Teacher Sign Up - Richland County School District One

Richland County School District OneHigh SchoolHealth Education Teachers’Expectations for Each School YearDr. Tony BoatwrightHealth and Physical EducationWe are Richland One, a leader in transforming lives through education, empowering all students to achieve their potential and dreams.August 2016AnnuallyUse the High School Health Education Curriculum Guides, Pacing Guides, and Assessment Guides for long range planning.Literacy Expectations: Emphasize reading and writing in every lesson. Ensure students have access to numerous reading materials to their reading levels and interests. Formative and summative assessments will be used by teachers to determine needed intervention strategies to enhance student learning. All lesson plans will be aligned to State Standards and the Richland One Balanced Literacy Framework. Participate in professional development programs using coaching and modeling with an emphasis on teaching reading and writing.Use the RCSD1 Health Education Instructional Framework design when planning lessons. Make sure that each day’s lesson has differentiated instruction that includes the use of technology. Complete your lesson plans on your schools lesson plan template. You will have to show your lesson plans during classroom visits, so keep them current and handy. All teachers will document when they taught Life Skills and submit Life Skills Worksheet F to Edmodo by the deadline. All teachers will document the date they teach each indicator and list the resource(s) used to teach each indicator in the RCSD1 High School Health Pacing Guide. All teachers will create plans for improving their instruction using plete and submit the RCSD1 District Benchmark SMART Goal Statement using assessment results from the pre-District Benchmark that is given by the third week of school. This should be completed and uploaded to Edmodo no later than the deadline (can be the same goal and data used for the District).Analyze results from your RCSD1 District Benchmark SMART Goal Statement using data from this year’s student assessments. Determine if the students were successful or not successful. This should be completed and uploaded to Edmodo no later than the deadline.Provide students with the Parent Opt-Out Sexual Reproductive Health Form and obtain the students initials on the Secondary Schools Parent Opt-Out Signature Page (keep on file for 5 years). Serve as the School Wellness Team plete CSHAC and Alliance for a Healthier Generation tasks throughout the year.The School Wellness Team will meet or communicate via technology several times during the year. These times will be noted on the Expectations by Month pages.**Your team will include a community Partner from the Palmetto Hospital Group (Palmetto PALS). They are on your team for their public health expertise. Please do not ask these members for help with funding or clinical services**High School Health Education Teacher Expectations by Month:FOR YOUR RECORDS: Check-off when complete _____________________________________________________________________________AUGUST________Administer the RCSD1 High School Health Education Benchmark 1 and 2 pre-test to each student. Analyze and record the results/data.________Provide students with the Parent Opt-Out Sexual Reproductive Health Form and obtain the students initials on the Secondary Schools Parent Opt-Out Signature Page (keep on file for 5 years). _________Document when they taught Life Skills and submit Life Skills Worksheet F to Edmodo by the deadline. _____________________________________________________________________________SEPTEMBER________Complete and submit the RCSD1 District Benchmark SMART Goal Statement using assessment results from the pre-District Benchmark that is given by the third week of school. Determine the content area that needs the most improvement. Write at least one criterion based goal to help improve that area and explain your plan. This should be completed and uploaded to Edmodo no later than the deadline.________Administer the RCSD1 Unit Common Formative Assessments. ________CSHAC (Step 1): Confirm members participating for the new school year and recruit needed members for your School Wellness Council (add members in the on-line Alliance for a Healthier Generation system).________CSHAC (Step 2): Complete the School Health Assessment (completed on-line through the Alliance for a Healthier Generation).________Write an initial letter (e-mail) to your Wellness Team thanking them for serving on the committee. You should also explain to them how you will be communicating/meeting with them throughout the year, along with anything else you need them to know. This should be completed as part of communication documentation and uploaded to Edmodo no later than the deadline in May (Artifact #1). _____________________________________________________________________________OCTOBER________Administer the RCSD1 Unit Common Formative Assessments. ________Administer the RCSD1 High School Health Education Benchmark 1 post-test to each student. Analyze and record the results/data.________Communicate with your Wellness Team and let them know that you completed the School Health Assessment and have action plans items that are suggested. Share the items and ask your committee to review them and provide feedback for the items on the action plan that they feel are feasible to work on that year. This should be completed as part of communication documentation and uploaded to Edmodo no later than the deadline in May (Artifact #2). _____________________________________________________________________________NOVEMBER________Administer the RCSD1 Unit Common Formative Assessments. ________CSHAC (Steps 3 & 4): Develop an action plan based on what’s important and achievable in your school community. Identify resources that can facilitate implementation of your action plan (completed on-line through the Alliance for a Healthier Generation). Use the feedback from your School Wellness Team communications._________Communicate with your Wellness Team to show the action plan that your school will work on for this school year based on the feedback from the team. This should be completed as part of communication documentation and uploaded to Edmodo no later than the deadline in May (Artifact #3). _____________________________________________________________________________DECEMBER________Administer the RCSD1 Unit Common Formative Assessments. ________Administer the RCSD1 High School Health Education Benchmark 2 post-test to each student. Analyze and record the results/data.________Analyze results from your RCSD1 District Benchmark SMART Goal Statement using data from this year’s student’s assessments. Determine if they were successful or not. This should be completed and uploaded to Edmodo by the deadline. _____________________________________________________________________________JANUARY________Administer the RCSD1 High School Health Education Benchmark 1 and 2 pre-test to each student. Analyze and record the results/data.________Provide students with the Parent Opt-Out Sexual Reproductive Health Form and obtain the students initials on the Secondary Schools Parent Opt-Out Signature Page (keep on file for 5 years). ________Administer the RCSD1 Unit Common Formative Assessments. ________Document when they taught Life Skills and submit Life Skills Worksheet F to Edmodo by the deadline. ________CSHAC (Step 5): Take Action (completed on-line through the Alliance for a Healthier Generation).________________________________________________________________________________FEBRUARY________Complete and submit the RCSD1 District Benchmark SMART Goal Statement using assessment results from the pre-District Benchmark that is given by the third week of school. Determine the content area that needs the most improvement. Write at least one criterion based goal to help improve that area and explain your plan. This should be completed and uploaded to Edmodo no later than the deadline (can be the same goal and data used for the District).________Administer the RCSD1 Unit Common Formative Assessments. ________If eligible, apply for an award for the Alliance for a Healthier Generation._____________________________________________________________________________MARCH________Administer the RCSD1 Unit Common Formative Assessments. ________Administer the RCSD1 High School Health Education Benchmark 1 post-test to each student. Analyze and record the results/data._____________________________________________________________________________APRIL________Administer the RCSD1 Unit Common Formative Assessments. ________Communicate with your Wellness Team to invite them and other Stakeholders to your school’s Celebration of Success. This is a time to come together with your team and stakeholders to celebrate what you have accomplished. The Celebration should NOT be a fitness activity. This should be completed as part of communication documentation and uploaded to Edmodo no later than the deadline in May (Artifact #4). _____________________________________________________________________________MAY________Administer the RCSD1 Unit Common Formative Assessments. ________Administer the RCSD1 High School Health Education Benchmark 2 post-test to each student. Analyze and record the results/data.________Analyze results from your RCSD1 District Benchmark SMART Goal Statement using data from this year’s student’s assessments. Determine if they were successful or not. This should be completed and uploaded to Edmodo by the deadline. ________Send out a reminder to the School Wellness Team and Stakeholders about your school’s upcoming Celebration of Success. ________CSHAC (Step 6): Attend the celebration and take photos at the Celebration of Success to document the celebration. This should be completed as documentation of the celebration and uploaded to Edmodo no later than the deadline in May (Artifact #5). Please include sign-in sheets and pictures. _____________________________________________________________________________EDMODO UPLOAD DATESForms and instructions for each assignment are attached to the assignment in EdmodoOctober 28thDistrict Health Education Benchmark SMART Goal Statement (Pre-assessment)Upload #1 – Data to support your District Health Education Benchmark SMART goal statementUpload #2 – District Health Education Benchmark SMART goal statementLife SkillsUpload #3 - Life Skills Worksheet FJanuary 13thDistrict Health Education Benchmark SMART Goal Statement (Post-assessment)Upload #4 – Data to support your results of the District Health Education Benchmark SMART goal statementUpload #5 – Results of the District Health Education Benchmark SMART goal statementMarch 24thDistrict Health Education Benchmark SMART Goal Statement (Pre-assessment)Upload #6 – Data to support your District Health Education Benchmark SMART goal statementUpload #7 – District Health Education Benchmark SMART goal statementLife SkillsUpload #8 - Life Skills Worksheet FMay 26thDistrict Health Education Benchmark SMART Goal Statement (Post-assessment)Upload #9 – Data to support your results of the District Health Education Benchmark SMART goal statementUpload #10 – Results of the District Health Education Benchmark SMART goal statementCSHACArtifact #1 – Initial letter (e-mail) to your Wellness TeamArtifact #2 – Communication with your Wellness Team on action plan items suggestedArtifact #3 – Communication with your Wellness Team on action planArtifact #4 – Invitation to your Wellness Team and Stakeholders to your school’s Celebration of SuccessArtifact #5 – Time, date, location, sign-in sheets, and pictures of Celebration of SuccessBOTVIN LIFE SKILLS TRAINING Worksheet F: Curriculum Implementation LST Curriculum Level: High School Name: ___________________________________School: ______________________Subject# of StudentsLessonLesson DateTime TaughtRCSD1 Health Education Common Assessment SMART Goal StatementName: ___________________________________School: ______________________Fall Semester(Pre) Test Health Education Common Assessment measurable goal:Is data available to support the goal?(Post) Was there improvement? Explain.Is data available?Spring Semester(Pre) Test Health Education Common Assessment measurable goal:Is data available to support the goal?(Post) Was there improvement? Explain.Is data available?2447925000Office of Curriculum and StandardsWaverley Administrative OfficesDepartment of Health & Physical EducationDear Parents and Guardians:As required by the Comprehensive Health Education Act, all students must receive instruction in comprehensive health education prior to graduation. Your child will receive this instruction each year. The purpose of the health education program is to inform students about current health facts, issues and problems and to help them make choices which will lead to a lifetime of good health. The program includes many health topics as well as education about reproductive health, family life and pregnancy prevention. The teacher’s guide for this course was developed by a committee of our district teachers, media specialists and guidance counselors. All the program materials have been approved by the district Health Education Advisory Committee. This thirteen (13) member committee includes ministers, parents, teachers, students, doctors and other people from the community. A list of the course topics is attached. You are encouraged to review the course materials and talk with the teachers. After reading this information and talking with the teacher, if you feel you DO NOT want your child to be involved in the program you will need to sign the attached form and return it to the school. Your child will be assigned other class work during this time.Sincerely,Principalcenter1333500Office of Curriculum and StandardsWaverley Administrative OfficesDepartment of Health & Physical EducationSecondary SchoolsHEALTH EDUCATION TOPICSAccident Prevention and SafetyNutritionCommunity HealthPersonal HealthConsumer HealthPrevention/Control of DiseaseDental HealthSubstance Use and AbuseEnvironmental HealthGrowth and DevelopmentMental and Emotional HealthReproductive Health: The reproductive system; fetal growth; and care before, during and after pregnancy.Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Diseases listed in the Department of Health and Environmental Control List of Reportable Disease (taught in Reproductive Health).Family Life: Aspects of close personal relationships and human development; and responsible personal values and behaviors to establish a strong family life in the future.Pregnancy Prevention – (Presented separately to males and females):Abstinence from sex until marriage; skills to help resist peer pressure and abstain from sex; and methods of family planning in the context of future family.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RETURN THIS PORTION TO SCHOOL IF YOU DO NOT WANT YOUR CHILD TO PARTICIPATEI have read the enclosed information and talked with the teacher and DO NOT want my child to receive the total health program. The topics(s) in which I DO NOT want to include my child is/are: (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)Reproductive Health ____Family Life ____Sexually Transmitted Diseases ____Pregnancy Prevention ____Student’s Name: __________________________________________________________________Parent/Guardian: _________________________________________________________________Date: ________________________________________center5080000Office of Curriculum and StandardsWaverley Administrative OfficesDepartment of Health & Physical EducationPARENT OPT-OUT SEXUAL REPRODUCTIVE HEALTHSIGNATURE PAGE(keep on file for 5 years)I have received the parent opt-out form:Student’s NameStudent’s InitialDateNaming Conventions in Mastery ConnectJune 9, 2016Trackers (All Grades)Beginning August 2016, Richland One will be implementing district wide naming conventions for trackers. This will provide additional clarity, facilitate support and streamline collaboration. The tracker names of a teacher need to be distinguishable from one another. In other words, the teacher and any administrator should be able to clearly know from which PowerSchool class the tracker was made. Follow the naming guidelines shown below. Instructions given to teachers: When creating new trackers, use the name of the curriculum map (minus Richland One) along with a combination of the class period, block and/or day. If you are creating a new tracker for a course that does not have a district cmap, use the course name along with a combination of the class period, block and/or day. Below are some additional tips and examples: If you teach semester courses, you should also add S1 or S2 to the end of the tracker name. If you teach special education classes and are using Mastery Connect, you should add RES for resource classes or SELF for self-contained classes to the end of the tracker name. If you are serving student groups that aren’t identified in PowerSchool, add an additional label to the end of the tracker name. Some examples include: RTI for intervention groups AFT for after-school groups RES for resource groups OTH for other types of groups If you are a related arts teacher, another option may be to add the homeroom teacher’s last name to the end of the tracker name. High School Examples HS Theatre 3 – 1A US History – 3B Geography Honors – 2AB English 2 – 1AB Middle School Examples Grade 6 ELA – Period 1 Grade 8 Math Honors – Block 3 Grade 7 General Music – Period 7A Grade 8 ELA – Group 2 – RTI Grade 6 Math – Period 2 – RES Grade 6 Science – Period 1 - SELF Elementary Examples Grade 1 Science – Period 1 Grade 3 Math AAP – Period 2 Grade 5 PE – Period 4 – Duncan Grade 4 Math – Group 3 – RTI Grade K Health – Period 6 Grade 1 Math – Period 1 – RES EDMODOTeacher Sign UpYou can start using Edmodo in your classroom in no time at all! Follow these three simple steps to create a Teacher Account:Go to?.?Select the "I'm a Teacher" button.Fill out the registration form and select the?“Sign Up”?button to complete the sign up process.Check your?e-mail?for a?confirmation?to view the next steps for setting up your Edmodo Account. ................

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