Bibliography - People | MIT CSAIL
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[1] An asterisk ( * ) has been added before the author name when the reference was not found in the text of the book. See the “working list” for all the refs copyeditor was unable to locate. For these works, please add missing citations to the text or delete the reference.
[2] Note that the two Ackerman 2000 works need to be distinguished, and that the letters also need to appear in citations in the text; check near pages 154 and 347.
[3] If possible, provide page span for Allan’s portion of these Proceedings, in the location indicated here, and for similar listings in the Bib. This is the preferred option when citing a chapter in a book or publication, but may not be possible with Web publications. For now, if a page span does not appear, then in general that won’t be specifically queried.
[4] Throughout the Bib, changes like this one were verified via online library catalogs or Google searches.
[5] Note the addition of letters to distinguish what’s being referred to in the citations. Then check text to make sure right letter is added to each cite.
[6] Because the first 5 authors are the same for the two Bellotti et al. papers here, the “Innovation” text has been disignated as “2002a” and the following paper, “Flannel” as “2002b.” This seems the best option to avoid listing all authors for each paper. First cite in a chapter for both works will give names of first three authors, second and other cites can just be “Bellotti et al. 2002a” or “2002b” -- for more clarity.
[7] This work seems to be cited only in Table 10.3.1, not in text; OK?
[8] Need the publisher’s name.
[9] Boardman (2004) appears at about page 17; is the date correct?
[10] Note that the John Wiley firm is in Chichester, New York, per Web search; all references to “UK” have been adjusted.
[11] For journal articles like this, good to have the page numbers or span for articles or papers.
[12] Note that these same authors have two works dated 2005. Please confirm designatations as 2005a and 2005b, and mark citations to these in the text to match. The works are cited in chapter 2 around page 43 and 44 in chapter 2.
[13] This seems to be cited at about page 335, Chapter 13 -- but with a 2002 date. Please verify and make this and all citations match.
[14] Please supply date. See Chapter 13, around page 334, where date seems to be 2002; is that correct? Yes, that is correct
[15] Please supply date. See Chapter 13, around page 334, where date seems to be 2002; is that correct?
[16] Check this and the preceding entry; both could be “Czerwinski et al.” so correct date is important; see text near pages 59 and 117, and make sure that both the 2001 and 2004 papers are identified correctly.
[17] “n.d.” info appeared in chapter 6 near page 131.
[18] Possible to add page number(s) for this NYT article?
[19] The page span needs to be completed here.
[20] A Net search shows that other citations of this work don’t put the intro phrase in quotes.
[21] Note that the start-page number is missing.
[22] New York location per Library of Congress online catalog.
[23] Note the two works, same authors, same year. Please designate the work published earliest as “1996a,” the other as “1996b,” and then check the book around page 4 for citations to these works and add the letters there too.
[24] Please confirm this work has been correctly cited -- at about page 275.
[25] About the two 2000 Gwizdka works, see the “a” and “b” designations. “a” appears at about page 348, “b” at pages 254, 313, and possibly elsewhere. Suggest you double-check these to make sure editor has assigned the right letter to the works you cite.
[26] Possible to add page number(s) for this?
[27] Possible to supply page span here and for next entry?
[28] Text says “pp.” (pages) but only one number appears; OK?
[29] Is it possible that year of publication is now known? Add it here and in text if so.
[30] You should cite all the authors for these two “Jones et al.”papers each time you cite them to indicate which is which; they are referred to around pages 70-75 or so.
[31] Citations for the two 2005 “Jones et al.” papers (Jones, Munat, Foxley, and Jones, Munat, Bruce) should also show all authors for each citation.
[32] Does this work take up all of Vol 42? Page span?
[33] This is cited on page 5 of chapter 3.
[34] Dates for the two Klimt & Yang papers need to be clarified -- but use “a” for the one earliest published. Then see text at about page 302 and add letter designations there so readers can tell the references apart.
[35] About the two Lansdale (1988) references, note the added “a” and “b” designations, indicating that “a” was likely published first. Can you confirm? If this is incorrect, please adjust date designations in the book at pages 47 and 253, perhaps elsewhere.
[36] Just a single page here, despite the “pp”?
[37] A citation to Nahl (2005) appears in Table 12.2.6, about page 319. Which date is correct? Cite and ref list dates should match.
[38] What does “4es” mean in the page number info area here? Just one page OK?
[39] A Nielsen (2006) citation appears at or near page 291; which date is correct? Are there works for both 2003 and 2006? If so, still need a cite to 2003 and Bib entry for the missing 2006 item.
[40] Possible to add the page span here?
[41] Page number is incomplete. Is it 129 to 136? to 146?
[42] Should the word “Interfaces” be added at the end of the name of this conference?
[43] See change from “Gruel” to “Gruen”; OK?
[44] Rothenberg (1998) is fine at about page 105, but should one of the refs near there have been to the 1995 paper that seems not to have been cited?
[45] Add location here? Cambridge, MA: . . .?
[46] Voorhees (1996) is cited around page 278; make sure cite and Bib dates match.
[47] See the working notes for the Bib; probably some of these Whittaker works are cited, but just as “et al.” Best in cases like this to spell out at least first three authors in each citation, more if needed to distinguish one work clearly from another.
[48] Possible to add the page span here?
[49] Should this say, “Seeing what you’re hearing”?
[50] The initial for Jones here is “Q” -- OK? Majority of other entries are for a W. Jones.
[51] Note the two 2002 papers by Whitaker, Jones & Terveen. Add “a” and “b” to these, then recheck text and add same letters there for clarity. For “a” on “Managing” see around page 247; for “b” on Persistence, see around page 158 in chapter 7.
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