Trinity Trust Management Team Meeting Agenda

F&GP Minutes Of Meeting 1st December 2015

|Present |Chair – Alan Lion (AL), Fr Michael (FM), Sean Leathem (SL), Rory Flynn (RF), Damian Wheeler (DM) and Margaret McClinton (MM). |Action |

|Item 1 |Opening Prayer: FM opened the meeting with a prayer. | |

|Item 2 |Apologies: Simon Callaghan (SC), Richard Frase (RF) and Tony Menezes (TM). | |

|Item 3 |Minutes of last meeting – (1st October 2015) – Approved. | |

|Item 4 |Actions Arising / Actions Not Completed | |

| |No actions arising except discussions relating to St Joseph’s and readers (see later). | |

|Item 5 |Finances – The expected surplus for the year (2015) is £12,000. The current surplus is £29,177, but this overstates the likely | |

| |final position for 2015 as we have lots of bills outstanding. The expected surplus assumes that we spend £5,500 in 2015 on | |

| |quinquennial building works. At present the estimate cost of the planned quinquennial work in 2016 is £17,000. | |

| |The meeting thanked RF for his excellent work as treasurer. | |

|Item 6 |Development Issues –AL and RF attended meetings with the Bishop on 29th October and with representatives from the diocese and | |

| |school on 24th November. The summary of the meeting with the Bishop has been included in the newsletter. The F&GP committee had | |

| |received the draft NoM in respect of the second meeting. AL invited comments. The committee discussed various options and agreed| |

| |that AL and RF should proceed with the necessary investigations and meetings on behalf of the F&GP. AL emphasised that this | |

| |process would inevitably take some time. | |

| |DW mentioned that Pitman’s site on Catershall Road is coming up for sale. | |

|Item 7 |Quinquennial Works | |

| |AG – He produced a report for the meeting in the form of an email. This is reproduced below these minutes. | |

| |Side Path (St J) – Alan Brown declined to quote for work. Quotes to be sought elsewhere. Price to be brought back to | |

| |sub-committee by AG. | |

| |RF – Fencing – More work than anticipated. Doing the St Edmunds work next Tuesday. Next Wednesday is the date for the work at |AG |

| |Milford. SL needs to talk to the neighbours. | |

| |Garage – Planning is being sought. Awaiting outcome. Permission will last 2 years. |SL |

| |TM – Repair to pews being done on Monday 7th December. Remaining work being done in New Year. AL was asked to let SS know that | |

| |there will be no mass at St Joseph’s on Mon. 7th Dec. FM agreed that the mass would be at St Edmund’s on that day. | |

| |AL thanked everyone who had been involved in putting all of the above works together. | |

| | |AL (done) |

|Item 8 |AOB | |

| |Secretary for F&P – Ann Bleddyn has kindly agreed to act as secretary from the next meeting. | |

| |AL mentioned that TTT has agreed to run Christian youth groups with St Edmunds after school. It is hoped that this will lead to | |

| |more young people taking an interest in God and during the period between first Holy Communion and Confirmation. | |

| |Legacies – SC offered to do this. AL to contact SC to see if he is going to do something. | |

| |MM – Microphone on the left is excellent; one on the right is weaker. Readers are now seen as the main problem as they are the | |

| |principle users of the microphone on the right. |AL |

| |AL was asked to send a note to Sue asking her to contact readers and encourage them to use the system properly. | |

| |AL away from around 15th January until 10th March (projects / teaching in Tanzania) | |

| |DW was appointed vice chairman and will act as chairman in AL’s absence. | |

| | |AL (done) |

|Item 9 |Next meeting: Tuesday February 9th 2016 at 20:00 at St E parish room. |ALL |

Arthur Gomez notes on building works – 1st December 2015

St. Joseph’s boiler;

I have still not been able to get a firm date for repairs to the main boiler. Today, after further pressure from our heating engineers, Hopkins, it was suggested by the specialist boiler subcontractor that we would get an earlier date if we requested a “call out” appointment, which would cost us an additional £95 plus VAT. I immediately confirmed that we agree to this and am currently waiting to be notified when they will attend. Meanwhile, Hopkins have carried out their annual service to the gas convectors in the Sacristy and St. Joseph’s Room.

I will again turn on the temporary electric heaters in St. Joseph’s late on Saturday night to try and take the chill out of the air in time for the Sunday services. Mercifully, the weather is predicted to remain mild this weekend!

See also notes below on electrical work on 9th Dec.


Monday 7th December;

Tony has arranged for the joiner, Colin, to carry out the repairs to the pews in St. Joseph’s, starting at 8.00am. I understand that all services in St. Joseph’s have been cancelled for the day?


Tuesday 8th December;

The annual deep clean at St. Edmund’s will commence at 12 noon, to ensure that it doesn’t interfere with the morning mass. I have arranged with the contractors, Town and Country Cleaning, to call me when they get to St. Edmund’s if there is no-one at the Presbytery to let them in, and I will go to the church with my keys. I have asked them to let me know when they have finished so that I can check out their work.


Wednesday 9th December;

The electricians, Brady and Renaud, will start work on the outstanding quinquennial works for St. Joseph’s at 8.00am. They know that there will be a mass at 9.30am, and during the service will only be carrying out cabling works externally. I have asked them, in addition to the scheduled work, to check on the power supply in the church to see if we can run two more 2kw heaters off the existing ring main, and if so to change two of the single sockets to double sockets.

At 12 noon the annual deep clean at St. Joseph’s will commence.


Week beginning 14th December;

The electricians will carry out the outstanding quinquennial works for St. Edmunds. Actual date to be confirmed.


Early January 2016;

I understand that the joiner will carry the rest of the outstanding quinquennial works for both churches and presbytery. Actual date to be confirmed.

Paul McCann has confirmed that he will do agreed quinquennial painting works after the joiner has completed.


Fencing works;

Rory will be reporting on this work at tonight’s meeting.

Just to confirm that our planning application has been registered by Waverley, including the amendments to the garage doors.


Path alongside of St. Joseph’s.

Alan Brown has reluctantly confirmed that the works were too problematic for him to carry out and declined to quote, but suggested that the cost would be well in excess of the £4K to £5K that we had envisaged! I will try and get three alternative costs from elsewhere, but this will now probably be after Christmas. Does anybody know any good local landscaping contractors?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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