Brotherhood: An Essential Relationship

Brotherhood: An Essential Relationship

By: MAS Tarbiyah Department

• The Best of Relationships

• Brotherhood in the Words of Allah's Messenger (pbuh)

• Brotherhood in the Words of the Righteous Predecessors

• The Conditions of Brotherhood

• The Rights of Brotherhood

• Fulfilling the Rights of Brotherhood

o Your brother's entitlement to your wealth

o Your brother's right upon yourself

o Your brother's right over your speech

• Strengthening the Ties of Brotherhood

• How to Remedy a 'Routine' Brotherhood


The Best of Relationships

Within society there are many different kinds of relationships and associations that are made between people. One of the highest forms of these relationships and a true milestone in terms of human interaction is that of brotherhood, a bond that ties the hearts of people together in a way that is governed by no worldly gain or desire.

The concept of brotherhood holds an important place in the religion of Islam and many essential elements of Islam are fostered under the rubric of this concept. Brotherhood harvests the fruits of faith and love for the sake of Allah the All-Mighty Creator. It is a gift from Allah that is shared between believers and granted to whomever Allah chooses from His servants.

Allah, The Almighty, says:  {And hold fast, all of you together to the Rope of Allah and be not divided among yourselves and remember Allah's favor on you, for you were enemies one to another, but He joined your hearts together so that by His Grace you became brethren.} (Qur'an 3:103)

Allah(S.W.T.) also says in the Qur'an:  {And He has united their hearts. If you had spent all that is in the earth, you could not have united their hearts. But Allah has united them: Certainly, He is All-Mighty, All-Wise.} (Qur'an 8:63)

This brotherhood of Islam creates a loyalty and fondness between people that cannot be duplicated in worldly relationships.

The concept of brotherhood in Islam can be defined as the act of loving in a person that which Allah loves in him. The Muslim loves Muhammad (pbuh), the Messenger of Allah, because Allah loves him and commanded his followers to love him. Allah, The Exalted, says:  {Say, if you certainly love Allah, then follow me [Muhammad] and Allah will love you.} (Qur'an 3:31)

A strong, devoted Muslim is more entitled to the love of the believer, or in other words, is more entitled to become the brother of a believer, than a weak, disobedient person who falls short of his duties towards his Creator. Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy on him, said: "There is no greater or more complete love than the love of the believers to their Lord. There is nothing that deserves to be loved for its own sake except Allah(S.W.T.). Everything that is to be loved besides Him should be loved according to His love. Even the Prophet(S) is to be loved for the sake of Allah, to be obeyed for the sake of Allah and to be followed for the sake of Allah."

The heart of the believer harbors no love for the polytheists and rejecters of faith even if they are of his kin. The hearts of the believers are however filled with love for other true believers, the people of jihad and the people of the mosques. These are his true brothers. Brothers in Islam love and hate in proportion to the qualities loved or hated by Allah(S.W.T.).

Brotherhood is the fruit of good character, for good character is what brings about loving each other and friendliness and it is also a reason for entering paradise. The Messenger(S) said in a hadeeth narrated by Tirmidhee: "What accounts the most for leading people into paradise is the taqwa of Allah and good character."

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) also discussed the importance of good character with Abu Hurairah. The Prophet (pbuh) said: "O Abu HuraYrah, maintain good character." Abu Hurairah then asked the Prophet (pbuh): "And what is good character, O Messenger of Allah?" The Prophet (pbuh) replied: "Connect with the people that shun you, forgive those that wrong you and give to those that deprive you."


Brotherhood in the Words of Allah's Messenger (pbuh)

The perfect model of Islamic brotherhood can be constructed from the life, character, and words of the noble Messenger of Allah (pbuh):

In a hadeeth narrated by Tabarani, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: "Those who sit nearer to me are the ones among you with the best manners, the humble who befriend and are befriended."

On another occasion the Prophet (pbuh) said:  "The believer is friendly and easy to befriend. And there is no good in the person who does not befriend and does not get befriended." (Musnad Imam Ahmad)

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) also said in a Hadeeth Qudsi: "Allah, the Exalted, says 'Indeed, My Love shall be bestowed upon the ones who visit each other for My Sake. Indeed, My Love shall be bestowed upon the ones who love one another for My Sake. Indeed, My Love shall be bestowed upon the ones who approach one another in humility for My Sake. And, indeed, My Love shall be bestowed upon the ones that rush to help one another for My Sake." (Musnad Imam Ahmad)

On one occasion Idrees al-Khawadani said to Mu`aadh ibn Jabal: "I love you for the sake of Allah." Mu`aadh responded: "Behold! Then, behold again the good news! For I have heard the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) saying: 'On the Day of Judgment, seats will be placed around the Throne [of Allah] for a group of people whose faces resemble the full moon. These people shall not experience any fear or terror although all others will. They are the friends of Allah upon whom there shall be no fear and who shall not be sad. It was asked, 'Who are those people, O Messenger of Allah?' The Messenger (pbuh) replied, 'They are the ones who love one another for the sake of Allah, The Exalted.''"

These various sayings of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) show that by fostering love for the sake of Allah and establishing ties of brotherhood among fellow Muslims, the believer may hope to attain the ultimate and unimaginable honor: the friendship and pleasure of Allah(S.W.T.).


Brotherhood in the Words of the Righteous Predecessors

The companions of the Prophet (pbuh) and those who followed them (the tabi'een) were instrumental in implementing the concept of brotherhood in everyday life. Their examples and advice remain sources of motivation to those who seek the fruits of brotherhood. Among their sayings are:

• "Stick to brotherhood, for it is of great help in this world and the next." (Ali Ibn Abi-Talib)

• "By Allah, if I were to fast the whole day, to pray the whole night, and to spend every little part of my money for the cause of Allah, but were then to die on my appointed day without love in my heart to the people that obey Him or hatred to the ones that disobey Him, all the above-mentioned actions would be of no benefit to me." (Ibn Umar)

• "Stick to the truthful brothers, living among their midst, for they are an adornment in times of ease and a great help in times of trouble." (Sa`eed Ibn Musayyib)

• "O my son! Be the companion of he whom, should you serve him, he protects you; should you befriend him, he holds you is esteem; and should you fall into difficulty he helps you. Be the companion of he whom, should you extend your hand out in goodness, he extends his; should he witness one of your good deeds, he remembers it; and should he witness one of your bad deeds, he stops it. Be the companion of he whom, should you ask him, he gives you; should you become quiet, he takes the initiative; and should a calamity befall you, he comforts you. Be the companion of he whom, should you speak, he believes you and should you disagree with him on something, he desists in your favor." (The advice of one of the tabi'een to his son.)

• "My! My! You wish to dwell in paradise and be close to the All-Merciful in His abode, in the company of the prophets, the ultimate believers (siddiqeen), the martyrs, and the doers of good deeds. Is it because of a desire that you abandoned? An anger you suppressed? An abandoned kinship you re-established? Or a slip by one of your brothers that you forgave?" (Ibn Ayad)


The Conditions of Brotherhood

The brotherhood described by the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) and his followers has important conditions.First, the relationship must be established purely for the sake of Allah. This requires the brothers to abandon any type of personal interest that they might hope to gain through their relationship. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) once said: "A man set out to visit one of his brothers for the sake of Allah and Allah (swt) appointed an angel to watch over him. The angel asked the man, 'Where are you going?' The man replied: 'I wish to visit my brother.' 'Do you need anything from him?' asked the angel. 'No,' replied the man. 'Then why are you going to visit him?" inquired the angel. The man answered, 'I love him for Allah's Sake.' The angel said, 'Then know that Allah has sent me to tell you that Allah loves you because of your love for your brother and that He has decreed Paradise for you'." (Muslim)

The second condition is that the brotherhood must be paired with Iman and Taqwa.

The Qur'an says about the Day of Judgment: "Friends on that day will be foes one to another except the righteous (ones who have Taqwa)."

Third, the brotherhood should be of the Islamic manner and style. This is best exemplified by the hadeeth that gives an explanation of two men who loved each other for Allah's sake. The hadeeth states that the two met for Allah's sake and then parted for Allah's sake. The cause of Allah was always paramount, it is what brought them together, defined their relationship, and ultimately led them to part.

The fourth condition is that mutual advice for the sake of Allah(S.W.T.) should be an essential pillar of the brotherhood. If one finds something good in his brother, he should encourage and help him in that good thing. If he detects a shortcoming in his brother, he should advise his brother confidentially and exhort him to repent and return to a more correct behavior or attitude.

Fifth, the brotherhood should be built on cooperation and meeting each other's needs in both comfortable and difficult times. The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: "The example of the believers' love, affection, and mercy for one another is like that of the body: when one of its organs ails, the rest of the body responds and watches over it by contracting fever." (Bukhari and Muslim)


The Rights of Brotherhood

Brotherhood is a responsibility; each brother has a right on the other. Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said:

"Keep away from suspicion, for it is the most deceptive discourse. Do not attempt to probe, spy on, compete with, envy, or be hateful of one another, but be, O servants of Allah, brothers. The Muslim is the brother of his fellow Muslim: he does not oppress him, fail him, or scorn him. Taqwa is here [points to his heart]. It is wrong for a man to hold his Muslim brother in contempt. Everything pertaining to a Muslim is forbidden to another: his blood, his honor, and his wealth." (Muslim)


Fulfilling the Rights of Brotherhood

The contract of brotherhood is a relationship that entails duties and responsibilities that must be fulfilled. The brother of a Muslim is entitled to some rights in his wealth, self, speech, and heart.

1) Your brother's entitlement to your wealth

Imam Hassan Al-Banna explained that you must acquaint yourself with the financial situation of your brothers and they should know your financial situation in order for the takaful (mutual support) to be fully realized in the proper way. This ensures that one brother does not live in abundance and happiness while another lives in poverty and distress.

A brother who is in debt or cannot pay his rent is ashamed during the day and worried at night. It is your responsibility to stand by and support him. Be aware that charity to your brother takes precedence over charity to the poor. Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, said: "I would much rather give twenty dirhams to a brother in Allah than spend 100 dirhams on the needy. This is because of the right your brother has upon your wealth."

One of many instances of how this responsibility of brotherhood was fulfilled in the 20th Century occurred when a righteous Muslim was jailed because of his Islamic activities. His brother in the sake of Allah divided his salary between his own family and the family of his imprisoned brother. When his wife asked him, "How can we get by on half a salary?", he answered, "How can my brother's children get by on no salary at all?"

Practical Injunctions

1) Brothers need to become aware of the financial situation of their brothers.

2) Every brother should allocate a monthly amount of money for helping their brothers in need.

3) The brothers should devise collective business ventures, regulated by the Shari'ah, to improve each others financial situation.

(2) Your brother's right upon yourself

This right consists of inquiring about your brother, smiling when you see him, and making dua for him in his absence. It also entails dealing gently with him; giving him the benefit of the doubt; loving him as you love yourself and your family; trusting him in all your matters; shunning ill thoughts of him; keeping your promises to him and guarding his secrets; and visiting him if he should become ill.

A brother always brings joy to his brother's heart, keeps the conversation between them informal, defends him from harm, races to benefit him, and never rejoices over his misfortunes.

To fulfill your brother's rights over yourself, you should never remind him of your generosity should you happen to help him or give him something. Give him sincere advice, inquire about his children, protect his honor and his wealth, and do not covet him.

Al-Hassan Al-Basri, may Allah have mercy on him, said, "Our brothers are more beloved to us than our family and children because our family reminds us of this life, but our brothers remind us of the hereafter."

A hadith of the Prophet (pbuh) says: "Whoever relieves a believer from a distress of this life, Allah will relieve him from a distress on the Day of Judgment. Whosoever brings ease to a believer who is in difficulty, Allah will bring ease to him in both this life and the next. Whosoever conceals the shortcomings of a Muslim, Allah will conceal his shortcomings in this world and the next. Allah will always help a servant as long as that servant helps his brother."

Practical Injunctions

1) Set up a dinner or iftar for your brothers and their families to help establish good relationships.

2) Set up a periodical visitation schedule among your close brothers. These visits should be kept informal and devoid of extravagance.

3) Remember your brothers when making dua and supplicate for them in their absence.

4) Memorize the above-mentioned hadith ("Whoever relieves a believer of a distress...") and put it into practice.


(3) Your brother's right over your speech

Brotherhood includes guarding your tongue from hurting your brother and never mentioning him except in a good manner. Do not allow anyone to complain to you about your brother lest it cause a rift between you and your brother or cause you to become impatient with him. The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: "I like to meet my brothers with a clean heart."

One should not reciprocate wrongdoing with a similar offense, but rather with good deeds. Keep in mind that whoever desires to have a brother devoid of shortcomings will become brotherless.

You should strive to emulate the man about whom the honored Prophet (pbuh) said, "A man of Paradise shall enter among you, shortly." The fine merit of this man described by the Prophet (pbuh) was that every night before he slept he cleansed his heart of any hatred or envy towards his fellow Muslims. As was already mentioned, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) also said:  "Whosoever conceals the shortcomings of his brother, Allah shall conceal his in this life and the next."

Know that your faith is not complete until you love for your brother what you love for yourself. Therefore, treat your brothers in the same manner that you wish them to treat you. A servant's faith is not sound until his heart and tongue are sound.

The martyr Imam Hassan al Banna said, "The lowest degree of brotherhood is a wholesome heart, free of suspicions, and the highest degree is favoring your brother over yourself."

Practical Injunctions

1) Make an earnest effort to only say the truth and avoid lying.

2) Do not mention any of your brothers except in a good way and restrain your tongue towards them.

3) Talk to your brother (and about him) in a manner that pleases him and make dua for him and his children.


Strengthening the Ties of Brotherhood

Here, dear brother, are some tips that may help deepen the bond of brotherhood between you and your brothers:

1) Should you love a brother, tell him so.

2) When you meet one of your brothers, hasten to smile and shake hands with him.

3) If you take leave of a brother, ask him to make du'aa' for you.

4) Visit your brother often and on a regular basis.

5) When special occasions arise, congratulate your brother and join him in rejoicing.


Some Benefits of Loving Your Brothers for the Sake of Allah

A Muslim can find delight and great benefit in loving his brothers for the sake of Allah (A.W.J.) as is clear from the following sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

• The true believer savors faith by loving others for the sake of Allah(S.W.T.). Three traits, if found in a person, allow him to taste the sweetness of faith; one trait is to love a person for nothing else but to please Allah(A.W.J.).

• Allah surrounds the person who loves for His sake with His mercy and protects him from the great trials on the Day of Judgment.

• Love for the sake of Allah(S.W.T.) brings joy and peace to the Muslim.

• Brothers who love each for Allah have hearts overflowing with peace and tranquility and faces that shimmer with light and happiness.

• Love for the sake of Allah is a trustworthy handhold of faith that never breaks; whoever clings to it is saved. Love for the sake of Allah is a sign of a perfect Deen and a pure heart and conscience.


How to Remedy a 'Routine' Brotherhood

Occasionally, preoccupation with the worldly life may cause a brotherhood to become secondary and routine. Some suggestions to correct this situation are to:

1) Mingle more in the company of your brothers.

2) Translate into action the various meanings of brotherhood so as to deepen the feelings of affection among your brothers.

3) Always remind yourself of the necessity of pure intentions, affection, and friendliness among brothers.

4) Strive to unite all the brothers.

5) Concentrate on the aspects of faith that awaken the hearts and cement them together.

6) Read an essay on brotherhood such as: "The Essay on Brotherhood" by Sheikh Al-Khatib, or the essay of the same title by Sheikh Abdullah Nasih Alwan.


The word “Tarbiah” is an Arabic word that linguistically means the increase, growth, and loftiness. Conventionally, Tarbiah means the development and the training of people in various aspects. The word is commonly used to describe children upbringing as the parents provide them with physical, educational, moral and spiritual needs to help them grow up and become useful parties in the society.

In MAS terminology, the word means the systematic development and training of human resources. In MAS, all members are subject to this comprehensive way of development and training in all aspects such as physical, educational, moral, and spiritual aspects. The word Islamic Tarbiah implies that the development process conforms to Islamic guidelines and standards. This means that the goals that the process is supposed to achieve in individuals conform to Islamic teachings and the means used to establish such goals are Islamic or Islamic compliant means. The Tarbiah process exceeds the level of individuals to the level of the group trying to establish team sprit that Islam teaches such as love, brotherhood, and mutual trust.

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