1st Grade Learning Menu

Fourth Grade Learning Menu

Addition, Subtraction and Place Value

|Letter Value |Sad Subtraction |Singing Place Value |

|Try to solve the following math problem: Each letter |Write a silly story about what it would be like if |Develop a fun, educational chant or song that helps |

|stands for a single digit. No two letters can stand for |you were a subtraction sign. How would it feel to |mathematicians remember the order of each place |

|the same digit |always be “taking away” from everything? Illustrate |value from the ones to the millions. |

|MILK |your story if you have time. | |

|OFF | | |

|_________ | | |

|SAY | | |

|(Use the numbers: 1- 9) | | |

|Try to make some more problems like this of your own. | | |

|Defining Data |Addition/Subtraction Game |Clue |

|Create a PowerPoint presentation or a brochure that |Create an “I have…Who has…” card game. The top of the|Think of 2 six digit numbers. Write clues for your |

|explains and shows how to find the minimum, maximum, |card should say “I have ______.” The bottom of the |classmates to try and discover each number. Be |

|range, median, and mode of data. Include at least one |card should ask students to add or subtract from that|creative using place value in your clues. |

|real-world example for each. |number so that that answer leads to the next card, “I| |

| |have 24. Who is me plus 25?” The cards should be | |

| |linked together with one clue each. Test out your | |

| |game with your classmates! | |

|Crossword Puzzle |Sizing up with Surveys |You be the Teacher |

|Go to |Survey your classmates on their shoe size. Then |Addition and subtraction are inverse operations. |

|Create a crossword puzzle of vocabulary terms from this |calculate the minimum, maximum, range, median, and |What are some other inverse operations in math? |

|chapter such as addition, subtraction, mode, median, |mode. Using a sheet of graph paper create a bar |What are some inverse operations in the real world? |

|maximum, minimum, range, place value, graphing. Write a |graph to show your results. Share all of this data |Create a picture book for a younger grade that will |

|clue and let the website create your crossword for you. |with your teacher. |explain what “inverse operations” means and will |

|Then challenge a friend to try your puzzle. | |give example from math and the real world. |


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