Sheba and Dedan) will do nothing when Russia and its hoards attack Israel. Why? - Because America and its G-7 allies of the Illuminati elite, are the instrument that has begun the chaos. So, they

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will sit back and watch the “show”, direct it from a distance, and allow their plan to go forth to its conclusion! I find it interesting that the uprising in Egypt started the same day as the Hezbollah coup in Lebanon.

Tunisia: From Arutz Sheva, February 16, 2011: “The future of Tunesia is still in doubt, following the fleeing of longtime President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali as a result of the December unrest that sparked the protests across the Middle East”. News reports that Ben Ali is in exile in Saudi Arabia. This protest was the spark that set it all off.

Bahrain: Tragically, this protest caused a bloody reaction from the police on civilians – what one doctor called “a war”. “Tiny Bahrain is a pillar of Washington’s military framework in the region. It hosts the U.S. Navy’s 5th Fleet, which is a critical counterbalance to Iran”. (AP article, February 17, 2011 by Hadell Al-Shalchi: “Bahrain crushes protest camp, locks down capitol”. This article makes you want to cry. It tells what happened to a doctor trying to help the victims. I suggest you read it and pray for those people.

Exodus 19:5-6: “Now, therefore, if you will obey My vice indeed, and keep My covenant, then you shall be a set-apart treasure unto Me above all the people—for all the earth is Mine. And you shall be unto Me and Kingdom of priests—a set-apart nation”.

If you belong to Yahuweh, then you are an intercessor for the people of the earth, especially for the tribes of Ya’cob. Pray that the Spirit will open their eyes to truth, to the salvation of Israel’s Elohim, while all along praying for the peace of Jerusalem!

“Troops and tanks locked down the capital of this tiny Gulf kingdom after riot police swinging clubs and firing tear gas smashed into demonstrators, many of them sleeping, in a pre-dawn assault Thursday…The assault came early Thursday with little warning…We

yelled `We are peaceful! Peaceful!’…the women and children were attacked just like the rest of us…They were beating me so hard I could no longer see. There was so much blood running from my head…I was yelling `I’m a doctor!’ but they wouldn’t stop”.

Yemen: From Reuters News, February 17, 2011, by Mohamed Sudam and Mohammed Ghobari: “More than a thousand protestors clashed with government loyalists in Yemen on Thursday in the seventh straight day of demonstrations demanding the end of President Ali Abdullah Saleh’s 32-year rule…Witnesses said police appeared to have lost control of the crowds…”

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My note: Their key Port of Aden at the bottom of the Red Sea has drawn attention…major nations have sent warships into the Gulf of Aden recently, including China, which is very rare for China. Iran’s ships would have passed through this Gulf into the Red Sea. The excuse for all these major nations to send warships into the Gulf of Aden is to fight pirates. You believe that don’t you … smile.

It has come to light that some strange things are happening under the ocean there, and some believe it is a star gate, portal, for the coming and going of fallen angels. From what I read, it is very possible. Why would the leading Luciferic nations be amassed there?

Jordan: From DebkaFile February 16, 2011: “…Jordan too was rocked by serious street protests, a serious menace to the throne because they staged with increasing intensity by indigenous Bedouin tribes, the traditional backbone of the Hashemite royal house. Overnight, armed tribesmen blocked Highway No 1, the main road into the capitol Amman, demanding the restoration of lands, which they claim were stolen from them over the years by the royal family and the Jordanian government. Last week 36 Bedouin tribal chieftains sent a letter to King Abdullah II with demands…For now, the Bedouins are making the most noise while the Muslim Brotherhood and the majority Palestinian population is biding their time, waiting to jump in when they see the first crack in the royal stand against the disturbances. The second problem is more serious. The Jordanian army consists of Bedouin fighters belonging to the same tribes as the protestors out on the streets…A crackdown against the demonstrators could spark a

wholesale Bedouin mutiny against Hashemite royal house or even the first Bedourin coup against a Jordanian monarch.

My note: This hits home. I lived in Aqaba, Jordan, for 8 years, among Palestinians. I visited Petra many, many times, and that is an area where Bedouin are concentrated. I made friends among the Bedouin. I like the Bedouin very much. They are the descendants of the sons of Ishmael – Nabaoth and Kedar. It is also the former stronghold of the Esau in Mt. Seir. In Isaiah we read that the descendants of Nabaoth and Kedar will send lambs to Jerusalem for sacrifice in the Kingdom—and praise Yahuweh from the high mountains of Seir. How awesome! In living there, my friends talked to Bedouins. We understand their anger. When the Palestinians fled from Israel in the war of 1948, Jordan became 70% Palestinian. The government took Bedouin land to give to the refugees. The government took promised money from the Bedouin monthly to give to the refugees. They were robbed to appease

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the Palestinians. Because of this, a very upset Bedouin told a friend of mine in Aqaba that he believes that all of the land of Israel belongs to the Jews, and they were robbed by the same people who robbed them.

Iran: This is hard to believe, but thousands of anti-Ahmadinejad demonstrators marched down the streets of Tehran in protest. I

remember when the Iranian people called on Israel to free them from the tyranny of their dictator/ruler (2009).

From “Iran Protests Break Out” from Huffington Post, February 14, 2011: “Clashes between Iranian police and hundreds f thousands of protestors wracked central Tehran on Monday as security forces beat and fired tear gas at opposition supporters hoping to evoke Egypt’s recent popular uprising…`An Iranian dies but doesn’t accept humiliation’, demonstrators chanted. `Death to the Dictator’, they said in a chant directed at hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Security forces on motorcycles could also be seen chasing protesters through the streets… Foreign media are banned from covering street protests in Iran.”

Libya: This is also surprising, since Gaddafi is such a powerful ruler. Reuters Africa, February 16, 2011, “Libya Riots Break out…”

“Several hundred people clashed overnight with police and government supporters in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi…Rioting is unusual in oil exporter Libya, where Muammar Gaddafi, Africa’s longest serving leader keeps a tight grip on political life…he crucial test for Gaddahi now is whether the unrest spreads beyond Benghazi to the capitol and to the west of the country.”

From Reuters, February 18, 2011: “Tripoli: Soldiers sought to put down unrest in Libya’s second city on Friday and opposition forces said they were fighting troops for control of a nearby town after crackdowns, which Human Rights Watch said killed 24 people… Opponents of Gaddafi had designated Thursday a day of rage to try to emulate uprisings sweeping through North Africa and the Middle East.”

My note: Living in the Middle East, I saw a lot of “days of rage” being staged. When they say “rage”, they mean rage. We had to stay inside. Many of the protestors of the Arab world are linked to terrorist groups, or are just the common man who has been riled up by a mufti telling lies. It’s sad when good people believe lies and react emotionally to their own hurt. But, Americans, and other westerners, are often riled up from things they hear are happening that involve them--even though the media is twisting truth to record reactions (a common

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tactic). The protesters are said to be a pro-democracy movement. What a joke! These nations have always been under kings and dictators, and the people have lived quiet, but hard lives. Now, they are being told they have “RIGHTS” and need to fight for them. So, it has nothing to do with democracy, because if they had democracy they would vote in shira law and a dictator, like they did in Afghanistan. Its about people who were lied to, incited to riot, and promised benefits if they ousted their rulers. I feel so sorry for the people who are being used to bring about the plans of Lucifer to earth.

Algeria: “Algerians Take Their Cue from Egypt and Tunisia” from The Hindu, February 14, 2011, Timothy Williams reporting: “Riot police officers stifled a protest in Algeria’s capitol on Saturday by hundreds of people voicing the same demands or change that have helped topple two of the regions’ autocratic governments… Algeria’s government has

operated under a state of emergency for nearly two decades”.

Syria: From Reuters, January 28, 2011: “The world may be witnessing a new dawn in the Middle Eat, fostered by enlightenment or a new Egyptian government trailing behind Syria as the latest conquest of the Mullahs of Iran can claim is the result of their wise politics. With Hezbollah’s latest dismantlement of the Lebanese government, aided by the complicity of the Assad regime…Syria and Iran will play an essential role in supplying Egypt, as they did to Hezbolllah with the necessary tool to destabilize North Africa. This outcome will place a heavy military burden on Israel, the result of which may engulf the region with intermittent wars for many years to come.” That sure says a lot from a world news service!

Morocco: From Arutz Sheva: “A video has been distributed calling for a protest to be held on February 20 to demand “equality, social justice, employment, housing, study grants and higher salaries, as well as political reforms, the resignation of the Government and the dissolution of Parliament”. The rage is sweeping North Africa. In Ezekiel 38, we see that Libya is mentioned, and also Put and Cush –

Ethiopia and Sudan … but could also include other Muslim nations of North Africa.

Inside Israel: Hamas and the Palestinian Authority have their own private war going on--but they both agree on Israel’s destruction. America funds and supplies weapons to the the terrorist organization of the PA—Fatah. Russia and Iran fund Hamas and arm them. Does

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this sound suspicious? But, also Hamas and the PA are vying for authority inside Israel, so it may be a brother kill brother situation.

All the while, our old earth is rocking and reeling, tipping and rolling, and exploding outward from within its core.

The wording of Ezekiel 38:19-23 matches the wording in Revelation 8:7. It describes a pole shift, but also fire and hail falling to earth. This could be related to comet Elenin that is approaching earth.

As you study the Prophets, reading whole books at one-two sittings, allowing the Spirit to teach you, you will begin to see the same wording in the Messianic Writings, especially in Revelation. Read slow and carefully. The Prophets wrote concerning their day, yes, but Scriptural prophecy is almost always on two levels – what happened back then, and what will happen NOW. Keep up what’s going to fall from out there, from somewhere, and what’s about to pass by with its magnetic pull that has the potential of even exploding the plant Mercury on its way to us. You need to know what’s happening with our sun, because the Word is full of what’s about to happen. If you have a Bible, you have no excuse for not knowing.

is a good site for keeping up with what’s out there, but check other sources too, just discern the false flags!

February 14, 2011, from “Solar Flare: Massive and Earth Directed”: “Solar activity increased sharply over the weekend with the eruption of an M6.6-class solar flare from behemoth sunspot 1158. The blast produced a strong burst of radio waves heard in the loudspeakers of short wave receivers…” From APF February 17, 2011: “Huge solar flare jams radio, satellite signals: NASA”: “It is the strongest solar flare in four years, NASA said Wednesday. The Class X solar flare—the largest such category—erupted Tuesday … NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory saw the large coronal mass ejection (CME) associated with the flash that is blasting toward earth at about 560 miles per second.”

We reach the 11-year sun spot cycle’s solar maximum on December 21, 2012. But, the sun is not acting normally—it is showing signs of breaking up. And because of the pole shift, the sun is not rising and setting in its normal places around the globe, nor is the moon rising and setting in its normal places. As we read from Scripture, the sun does break up and scorches the earth. Compare Isaiah 30:26-27 with Revelation 16:8-9 – look at the similar wording. Look at passages like Joel 2:10-12, and others relating to Messiah’s coming.

For a very thorough analysis of Planet X that you can purchase on Amazon, I recommend Dr. Jason Rand’s The Return of Planet X. It is

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not only informational about the coming of “X”, but also has valuable information on preparation procedures in the back of the book. It also has valuable information on how your government is preparing for Planet X, and leaving you out. He also exposes the increased violence of America’s federal military and police forces.

Regarding “X”: From Mail Online, Tuesday February 15, 2011: “Scientists believe they may have found a new planet in the far reaches of the solar system, up to four times the mass of Jupiter.”

If you have kept up with this since 1983-‘84, you realize that this new announcement of finding a new planet is laughable. NASA has been watching its approach for a long time, off the South Pole. Because it is a brown dwarf star, it is almost invisible to the naked eye. It has to be seen via infrared light. It has the world’s elite so scared that they’ve been diligently building “arks”, underground vaults and cities, in order to survive it. The ancient people of the earth have recorded its passing, and each time it passed the devastation on the surface of the earth was total. This is why Messiah says that unless He intervenes, “no flesh will be saved”. This is most likely, as Rand, physicists, and other scientists I’ve heard interviewed say: This is the “Wormwood” of Revelation 8:10. If you read “What Are the Elite Doing to Prepare Their Arks?” you will see that they have been very diligent, and believe they must be ready by 2012. As the Mail Online article tells, they are now calling it Tyche--a Greek goddess--for want of a better name.

CNN, February 15, 2011: “Evidence is mounting that either a brown

dwarf star, or a gas giant planet, is lurking at the outermost reaches of our solar system, far beyond Pluto. The theoretical object, dubbed Tyche, is estimated to be four times the size of Jupiter and 15,000 times further from the sun than earth…The presence of such a massive object in the solar system’s far-flung Oort Cloud could explain a barrage of comets from an unexpected direction…Brown dwarfs are cold `failed’ stars their dimness and lack of heat radiation can make them hard to detect. Gas giants are huge planets—like Saturn, Jupiter and Neptune—that are made up of gases and may lack a solid surface like earth’s…You’d expect it to have moons … all the outer planets have them. Tyche was first hypothesized in 1984 as Nemesis, a dark companion star to the sun”.

From planet X, 2003: “Planet X is a planet that the ancient Sumerians referred to as `Nibiru’. This ancient Sumarian word literally means `the planet of the crossing’. The Sumarians gave it this name because every 3,630 years Planet X crosses Earth’s orbit. The Sumarians counted it as the twelfth planet of our solar system because they regarded the sun and moon as planets. It was dubbed Planet X,

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the 10th planet, by modern man…Astronomers finally discovered Planet X in 1982. It was in that year that NASA acknowledged the existence of it. A year later, (1983) IRAS (Infrared Astronomical Satellite) actually spotted a huge mysterious object in the depths of space. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory also acknowledged its existence. News items about its discovery were printed in the Washington Post, and the New

York Times, that shortly after these public announcements the great cover-up began…All of these grandiose plans being made by those who consider themselves the `elite’ of humanity, are going to come to naught…These vast underground bunkers that the wicked ultra-rich of the earth have built, may very well become their tombs. There is no way to guarantee that the entrances of these bunkers will not be buried deep beneath the earth, sealed forever by the terrible earthquakes that are going to occur with the coming of Planet X. Neither is there any way to guarantee that the areas of the earth where the bunkers are located won’t sink beneath the seas of the coming devastation, carrying their occupants to a watery grave…The only security for anyone in view of the coming of Planet X is to know the Lord Yahushua HaMashiach in a personal, saving relationship!” He wrote that, not me … the guy writing the article is Messianic!

Stay in praise and worship of Yahuweh, especially as Creator. [Refer to: “Just Acknowledge Me as Creator!”/August 2008]

Will you be one of those that endure to the end? How are you going to do that? Like the man says above, only through totally giving your life over to Yahushua HaMashiach is there hope. Isn’t it time to lay aside all unnecessary things, and spend much time with the Spirit of Yahuweh to learn what He is saying to you?

When traumatizing fear comes, if you’ve prepared to stand strong in faith, trusting Him because you know Him and He knows you, then all will be peace inside you, while everything around you is chaos.

Shalom, always shalom (Isaiah 26:2-4), with love,


February 20, 2011

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