Reminder from the Division of Federal Fiscal Compliance ...

Weekly Update (1.7.2016)?TEA Information2015-2016 Data Validation Monitoring Leaver Records Staging The purpose of this letter is to provide districts, including charter schools, with 2015-2016 intervention staging information for data validation monitoring of leaver records (DVM-L). Morath takes office as Texas Commissioner of Education; King appointed as Acting U.S. Secretary of EducationMike Morath was administered the oath of office on Monday, January 4, 2016 in Austin to become the new Commissioner of Education for the State of Texas. John King has been appointed as the U.S. Acting Secretary of Education. Click for the meet John King video.Texas’ Teacher Equity Plan gets federal approval12/22/2015 Commissioner of Education Michael Williams announced that the Texas Education Agency has been notified that a federally required state plan to ensure equitable access to excellent educators has been approved by the U.S. Department of Education. The state’s 2015 Equity Plan is part of the U.S. Department of Education’s Excellent Educators for All initiative. The initiative is designed to ensure all students have equal access to a high-quality education.“Regardless of where you attend school, educators who guide student learning remain the key ingredients to assuring a high-quality education and to closing the achievement gap,” said Commissioner Williams. “With that in mind, our state’s equity plan stresses ongoing support throughout an educator’s career and encourages opportunities for mentoring, campus support, and career advancement.”Formally submitted this past summer, Texas Education Agency staff worked with the Texas Comprehensive Center (an affiliate of American Institutes for Research) and various stakeholders in developing a plan that focused on five key strategies that build upon the work TEA and districts have already begun, including:Develop guidance and tools for districts to create and implement local equity plans;Facilitate targeted training and professional development for teachers, including teacher candidates;Explore opportunities for reward, recognition, and career advancement for teachers;Facilitate campus leader training and support; andEncourage training of and support for mentors of novice teachers.In announcing approval of the Texas plan (along with plans from eight other states and Puerto Rico), the U.S. Department of Education noted the state’s work toward supporting teacher preparation and development programs, increasing data-driven decision-making and committing to meaningful progress in eliminating identified equity gaps by publicly reporting their progress.In July 2014, the U.S. Department of Education announced a comprehensive Excellent Educators for All initiative. States were asked to create comprehensive plans that put in place locally-developed solutions to ensure every student has equal access to effective educators. All 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico submitted plans for review by the department. The plans are required by Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). On Dec. 10, 2015, the President signed the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which reauthorizes the ESEA, into law. The state’s 2015 Equity Plan can be viewed on the Texas Education Agency website at from the Division of Federal Fiscal Compliance and ReportingUpcoming Deadline: Changes to Special Education SSA MembershipThis is a reminder of an upcoming special education deadline that applies only to LEAs planning a change to their special education shared services arrangements (SSAs) for 2016–2017.If you are not making a change to your LEA’s SSA, no notification to TEA is required.Special Education SSA Configuration ChangesNotify TEA if you are making either of the following changes to your LEA’s SSA:Your LEA is participating in a new special education SSA.There is a membership configuration change to an existing special education SSA.Once TEA receives your notification, the agency will send you further information on fiscal-related deadlines and requirements.Notification DeadlineIf you are making either of the configuration changes described above, you must notify TEA by February 1, 2016, in order for the agency to finalize IDEA-B planning amounts for the 20162017 school year.The February 1, 2016, deadline is final and will not be extended. An LEA that fails to submit its notification by that deadline will not be permitted to implement changes to its SSA membership for 2016–2017.Further InformationRefer to the Special Education—Shared Services Arrangement (SSA) Procedures for further information regarding this requirement.ContactIf you have any questions, please email the Division of Federal Fiscal Compliance and Reporting at Compliance@tea..Summary of Finance Reports (SOF) Updated to Reflect Homestead Exemption from Senate Bill 1The 2015-2016 summary of finance reports have been updated to reflect the impact of the mandatory homestead exemption increase.? These updates include:?Reduced property values for the calculation of state aid and recapture. The revised property value can now be seen on line 14 of your district’s SOF. The lower value has the effect of increasing state aid in Tier I and Tier II as well as reducing recapture for those districts that pay it.? State aid under the Existing Debt Allotment (EDA) and the Instructional Facilities Allotment (IFA) will also increase as a function of reduced property values.Reduced estimated maintenance and operations (M&O) tax collections in proportion to the property value reduction.? The revised M&O collections can now be seen on line 19 of your district’s SOF.? Note that this value will be replaced with district reported tax collections from the Tax Information Survey when we run the Near Final SOF next September and with the actual tax collections from the district’s J-1 schedule in the annual financial report when we run the final SOF in the following spring.Calculated hold-harmless payments for lost M&O collections due to the implementation of the homestead exemption.? This value can be seen in the “Other Programs” detail report on line 2 and is called “Additional State Aid for Homestead Exemption” (ASAHE).? State aid calculated here is only the amount of calculated lost collections that are not compensated through increased state aid (in Tier I, Tier II and ASATR) or in reduced recapture. Note that the bulk of increased M&O funding will flow through the formulas rather than hold-harmless.?Calculated hold-harmless payments for lost I&S collections due to the implementation of the homestead exemption.? This value can be seen on line 52 of the SOF and is called “Additional State Aid for Homestead Exemption for Facilities”.? State aid calculated here is only the amount of calculated lost I&S collections that are not made up through increased state aid in IFA or EDA.? The hold-harmless for I&S collections is now reflected on your EDA payment ledger.?You can access the updated SOF reports and payment ledgers here: questions, contact State Funding, Texas Education AgencyPhone: 512-463-0986Fax: 512-305-9165?For All LEAs: Carryover Reports Now Available in GFFC Reports and Data Collections???TEA has published a report for each individual LEA detailing the amount of federal carryover funds that have been made available to the LEA. Your federal carryover amount report is now available through TEAL in the GFFC Reports and Data Collections secure application.Accessing Your ReportFollow these steps to access your report:Log onto TEAL.Select GFFC Reports and Data Collections from the application list.From the Report Title drop-down list, select Federal Funding Carryover Report.From the School Year drop-down list, select 2015-2016.Excess Carryover As Risk IndicatorSection 200.205 of Title 2 of the Code of Federal Regulations requires the US Department of Education to evaluate the risks posed by applicants before they can receive federal awards. As an applicant, TEA must demonstrate a satisfactory record of managing federal grants in order to be eligible to receive federal awards. One of the risks identified in 200.205(c)(3) concerns the potential for excess carryover.Excess carryover can indicate poor planning, poor program implementation, poor fiscal management, or poor performance outcomes of federal grants.TEA considers the following carryover amounts excessive:50 percent or more, for Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B (IDEA-B) formula grant funds25 percent or more, for grants authorized under the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) and other IDEA grant fundsFor Further InformationIf you have any questions about your carryover report or excess carryover, please submit a request through the TEA Help Desk. TETNs on Reimbursement Training for High Risk Grantees Designated by TEAThe following High Risk Reimbursement Training TETNs will provide guidance to high risk grantees expending federal grants administered by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) whom have been placed on a payment by reimbursement basis. Training will include guidance on the specific condition reimbursement process and detailed requirements for the reimbursement of grant expenditures. These TETNs will be provided by TEA and are open for districts and charters to register and attend at Region 4. Click on the link below to register. If your district is a videoconferencing network member, you may be able to attend this meeting in your district. Contact your district videoconferencing coordinator, or the Region 4 videoconferencing team at vcsupport@.Target Audience: High Risk Grantees designated by TEA TETN for Federal/State Programs - High Risk Reimbursement TrainingAttend this TETN session to learn about updates in federal/state programs. Hear from Texas Education Agency staff about issues such as completing funding applications, securing TEASE designation and certification for the eGrants system, and receiving updates on program or performance requirements.Session ID: 1218302 Schedule: Feb 17, 20169:00 AM - 12:00 PMRegion 4 ESC – TETN, 7145 West Tidwell, Houston, 77092TETN for Federal/State Programs - High Risk Reimbursement TrainingAttend this TETN session to learn about updates in federal/state programs. Hear from Texas Education Agency staff about issues such as completing funding applications, securing TEASE designation and certification for the eGrants system, and receiving updates on program or performance requirements.Session ID: 1218309 Schedule: Feb 3, 20169:00 AM - 12:00 PMRegion 4 ESC – TETN, 7145 West Tidwell, Houston, 77092The TETN host is Tammy Michels, tammy.michels@tea., 512-463-9918. If you have questions, contact Dr. Edna Forté, Accountability & Leadership Solutions, Federal & State Programs at 713.744.6358 or edna.forte@. Commissioner of Education Rules, Commissioner of Education Rule Review, State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) Rules Filings and Change to Rule Review Plan, and State Board of Education RulesA number of recent proposed rule reviews, proposals, and adoptions have been issued. Please see information at the end of this weekly update for activity over the winter break. Although not all COE or SBOE rules, reviews or actions are directly related to special education, several are or have implications for students who qualify for special education and related services. IDEA B Maintenance of Effort TEA is on track to complete 2014-2015 IDEA-B LEA MOE compliance reviews this spring using the following data: PEIMS financial data mid-year collectionSummary of Finance (SOF)SPED student count (October snapshot)SHARS Reimbursement Reports. Be sure to review the TTAA letter dated December 10, 2015, which explains two changes to the IDEA-B LEA MOE Guidance Handbook:SOF data used in the calculation will be from the first “Near Final” report (for 2014-2015, it is dated 9/8/14).Exceptions for “decrease in the enrollment of children with disabilities” will offer LEAs greater flexibility to justify/document a decrease in expenditures as a result of a “decrease in enrollment . . . “ – examples include re-assigning teachers to general education and closing a self-contained unit. TEA-approved exceptions of this kind will lower the MOE baseline/threshold going forward. Good news for LEAs!TEA staff are working on finalizing website resources and training opportunities:Compliance Review Flowchart – will be posted to the IDEA-B LEA MOE website soonCompliance Report format for Preliminary and Final MOE reportsTCASE Learning Lab sessions – January 20, 2016, from 10:45 – noon and 1:30 – 2:45Future TETNs – February 9th Session #1218535 and February 11th Session # 1218536, register at E-mail questions to Compliance@tea.High Cost Funds UpdateDistricts will submit HCF eligibility applications for high-need students with disabilities through the TEASE HCF Eligibility ApplicationOnly one HCF eligibility data entry person per district is allowedIf districts have listed a person who is no longer approved by the superintendent to be the HCF eligibility data entry person, they need to have the approval for that person revoked (TEASE User Administration +) and a new application must be submitted through TEASE (Add/Modify Application Access)Districts that plan to submit HCF eligibility applications should ensure they have TEASE access nowCosts must be documented in a high-need child’s IEPOnly costs that are student-specific and are associated with the provision of FAPE are allowableCosts for items that equip classrooms or that will be used by multiple students are not allowableDocumentationDistricts must provide documentation for all HCF expenditures. Districts must submit the entire ARD/IEP document and include a cover sheet that references the page numbers of the document where the submitted costs in the eligibility application are documented. Districts should be prepared to submit time and effort and certification reports if the award funds the pro-rated salaries of any personnel.Changes from 2014-2015Grants will be based on reimbursementDistricts will submit HCF eligibility applications in the spring based on funds they have already used to provide FAPE to high-need students with disabilities.Previously districts submitted HCF eligibility applications in the fall based on estimates of funds they would need to provide FAPE to high-need students with disabilities.Limit on number of applicationsDistricts may submit HCF eligibility applications for up to two percent (2%) of the students enrolled in special education from the fall 2015 snapshot.Considerations will be considered on a case-by-case if an LEA exceeds 2% of enrolled students with disabilitiesFor further information or questions, contact Jerry Klekotta at gklekotta@ or 713.744.6393Guidance on Missed Related ServicesDr. Melody Musgrove, Director of OSEP, sent the note below to all of the state Special Education Directors. The letter referred to is attached.I am writing to address questions we have received regarding whether a school district must use substitutes or schedule make-up sessions when speech-language pathology sessions are missed due to a child’s absence from school, cancellation for a class or school activity, or absence of the speech language pathologist.? As stated in the attached letter to Catherine Clarke of the American Speech and Hearing Association, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and its implementing regulations do not directly address these issues.? Therefore, OSEP encourages public agencies to consider the impact of a provider’s absence or a child’s absence on the child’s progress and performance. ?As noted in the letter, the determination of whether an interruption in services constitutes a denial of a free appropriate public education is an individual determination that must be made on a case-bycase basis.? ?We hope you find this information helpful.? If you have any additional questions please do not hesitate to contact this office.Melody Musgrove, Ed.D.?SPP Indicator 7 Application Opening DelayDue to some technical difficulties and delays to upgrades within the SPP application, the opening date for data entry in Indicator 7 will be delayed until January 8.? If you have any questions or concerns about this delay, please don’t hesitate to contact us at spp@tea. or 512-463-9414.Star Kids Education MeetingsThe Texas Health and Human Service Commission will hold information sessions related to the STAR Kids program at various locations around the state in January and February of 2016. Sessions will be held for both families and providers. We are inviting those who may be impacted by this new program to join us to learn more. ?STAR Kids is a new managed care program that will provide Medicaid benefits to individuals with disabilities under the age of 21.? ?Information sessions will provide details on eligibility, program benefits, participating managed care organizations, and more.?For complete details on STAR KIDS information sessions, please visit: ?For more information on the STAR Kids program, please visit: Your InformationInclusion Works! Conference 2016Only a month left until the Inclusion Works! Conference in Houston, Texas at the Royal Sonesta Hotel on February 8-9, 2016. ?This year hosts many distinguished speakers and sessions including:?Michale Yudin, US Department of Education -?. Paula Kluth,?. Lee Ann Jung,??"State of the State of Special Education”?Moderated by Ross Ramsey, The Texas Tribune,? Here to access more information about Inclusion Works!Please join us by registering at the following link: IW Registration ?We look forward to an educational and interactive two days! ?See you there!Enjoy the Texas Winter Sky - SkygazeUse a device that can access an APP? Download a free version and enjoy the night skies in a whole new way! Though you may have to venture outside cities and their light pollution, any patch of dark, uninhabited sky can contain a wealth of nocturnal discoveries. State parks are a great destination because they are distanced from city lights and residential areas. Check out Texas Parks and Wildlife article at For a listing of community stargazing events at state parks, visit Free National Parks Passes for 4th-Graders and Their FamiliesWith the new Every Kid in a Park ( ) program, every 4th-grader in the U.S. receives a family pass for one year's free admission to all national parks, monuments, forests, wildlife refuges and waters. It’s part of the president’s initiative to get kids in parks and away from computer, mobile device and TV screens.Click the link above to go online print (yes, print, electronic copies aren’t accepted and your pass has a unique code) your pass, and then plan a trip. If you are a 4th grade educator, you can down load activities and print paper passes for each of your students. Activity 1 – exploring federal lands and watersActivity 2 – environmental stewardshipCheck out what’s in TexasNational Parks in Texas: National Forests in Texas (there are 4) National wildlife refuges in Texas What goals do you have for 2016? New Year’s Resolutions? Top ResolutionsAccording to , the resolutions areSpend more time with family and friendsFit in regular exerciseSet reasonable goals for weight loss and stay focusedQuit bad habits like smoking, drinking, gossiping, or _____Enjoy life moreLearn something newHelp othersGet organizedRegion 4 Upcoming Professional DevelopmentAccommodations and Modifications: What's The Difference?Accommodations? Modifications? There is definitely a difference! Attend this session to learn what those differences are, how implementing accommodations and modifications in the instructional setting and on state assessment?may be?different, and how to create universally designed learning environments that support access to the general curriculum for all learners. HYPERLINK "" Session ID:? 1171168Date:? January 26, 2016Time:? 9:00AM-4:00PMFee:? $45Contact: Kirsten Omelan, Ph.D. at kirsten.omelan@ or 713-744-6361T.E.A.M.S. that Win: Effective Practices for Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners in Elementary Science - Grades K-5“Teaching Engaging Academics?and Motivating?for?Success” (T.E.A.M.S.)?is a three-day professional development series that applies?the?Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and the Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) frameworks to content specific Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) instruction and classroom design. The series will be presented by a Region 4 collaborative triad whose expertise includes classroom management, access to the general curriculum, and science. Participants will be provided with effective research-based skills and strategies which address diverse learners’ access to the general curriculum.? Knowledge and skills learned will support student achievement impacting STAAR? success.The three days will integrate classroom management strategies with the UDL principles of multiple means of engagement, representation, and action and expression.?Classroom teachers are encouraged to build personal capacity by bringing a lesson which can be used to implement these strategies. Between each session, participants are asked to collect information based on implemented strategies.District and/or campus teams (such as, but not limited to, general & special education teachers, behavior specialists, campus/district leaders, diagnosticians, and LSSPs) are encouraged to attend. Session and materials costs are partially funded through state or federal grants.HYPERLINK ""Session ID:? 1167665Date:? January 28, February 23, and April 7, 2016Time:? 8:30AM-3:30PMFee:? $135Contact: Kirsten Omelan, Ph.D. at kirsten.omelan@ or 713-744-6361Organizing and Presenting FIE Results Attend this session to learn suggestions related to discussing results of assessment within a Full and Individual Evaluation (FIE) report and presenting results to parents and staff, including important considerations, a presentation framework, and recommendations for conferencing. This session will provide examples of visual aids and sample statements that can be utilized for the FIE report and presentation, and includes specific case study examples and videos for the discussion of issues surrounding FIE reports.Session ID:? 1173511Date:? January 7, 2016Time:? 9:00AM-4:00PMFee:? $45Contact: Kara Zwolinski at kara.zwolinski@ or 713-744-6562Structured Teaching: It’s More Than Just Work Systems, A 3-Day SeriesJoin this 3-day series to gain in-depth information on creating a structured classroom to support the learning and behavior of students with autism and other disabilities. During this professional development series, participants will learn 1) the principles and research base for structured teaching; 2) how to apply structured teaching principles to support students of varying ages and ability levels; 3) how to implement structured teaching in a variety of settings including special education classrooms, general education classrooms, and the community; 4) how to teach students to use structured teaching components; and 5) how to “re-structure” systems when students are not responding positively. Participants will also create materials, use these materials to practice implementing structured teaching in their classrooms through “homework” assignments, and receive feedback.Session ID: 1164910 Dates: January 26, February 9, & March 8, 2016Time: 9:00 – 4:00Fee: $135 Contact information: Cathy Williams, cathy.williams@, 713.744.6801Special Education Webinar – Visual Impairment Evaluations, Part 1This overview focuses upon general characteristics of students with visual impairments and the way that this impacts social development and concept development. Participants will learn about appropriate selection of instruments for evaluation and interpretation of results. Evaluation in the area of cognitive, adaptive behavior, educational, and emotional/behavioral will be discussed. Best practice guidelines in the field of evaluation of students with visual impairment will be reviewed.Session ID: 1176096Date: January 12, 2016Time: 10:00a.m. – 12:00p.m.Location: onlineFee $20Contact: Kara Zwolinski at kara.zwolinski@ or 713-744-6562Appropriate Evaluations and Interventions for Young ChildrenThis workshop will provide information regarding typical and atypical social/emotional development as well as indicators of emotional delays and disorders?in young children. A variety of evaluation tools will be examined and intervention approaches will be discussed. Information regarding emotional regulation, sensory processing, communication, and socialization will be provided. Strategies to support the development of positive replacement behaviors will be presented. This workshop will provide tools needed to facilitate successful early intervention in pre-school children. Session and materials costs are partially funded through state or federal grants.Session ID:? 1172200Date:? January 15, 2016Time:? 8:30AM-3:30PMFee:? $45Contact: Kara Zwolinski at kara.zwolinski@ or 713-744-6562Co-teaching Series: Basic and Advanced Co-Teaching PracticesDeveloping highly effective co-teach teams. Come as a co-teach team to increase instructional intensity more than a one teacher classroom. Day one (High Quality Instruction and Co-Teaching) explores implementing high quality instructional frameworks with the six (6) co-teaching approaching, common planning and the stages of co-teacher development. Day two (Advanced Co-Teaching) explores the variations of the co-teaching approaches.? We will dive deeper into analyzing co-teachers beliefs and philosophies of education as well as to evaluate your partnerships in order to development a highly effective team. Session and materials costs are partially funded through state or federal grants.Session ID: 1201277Date: January 21, 2016 and February 3, 2016Time: 8:30a.m. – 3:30p.mLocation: MCC 101 and MCC 206Fee: $90Coping with Autism and Anxiety: Strategies to Support Students in the ClassroomJoin this professional development session to learn more about the impact of mild to severe anxiety on students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). During this session, participants will gain information about 1) indicators of anxiety, 2) assessment tools, 3) interventions that decrease anxiety and enhance self-management, and 4) tips for addressing anxiety in the classroom. Videotaped examples will be used to demonstrate the strategies.Session ID: 1156334 Dates: February 4, 2016Time: 9:00 – 4:00Fee: $45 Contact information: Cathy Williams, cathy.williams@, 713.744.6801Paraprofessionals: Supporting Classroom Management and BehaviorLearn to assist teachers in establishing effective instruction and maintaining classroom?routines and procedures. Explore proactive strategies to support the management of the classroom, the students, and the learning environment.?Session ID: 1200991Date February 9,2016Time: 8:30a.m. – 3:30p.mLocation: MCC 104Fee: $45Transition Planning to Meet the Unique Needs of Students with AutismAttend this session to learn how the unique needs of students with high-functioning and low-functioning autism impact the transition planning process. In this session, participants will 1) gain understanding of both federal and state legislation relating to transition and autism, 2) explore the strengths and needs of students with high-functioning and low-functioning autism, and 3) apply knowledge by practicing transition planning for students with autism through the use of case studies.Session ID: 1143589 Dates: February 10, 2016Time: 9:00 – 4:00Fee: $45 Contact information: Karen Pepkin, KPepkin@, 713.744.4470; Cathy Williams, cathy.williams@, 713.744.6801Co-teaching Series: Basic and Advanced Co-Teaching PracticesDeveloping highly effective co-teach teams. Come as a co-teach team to increase instructional intensity more than a one teacher classroom. Day one (High Quality Instruction and Co-Teaching) explores implementing high quality instructional frameworks with the six (6) co-teaching approaching, common planning and the stages of co-teacher development. Day two (Advanced Co-Teaching) explores the variations of the co-teaching approaches.? We will dive deeper into analyzing co-teachers beliefs and philosophies of education as well as to evaluate your partnerships in order to development a highly effective team. Session and materials costs are partially funded through state or federal grants.Session ID: 1201278Date: 2/16/16 and 3/8/16Time: 8:30a.m. – 3:30p.mLocation: MCC 101 and MCC 103Fee: $45The Teacher and Paraprofessional Team: Enhancing Communication and InstructionExplore practical strategies for improving communication, problem solving, and team performance. Topics to be addressed include leadership, team personalities, the team building process, time management strategies, and effective communication. Session ID: 1201005Date: 2/17/16Time: 8:30a.m. – 3:30p.mLocation: MCC 104Fee: $45Ethics for Licensed Specialists in School PsychologyExamine ethical situations that commonly occur for individuals providing psychological services in the school setting. This session will review relevant rules of practice, ethical standards, and legal implications. Session and materials costs are partially funded through state or federal grants. Session ID: 1172257Date: February 26, 2016Time: 8:30a.m. – 11:30a.m.Location: Region 4Fee $30Contact: Kara Zwolinski at kara.zwolinski@ or 713-744-6562Issues in Cultural Diversity for the LSSPAttend this session to consider and discuss current issues in cultural diversity as it relates to the field of school psychology. This session will satisfy the annual requirement for 3 hours of cultural diversity training that is required by the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists. Session ID: 1172264Date: February 26, 2016Time: 12:30p.m. – 3:30p.m.Location: Region 4Fee $30Contact: Kara Zwolinski at kara.zwolinski@ or 713-744-6562TEA Information ContinuedCommissioner of Education RulesThe following rule action was filed with the Texas Register on Friday, December 18, 2015, for publication in the January 1, 2016 issue:?Proposed Amendment to 19 TAC Chapter 61, School Districts, Subchapter BB, Commissioner's Rules on Reporting Requirements, §61.1027, Report on the Number of Disadvantaged StudentsSummary: The proposed amendment would modify the rule to reflect changes in statute made by House Bill 1305, 84th Texas Legislature, 2015.Public Comment Period: January 1, 2016 - February 1, 2016.Earliest Possible Date of Adoption: February 1, 2016.Proposed Effective Date: March 14, 2016. ?Please see the TEA website to view proposed commissioner of education rules. ?The following rule action was filed with the Texas Register on Thursday, December 17, 2015, for publication in the January 1, 2016 issue:?Adopted Amendment to 19 TAC Chapter 101, Assessment, Subchapter CC, Commissioner's Rules Concerning Implementation of the Academic Content Areas Testing Program, Division 4, Performance Standards, §101.3041, Performance StandardsSummary: The adopted amendment establishes a revised performance standard progression for the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR?) program. The adopted amendment also implements the first step of the new performance standard progression for the 2015-2016 school year. In addition, the adopted amendment implements performance standards for the STAAR? Alternate 2 Grades 3-8 and end-of-course assessments. The amendment was adopted with changes from what was published as proposed.Effective Date: January 6, 2016.?The following rule action was filed with the Texas Register on Friday, December 18, 2015, for publication in the January 1, 2016 issue:?Adopted Amendments to 19 TAC Chapter 153, School District Personnel, Subchapter CC, Commissioner's Rules on Creditable Years of ServiceSummary: The adopted amendments update the rules and reflect changes in statute made by Senate Bill 1309, 84th Texas Legislature, 2015. The adopted amendments also eliminate the need for clarification letters currently posted online, ensure outdated references are removed, and align commissioner's rules with current State Board for Educator Certification rules. The amendments were adopted with changes from what was published as proposed.Effective Date: January 7, 2016.?Please see the TEA website to view adopted commissioner of education rules.?You may submit comments on proposed rules to rules@tea.. A request for a public hearing on a proposal submitted under the Administrative Procedure Act must be received by the commissioner of education not more than 14 calendar days after notice of the proposal has been published in the Texas Register. Unforeseen circumstances may delay publication of the agency rules in the Texas Register. The Rules website will be updated to reflect any changes.?If you have questions, please contact:RulemakingTexas Education Agency(512) 475-1497The following rule action was filed with the Texas Register on Wednesday, December 9, 2015, for publication in the December 25, 2015 issue:?Adopted Repeal of 19 TAC Chapter 109, Budgeting, Accounting, and Auditing, Subchapter AA, Commissioner's Rules Concerning Financial Accountability, Division 2, Financial Solvency, §109.1101, Financial Solvency ReviewSummary: The adopted repeal is necessary to remove obsolete provisions from rule. The statute that directed the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to develop a review process relating to financial solvency of school districts and open-enrollment charter schools and to take certain actions if the TEA's review indicates a projected deficit was repealed effective September 1, 2014.Effective Date: December 29, 2015.?Please see the TEA website to view adopted commissioner of education rules.?The following rule actions were filed with the Texas Register on Monday, December 14, 2015, for publication in the December 25, 2015 issue:?Proposed Amendment to 19 TAC Chapter 97, Planning and Accountability, Subchapter EE, Accreditation Status, Standards, and Sanctions, §97.1073, Appointment of Monitor, Conservator, or Board of ManagersSummary: The proposed amendment would modify the rule to reflect changes made by House Bill 1842, 84th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 2015, to the Texas Education Code, §39.107 and §39.112, regarding appointed boards of managers.Public Comment Period: December 25, 2015 - January 25, 2016.Earliest Possible Date of Adoption: January 25, 2016.Proposed Effective Date: March 14, 2016.?Proposed Amendment to 19 TAC Chapter 101, Assessment, Subchapter CC, Commissioner's Rules Concerning Implementation of the Academic Content Areas Testing Program, Division 3, Security of Assessments, Required Test Administration Procedures and Training Activities, §101.3031, Required Test Administration Procedures and Training Activities to Ensure Validity, Reliability, and Security of AssessmentsSummary: The proposed amendment would adopt the 2016 Test Security Supplement as part of the Texas Administrative Code.Public Comment Period: December 25, 2015 - January 25, 2016.Earliest Possible Date of Adoption: January 25, 2016.Proposed Effective Date: March 8, 2016.?Please see the TEA website to view proposed commissioner of education rules. ?Commissioner of Education Rule Review?The following rule review was filed with the Texas Register on Wednesday, December 9, 2015, for publication in the December 18, 2015 issue. To view the notice in the Texas Register, go to the Secretary of State website.?Notice of Adopted Review. The Texas Education Agency (TEA) adopts the review of 19 TAC Chapter 157, Hearings and Appeals, Subchapter AA, General Provisions for Hearings Before the Commissioner of Education; Subchapter BB, Specific Appeals to the Commissioner; Subchapter CC, Hearings of Appeals Arising Under Federal Law and Regulations; Subchapter DD, Hearings Conducted by Independent Hearing Examiners; and Subchapter EE, Informal Review, Formal Review, and Review by State Office of Administrative Hearings, pursuant to the Texas Government Code, §2001.039.Summary: The TEA finds that the reasons for adopting Subchapters AA-EE continue to exist and readopts the rules. The TEA received one comment related to the review. At a later date, the TEA plans to propose an amendment relating to the review processes for actions taken under the Texas Education Code, §12.1141(c) and §12.115(a), to reflect changes made by House Bill 1842, 84th Texas Legislature, 2015.The following rule review was filed with the Texas Register on Wednesday, December 16, 2015, for publication in the January 1, 2016 issue. To view the notice in the Texas Register, go to the Secretary of State website.?Notice of Adopted Review. The Texas Education Agency (TEA) adopts the review of 19 TAC Chapter 102, Educational Programs, Subchapter AA, Commissioner's Rules Concerning Early Childhood Education Programs; Subchapter BB, Commissioner's Rules Concerning Master Teacher Grant Programs; Subchapter CC, Commissioner's Rules Concerning Coordinated Health Programs; Subchapter DD, Commissioner's Rules Concerning the Texas Accelerated Science Achievement Program Grant; Subchapter EE, Commissioner's Rules Concerning Pilot Programs, §§102.1051, 102.1053, 102.1055-102.1057; Subchapter FF, Commissioner's Rules Concerning Educator Award Programs, §102.1073; Subchapter GG, Commissioner's Rules Concerning College and Career Readiness School Models; Subchapter HH, Commissioner's Rules Concerning the Texas Adolescent Literacy Academies; and Subchapter II, Commissioner's Rules Concerning Texas High Performance Schools Consortium, pursuant to the Texas Government Code, §2001.039.Summary: The TEA finds that the reasons for adopting 19 TAC Chapter 102, Subchapters AA-DD; Subchapter EE, §§102.1051, 102.1053, and 102.1055-102.1057; Subchapter FF, §102.1073; and Subchapters GG-II, continue to exist and readopts the rules. The TEA received no comments related to the review. At a later date, the TEA may propose an amendment to Subchapter CC to include oral health education in the coordinated school health program.?The following rule review notice was filed with the Texas Register on Friday, December 18, 2015, for publication in the January 1, 2016 issue. To view the notice in the Texas Register, go to the Secretary of State website.?Notice of Proposed Review. The Texas Education Agency (TEA) proposes the review of 19 TAC Chapter 103, Health and Safety, pursuant to the Texas Government Code, §2001.039. Summary: The rules being reviewed by the TEA in 19 TAC Chapter 103 are organized under the following subchapters: Subchapter AA, Commissioner's Rules Concerning Physical Fitness; Subchapter BB, Commissioner's Rules Concerning General Provisions for Health and Safety; and Subchapter CC, Commissioner's Rules Concerning Safe Schools. As required by the Texas Government Code, §2001.039, the TEA will accept comments as to whether the reasons for adopting 19 TAC Chapter 103, Subchapters AA-CC, continue to exist. Public Comment Period: January 1, 2016 - February 1, 2016.Earliest Possible Date of Adoption of Review: February 1, 2016.Please see the TEA website to view information on commissioner of education rule review.?You may submit comments on proposed rules to rules@tea.. A request for a public hearing on a proposal submitted under the Administrative Procedure Act must be received by the commissioner of education not more than 14 calendar days after notice of the proposal has been published in the Texas Register. Unforeseen circumstances may delay publication of the agency rules in the Texas Register. The Rules website will be updated to reflect any changes.If you have questions, please contact:RulemakingTexas Education Agency(512) 475-1497State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) Rules Filings and Change to Rule Review PlanThe following rule actions were filed with the Texas Register on Friday, December 18, 2015, for publication in the January 1, 2016, issue:Proposed Amendments to 19 TAC Chapter 231, Requirements for Public School Personnel Assignments, Subchapter B, Prekindergarten-Grade 6 Assignments, Subchapter C, Grades 6-8 Assignments, Subchapter D, Electives, Disciplinary Courses, Local Credit Courses, and Innovative Courses, Grades 6-12 Assignments, and Subchapter E, Grades 9-12 AssignmentsSummary: The proposed amendments to 19 TAC §§231.5, 231.11, 231.77, 231.91, 231.209, 231.253, 231.257, 231.333, 231.335, 231.337, 231.481, 231.483, 231.489, and 231.579 would clarify the appropriate credential for placement in a particular teaching assignment and implement applicable requirements from the 84th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 2015.Public Comment Period: The public comment period on the proposal begins January 1, 2016, and ends February 1, 2016. Comments on the proposal may be submitted to sbecrules@tea.. The SBEC will take registered oral and written comments on the proposed amendments to 19 TAC Chapter 231, Subchapters B-E, at the February 12, 2016 meeting in accordance with the SBEC board operating policies and procedures.Earliest Possible Date of Adoption by SBEC: February 12, 2016Earliest Possible Date for Review by State Board of Education: April 6-8, 2016Proposed Effective Date: 20 days after filing as adopted with the Texas Register.Proposed Revisions to 19 TAC Chapter 233, Categories of Classroom Teaching CertificatesSummary: The proposed amendments to 19 TAC §§233.1, 233.3-233.5, 233.7, 233.10, 233.14, and 233.15 would update the list of classroom certificates that either are eligible for issuance or that would continue to be recognized if they were issued prior to being phased out. Proposed new 19 TAC §233.17 would establish a new Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps: Grades 6-12 certificate.Public Comment Period: The public comment period on the proposal begins January 1, 2016, and ends February 1, 2016. Comments on the proposal may be submitted to sbecrules@tea.. The SBEC will take registered oral and written comments on the proposed revisions to 19 TAC Chapter 233 at the February 12, 2016 meeting in accordance with the SBEC board operating policies and procedures.Earliest Possible Date of Adoption by SBEC: February 12, 2016Earliest Possible Date for Review by State Board of Education: April 6-8, 2016Proposed Effective Date: 20 days after filing as adopted with the Texas Register.Proposed Amendments to 19 TAC Chapter 249, Disciplinary Proceedings, Sanctions, and Contested Cases, Subchapter A, General Provisions, §249.5, Purpose; Policy Governing Disciplinary Proceedings; Subchapter B, Enforcement Actions and Guidelines, §249.15, Disciplinary Action by State Board for Educator Certification, and §249.17, Decision-Making Guidelines; and Subchapter D, Hearing Procedures, §249.35, Disposition Prior to Hearing; DefaultSummary: The proposed amendments to 19 TAC §§249.5, 249.15, 249.17, and 249.35 would create more specific penalty guidelines for Texas Education Agency (TEA) staff to follow in settling or prosecuting educator discipline cases. In addition, the proposed amendments would set out the process that the SBEC will use when the State Office of Administrative Hearings (SOAH) dismisses and remands a case in accordance with Texas Government Code, §2001.058(d-1), as amended by House Bill (HB) 2154, 84th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 2015, after a respondent fails to appear for a contested case hearing.Public Comment Period: The public comment period on the proposal begins January 1, 2016, and ends February 1, 2016. Comments on the proposal may be submitted to sbecrules@tea.. The SBEC will take registered oral and written comments on the proposed amendments to 19 TAC §§249.5, 249.15, 249.17, and 249.35 at the February 12, 2016 meeting in accordance with the SBEC board operating policies and procedures.Earliest Possible Date of Adoption by SBEC: February 12, 2016Earliest Possible Date for Review by State Board of Education: April 6-8, 2016Proposed Effective Date: 20 days after filing as adopted with the Texas Register.Revised 2015-2018 State Board for Educator Certification Rule Review PlanThe SBEC approved the revised 2015-2018 rule review plan for SBEC rules at its December 11, 2015 meeting. The plan was revised to modify the review date for Chapter 239 to begin the review in April 2016 instead of March 2017. Please see the TEA website to view the revised rule review plan, which is available by chapter or by begin review date.Please see the TEA website to view SBEC rules. Unforeseen circumstances may delay publication of the SBEC rules in the Texas Register. The SBEC Rules website will be updated to reflect any changes.If you have questions, please contact:RulemakingTexas Education Agency(512) 475-1497 State Board of Education Rules?The following rule actions were filed with the Texas Register on Monday, December 14, 2015, for publication in the December 25, 2015 issue:?Proposed New 19 TAC Chapter 74, Curriculum Requirements, Subchapter A, Required Curriculum, §74.6, College and Career Readiness and Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills AlignmentSummary: The proposal would adopt charts indicating the alignment of the College and Career Readiness Standards and the Texas essential knowledge and skills, as required by House Bill 1613, 84th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 2015.Public Comment Period: December 25, 2015 - January 2016 SBOE meeting.Earliest Possible Date of Adoption: January 2016 SBOE meeting.Proposed Effective Date: 20 days after filing as adopted with the Texas Register.?Proposed Amendments to 19 TAC Chapter 74, Curriculum Requirements, Subchapter B, Graduation RequirementsSummary: The proposal would update the rules and align them with recent legislative changes.Public Comment Period: December 25, 2015 - January 2016 SBOE meeting.Earliest Possible Date of Adoption: January 2016 SBOE meeting.Proposed Effective Date: August 22, 2016.?Proposed New 19 TAC Chapter 113, Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Social Studies, Subchapter C, High School, §113.49, Personal Financial Literacy (One-Half Credit), Adopted 2016Summary: The proposal would add Texas essential knowledge and skills for a new personal financial literacy one-half credit elective course.Public Comment Period: December 25, 2015 - January 2016 SBOE meeting.Earliest Possible Date of Adoption: January 2016 SBOE meeting.Proposed Effective Date: August 22, 2016.?Please see the TEA website to view proposed State Board of Education rules. ................

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