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Growing Economies in Indian Country:

Taking Stock of Progress and Partnerships

Federal Resource Matrix

The Federal Resources Matrix provides resources available to native communities in the following areas:



Business Development

Community and Economic Development

The matrix was created in Fiscal Year 2011. As federal funding priorities and appropriations change from year to year, some resources listed, especially non-formula grants, may no longer be available.

You can find out about federal opportunities via , by searching the Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) # or via the website of the federal partner agencies indicated. Please note that deadlines and approval times are subject to change as well.

Some of the resources listed are not grants or loans, but are technical assistance or other programs.

To determine the eligibility entity for a particular federal program or grant the following abbreviations are used:

|Eligibility |

|T=Tribe |

|NP=Nonprofit |

|FP=For profit business |

|Indiv=Individual |

|TO=Tribal Organization |

|CDC=Community Development Corporation |

|CDFI=Community Development Financial Institution |


|Agency |

|Agriculture |10.420 |

|Agriculture |10.410 |

|Agriculture |10.410 |

|Fannie Mae |


|Agency |CFDA# |Title |Type |Eligibility |Deadline |Approval Time |


|Agriculture |10.769 |Rural Business Enterprise Grants |Project Grant |NP, Tribe |None |60-90 days |

|Agriculture |10.760 |Water and Waste Disposal Systems |Project Grant |NP, Tribe |None |60-90 days |

|Agriculture |10.770 |Water and Waste Disposal Grants |Project Grant |NP, Tribe |None |60-90 days |

|EPA |66.418 |Construction Grants for Wastewater Treatment |Project Grant |Tribe |Check |45 days |

|EPA |66.808 |Solid Waste Management Assistance |Project Grant |Indiv, NP, Tribe |Check |180 days |

|EPA |66.812 |Hazardous Waste Management Grants |Project Grant |Tribe |Check |30-60 days |

|Transportation |20.205 |Highway Planning & Construction |Formula Grant |Tribe |Check |1-150 days |

|Transportation |20.509 |Formula Grants- Non-urbanized Areas |Formula Grant |Tribe |None |90 days |

|Transportation |20.600 |State & Community Highway Safety |Formula Grant |Tribe |1-Sep |60 days |


|Agriculture |10.760 |Water and Waste Disposal Systems |Direct Loan |NP, Tribe |None |60-90 days |

|Agriculture |10.770 |Water and Waste Disposal Loans |Direct Loan |NP, Tribe |None |60-90 days |

|Agriculture |10.850 |Rural Electrifiaction Loans |Direct Loan |FP |None |90-180 days |

|Agriculture |10.851 |Rural Telephone Loans |Direct Loan |FP, NP |30-Sep |60-90 days |

|Agriculture |10.852 |Rural Telephone Bank Loans |Direct Loan |FP, NP |30-Sep |60-90 days |

|Banks | |Conventional Lending |Direct Loan |Indiv, FP, NP, Tribe |None |60-90 days |


|Agriculture |10.760 |Water and Waste Disposal Systems |Loan Guarantee |NP, Tribe |None |60-90 days |

|Agriculture |10.850 |Rural Electrification Loans |Loan Guarantee |FP |None |270-360 days |

|Agriculture |10.851 |Rural Telephone Loans |Loan Guarantee |FP, NP |30-Sep |60-90 days |

|IRS | |Sec 7871 Tribal Tax Exempt Bonds |Bond Financing |Tribe | | |

| | | | | | | |


| |

| |

|Agency |

|CFDA# |

|Title |

|Type |

|Eligibility |

|Deadline |

|Approval Time |

| |

|  |

|  |

|Grants |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|  |

| |

|Agriculture |

|10.769 |

|Rural Business Enterprise Grants |

|Project Grant |

|NP, T |

|None |

|30-90 days |

| |

|Agriculture |

|10.771 |

|Rural Cooperative Development Grants |

|Project Grant |

|NP |


|60-120 days |

| |

|Agriculture |

|10.773 |

|Rural Business Opportunity Grants |

|Project Grant |

|NP, T |

|None |

|30-360 days |

| |

|Commerce |

|11.801 |

|Native American Program |

|Project Grant |

|Indiv, FP, NP, T |


|120-180 days |

| |

|SBA |

|59.007 |

|Management & Technical Assistance |

|Project Grant |

|NP, T |

|Proposal |

|Variable |

| |

|SBA |

|59.043 |

|Women's Business Ownership Assist. |

|Project Grant |

|NP |


|120 days |

| |

|SBA |

|59.050 |

|Microenterprise Development Grants |

|Project Grant |

|NP, T |


|60-90 days |

| |

|  |

|  |

|Loans |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|  |

| |

|Agriculture |

|10.768 |

|Business and Industry Loans |

|Direct Loan |

|Indiv, NP, T |

|NA |

|60-120 days |

| |

|SBA |

|59.046 |

|Microloan Demonstration Program |

|Direct Loan |

|NP |

| |

| |

| |

|Banks |

| |

|Conventional Lending |

|Direct Loan |

|Indiv, FP, NP, T |

|None |

|60-90 days |

| |

|  |

|  |

|Other |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|  |

| |

|Agriculture |

|10.768 |

|Business and Industry Loans |

|Loan Guarantee |

|Indiv, NP, T |

|NA |

|60-120 days |

| |

|SBA |

|59.005 |

|Business Development Assistance |

|Technical Assist. |

|FP |

|None |

|30 days |

| |

|SBA |

|59.006 |

|8(a) Business Development |

|Technical Assist. |

|FP |

|None |

|90 days |

| |

|SBA |

|59.009 |

|Procurement Assistance |

|Technical Assist. |

|FP |

|None |

|15 days |

| |

|SBA |

|59.012 |

|Small Business Loans |

|Loan Guarantee |

|FP |

|None |

|1-10 days |

| |

|SBA |

|59.026 |

|SCORE Program |

|Technical Assist. |

|FP |

|None |

|NA |

| |

|SBA |

|59.044 |

|Veteran's Entrepreneurial Training |

|Technical Assist. |

|NP |

|Proposal |

|30-90 days |

| |

|Transportation |

|20.905 |

|Disadvantaged Bus. - ST Lending |

|Direct Payment |

|FP |

|NA |

|30-60 days |

| |

|  |

|  |

|Incentives |

|  |

|  |

|  |

| |

|DOD |

| |

|Indian Incentive Program |

|5% credit |

|FP |

| |

| |

| |

|DOD |

| |

|Indian Subcontracting Incentives |

|Credit |

|FP |

| |

| |

| |

|IRS |

|Pub. 946 |

|Accelerated Depreciation |

|Write-off |

|FP |

| |

| |

| |

|IRS |

|Form 8845 |

|Indian Employment Credit |

|20% Credit |

|FP |

| |

| |

| |

|IRS |

|Form 5884 |

|Work Opportunity Credit |

| |

|FP |

| |

| |

| |

|IRS |

|Form 8861 |

|Welfare-to-Work Credit |

| |

|FP |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |


| |

|Agency |

|CFDA# |

|Title |

|Type |

|Eligibility |

|Deadline |

|Approval Time |

| |

|  |

|  |

|Grants |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|  |

| |

|Agriculture |

|10.854 |

|Rural Economic Development Grants |

|Project Grant |

|FP, NP |

|None |

|Open |

| |

|Agriculture |

|10.766 |

|Community Facilities Grant Program |

|Project Grant |

|NP, T |

|None |

|30-90 days |

| |

|Commerce |

|11.300 |

|Grants for Public Works & ED Facilities |

|Project Grant |

|FP, NP, T |

|Invite |

|60 days |

| |

|Commerce |

|11.302 |

|ED - Support for Planning |

|Project Grant |

|NP, T |

|NA |

|NA |

| |

|Commerce |

|11.303 |

|Planning and Local Technical Assistance Program |

|Project Grant |

|NP, T |

|Proposal |

|30-120 days |

| |

|Commerce |

|11.307 |

|Jobs and Innovation Accelerator |

|Project Grant |

|NP, T |

|Invite |

|60 days |

| |

|HHS |

|93.612 |

|Social and Economic Development Strategies |

|Project Grant |

|T, TO |

|Spring |

|120-180 days |

| |

|HHS |

|93.570 |

|Community Economic Development Program |

|Project Grant |

|CDC |

|11-Jul |

| |

| |

|HHS |

|93.569 |

|Community Services Block Grant |

|Formula Grant |

|T, TO |

| |

| |

| |

|HHS |

|93.602 |

|Assets for Independence |

|Project Grant |

|NP |

|15-Jan, 24-Mar, 25-Jun |

| |

|HUD |

|14.862 |

|Indian CDBG Program |

|Project Grant |

|T |


|75-120 days |

| |

|HUD |

|14.870 |

|Resident Opportunity & Supportive Services |

|Project Grant |

|NP, T |


| |

| |

|Labor |

|17.254 |

|Welfare-to-Work Grants |

|Formula Grant |

|T |

|HQ |

|120 days |

| |

|Labor |

|17.263 |

|Youth Opportunity Grants |

|Project Grant |

|T |

| |

| |

| |

|Labor |

|17.265 |

|Native American Employment & Training |

|Formula Grant |

|T |

| |

| |

| |

|Labor |

|17.266 |

|Work Incentives Grant |

|Project Grant |

|T |

|HQ |

|120 days |

| |

|Treasury |

|21.020 |

|Community Development Financial Institutions |

|Project Grant |

|NP, T |

|HQ |

|180 days |

| |

|  |

|  |

|Loans |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|  |

| |

|Agriculture |

|10.854 |

|Rural Economic Development Loans |

|Direct Loan |

|FP, NP |

| |

| |

| |

|Agriculture |

|10.766 |

|Community Facilities Loan Program |

|Direct Loan |

|NP, T |

| |

| |

| |

|Banks |

| |

|Conventional Learning |

|Direct Loan |

|NP, T |

| |

| |

| |

|  |

|  |

|Other |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|  |

| |

|Agriculture |

|10.766 |

|Community Facilities Loan Program |

|Loan Guarantee |

|NP, T |

| |

| |

| |

|Interior |

|15.124 |

|Indian Loans - ED |

|Loan Guarantee |

|Indiv, T |

|None |

|15 - 30 days |

| |

|Interior |

| |

|Division of Economic Development |

|Technical Assist. |

|T |

| |

| |

| |

|  |

|  |

|Incentives |

|  |

|  |

|  |

|  |

| |

|Treasury |

| |

|Sec 7871 Tribal Tax Exempt Bonds |

|Bond Financing |

|T |

| |

| |

| |

|Treasury |

| |

|New Markets Tax Credit |

|Tax Credits |

|T |

| |

| |

| |


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