Lesson 6: Leader Guide


LESSON OVERVIEW: Students will learn how to do a Surrender Exercise, which will remind them that they were born as stewards of a unique life mission that requires submission to the kind and all-knowing Ruler of the universe.

LESSON OBJECTIVES: 1. WHAT: Students will learn how to surrender to Jesus, especially focusing on those things

that most directly relate to answering God's call on their life. 2. WHY: If you surrender your life to Jesus, acknowledging your role as a humble steward of

all you've been asked to manage on earth, God will be glorified and you'll be blessed. 3. HOW: After learning about the surrender process, students will experience it privately by

reading and responding to a Letter From Jesus.

MEMORY VERSE: So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life--your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life--and place it before God as an offering (Romans 12:1 The Message).

LEADER-FACILITATOR PREP: The Surrender Exercise is the major focus of this lesson, so review the Introductory Remarks and the section called "Conversation Partner Time With Jesus," which outline the instructions for doing the exercise (after the DVD lesson).

BEFORE LESSON: Text Messages for Students [optional] Customize one or both of these text messages to fit your needs:

? Come to small group and hear how to wave your white flag of Jesus! ? Tonight [or today], prepare for a conversation with your new Conversation Partner:


AFTER LESSON: E-mail for Parent/Other Adult Mentor [optional] Customize this e-mail to fit your needs:

Dear ,

We wish you could have seen the students' reaction to Surrendering All to Jesus, our final lesson from The Way I'm Wired: Discovering Who God Made ME to Be. They sure were focused and engaged in the materials as they read and responded to a Letter From Jesus. It was designed to help them discover and fulfill God's call on their life, a call for which they've been uniquely wired. It reminded them that they were born as stewards of a distinct life mission that requires humble submission to the kind and all-knowing Ruler of the universe.

Major Teaching Point: If I surrender my life to Jesus, acknowledging my role as a humble steward of all I've been asked to manage on earth, God will be glorified and I'll be blessed.

The students had a basic "Surrender 101" lesson to help them understand how to make a fully informed, private, unpressured decision about what they might choose to surrender:

1. What's the difference between salvation and surrender? 2. When and how often do I surrender? 3. Why do I surrender? 4. How does the Holy Spirit help me surrender? 5. How much will it cost me to surrender? 6. Who else has surrendered? 7. How do I surrender?

Our Memory Verse: So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life--your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life--and place it before God as an offering (Romans 12:1 The Message).

As the opportunity arises, talk with your teenager about our lesson. Use these questions to help launch your conversation:

? Why does God ask us to surrender our lives? ? How can surrendering your life bring you joy? ? In what way can I support you in surrendering something?

Prayerfully consider having a conversation with your teenager about your own most recent surrender experience. (If you're using the parent's companion book, How Your Teenager Is Wired: Discovering Who God Made Your Teenager to Be, refer to Chapter 10.)

Thanks for your prayers for all our teenagers. Have a blessed day!


INTRODUCTORY REMARKS: 1 MIN Welcome your students and open in prayer. Then, SAY SOMETHING LIKE: During this series, you've learned a lot about yourself, and you've even captured your most unique life purpose in a Lifetime Dream Statement. The final step now is to surrender yourself and your inkling of God's incredible plan for your life--back to Jesus.

LESSON FOCUS: 5 MIN SAY SOMETHING LIKE: This lesson focuses on the concept of surrender:

? What surrender to Jesus actually means ? When and how often to do it ? Why we do it ? How the Holy Spirit helps us do it ? How much it'll cost to do it ? Who else has done it ? And how to actually do it! ...all the details you need to make a fully informed, private, unpressured decision about what you might choose to surrender at this time. If you surrender your life to Jesus, acknowledging your role as a humble steward of all you've been asked to manage on earth, God will be glorified and you'll be blessed.

You may wonder how to do the Surrender Exercise. It's very simple. Basically, after the DVD lesson, you'll have about 50 minutes of private time to review the Letter From Jesus in your Life Map and decide if you're willing to surrender anything to God's loving care--especially those things that will enhance or sabotage the life mission for which you've been wired. [Leader: If you did a private Surrender Exercise, share a few appropriate highlights.]

READ ROMANS 12:1 THE MESSAGE: So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life--your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life-- and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.

ASK: Looking at Romans 12:1 on your Life Map: ? What's God's role in your surrender? [God helping you] ? What does God want you to surrender? [Your everyday, ordinary life--your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life] ? How do you surrender? [Place it before God as an offering]

DVD LESSON: 10 MIN SAY SOMETHING LIKE: Let's watch the DVD lesson to learn more about the topic of surrender. Open your Life Map to the note-taking section for this lesson.

Start the DVD for Lesson 6 and pray silently as the material is presented. Pray for your teenagers, by name, that they'll learn all they need to know about the concept of surrender, so they can have a fully informed, unpressured, transformational experience during their private Surrender Exercise. Stop DVD.

DVD REVIEW: 5 MIN SAY SOMETHING LIKE: As the video explained, surrendering your life, and even your lifetime dream, is an important daily, hourly, and minute-by-minute habit.

? "WHY" QUESTION... about God's perspective: Why does God want you to surrender all?

? "HOW" QUESTION... about the benefit for teenagers: How does surrendering your life and your big dream bring you joy or cause you to change for the better?

CONVERSATION PARTNER TIME WITH JESUS: 50 MIN SAY SOMETHING LIKE: In just a moment, it'll be time to switch gears to do the private Surrender Exercise. We on the leadership team will be praying for you--and we'll also be coming around to observe the process. We expect you to focus intently on the materials, so please don't feel like you need to talk with us. Just ignore us.

The only goal for this exercise is for you to be still before God and submit whatever you're ready and able to relinquish (turn over to God) at this time. The outcome is between you and Jesus--and nobody else!

If you finish before the 50 minutes is up, please stay quietly in your spot and memorize the Scripture verse. We'll make an announcement when you have 5 minutes left to wrap up. Head to a quiet place with your Life Map and a pen/pencil, where you can be alone to respond to the Letter From Jesus.

Pray silently: As you walk around, ask God to bless each teenager, by name, with a Romans 12:1 desire to surrender all to Christ, as a fragrant offering. (Ask for yourself, too!)


? Starting now, how will your insight from your Surrender Exercise impact your day-today life and your unique life mission?

SAY SOMETHING LIKE: From our lesson, you can see the importance of surrendering your life and purpose-filled plans to the kind and all-knowing Ruler of the universe, who cares deeply about you. This is something we all need to get in the habit of doing daily, hourly, and minute-by-minute for the rest of our lives.

Just a reminder to memorize the Scripture verse, which can be found in your Life Map.

In fact, don't forget to ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you a LIFE VERSE, a Scripture that affirms your unique life mission! You never know whether the verse or the mission will be revealed first, but they'll complement one another perfectly. Memorizing and reflecting often on your life verse will help you as you move down the pathway to purpose.

To end the series, thank the students for their great participation and willingness to talk about their unique life purpose. Close with a brief prayer.


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