Revision Rubric—Personal Narrative

CIS Immigration Proposal Rubric

Name: __________________________________________________________________

Your immigration proposal should contain the following items and will be scored using the rubric below.

Introduction: Engage the reader, identify the reasons immigration is an important part of American life today, explain why immigration policy could be improved, and tell what the biggest problems or weaknesses in the system are.

Proposals 1-3: Choose three (or more!) ways that you would enhance or change immigration policy in the U.S. You can either select components of the current system that you like and explain why they are effective or you can use original, historic, international, etc., ideas to change U.S. policy. Make sure you use evidence to explain the reasoning behind each of these ideas. Consider the podcast and articles we listened to/ read in class.

Effect: For each proposal, tell what you anticipate the effects to be. Consider economics, the impact on security and safety for U.S. citizens, the human rights of immigrants, the feasibility and cost of each idea, fairness and equality, etc. Use research to support the effects you identify.

Conclusion: Summarize your plan and explain why it will be effective. Leave readers feeling confident that your plan is advantageous, well-researched, and that the positive impact far outweighs the negative.

Use MLA format for your paper—refer to the Purdue Owl website for examples and formatting guidelines.

Ideas and Content

|5 |The writing is clear, focused, and interesting; the main idea is clear. |

| |Ideas are supported with evidence and at least three credible sources are used. |

| |The writer makes connections and shares insights about all evidence; evidence is clearly explained. |

| |All points made support the thesis. |

|3 |The main ideas are very general or obvious. |

| |The supporting details are limited, general, or off-topic. |

| |Evidence is present, but not explained well or pertinent to topic. |

|1 |The main idea is unclear. |

| |There are some details, but they are not related to the main idea. |

| |No evidence. |


|5 |A strong beginning, middle, and end can be identified. |

| |Thesis and hook are present in the introduction. |

| |Contains three or more proposals and the effects of each. |

| |Conclusion summarizes main points and thesis, but in different wording. |

| |Seems well-organized and makes sense. |

| |Transitions (then, next, therefore, although …) are used to connect one idea to the next. |

| |Multiple paragraphs are present. |

| |Paragraph breaks occur when necessary. |

| |Written in MLA format with a Works Cited page. |

|3 |Beginning is too obvious or short. (Ex: My paper is about…) |

| |Ending is too short. |

| |Seems slightly disorganized. |

| |Transitions are not regularly used. |

| |Paragraph breaks do not make sense. |

|1 |So difficult to understand that the reader must re-read parts of it. |

| |Missing beginning or ending. |

| |The entire story is one long paragraph. |

| |No transitions are used. |


|5 |Appropriate voice for topic, purpose, and audience. |

| |The topic has come to life. |

| |Professional, well-informed, honest, persuasive, etc. |

|3 |Voice doesn’t match the topic. |

| |Writing is too short to maintain an appropriate voice. |

|1 |The writer seems uncommitted to the topic. |

| |Writing is stiff or mechanical. |

Word Choice

|5 |Words communicate in a precise, natural way. |

| |Powerful words energize the writing. |

| |Variety of words used. |

| |High school vocabulary is present. |

| |Avoids second person POV. |

|3 |Words lack variety. |

| |Overuse of common sayings or expressions. |

| |Slang is not used on purpose. |

| |Some second person POV. |

|1 |Words do not communicate a clear meaning. |

| |Range of words is extremely limited. |

Sentence Fluency

|5 |A variety of lengths and structures of sentences are used. |

| |Sounds fluent when read. |

| |Sentences begin with different words. |

| |Sentences help show relationships among ideas. |

|3 |Variety of sentence lengths and structures. |

| |Most sentences begin differently. |

| |Some parts may not be fluent. |

|1 |Difficult to read aloud; not fluent. |

| |Sounds unnatural. |

| |Order of words may be confusing. |


|5 |Paper uses general conventions of the English language with few errors. |

| |MLA citations are correctly punctuated. |

|3 |Errors exist, but the paper is still understandable. |

|1 |Errors inhibit reader understanding. |


|5 |Entire paper is typed in size 12 in a readable font, double-spaced. |

| |Default margins |

| |MLA-style header with last name and page number. |

| |The title is in size 12 font, centered, at the top of the front page. |

| |This rubric is stapled to the paper. |

| |Bolded headings exist throughout the paper to identify each section. |

|3 |One of the above items is missing. |

|1 |More than one of the above items is missing. |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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