BTO Reconciliation - HL7

Orders & Observations

January Working Group Meeting

January 14-18, 2013

Meeting Minutes

Table of Contents

Attendees 4

Monday 6

Q1 – OO 6

Agenda 6

Introductions 6

WGM Agenda Review 6

Project Review 6


Q2 – OO 7

Agenda 7

Nutrition 7

V2.8 Ballot Reconciliation 7

Q3 – OO 7

Agenda 7

V2.8 Ballot Reconciliation 7

Q4 – OO/Pt Care 7

Agenda: 7

Update from Allergy/Intolerance 8

Update Care Plan 8

V2 Issues with Pharmacy 8

Joint meeting with CDS – Change of Quarter and day 8

V2 PSS for public health approval 8

Tuesday 9

Q1 – OO 9

Agenda 9

V2.8 Ballot Reconciliation 9

LOI Ballot Reconciliation 9

Q2 – OO + Rx + Pt Safety + RCRIM + PHER 9

Agenda 9

Nutrition 9

Allergies 9

Common Product Model 9

Substances Model 10

FHIR Resources Product & Device 10

PHER Updates 10

Q3 – OO 10

Agenda 10

Specimen 11

Q4 – OO 11

Agenda 11

LOI IG Ballot Reconciliation 11

Wednesday 12

Q1 – OO/II/AP/CG 12

Agenda 12

AP/II 12

Specimen ID 12

Integrated Lab Workflow 12

OO 13

Specimen model update 13

FHIR update 13

CG 13

Terminology question 13

Clinical Sequencing DAM 13

Q2 – OO + FHIR 13

Agenda 13

Resource Review 14

Q3 – OO 15

Agenda 15

Lab Model Ballot Reconciliation 15

Q4 – OO 15

Agenda 15

Table 0078 15

Lab Order DAM Ballot Reconciliation 15

Thursday 16

Q1 – OO 16

Agenda 16

FHIR Ballot Reconciliation 16

FHIR Next Steps 16

LOI IG Ballot Reconciliation 16

Q2 – OO/CDS 16

Agenda 16

Order Sets 16

Order Service 17

Q3 – CS/OO 17

Agenda 17

Ballot Reconciliation 17

Friday 19

Q1 – OO 19

Agenda 19

WGM Survey Input 19


Please contact Hans Buitendijk (OO co-chair) in case your name or e-mail is misspelled, or the attendance is not checked appropriately.

|Name |Company/E-Mail |Monday |Tuesday |

|MSH |Message Header | |2 |

|[{SFT}] |Software | |2 |

|[ UAC ] |User Authentication Credential | |2 |

|[{NTE}] |Notes and Comments (for Header) | |2 |

|[ |--- PATIENT begin | | |

| PID |Patient Identification | |3 |

| [PD1] |Additional Demographics | |3 |

| [{PRT}] |Participation (for Patient) | |7 |

| [{NTE}] |Notes and Comments (for Patient ID) | |2 |

| [{NK1}] |Next of Kin/Associated Parties | |3 |

|[{ARV}] |Access Restrictions | |3 |

| [ |--- PATIENT_VISIT begin | | |

| PV1 |Patient Visit | |3 |

| [ PV2 ] |Patient Visit- Additional Info | |3 |

| [{PRT}] |Participation (for Patient Visit) | |7 |

| ] |--- PATIENT_VISIT end | | |

| [{ |--- INSURANCE begin | | |

| IN1 |Insurance | |6 |

| [ IN2 ] |Insurance Additional Information | |6 |

| [ IN3 ] |Insurance Additional Information, Certification | |6 |

| }] |--- INSURANCE end | | |

| [ GT1 ] |Guarantor | |6 |

| [{AL1}] |Allergy Information | |3 |

|] |--- PATIENT end | | |

|{ |--- ORDER begin | | |

| ORC |Common Order | |4 |

| [{PRT}] |Participation (for Common Order) | |7 |

|OBX |Observation containing document | |7 |

|[{PRT}] |Participation | |7 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| TXA |Transcription Document Header | | 9 |

| [ CTD ] |Contact Data | |11 |

| [{DG1}] |Diagnosis | |6 |

|[{ |---OBSERVATION begin | | |

|SGH | | | |

|OBX |Observation containing document | |7 |

|[{PRT}] |Participation | |7 |

|[TXA] |Transcription Document Header | |9 |

|[{NTE}] |Notes and comments | |2 |

|SGT | | | |

|}] |---OBSERVATION end | | |

|} | | | |

| [{ | | | |

| | | | |

| |--- OBSERVATION begin | | |

| OBX |Observation/Result | |7 |

| [{PRT}] |Participation (for Observation) | |7 |

| [{NTE}] |Notes and Comments (for Results) | |2 |

| }] |--- OBSERVATION end | | |

| [{ |--- PRIOR_RESULT begin | | |

| [ |--- PATIENT_PRIOR begin | | |

| PID |Patient Identification – previous result | |3 |

| [PD1] |Additional Demographics – previous result | |3 |

| [{PRT}] |Participation (for Patient Prior) | |7 |

|[{ARV}] |Access Restrictions | |3 |

| ] |--- PATIENT_PRIOR end | | |

| [ |--- PATIENT_VISIT_PRIOR begin | | |

| PV1 |Patient Visit – previous result | |3 |

| [ PV2 ] |Patient Visit Add. Info – previous result | |3 |

| [{PRT}] |Participation (for Patient Visit Prior) | |7 |

| ] |--- PATIENT_VISIT_PRIOR end | | |

| [{AL1}] |Allergy Information - previous result | |3 |

| { |--- ORDER_PRIOR begin | | |

| ORC |Common Order - previous result | |4 |

| [{PRT}] |Participation | |7 |

| OBR |Order Detail - previous result | |4 |

| [{ |--- TIMING_PRIOR begin | | |

| TQ1 |Timing/Quantity | |4 |

| [{TQ2}] |Timing/Quantity Order Sequence | |4 |

| }] |--- TIMING_PRIOR end | | |

| [{NTE}] |Notes and Comments - previous result | |2 |

| [{PRT}] |Participation (for Order Prior) - previous result | |7 |

| [ CTD ] |Contact Data - previous result | |10 |

| { |--- OBSERVATION_PRIOR begin | | |

| OBX |Observation/Result - previous result | |7 |

| [{PRT}] |Participation (for Oservation Prior) | |7 |

| [{NTE}] |Notes and Comments - previous result | |2 |

| } |--- OBSERVATION_PRIOR end | | |

| } |--- ORDER_PRIOR end | | |

| }] |--- PRIOR_RESULT end | | |

| [{FT1}] |Financial Transaction | |6 |

| [{CTI}] |Clinical Trial Identification | |7 |

| [ BLG ] |Billing Segment | |4 |

|} |--- ORDER end | | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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