Social stories for Halloween

Social stories for Halloween


Social skills stories are ideal tools for helping children with ASD and related conditions understand social and communication skills and behaviours, which they may otherwise struggle to master.

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Chapter 1 4

Chapter 2 6

Chapter 3 8

Chapter 4 9

Chapter 5 10

Chapter 6 11

Chapter 1

I am going trick or treating

Halloween is on October 31st every year. On Halloween people like to dress up in costumes and go out trick or treating to get candy. I am going to get dressed up in (costume) and go trick or treating with my family.


Trick or treating is great fun. People leave decorated pumpkins in a window or by the door this means I am allowed to knock at their door while I am trick or treating.


When I am at the door I ring the bell it will only need 1 ring, if there is no bell I can knock the door and wait for the people inside the house to answer the door.


When the people open the door I can say trick or treat and hold up my candy container. The people will put candy in my container. It doesn’t matter if I don’t like the candy I can sort it out later when I get home my family will help me to do this.


When I get given candy I need to say thank you, people are happy to give me candy while I am trick or treating but they will expect me to say thank you it is polite. My family will be happy when I say thank you.


Sometimes I might get asked what my costume is and I can say I am a (what).


Then I move on to the next house that has a decorated pumpkin I can see. When it is time for me to go home my family will tell me. I can take all my candy home. At home I can sort my candy out.

Chapter 2

Safety rules for trick or treating

There are some important safety rules I need to remember when I am trick or treating.


The most important rule I need to remember is to stay with my family. Sometimes I might get excited and want to run on ahead, but this is not a safe thing to do, my family need to know where I am at all times which I am out trick and treating.


The second rule I need to remember is I should not cross the road on my own, roads are dangerous. There are cars on the road and if I run into the road one could hit me accidentally.


The last rule I should remember is I must never go inside somebody’s house. I should always stay on the porch.


When I remember to follow the safety rules I will have great fun trick or treating. If I don’t follow these safety rules I might have to go home and that would make me sad. Following the safety rules will make my family happy.

Chapter 3

Saying Hi

It is Halloween and I am going trick or treating with my family and some of my friends.


When children go trick or treating they get candy. It is important to remember to only go to houses that have a decorated pumpkin in the window or at the door. Someone in the group I am with will ring the door bell or knock the door.


When the people open the door we can all say trick or treat. I might not want to say trick or treat at every door, this is ok as long as I say Hi to the people when they give me candy.


People are happy when I say Hi.

Chapter 4

Saying thank you

When I am out trick or treating with my family people will give me candy.


I must only knock at doors where I can see a decorated pumpkin in the window or at the door these people do not mind me knocking. If there is no pumpkin I must knock at the door.


When the people open the door I need to say trick or treat and hold up my candy bag. The people will give me candy.


After they give me the candy I should say thank you. It is polite to say thank you when someone gives you candy. It doesn’t matter if I do not like the candy I can take it out when I get home.

Chapter 5

Staying with a grown up

When I am out trick or treating, I must remember a very important rule: it is very important to always stay with the adult and people that I am out trick or treating with.


The adult I am out with is counting on me to be responsible. If I run on ahead and they can not see me they might get worried.


I need to remember this rule, if I forget it I might have to go home and that would make me sad.


So I will remember this important rule and everyone will be happy.

Chapter 6

The Halloween pumpkin

On October the 31st it is Halloween.


People like to carve faces into pumpkins on Halloween. My family like to do this too and I can help.


My family will help me to carve the top off of the pumpkin. I can scoop out the inside of the pumpkin ready to carve the face.


I need to carve two eyes and a nose then last I need to carve a mouth. I can decide how many teeth to carve on the pumpkin mouth, I might decide to have one tooth or maybe I could carve more.


When I am done carving the pumpkin I can carefully carry the pumpkin to the porch. I might need help if the pumpkin is heavy.


Mum will put a candle inside the pumpkin so that people can see we are celebrating Halloween.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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