

Short Story Package

I) Cover Page (must include title of your short story, your name and a graphic)

II) Pre reading questions (must include 3 or more questions)

III) Post reading questions (must include 8 or more questions) Please include:

Knowledge - facts / details / specifics

Comprehension - state in your own words/ what does this mean / show what would happen if / explain

Application – opinion / what motive is there / state the point of view of / theme / main idea / explain the relationship

IV) Story Board ( 8 scenes and an explanation for each)

V) Theme worksheet

VI) Story elements - One of: Character / plot / setting worksheet

VII) Expression - One of: News story / essay / story extension / Memoir

VIII) Connections - One of: Poem / music / art (that connects to the story)

IX) Explanation of the connection

X) Conclusion - One of: Wordle / Personal poem / Personal art /

Worksheet Ideas

These are just suggestions you are welcome to create the worksheet as you see fit. If you are going to have part of the sheet as questions please try and include:

Knowledge - facts / details / specifics

Comprehension - state in your own words/ what does this mean / show what would happen if / explain

Application – opinion / what motive is there / state the point of view of / theme / main idea / explain the relationship

Theme: What is the simple or story theme?

What is the extended or global theme?

Explain another situation where that theme would be appropriate.

Describe a situation in your life where tat theme would fit.

Locate one idea that consistently surfaces through the story?

• Find a magazine / internet / newspaper article that fits the theme. Make one up if you want

• Draw a picture that is consistent with the theme.

• Find a set of three or more quotes / phrases / sayings that match the theme

• Use the theme and create a commercial or an advertisement.

Setting: Questions Knowledge



• Create a picture of the setting

• List words or phrases that create the atmosphere or setting.

(Coloured / Collage / Wordle)

• A Story Timeline

Plot: Questions Knowledge



• Create a map of the story or plot

• Create a graph of the story or plot

• Create story timeline

• Identify (3?) types of conflict in the story

Draw a small cartoon for each

Character: Questions Knowledge



• Create a graph of the characters story life

• Draw a picture(s) of the character

• Describe the character in detail

• Write about the character in another setting

• Write a letter / journal from a characters point of view


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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