Deep State 103



Spokesperson Phil Merletti







Since we have decided to research this issue, we have found that many people share the same beliefs and emotions. Even though many know what horrible future events may happen, many are fearful of repercussions and are afraid to approach the subject or to gather together to oppose the grim future.

What comes to mind when I hear their emotions, I cannot guarantee the outcomes, but I am reminded that many of our founders, our military people who have served for the greater good and/or have passed, would have never done what they did if they were afraid to do what is right. I am reminded of the battles of the Alamo and the English Castel of Rochester. And I am also remained of the Prayer of Serenity: “God, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, (the) courage to change the things I can, and (the) Wisdom to know the difference.

Many do not understand the power of honesty & truth and demanding those who we elect to be honest and truthful. To counter the Deep State and Shadow Government, it begins in your town and city governments and party politics; it is spreads out to the schools, various religions, police departments and county governments to Sheriff’s Office. From there it continues to infiltrate and support those who are in political parties that are lodged firmly in State and Federal Civil Service.

Yes, the tentacles are many and the subject seems overwhelming because it is mind boggling. However, it is not unfixable if we understand the dynamics of the root problems. You have heard that there are consequences to voting. In all elections, there are more than two different sides or issues. Those who lose the election and their supporters immediately feel various emotions. The average person eventually deals with their loss and they get over it and they suck it up until the next election.

However, there are those that take it to heart and they immediately start planning how they are going to get even or get their revenge. Those in the Deep state and Shadow Government know that they can take advantage of these vulnerable people.

Those who wish to destroy us have learned from the past that a society can be destroyed if false concepts, ideas and perceptions can be incorporated into the foundations and pillars of our freedoms and liberty. These fake ideas can be found in literature found in the Communist Manifesto, books written by Leon Trotsky, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Cloward and Pivin (Strategy), Saul Alinsky (Rules for Radicals) and other manuals that expound Communism, Socialism and Progressivism which are revered by many up coming political upstarts that will be seen on the future ballots.

All of this information may be scary and is bordering on the deep and dark; but his is the truth and if not addressed, our society and its historic downfall may be read by those in the future and wonder why we did nothing.

Spokesperson for “Take America Back” Phil Merletti



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